Eurikan vaccine for dogs: instructions for use, reviews and price

Vaccination is the main way to protect dogs from infectious diseases. It is not surprising that pet owners choose the drug so carefully: the life of their pet depends on its effectiveness. Moreover, not all vaccines are created equal. The French-German Eurikan is considered one of the best.

In the review, I looked at how well Eurican protects against diseases, what strains of viruses it works against, described the vaccination schedule and cited popular analogues.

At the end of the article you will find answers to questions about vaccinations and preparation for them, as well as real reviews from animal owners.

Information and prices are current as of November 2022 and are constantly updated.

Release form and composition

The development of the Eurican vaccine originally belonged to the French (“Merial”). In 2022, it became part of the German pharmacological organization Boehringer Ingelheim. Today this serum is a joint brand of two companies.

Eurikan for dogs is produced in 5 modifications. Each of them comes in 2 components: dry and liquid. Both parts are packaged in separate bottles containing 1 immunizing dose (1 ml). They are mixed before use.

Eurikan DHPPi2-L

Eurican DHPPi2-L is a polyvalent (complex) vaccine consisting of 2 components:

  1. Dry is made from culture fluids of cell cultures infected with attenuated strains:
      carnivore plague;
  2. adenovirus CAV 2;
  3. parvovirus;
  4. canine parainfluenza virus-2.
  5. The liquid component contains leptospira from the Leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae and Leptospira canicola serogroups, inactivated by thiomersal.

The average cost of DHPPi2 is 400 rubles.

Eurican DHPPi2-LR

Eurican DHPPi2-LR is similar to the previous serum. Its dry component is identical to DHPPi2-L, and its liquid component, in addition to inactivated leptospira, contains glycoproteins of the rabies virus.

The price for DHPPi2-LR is a little more expensive - 550 rubles.

Eurikan Primo

Primo is a monovalent vaccine for puppies. Consists of the culture fluid of a continuous cell line CrFK infected with canine parvovirus (CAG pieces).

On average it sells for 350 rubles.

Eurican Piro

Eurican Piro is also a monovalent serum. The dry component contains red blood cells from SPF dogs infected with Babesia canis (strain “BC15-19”) and treated with gamma rays. The kit includes a solvent consisting of saponin and water for injection.

This is the most expensive vaccine. Average cost - 2,600 rubles.

Eurikan Herpes

Herpes is another monovalent serum. The dry component is made from a cultural suspension of a line of dog kidney cells infected with the herpes virus (strain “F205”), inactivated by ethyleneimine. Solvent - sodium chloride, disodium phosphate dihydrate and water for injection.

Eurican Herpes is the only serum against canine herpesvirus infection registered in the Russian Federation.

The average price in veterinary pharmacies is 2,300 rubles.

Please note that the cost of each vaccine is indicated directly for the drug itself. You will have to pay separately for veterinarian services, filling out a veterinary passport, and the clinic may also charge extra for the serum. The final price for the injection will be 500-1,000 rubles higher.

One dose of suspension contains:

Active substances:

Inactivated Leptospira strains.

The vaccine is filled into type I glass containers

, closed with a chlorobutyl stopper and sealed with an aluminum cap. The choice of vaccine strains is justified by clinical trials. The inactivation process and detection limit of the inactivation control test are correctly confirmed.

The product is an established dosage form and its development is adequately described in accordance with the relevant European guidelines.

How it works and indications for use

Any type of Eurikan vaccine is aimed at creating an immune response in dogs against certain pathological pathogens. Protection is formed within 2 weeks for up to 1 year after a single or double injection.

The type of pathogen varies depending on the type of drug. So:

  1. DHPPi2-L forms immunity against: plague;
  2. parvovirus;
  3. leptospirosis;
  4. infectious hepatitis;
  5. parainfluenza-2.
  1. DHPPi2-LR protects against the same diseases as the previous serum. Additionally, it promotes the development of immunity against rabies.
  2. Primo reduces the risk of puppies contracting parvovirus enteritis. The medication is aimed at overcoming the barrier created by maternal antibodies and reducing the immune gap in the first weeks of life.
  3. Piro is used to prevent babesiosis (piroplasmosis).
  4. Herpes is used in pregnant bitches to build their immunity against canine herpes and prevent the virus from infecting fetuses and newborns.

Instructions for use and dosage

Any type of vaccine is administered subcutaneously in the area of ​​the shoulder blade or withers in a dosage of 1 ml, regardless of the dog’s weight and breed. Before administration, the solvent is shaken, drawn into a sterile syringe and injected into a bottle with dry contents. After thoroughly mixing the components until completely dissolved, refill the syringe with the prepared solution.

