Everything you need to know when using Trocoxil for dogs

Description of the drug

Is it possible?

Clinical studies have shown that this medical product has an effective therapeutic effect on degenerative lesions of bone tissue and joints. The described medicine is safe, but it is contraindicated if:

  • the dog is under 1 year old;
  • the weight of the animal is less than 5 kg;
  • the pet has problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • there are diseases of the kidneys, liver, and cardiovascular system.

In addition, the medication is prohibited for those animals that have an allergic reaction to the following drugs:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • antibiotics;
  • sulfonamides.

It should also be taken into account that using Trocoxil to treat dogs with blood in their feces can be fatal.

Composition and expiration date

The positive effectiveness of the drug is achieved thanks to its composition. It contains the active substance mavacoxib.

Penetrating into the body, it instantly relieves pain, as a result of which the pet’s well-being noticeably improves for a long time. The substance inhibits the production of prostaglandins, which are activated as a result of the inflammatory process in the body.

The concentration of the main component in the drug can be different, and this allows you to choose the right dosage.

In addition, the medication includes the following elements:

  • a chemical additive that extends the shelf life of the drug;
  • microcrystalline cellulose – supports intestinal function and removes toxins from the body;
  • confectioner's sugar;
  • croscarmellose sodium, which gives the tablet volume;
  • magnesium stearate, which improves the functioning of organs of many body systems;
  • a meat flavoring agent that makes it easier to take medication.


Brown, triangular-shaped tablets are sold in blisters of 2 tablets in a cardboard package. 1 tablet may contain 6, 20, 30, 75 or 95 mg of the active ingredient.


A single dose of mavacoxib is 2 mg per 1 kg of animal weight.

If your doctor has prescribed Trocoxil, do not rush to immediately go to the veterinary pharmacy and buy the medicine. First, weigh your pet. Then find the desired dosage in the table:

Weight, kg Number of tablets/

single dose, mg

3 – 4 1 t./6
5 – 6 2 t./6
7 – 10 1 t./20
11 – 15 1 t./30
16 – 20 2 t./20
21 – 23 1 t./20 + 1 t./30
24 – 30 2 t./30
31 – 37 1 t./75
38 – 47 1 t./95
48 – 52 1 t./75 + 1 t./30
53 – 62 1 t./95 + 1 t./30
63 – 75 2 t./75

If the dose is too low, the medicine may not work; if it is too high, there is a risk of adverse consequences.

Instructions for use


The dosage is determined depending on the weight of the animal. The manufacturer recommends giving 1.5 mg of mavacoxib per 1 kg of weight. This recommended dose is given 1 time. Repeated use is possible only after 2 weeks. If the dog does not feel better, treatment is resumed after 1 month.

The use of Trokoksil requires compliance with the following rules:

  1. The duration of treatment with the drug should not exceed 6.5 months.
  2. If your dog feels better, you should not stop taking the medication.
  3. You should not physically burden your pet while taking the drug. Due to the analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect of the drug, he may experience a noticeable improvement in his health. However, during this period, a slow degenerative process may continue, and jogging and training can only speed it up.
  4. It is recommended to take the drug during meals. This way you can avoid negative effects on the digestive tract and possible adverse reactions.
  5. It is not recommended to skip medication doses, because... its therapeutic effectiveness may be reduced.

How to give?

It is important not only to adhere to the dosage, but also to use it correctly. You must follow the instructions:

  1. Before using the product, you must wear gloves.
  2. Carefully remove the tablet from the blister.
  3. Feed the drug to the dog (if the animal refuses, the medicine must be added to the food).
  4. The pet needs to be petted and calmed down.
  5. After taking the medicine, wash your hands thoroughly and throw away the gloves.

Special Notes

Tablets should be stored out of the reach of children and animals. If the medicine is freely available and the dog has eaten more of it than necessary, you should immediately call a doctor or take the animal to the clinic.

As in the case of dogs, people who have an allergic reaction to the components contained in the product should not be allowed to come into contact with the drug.

While working with the medicine you should not:

  • Eating;
  • drink;
  • smoke.

Indications for use

The drug is prescribed to dogs for the following pathologies:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • rheumatism;
  • pain.

Side effects

An overdose often leads to the following side effects:

  • diarrhea - in this case symptomatic treatment is carried out;
  • allergic reactions - immediate discontinuation of the drug and treatment of allergies with antihistamines;
  • slight apathy, lethargy, lack of appetite;
  • vomit.

If one of these symptoms appears, it is not recommended to take the animal to the clinic, because It will be difficult for him to bear the move. It is better to call a doctor at home and carry out the necessary manipulations.

Side effects and contraindications

If you overdose, your dog may experience severe diarrhea or vomiting. Side effects (subject to the dosage and treatment regimen) include decreased appetite, apathy, and changes in the biochemical renal blood value. An individual allergic reaction is also possible.

Contraindications for use are as follows:

  • The dog weighs less than 3 kilograms.
  • The pet is less than 12 months old.
  • Individual intolerance to one or more components of troksil.
  • Renal failure with pronounced symptoms.

