6 contraceptive medications for dogs: injections, tablets and drops

Quite often a situation arises when a bitch has gone on a spree, but your immediate plans do not include having offspring from her, or you need to postpone this process until a more convenient opportunity.

This practice is often used for breeding animals during periods of “rest” from pregnancy or for young bitches who did not have time to be castrated before the onset of heat.

For those owners who, for some reason, are not suitable for drastic measures in the form of castration or sterilization, veterinarians have developed a wide variety of contraceptives. Some of them are designed to remove odor, others are designed to stop the hormonal explosion and get rid of all physiological signs of ovulation.

Contraceptive effect

Estrus is a natural process in a bitch’s body, indicating puberty.
During this period, the pet experiences discomfort, causing a lot of trouble to the owner. Many owners interrupt the animal's heat. This is done with the help of hormonal drugs or surgery. The hormonal drug stops working as soon as it is no longer used. This is a remedy with a temporary effect. Chemicals harm the animal's body. Their use is justified when estrus coincides with an exhibition, competition, moving and other events.

Before using contraception, your pet should be examined by a veterinarian. Hormones can be prescribed to correct a bitch’s sexual cycle if there is a malfunction.

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Pharmacological action of drugs:

  • Correction of sex hormone levels;
  • Decreased sexual arousal;
  • Contraceptive effect;
  • Calming result;
  • Prolongation of the stage of sexual tranquility.

There are forms of contraceptives:

  • Tablet;
  • Suspension;
  • Injection;
  • Drops on the withers.

The pills are given to delay or interrupt estrus, the time when sexual activity begins. For ease of use, the tablets are made in small sizes. They can be given whole or crushed. Dog breeders hide them in treats or simply put them in the animal’s mouth. Give one hour before feeding.

Suspensions are presented in the form of drops for oral administration. They are dripped onto the dog's tongue from a suitable bottle.

Among the injection agents, Covinan is common. This is an aqueous solution for subcutaneous injections. Inserted into the withers or inguinal fold. The dosage depends on the dog's body weight. The main substance of Covinan is a synthetic hormone. The substance suppresses the action of sex hormones. The bitch does not ovulate. The substance leaves the body through the intestines with feces, a small part is excreted in urine.

Drops applied to the withers are a recently developed form of a contraceptive drug. Consists of 3 components - megesterol, proroxan, melatonin. The product is available for dogs less than 5 kg and for animals weighing 5-15 kg. Apply from a plastic pipette to the skin. The instructions for the drops indicate methods of use and doses.

None of the listed remedies provides an absolute guarantee of stopping the cycle. Sometimes the heat will continue and an unwanted pregnancy may occur. Sterilization and castration provide a guarantee against pregnancy. If a puppy from an accidental mating is not needed, the bitch’s pregnancy is terminated medically or surgically.

Contraception with chemical means is reversible, unlike surgical contraception. After short-term use of chemicals, the male and female will remain capable of having offspring.

Composition and action

The drug contains two main components:

  • mepregenol acetate, water soluble;
  • ethinyl estradiol.

Olive oil, in which the components of the drug are dissolved, ensures dosage accuracy and improves the absorption of the drug. Sex barrier pills are no less effective.

The action of mepregenol acetate and ethinyl estradiol is aimed at influencing the hypothalamic-pituitary system of the animal, the production of gonadotropic hormones by the pituitary gland. Due to this, ovulation of the follicles stops. Ethinyl estradiol increases the viscosity of the uterine mucus, which slows down the movement of sperm and creates obstacles for the implantation of a fertilized egg. Unwanted pregnancy does not occur. In males, testosterone levels decrease.

The drug is made using synthetic hormones - analogues of gestagen and estrogen. Thanks to this, it is possible to adjust the hormonal levels of animals – both females and males – as accurately as possible. Unlike other types of hormonal drugs of similar action, Sex Barrier is gentle and safe: it does not lead to irreversible changes in the reproductive system.

Important! The use of the drug does not exclude the restoration of the reproductive function of the animal’s body 2-3 months after stopping the use of the drug.

