10th National Specialty Exhibition of East Siberian Laikas (CHK rank) “St. Petersburg 2017”


The review of the best kennels and shelters for dogs in St. Petersburg for 2022 included only a small part of the existing establishments.

As many breeds exist in the world, there are as many nurseries for breeding them. Many of them specialize in breeding no more than 2 types of dogs. They all give away puppies for a fee.

If the buyer has not decided what breed of four-legged friend he needs, then he can study the descriptions of the breeds and choose a pet that suits his character. All nurseries have such information, indicating the distinctive features of the breed being bred, its advantages, character and characteristics.

As for the cost of purebred dogs. Unfortunately, not a single nursery indicates exact prices for puppies. The richer the dog's pedigree, the higher its cost, but this is only one of the points at which the price increases.

Shelters for stray dogs are not an alternative to a kennel; here you won’t be able to adopt a dog with a pedigree, but you will certainly be able to find a faithful four-legged friend.

Dog kennel: general information and differences from a shelter

A dog kennel is a place where professional dog handlers breed purebred dogs. Each kennel must be registered with the FCI and have a prefix, which, in turn, will be assigned to the name of the dog born within the walls of this kennel.

A kennel can specialize in breeding dogs of one specific breed, that is, it will be a monobreed.

There are also multi-breed kennels where dogs of several breeds are bred.

All dogs that are bred within the walls of the kennel have a pedigree.

If a person has no desire to get a puppy of a specific breed as a four-legged friend with, so to speak, purebred genetics, which is guaranteed when applying to a dog kennel. Then you can consider the option of adopting an animal from a shelter.

Dog shelters do not breed animals; the main task of the institution is to rescue stray animals and provide them with safe living conditions and food. In the shelter you can find purebred and outbred animals of different ages and health conditions.

It is worth noting that both in the kennel and in the shelter dogs must be vaccinated. True, with the difference that in the nursery puppies are vaccinated according to the vaccination schedule, starting from birth, in the shelter vaccinations are given whenever possible.

Considering the facts noted above, it should be understood that purchasing a puppy from a kennel is a financially expensive undertaking. A shelter animal can be given away for free or for some kind of charitable contribution. The latter can be agreed upon in advance or be any amount at the discretion of the taker.

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