Everything about estrus in dogs: from physiological characteristics to nuances of behavior

Owners with female dogs should be prepared for the animal's natural periods of heat. This is one of the stages of the reproductive cycle, indicating that the dog is ready to reproduce. To protect her from unwanted pregnancy and various health problems, the owner needs to study the signs of estrus in dogs, its characteristics and the duration of the cycle.

In the article we will tell you what estrus is in dogs, what its stages are, when it starts for the first time and how it goes, the main symptoms, how many days it lasts, how often it happens, what the owner should do during this period, how to help the pet, is it possible to wash the dog During estrus, at what age does estrus stop completely.

Stages of the reproductive cycle

Estrus in dogs occurs twice a year, and the older the dog, the longer the interval between estrus. The first heat occurs at the age of 6–12 months. Duration – about 18–20 days. In general, a dog's reproductive cycle consists of four stages.

Precursor (proestrus).

During this period, eggs actively mature. The average duration of proestrus is 10 days. The dog becomes restless and disobedient, begins to mark its territory, excreting urine frequently and in small quantities. Blood flow to the external genitalia increases, the vulva (genital loop) increases in size, and spotting of varying intensity appears. The vestibule of the vagina is swollen and hyperemic. During this period, the bitch does not allow males.

Estrus (estrus).

At this time, ovulation occurs - the release of eggs from the ovaries into the horns of the uterus. The duration of estrus is on average 7 days, sometimes 2–12 days. The bitch is ready for mating and allows male dogs to approach her. When touched on the back, the genital loop is pulled up and the tail is moved to the side. The discharge brightens, becomes mucous and transparent. The vulva is maximally enlarged.

Afterflow (diestrus, metestrus).

All signs of estrus and excitement gradually disappear, the dog calms down. Lasts about 60–65 days. During this period, pregnancy or false pregnancy may develop if there was no mating.

The period of sexual rest (anestrus).

During the period of sexual rest, restoration processes occur in the uterus, the ovaries are inactive, and preparations are underway for a new cycle. The duration varies from 60 to 180 days.

Estrus characterizes the animal's sexual maturity, readiness to mate and bear offspring. However, it does not always coincide with the physiological one. It is not recommended to breed a dog during its first heat, since its body is not yet physically developed and is not ready for such increased stress as pregnancy, childbirth and feeding puppies.

Folk remedies for repelling male dogs

Foreign-made products are highly expensive, and the effectiveness of domestic and foreign special preparations is not always encouraging. Therefore, some dog owners resort to folk methods to ward off male dogs.

The most popular and effective remedy is a strong decoction of bay leaves. Take 15-20 bay leaves per glass of water, or 1 bag of bay leaf per 500 ml of water. The broth is boiled for 10 minutes, then cooled, poured into a container with a spray bottle, and the broth is applied to the dog’s hind legs. Can be applied with a cotton pad. The smell of the decoction is strong, but not persistent. Therefore, it must be used before walking and, if necessary, during walking. At a distance of 2-3 meters, male dogs do not react to a female dog in heat.

Lemon juice diluted in water is no less effective. Dogs don't like the smell of citrus fruits. But when processing, you should be careful to avoid getting the solution on the loop.

Around the base of the tail and on the hind legs, you can apply a few drops of eucalyptus, wintergreen, and camphor oils.

Chlorophyll, available in tablets and liquid form, helps mask the odor of heat (the odor contained in urine). One tablespoon in the morning and evening is enough to achieve the desired effect. Liquid chlorophyll is more convenient to use and can be added to food or drinking water. You should start from the first day of estrus, but you shouldn’t hope for an amazing effect. Chlorophyll only masks the smell, but it helps freshen the dog's breath. By the way, after consuming chlorophyll, green stools are observed.

Does a dog need mating?

If you decide to breed your bitch with a male, remember: mating is not necessary to maintain the health of the animal. It is carried out for the purpose of obtaining offspring. This process is justified within the framework of a nursery, when the breed is improved through systematic, thoughtful mating.