Contraindications and side properties

Contraceptives for animals have contraindications and may have undesirable results.

Cannot be applied to:

  • Pregnant and lactating bitches;
  • Suffering from diseases of the genitourinary organs, mammary glands, hormonal disorders, diabetes mellitus;
  • Dogs with autoimmune diseases;
  • Dogs with renal failure;
  • Animals susceptible to epilepsy.

Any medicine has side effects. Some pets exhibit individual intolerance. The hormonal drug can cause an allergic reaction. After long-term use, the following are possible: increased shedding, excess weight gain; hormonal disbalance; aggressiveness or apathy; development of concomitant diseases.

If mating for the purpose of breeding offspring is not planned at all, it is more humane to operate on the animal. During the operation, the oviducts are blocked or the ovaries and uterus are removed. Dogs and cats who have undergone surgery to remove their reproductive organs live longer and are less at risk of cancer.


The medicine is in liquid form, a few drops of which are dripped directly onto the dog’s tongue or fed along with a treat. Designed to interrupt or postpone ovulation.

Has a number of restrictions:

  • Cannot be used if more than 3 days have passed since the start of estrus.
  • Lactating and pregnant animals.
  • Too young bitches.
  • For diseases of the reproductive system or inflammation and tumors of the mammary glands.
  • For diabetes.
  • For individual allergies.

False heat and other surprises for a beginner

Young bitches have false empty spots.
It is so called because there are all external manifestations, except for the main thing - ovulation. This condition is not dangerous. Sometimes it is interrupted for several days and then resumes, but now with ovulation. There are hidden (dry, white) estrus. The difference is that follicles are formed in the normal manner and eggs are released. There are no external signs - a swollen genital loop, blood secretion. Dry heat is not a deviation; a female dog can still become pregnant and produce a healthy litter.

Prolonged discharge is a cause for concern. If they are observed for longer than 30 days, contact your veterinarian. This is all the more necessary to do if yellowish or greenish inclusions appear in the secretion, decreased appetite, or increased body temperature.

Often, new dog breeders, due to lack of knowledge, cannot distinguish estrus from diseases. The dog is ready to mate 1-2 times a year, and the rest of the time any discharge is an anomaly.

Signs of heat

How does estrus manifest itself? You can determine when a dog is in heat by its behavior, and it changes significantly. The female becomes more active, becomes overly playful and may ignore commands. This is all the result of a hormonal surge. Among the main signs of estrus are:

  • The dog begins to sit down to urinate more often (it marks its territory so that potential suitors are aware that it is ready to accept advances);
  • Bloody discharge oozes from the noose;
  • She often licks the area under her tail;
  • The bitch begins to flirt with the males, they show active interest;
  • Estrus is preceded by molting.

At first, dogs do not allow members of the opposite sex to approach; they may even show aggression when courtship is too intrusive; their body is not yet ready for mating.

After one and a half to 2 weeks, the structure of the dog’s discharge changes; it will look like yellowish mucus. During this period, the female feels a strong sexual desire, especially if she notices males nearby, her tail moves to the side, and her body takes the stance necessary for sexual intercourse. The loop increases significantly in size.

The bitch can remain in this excited state for 5 to 7 days. If the owner wants to breed a dog, then he must mark these days. The right time for mating animals is between the 9th and 17th days, less often on the 21st. Everything is individual and depends on the breed of the pet.

Features of application

The convenient form of the Sex Barrier allows you to choose tablets or drops for oral administration. The medicine should be given at the first signs of sexual arousal, applying drops directly to the tongue or with food or treats. The tablets can be crushed and added to food or given using an introducer - a tablet dispenser.

The daily dose should be divided into two doses and given to the pet in the morning and evening feedings. The manufacturer indicates in the instructions the recommended doses of the drug, they depend on the weight of the pet:

  • less than 5 kg – 2 drops per day;
  • from 5 to 10 kg – 2-4 every 12 hours;
  • 10-30 kg – 5-8 drops twice a day;
  • more than 30 kg – 18 or more, at the rate of 1 drop for every next 5 kg of weight.

