Details about the duration of pregnancy in dogs by day
A dog's pregnancy is a very exciting period. Responsible owners always calculate the due date in advance so that
What to feed a Chihuahua: the best food and necessary natural products
The Russian market offers commercial food for dogs of all breeds. Large, medium, small, pregnant and
Sweet couple
All about knitting. Part 1: Does your dog need mating?
TO KNIT OR NOT TO KNIT A BITCH? Pomeranian Spitz is one of the most popular and expensive
A modern view of the problem of helminthiasis in children and effective ways to solve it
All about breeding Shar-Peis Each breed has original characteristics. Shar Pei breeders have been trying for a long time
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel - description, character, origin, pros and cons, how to choose a puppy?
Each breed of dog has a predisposition to certain diseases. We have collected information about typical diseases
how to determine the age of a cat by external signs
How old is your cat or dog by human standards: how to count and what is the difference
Man has long tamed cats and dogs. Some pets live with us for quite a long time
The dog lies on the ground
Causes of brown discharge from a dog's ears and methods of treatment
Dog owners need to be aware of such an unpleasant phenomenon as ear diseases in pets. Notice
Why does a woman dream about a dog? Meaning and interpretation of sleep
August 30, 2018 Animals Yulia Obolenskaya During sleep, when our entire body shuts down
Dogs that don't bark - photos and brief description of the breed
Before you teach your dog not to bark at home, you need to understand what it means to him.
We choose a treat for training dogs, and also make a bag for them with our own hands
Organizing food for dogs in an enclosure is one of the important moments for life and
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