Nobivak Puppy DP vaccine for dogs (1 dose) 1 bottle 1 ml


The Nobivac Pappy vaccine induces reliable protective immunity against distemper and parvovirus enteritis of carnivores in vaccinated puppies 10 days after vaccination. The Onderstepoort strain of the plague virus, which is part of the drug, not only induces immunity after immunization of puppies at 6 weeks of age, but also makes it possible to prevent the development of symptoms of the disease if, at the time of vaccination, the animals were infected with a virulent strain of the plague virus. The vaccine does not interfere with maternal antibodies. The vaccine is harmless and areactogenic.


Nobivac Puppy DP 1 dose - dry live vaccine against canine distemper and parvovirus enteritis. Each dose of the vaccine contains attenuated strains of the canine distemper virus (strain Onderstepoort) - at least 100 thousand CPE/50 and canine parvovirus (strain C154) - at least 10 million CPE/50. In appearance, the vaccine is a homogeneous, dry, porous mass of pale pink color. The solvent used is a sterile phosphate buffer solution Nobivac Diluent (pH 7.2 - 7.4). Packaged in 1 ml (1 dose) in glass bottles, packed in 10 pieces in cardboard boxes.


There are many domestic and foreign serums similar to Nobivac. The table shows the best of them.

AnalogueDifferenceAverage price per dose
MultikanAvailable in 4 modifications, designated by numbers 4, 6, 7 and 8. The last one is the only one with the rabies virus. All varieties are complex and contribute to the development of immunity against common infectious diseases. 200 rub.
HexakanivacDomestic complex serum against canine distemper, parvovirus enteritis, infectious hepatitis, adenovirosis and leptospirosis. Used from 2 months. Prohibited for puppies during teething and for bitches in the second half of pregnancy. 230 rub.
DipentovacA complex drug consisting of two components: liquid Pentavac (for parvovirus enteritis, infectious hepatitis, adenovirosis, leptospirosis) and dry Divac (against rabies and distemper). Used from 2 months at a dose of 1.2 ml for pets weighing up to 5 kg and 2.2 ml for dogs weighing more than 5 kg. 255 rub.
VanguardIt is produced in 3 types: 5/L, Plus 5 L4 CV and Vanguard 7. All modifications are polyvalent, in addition to the most common infections, they protect against coronavirus. Minus: no rabies serum. 300 rub.
EurikanFrench drug from Merial, available in 5 types: 2 complex and 3 monovalent. It is distinguished by the presence of Eurican Herpes serum - the only one against herpes virus infection registered in Russia. 350-2,500 rub. depending on the variety.
HexadogManufactured by the same company as Eurikan. It consists of 2 components: dry, containing strains of plague, adenovirus and parvovirus, as well as liquid with strains of rabies and leptospira. Designed for revaccination of dogs from 12-13 weeks. 425 rub.
RabizinAnother remedy from Merial. Monovalent serum against the rabies virus, analogue of Nobivac Rabies. Used from 3 months, first revaccination at 12 months, then annually. 150 rub.

Pharmacological properties

The Nobivac Pappy vaccine induces reliable protective immunity against distemper and parvovirus enteritis of carnivores in vaccinated puppies 10 days after vaccination. The strain Onderstepoort of the plague virus, which is part of the drug, not only induces immunity after immunization of puppies at 6 weeks of age, but also allows one to prevent the development of symptoms of the disease if, at the time of vaccination, the animals were infected with a virulent strain of the plague virus. The vaccine does not interfere with maternal antibodies. The vaccine is harmless and areactogenic.

Preparation is a mandatory step

The vaccination is given to healthy animals (without any signs of disease and temperature within normal limits: 37.5-39°C - for adult dogs and 37.5-39.5°C - for puppies), which have been treated against external (fleas) , ticks, lice eaters) and internal (helminths) parasites. All these “uninvited guests” weaken the body and reduce immunity. As a result, after vaccination, an insufficient level of antibodies is produced, immunization is incomplete. In addition, parasites are carriers of various diseases, which up to a certain point can occur in a latent form.