The following dosage is established for tablets:

  • animals weighing up to 5 kg – 1 tablet per day;
  • 5-10 kg – 2-3 tablets;
  • 10-30 kg – 3-4 tablets;
  • more than 30 kg - at the rate of 1 tablet for every 10 kg of body weight.

The Sex Barrier should be used until the animal completely stops sexual arousal. The standard course duration is 5-7 days. If the medicine is used to shift estrus, you can give the medicine in a course of 5-7 days 1-2 weeks before the expected date of estrus. This way you can achieve a shift of 20-40 days.

As a contraceptive to prevent unwanted pregnancy, the medicine is given once. A double dose should be given to the female no later than 2 days after accidental mating.


Young male dogs with increased sexual excitability are given a double daily dose on the first day of treatment.

Step-by-step passage of heat

The entire animal cycle is divided into 4 stages:

  1. Proestrus (or called proestrus). Duration 1-1.5 weeks. At this time, the process of blood circulation in the genital area increases significantly, the loop swells, and the first, initially scanty, bloody discharge appears. During this period, the dog is not yet ready for mating; ovulation has not yet occurred. But external signs are already evident - she becomes playful, may not obey the owner, and run away. When walking, he spends more time sniffing out the surroundings and constantly crouches down to leave marks. Males are already experiencing increased interest; when trying to copulate, the bitch growls and snarls.
  2. Estrus (active sexual hunting). During this period of time, more precisely the first 2 days, the process of ovulation occurs. But the bitch can keep the gentlemen away for a few more days. A little later, when she sees a potential suitor, the female raises the back of her body, tightens the noose and moves her tail to the side to facilitate the penetration process. She freezes and patiently waits for action from the male dog. The discharge from the loop will vary; normally, the appropriate period for mating occurs when it is light pink or disappears completely. The vulva swells significantly.
  3. Metaestrus (the final stage of estrus). The duration of this period is several days. The discharge stops, the noose returns to its previous size, and the bitch again does not allow gentlemen to approach her. If fertilization does not occur, then the female again becomes calm. The dog still experiences hormonal changes - the level of progesterone increases, which is not without reason called the pregnancy hormone. This happens regardless of whether the female becomes pregnant or not. This condition becomes the cause of such a phenomenon as false pregnancy, which mostly passes without outside help and consequences.
  4. Anestrus (phase of sexual tranquility). The duration of this stage is approximately 100-150 days and allows the animal’s body to recover before the next heat.

The frequency of estrus varies among dogs due to several associated factors. For example, in domestic dogs it happens 2 times a year - in autumn and at the end of winter. Sometimes flow is limited to once a year.

Dogs that are kept outdoors, pets from the north, breed once a year in early spring to give birth to puppies in the warmer months.

Drops on the withers

Also hormonal contraceptives, but for external use. The drops interrupt ovulation at the initial stage, transferring the body back to the resting stage. However, this is not the only impact it has. Another component is necessary to stop aggressive behavior and changes associated with sexual estrus.

Artificially synthesized hormones are also added to the preparations, which help normalize well-being and improve appearance. Shedding stops and the fur takes on a well-groomed appearance again.

The main advantages are:

  • Easy to dispense and use due to convenient packaging.
  • Complex impact on external and internal manifestations of sexual desire.
  • Relatively rare complications.

How to avoid mating

This question is most often asked by owners of dogs who do not plan to breed. But it is not alien to people who keep breeding dogs, because an unplanned mating will be an unpleasant surprise.

The main condition is to keep an eye on the dog while walking, do not let it off the leash and do not allow strangers to get too close.

You can purchase a special product at veterinary pharmacies or pet stores that eliminates the odor that attracts male dogs. It is used to treat the back of the pet’s body before each walk.

Care features

On the eve of the first estrus, the female may experience discharge from the loop, juvenile vaginitis containing a small amount of pus. There is no need to worry, this phenomenon is normal. Everything will return to normal as soon as the heat passes. If this does not happen, then it is worth undergoing an examination to identify various pathologies.