Each scheme has its own timing and revaccination. They are compiled individually for each pet. Approximate vaccination schedule:

Serum typeAt what age is the vaccine given?RevaccinationNotes
PrimoFrom 6 weeks.After 6 weeks, then a year later, and subsequently every 2 years.Revaccination with DHPPi2-L or DHPPi2-LR is allowed. In an unfavorable epizootic situation, it is allowed to vaccinate from 4 weeks, followed by a similar injection after 2-3 weeks, and repeat vaccinations annually.
DHPPi2-LFrom 7 weeks.After 3-5 weeks, then every 12 months.
DHPPi2-LRFrom 12 weeks.After 3-5 weeks, thereafter annually.Suitable for re-vaccination after DHPPi2-L after 3-5 weeks.
PiroFrom 5 months.After 3-4 weeks, then every six months or year.
HerpesFrom the first day of estrus until 10 days after mating.1-2 weeks before the expected date of birth.You can vaccinate twice every time you go into heat or become pregnant.

Vaccination dates should not be missed - this reduces the effectiveness of immunoprophylaxis. If the next dose of serum is still missed, administer the next dose as soon as possible.

Contraindications and side effects

Like any vaccine, Eurican is prohibited from being used:

  • weakened animals;
  • dogs that have already become infected with viral diseases - blood tests are needed to confirm or refute;
  • pets with infections;
  • dogs not treated with antiparasitic drugs;
  • simultaneously with other serums;
  • after the expiration date, if the integrity of the packaging is damaged, if the consistency of the drug differs from normal.

We recommend: The best flea and tick drops for dogs.

Separately, there is the possibility of vaccinating pregnant bitches. Each serum has its own characteristics:

  • DHPPi2-L and DHPPi2-LR are prohibited from being administered from the second third of gestation;
  • Piro is not used from the beginning of pregnancy;
  • Primo and Herpes is safe for pregnant and lactating dogs.

Adverse reactions are not strong and occur rarely. Most common:

  • swelling at the injection site;
  • allergies - manifested by itching, rash, redness at the site of serum injection and cyanosis of the mucous membranes;
  • decreased appetite;
  • apathy, drowsiness.

All of these symptoms are normal complications. They go away on their own without treatment. The only serious side effect is anaphylactic shock due to intolerance to the components. It is urgently eliminated with symptomatic means.

When is it better to refuse vaccination?

Despite the fact that the Eurican vaccine is harmless, it has a number of contraindications for use. This prophylactic agent is strictly prohibited from being administered in the following cases:

  • the presence of individual intolerance;
  • condition after planned or extraordinary deworming, when 10 days have not passed;
  • pregnancy period at any stage;
  • exhaustion of the body by a chronic illness or acute forms of diseases, regardless of origin, in which the body is in a weakened state;
  • immediately after suffering viral infections, even if the pet has no manifestations of the disease;
  • the L version is not administered to puppies under 7 weeks of age, and the LR version is prohibited before 3 months of age.

Vaccination should be abandoned if the product is expired or the integrity of its bottles is compromised. You should also pay attention to the solution itself. The presence of impurities or sediment in the liquid part of the drug indicates a low-quality product, which is prohibited from injecting according to the instructions.

Read. Vaccinations and vaccination of cats against lichen

Analogues of the drug

You can replace Eurican with one of the following serums:

AnalogueWhat is the differenceAverage price per dose
NobivakAvailable in 8 types. The most common are polyvalent DHP and DHPPi. But they do not contain glycoproteins of the rabies virus - they are vaccinated against it separately. It stands out for the presence of the Puppy DP vaccine for puppies against canine distemper and enteritis. 270 rub.
VanguardThis name combines 3 types of vaccinations: 5/L, Plus 5 L4 CV and Vanguard 7. Complex vaccines against the most common diseases. Unlike Eurican, they additionally promote the development of immunity against infectious hepatitis and coronavirus infection. The serums do not contain the rabies strain. 285 rub.
BiovacThey are produced in 5 modifications - mono- or polyvalent. The most common complex serums are PAL and DPAL. There is no vaccine for rabies. 235 rub.
MultikanThere are 4 types of Multican, designated by numbers 4, 6, 7 and 8. Each vaccination is complex and contains its own strains of viruses. Vaccine number 8, in addition to fighting other diseases, helps develop immunity against rabies. 200 rub.
DuramunProduced in 2 modifications: Max 5/4L (from plague, infectious hepatitis, adenoviral infection, parainfluenza, parvovirus enteritis and leptospirosis) and Max 5-CvK/4L (additionally produces immunity from coronavirus enteritis). Poorly distributed. 400 rub.

Owner reviews

Nina: “I always used Eurican. Over the years of use, there have been no problems, the vaccine has never “broken through”, even tiny miniature Spitz dogs are carried away with a bang. Although, looking at how dogs are now being decimated by coronavirus enteritis, I’m thinking of switching to Duramun.”

Pavel: “We had a case when Eurikan “broke through” the plague. One of the best puppies in the litter died. True, the vet is also to blame: he was treated for another disease for a week until he made the correct diagnosis. I have heard of several other cases where this vaccine did not work.”