If your pet cannot boast of a breed exterior and a long pedigree, you do not attend exhibitions and other cynological events with her, think about whether you need puppies and whether you intend to search for their future owners.

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The dog needs to be kept in a special way during the active periods of the cycle. In cases where the owner does not need puppies, it is important to take action at the first signs of the cycle. So, it is necessary to carefully monitor your pet during walks and prevent it from coming into contact with male dogs.

It is necessary to use a short leash, because there is a high risk that the dog will simply run away. Once mating begins, separating the dogs will be virtually an impossible task. They do not take dogs during heat to exhibitions or competitions. The whole point is that all the males around will be distracted by this, and the bitch herself will be disobedient.

How to avoid unwanted pregnancy in a dog

It should be noted that a bitch can become pregnant within just one week, sometimes 12 days. The rest of the time, males may be interested in the female, even try to mate her, but coitus outside the estrus period is impossible.

With the onset of heat, the always calm dog becomes nervous and disobedient, runs away during walks and gladly allows male dogs to approach. How to avoid unwanted pregnancy?

  • Don't let your pet off the leash; replace the tape measure with a regular, shorter one.
  • Do not walk with her in places where dogs gather, so as not to fight off a pack of males.
  • Buy a spray at the pet store to neutralize the odor of estrus and use it during every walk. Hygienic panties for your pet will also be useful. They will also protect upholstered furniture from blood stains.
  • If a male dog is mounting, hurry up and drive him away. If the dogs are already in the lock, do not forcibly unhook them, as this can result in physical and mental harm to the animals.

And of course, contraception plays a big role in preventing unwanted pregnancy. It can be irreversible and reversible. Irreversible contraception is sterilization, reversible (temporary) is the use of hormonal drugs.

Sterilization (castration) of a female dog is an abdominal operation performed under general anesthesia. Most often the uterus and ovaries are removed. This completely relieves the dog from signs of estrus, the possibility of pregnancy, and also significantly reduces the risk of mammary gland diseases.


Most owners of four-legged animals, when faced with bad behavior of a pet, do not know what to do. A four-legged pet whines, barks, marks furniture; it is useless to scold the dog.

Experienced owners find ways to calm their pet:

  • they walk longer than usual;
  • distracted by toys, games;
  • give a sedative.

You cannot hit the dog, scold, or shout. The described actions will negatively affect the relationship between the owner and the pet. You should not bathe your dog; the birth canal is open during estrus. Any ingress of hair or dirt can lead to infections, even infertility.

Nutrition changes during estrus, and the feeling of hunger is dulled. The owner needs to change the pet's feeding schedule. It is better to leave food and water in a visible place so that the dog can eat if desired.

Hormonal drugs

It should be understood that the dog cannot constantly take hormonal drugs, and estrus will resume as soon as the pharmacological effect wears off. Therefore, contraceptives are given to the dog only if estrus should occur at an inopportune time, for example, during your vacation, when the dog is in foster care, the timing of estrus coincides with an exhibition or competition. Sometimes hormonal drugs are prescribed by a veterinarian to regulate the sexual cycle or for other purposes. Before using contraceptives, you should consult a specialist.

Hormonal contraceptives are available in three dosage forms: tablets, suspensions, and injectables. Recently, a new form has been developed - drops on the withers.

Pharmacological properties of the drugs:

  • decreased sexual arousal and manifestations of aggression;
  • decrease in the level of gonadotropic hormones, cessation of estrus;
  • prolongation of the stage of anestrus (sexual rest) to 6 months.

Frequency compliance

Care must be taken to ensure that the pet is clean during this time. They are usually clean, but bitches who live at home will need extra care. Most likely they will remain in their sleeping place. But you will need to constantly change its litter or clean it. Even the behavior of a Spitz dog during heat is of such a kind that there will be many traces left throughout the apartment.

There is no need to punish her for this. In such cases, one of the owners puts special panties on the pet. With such clothes, there will be no traces left in the apartment and the carpets, furniture, and floors will remain clean.

Drops on the withers "Ovostop"

This drug has a unique three-component composition: megestrol, proroxan, melatonin.