To make the estrus period more hygienic (especially for estrus in dogs kept in an apartment), you can purchase elastic panties for one-time use. They will prevent your dog from leaving bloody spots around the house. But still, you should not wear them all the time; veterinarians advise allowing the female to remove the discharge on her own by licking it.

During the first heat, the dog may not understand how to behave, so it is worth teaching it to remove spots. And to do this you need to remove carpets and rugs from the floor.

During the period of heat, the dog requires care:

  • You should avoid long walks in winter to prevent your pet from catching a cold;
  • There is no need to take her out to places where other dogs gather;
  • Walks are strictly on a leash.

If suddenly it was not possible to prevent an unwanted mating, then it is forbidden to give the dog drugs to help terminate the pregnancy. This will cause significant health problems for the pet, which lead to infertility in the dog.

An important factor is keeping the dog during heat. If you do not plan to breed a dog and get puppies from her, at the first sign of estrus you need to start taking precautions:

  • Keep a close eye on your dog while walking and avoid all contact with dogs of the opposite sex.
  • Walk your dog on a short leash: even the most well-mannered and docile pet can run away during heat, not paying attention to any commands.
  • Do not allow your dog to mate - it is impossible to separate the animals during intercourse.
  • Do not take your dog while in heat to competitions or shows. This will cause anxiety among the male dogs present at the show. During heat, a dog does not respond well to commands and can be disobedient.

No heat

With good general health and the state of the reproductive and hormonal systems, the first estrus occurs at the established normal times and then repeats with a certain cyclical regularity. If the dog is older than 18 months, and the first heat has not come, you should consult a veterinarian to find out the reason for this delay.

Reasons for delay/absence of first heat:

  • Poor living conditions, improper or insufficient feeding;
  • Violation of hormonal regulation of the reproductive system;
  • Congenital disorders in the development and structure of the genital organs;
  • Ovarian dysfunction (hypofunction, lack of appropriate hormones during the appropriate period);
  • Dysfunction of the pituitary gland and/or thyroid gland;
  • Tumors and/or other neoplasms, cysts of the pelvic organs or on the ovaries;
  • Endocrine pathologies;
  • Chronic inflammatory processes in the uterus;
  • Hermaphroditism (for example, when underdeveloped testes are found instead of ovaries).

How to avoid the difficulties of estrus

To cope with the symptoms of estrus in dogs, breeders and dog owners advise using drugs to regulate sexual heat.

Drugs from the CounterSex Neo brand are hormonal drugs for regulating sexual desire and preventing unwanted pregnancy in case of accidental mating.

Many breeders and dog owners use CounterSex Neo for the following reasons:

  1. High efficiency. With the help of CounterSex Neo drugs, it is possible to effectively correct a dog’s behavior, solve problems of aggression, marks in dogs during heat; prevent unwanted pregnancy.
  2. Safety. CounterSex Neo is a new generation bihormonal drug. The drug is safe due to the minimal content of 2 modern active ingredients.
  3. Convenience. The drug CounterSex Neo is available in the form of drops and tablets. Each owner can choose the most comfortable form of the drug for his dog, in which it will be convenient for him to give the drug to the animal.


Most pills are hormonal drugs that, using a dose of artificially synthesized hormones, suppress or transfer the empty state, thereby disrupting the natural order of things. They work if you start taking them strictly in accordance with the instructions in the first days or immediately before the start of sexual heat. If ovulation is already at its peak, then they will not be able to help, but they can cause colossal harm.

Only a veterinarian can prescribe the drug, taking into account all the physiological characteristics of the animal and its chronic diseases.

There are a number of contraindications for which the use of hormonal contraceptive drugs is prohibited:

  • Diseases and tumors of the genitourinary system.
  • Diabetes.
  • Heart diseases.
  • Hormonal problems.
  • Unsteady, uneven cycle.
  • Young age of the dog (up to 1.5 years).
  • Allergies and intolerance to components.

A separate niche is occupied by tablets that contain natural sedative ingredients. They are weaker and need to be used in larger dosages, but they will not cause irreparable damage to the animal.

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