Ekaterina: “I have 5 dogs. Everyone is elderly, with weakened immune systems, and besides, I often travel to nurseries, so the risk of infection is high. For 5 years, not a single infectious disease or bad reaction, although I have bulldogs that are almost allergic to air.”

Answers to frequently asked questions

Is it possible to vaccinate a dog with Eurican yourself?

No, any vaccinations can only be administered by a veterinarian. You yourself cannot be sure of the quality of the serum, its correct administration, or the absence of infectious diseases in your pet.

Is it allowed to vaccinate a dog at home?

Yes, if it is done by a veterinarian. At the same time, he must bring the vaccine in a cooling box: in the heat, the serum loses its properties.

This is my first time giving this vaccine to a puppy/dog. I'm afraid of an allergic reaction. How can it be prevented?

The simplest preventive measure is to give an injection with an antihistamine before administering the serum. But usually this is not necessary: ​​Eurican is well tolerated, and minor allergic reactions go away on their own. If you are afraid of anaphylactic shock, sit in the clinic lobby for 30 minutes: if alarming symptoms do not appear during this time, they will not appear in the future. And if acute conditions develop, the doctor will be able to quickly respond and stop them.

Is it necessary to treat a dog for parasites before vaccination? How to do this correctly?

Yes, since helminths, ticks and fleas carry dangerous diseases, can infect the animal, and reduce immunity. For preventive purposes, dogs are treated once 10 days before vaccination, for therapeutic purposes - twice with an interval of 7-10 days, the last treatment is carried out no later than 1.5 weeks before vaccination. They use medications against ticks and insects together with anthelmintic tablets or complex products.

What is it done for?

Vaccination is designed to protect the animal from such dangerous diseases as:

  • adenovirus;

  • plague;
  • hepatitis of infectious nature;
  • rabies;
  • leptospirosis;
  • babesiosis;
  • parainfluenza;
  • parvovirus

If you follow the rules, the drug does not pose a threat to your pet.


Eurikan works great: over the years of my practice there has not been a single case when the vaccine was “pierced” by infections.
Even more, it continues to act for another 1-1.5 months after the last vaccination: several patients overstayed their revaccination dates, and their pets remained healthy, although during this time they were in contact with wild or stray animals. True, it’s not worth the risk: in most cases, immune protection lasts up to a year. Although I have heard of rare cases where dogs vaccinated with Eurican became infected with plague, leptospirosis or parainfluenza. But you should understand that any vaccine can “break through”: no vaccine will provide 100% protection. If there is a dangerous epizootic situation in your area of ​​residence or in the kennel, the dog is highly likely to become infected. But if an animal is vaccinated, it has a better chance of recovery.

Eurican is well tolerated by dogs. The only side effect that always occurs is swelling at the injection site, which is standard for vaccination, which goes away on its own after 2-3 days. And cases of allergies are rare, insignificant and mainly occur in small breeds: Chihuahuas, toy terriers, Yorkies, Spitz.

Although there are no complaints about Eurikan, I prefer to use Multican polyvalent vaccinations - they protect against more viruses and are cheaper. If you need protection from coronavirus enteritis, then I use Vanguard Plus 5 L4 CV or Duramun Max 5-CvK/4L. In addition to or instead of Eurican Primo (depending on the epidemiological situation in the area of ​​residence), I advise puppies to receive an injection of Nobivak Puppy DP against distemper and enteritis.

What do dog owners think about Eurikan vaccines?

Here are some reviews from owners who used the Eurican vaccine to save their dogs:

Review #1:

“We got a Doberman puppy. Naturally, we decided to get all vaccinations to exclude infectious diseases. The doctor recommended Eurican. At the time of the injection, the puppy didn’t even make a sound, but by the evening he looked bad: his temperature jumped, he refused to eat, he didn’t even want to drink, he just lay there sad. In the morning I went up to him, he seemed to have eaten a little minced meat, he even barked a couple of times, there was no temperature. That is, there were side effects, albeit short-lived"

Review No. 2:
“We used to inject the dog with Hexadog, but the veterinarian suggested trying Eurican from the same manufacturer. What can I say, the dog named Druzhok did not pick up any infection for the entire year after vaccination (they received the “DHPPI2-LR” injection). So I have no doubt about its effectiveness. True, there was a big bump at the injection site for about 4 days, but then it went away on its own.”

Review #3:
“I heard a lot of praise about Eurican from friends who have dogs. I decided to try making one for my Max. I can’t blame this drug, because my comrades praise it; their dogs had no side effects. But the vaccine is definitely not suitable for Max: he refused to go for a walk (walked in a circle around the house and wandered to the entrance), his nose was dry for a day, he ate very little. The dog was visually unwell. So it’s an individual matter – it suits one person, not another”

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