Sometimes veterinarians prescribe a complete blood test. It allows you to objectively judge the dog’s readiness for the procedure. In practice it is rarely used. The patient is assessed only visually and according to the owner.

When to treat for parasites

Puppies are first dewormed at 3 weeks of age (21 days). Even if the baby has never been outside, there is always a chance of infection (in utero and from the environment). Helminth eggs can be brought into an apartment with shoes or on the mother’s paws from the street. It is more convenient to use suspensions for processing. The repeat is done after 14 days, adjusting the dosage to suit the changed weight. It is imperative to give the puppy an anthelmintic before the procedure if you are not sure that the breeder carried out the necessary treatments.

It is recommended to treat the puppy against fleas 3-5 days before vaccination. But not earlier than 3 days after or before deworming. It is worth considering that most products are indicated from 7-10 weeks of age.

Adult dogs are treated for external and internal parasites several times a year. One of them should be 3-4 weeks before vaccination.

After vaccinations, the baby will be able to safely walk outside and explore the world around him.

Doses and method of administration

The vaccine is administered only to clinically healthy puppies at the age of 6 weeks, followed by vaccination 2–3 weeks later with the Nobivak DHP or Nobivak DHPPi vaccine. If earlier protection against canine distemper and parvovirus enteritis is necessary, Nobivac Pappy vaccination can be carried out at the age of 4 weeks. The use of Nobivac Pappy is part of a comprehensive program of effective vaccination of dogs. Add 1 ml of diluent into the vaccine vial using a sterile syringe and shake thoroughly until a homogeneous suspension is formed. After dilution, the vaccine in one dose is administered to the puppy subcutaneously in compliance with the rules of asepsis and antiseptics. It is advisable to vaccinate all susceptible animals in the same room at the same time.

Vaccine for dogs Nobivak Puppy DP against distemper and parvovirus enteritis, 1 ampoule

Attention! The product is only available for pickup due to special storage conditions!

The price is for 1 bottle.

Composition and release form

Nobivac Pappy is a dry live vaccine against canine distemper and parvovirus enteritis. Each dose of the vaccine contains attenuated strains of the canine distemper virus (Onderstepoort strain) - at least 100 thousand CPE/50 and canine parvovirus (strain C154) - at least 10 million CPE/50. In appearance, the vaccine is a homogeneous, dry, porous mass of pale pink color. The solvent used is a sterile phosphate buffer solution Nobivac Diluent (pH 7.2 - 7.4). Packaged in 1 ml (1 dose) in glass bottles, packed in 10 pieces in cardboard boxes.

Pharmacological properties

The Nobivac Pappy vaccine induces reliable protective immunity against distemper and parvovirus enteritis of carnivores in vaccinated puppies 10 days after vaccination. The Onderstepoort strain of the plague virus, which is part of the drug, not only induces immunity after immunization of puppies at 6 weeks of age, but also makes it possible to prevent the development of symptoms of the disease if, at the time of vaccination, the animals were infected with a virulent strain of the plague virus. The vaccine does not interfere with maternal antibodies. The vaccine is harmless and areactogenic.


The Nobivac Pappy vaccine is prescribed to dog puppies for the prevention of distemper and parvovirus enteritis of carnivores. And now it takes at least a year to transfer all your projects to permanent links. I recommend two exchanges where you can buy good eternal links. We provide SEO promotion services at wholesale prices, inexpensive. Buy inexpensively order promotion with delivery, there are discounts.

Doses and method of administration

The vaccine is administered only to clinically healthy puppies at the age of 6 weeks, followed by vaccination 2 to 3 weeks later with the Nobivak DHP or Nobivak DHPPi vaccine. If earlier protection against canine distemper and parvovirus enteritis is necessary, Nobivac Pappy vaccination can be carried out at the age of 4 weeks. The use of Nobivac Pappy is part of a comprehensive program of effective vaccination of dogs. Add 1 ml of diluent into the vaccine vial using a sterile syringe and shake thoroughly until a homogeneous suspension is formed. After dilution, the vaccine in one dose is administered to the puppy subcutaneously in compliance with the rules of asepsis and antiseptics. It is advisable to vaccinate all susceptible animals in the same room at the same time.