  • Megestrol acetate
    . Promotes the transition of proestrus directly to the stage of sexual rest (anestrus) without estrus and the stage after it.
  • Proroksan.
    Thanks to its effect on the receptors responsible for the behavioral manifestations of estrus, it blocks the unpleasant manifestations of estrus: excessive vocalization, search for a sexual partner, aggressive behavior, and the development of stress. This substance does not directly affect the reproductive system.
  • Melatonin
    . The adaptogen hormone is responsible for the seasonal and daily rhythms of the body. Helps improve wool quality and normalize shedding. This active substance also helps slow down the aging process of the body and has a sedative effect.

The drug "Ovostop" - drops on the withers - is packaged in convenient plastic pipettes. Available in two types: for bitches weighing less than 5 kg (2 pipettes of 1 ml) and for bitches weighing from 5 to 15 kg (2 pipettes of 2 ml).

Advantages: single use with a duration of action of up to 6 months, convenient method of application to the skin in the withers area.


Features of estrus indicate pathological processes in the body. For example, a wasteland can be without blood. In this case, the loop often swells, other signs of estrus do not appear. This is an unnatural process. To avoid health problems, consult a veterinarian. The animal should be examined for hormone levels in the blood. A very alarming sign are cases when the empty space is not completed for a long time. It is necessary to conduct an examination of the body as quickly as possible.

Most likely the reasons will lie in hormonal imbalance, but it is also a manifestation of a tumor.


Presented in the form of drops “EX-5”, “EX-7.5” for oral use. They are dripped onto the tongue from a bottle with a dropper. You can also hide the product in a treat and give it to your dog. Features of the reception are related to the purpose - delaying estrus or interrupting it.

Megestrol-based medications should not be prescribed to dogs and cats:

  • starting from 3 days from the start of estrus;
  • immature, pregnant and lactating animals;
  • animals with diseases of the reproductive system, mammary tumors, diabetes mellitus and hormonal disorders;
  • in case of individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Important: Before using medications, consult your veterinarian and read the instructions.

First heat

Owners must remember that the first emptying is important for further fertilization. The first emptying goes unnoticed, the changes in behavior are insignificant, and the immediate release of the egg may not occur at all.

An attentive dog owner will notice subtle symptoms. Note how often your girl urinates and licks the noose. Doctors recommend starting mating from the 3rd cycle. The most favorable days for fertilization are 12-16 after the onset of pregnancy.

Postponement of outpouring

What the owner can do in most cases is to delay the dog’s estrus. Most often, this is done when the owner needs to go somewhere for a certain period of time, and strangers will look after the animal.

Thus, it is necessary to consult a doctor who, after conducting all the studies and taking tests, will decide on the possibility of such a delay. You cannot do this on your own, based on reviews from friends, as you can only harm your pet.

Behavioral manners

Appetite changes. The pet may refuse to eat or beg for additional portions. Feed the animal as usual. If the food is not touched, remove the portion until next time.

The dog develops a discharge that may leave a bloody trail. Some four-legged young ladies are clean and clean. Others stain the floor, furniture, and carpets. The wards wear panties.

The animal may suffer from nagging pain. The dog begins to whine, become restless and irritable. Dog owners have to take their pet to the veterinarian.

During the emptying period, females show disobedience, cunning and intelligence. A pet may refuse to relieve itself on the street until the leash is removed from it. As soon as this is done, she will immediately run off to look for a partner. During walks, the female does not obey commands, often stops, whines, calling the males. There were cases when pets chewed the leash, dug under the fence, and ran away as soon as they were released from the leash.

It is necessary to give up training, competitions, and trips over long distances. The bitch is capable of showing aggression towards people and other animals.

In addition to hormones, behavior is influenced by upbringing, breed, and environment.

During the critical period, the owner needs to be vigilant. A dog may run away during heat. Will return fertilized by different males. A puppy from such a mating will be born weak.

As soon as the signs of estrus pass, the animal will calm down and return to its previous lifestyle.

If pregnancy is not desired, it is better to spay or neuter the dog. You cannot constantly suppress the symptoms of estrus with hormonal drugs.

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