Taking troxil with other similar drugs or corticosteroids is strictly contraindicated.



Irina, 32 years old, Moscow:

“Trokoksil was prescribed to us for the treatment of arthrosis. The therapy lasted almost 6 months. No side effects were identified. I recommend".

Ivan, 38 years old, Tomsk:

“I bought the product on the advice of a friend and greatly regretted it. The puppy tolerated it poorly and vomited almost all night. We also had to treat complications after taking the drug.”


Elena, 40 years old, veterinarian, Penza:

“I recommend this medication for the treatment of osteochondrosis, arthrosis, and pain in muscles and joints in dogs. It is well tolerated, you just need to follow the instructions to prevent side effects of the active substance.”

Vitaly, 35 years old, veterinarian, Moscow:

“The drug should be prescribed by a specialist, since there are a number of peculiarities when taking it. for example, the medication should not be used with other anti-inflammatory veterinary drugs. “I always instruct owners, explaining what to do if negative reactions occur in their pet’s body.”


The medicine is prescribed for inflammatory and degenerative processes occurring in the joints of domestic animals. Indications for the use of Trokoksil are:

  • arthritis;
  • bursitis;
  • rheumatism;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • pinched intervertebral discs.

The drug is effective for muscle pain. For injuries, bruises, damage to ligaments and tendons, the medicine is prescribed to relieve pain and reduce swelling. It can be used for hyperthermia and after surgery to reduce pain and relieve swelling.


– an inflammatory disease in the joints that causes the destruction of cartilage tissue. Its development can be caused by the dog's excess weight, increased physical activity, and limb injuries. Poor nutrition and deficiency of microelements important for the pet’s body can lead to the development of arthritis.

Arthritis has several varieties, but the manifestations of the disease are similar - it is an acute inflammation of the joints, in which their tissues swell and turn red. Animals experience severe pain, so they try to move as little as possible. Inflammation causes an increase in body temperature. The disease is chronic, treatment is aimed only at reducing the symptoms. Complications can lead to amputation of a limb, paralysis and death of the pet.

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Bursitis is an inflammation of the synovial bursa in which fluid accumulates in it. This causes tendons, muscles and ligaments to rub against the joints, causing musculoskeletal dysfunction. Bursitis can be caused by injuries or metabolic disorders in the body.

With pathology, the dog experiences severe pain; a tumor filled with synovial fluid forms on the affected limb. It is painful for the animal to move, and it tries to lie down more. When moving, a pronounced lameness is noticeable.


– a pathology of connective tissue that affects both small puppies and adult animals. The disease is accompanied by severe pain and lameness. With strong immunity in puppies, the symptoms of rheumatism may disappear; in middle-aged and elderly dogs, the disease will be chronic.

Veterinarians consider the causes of rheumatism to be a streptococcal infection, as well as unfavorable living conditions: primarily when kept outdoors, in a cold and damp kennel. Some animals have a genetic predisposition to rheumatism, these include Pekingese, poodles, chow chows, and the South American Staffordshire Terrier.


– a severe pathology that affects the joints and is characterized by cartilage degeneration. Dogs of different breeds and ages are not immune from it, but most often miniature dogs suffer from the disease, as well as Labradors, Dobermans, Chow Chows, Rottweilers, St. Bernards and some others.

The pathology is manifested by ossification of the cartilage with further destruction of the joint, usually the elbow, shoulder, knee or hock. Sometimes the disease also affects the spine. Trocoxil will help relieve pain and alleviate the suffering of the animal.

Pinched vertebral discs are a very painful pathology, the development of which in severe cases can lead to paralysis of the hind limbs. The disease is caused by compression of the spinal nerves, resulting in the death of nerve tissue and limited mobility of the animal.

Pets cannot tell about pain, but you can suspect the development of the disease based on some symptoms:

  • the dog does not let its owner get close to it;
  • she drags her paws;
  • tries to lie down more;
  • whines when changing position.

The disease can be triggered by injuries and damage to the spine, intervertebral hernias, as well as osteochondrosis, radiculitis, metabolic disorders, as well as banal hypothermia - for example, staying in a cold and damp kennel or open enclosure. In older dogs, the cause of pinching can be spondylosis, a degenerative-dystrophic process that occurs in the anterior parts of the intervertebral discs. It causes the formation of bone growths that affect the nerve roots and narrow the lumen of the spinal canal.


The drug has no direct analogues, but similar anti-inflammatory drugs are commercially available:

  1. Previcox. This is an effective drug against joint pain and various inflammatory processes. The active substance is firocoxib. Country of origin: France. Price – up to 2200 rub.
  2. Rimadyl. Available in tablet form and as a solution for injection. Acts as an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory agent. The active substance is carprofen. Price – 900-1150 rub.
  3. Meloxicam. An excellent remedy that blocks inflammatory processes in the animal’s body. Release form: tablets or solution for injection. Often prescribed for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and arthrosis. Made in France. The price depends on the amount of the active component: tablets - from 100 rubles, solution - from 123 rubles.
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