Side effects

When administered subcutaneously, a slight swelling may form at the injection site, spontaneously disappearing within one to two weeks. Hypersensitivity reactions are possible in animals after using the vaccine; in this case, subcutaneous administration of adrenaline in recommended doses is indicated.


Hypersensitivity to vaccine components.

special instructions

It is recommended to use only Nobivak Diluent, specially produced for vaccines. Before use, the bottle with the vaccine and diluent should be thoroughly shaken until a homogeneous suspension is formed. Vials with a vaccine without labels, with a violation of the integrity of the packaging and closure, frozen, with a changed color and consistency, containing foreign impurities, and also not used within 30 minutes after opening are subject to rejection and disinfection by boiling for 5 - 10 minutes, followed by recycling.

Storage conditions

The vaccine is stored and transported in a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature of 2 to 8 ºС. Freezing the vaccine is not allowed. Shelf life – 2 years.

special instructions

It is recommended to use only Nobivak Diluent, specially produced for vaccines. Before use, the bottle with the vaccine and diluent should be thoroughly shaken until a homogeneous suspension is formed. Vials with a vaccine without labels, with a violation of the integrity of the packaging and closure, frozen, with a changed color and consistency, containing foreign impurities, and also not used within 30 minutes after opening are subject to rejection and disinfection by boiling for 5 - 10 minutes, followed by recycling.

Second vaccination

Revaccination is done after 3-4 weeks. It is necessary to achieve maximum effect. Repeated administration of the complex allows you to reliably consolidate the immune system’s response to certain pathogens. It can be supplemented by rabies if the puppy is planning to participate in exhibitions, fly, or move.

You should not delay the first vaccination, otherwise revaccination will occur during the period of teeth change, and at this time the puppy’s body is weakened and the effectiveness of the procedure is questioned.

Prevention of post-vaccination complications

Unfortunately, no one is immune from these, and no vaccine can guarantee 100% safety. But not vaccinating at all is very dangerous. To minimize the risk of complications and strengthen immunity during vaccination, the veterinarian may recommend the drug Evinton and, of course, strict monitoring for 2-3 days after vaccination.

If the dog had an extremely difficult time with the next vaccination, it makes sense to choose a drug from another manufacturer. You need to wait for the next scheduled vaccination date and get a new vaccination twice, with an interval of 3 weeks.


Immunity is not developed instantly, only after 14-21 days, but full-fledged immunity 10-14 days after revaccination. Until this time, the weakened body is unable to cope with infections that occur on the street. You can walk with your baby in the courtyard of a private house, but it is absolutely not recommended to visit places where dogs gather. It is also worth holding off on swimming and physical activity.

Adult dogs do not need to adhere to such a strict quarantine. However, in the first 10-14 days it is recommended to reduce the time of walking, limit contact with other people’s animals and dirty objects, and avoid stress and freezing.

Puppies can safely communicate with other dogs and walk in the park 2 weeks after revaccination

Is it possible to vaccinate pregnant and lactating dogs?

According to the rules, the procedure should take place no later than 2 weeks before mating, so that the dog can be prepared and not worry about it getting sick during pregnancy. In addition, puppies will receive maximum immune protection through the placenta and then through the milk.

A dog can be vaccinated in the first third of pregnancy (first 20 days) only with Nobivak or Eurikan vaccines. But she will no longer protect the puppies. If vaccination was not possible. You will have to wait until your pet gives birth and gets stronger, and then vaccinate her along with the babies.

The breeder often gives the first vaccination to puppies and the future owner does not have to choose a brand of vaccine, he repeats the same one according to the schedule

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