A cunning bitch and her five secrets. Find out how to recognize a bitch!

Who is this, female bitch

Outwardly, she is a bright, sexy woman from the cover of a magazine. She tries to dominate her partner and skillfully manipulates men. She has a peculiar character, behavior aimed at demonstrating her sexuality to the world, although she doesn’t seem to do anything on purpose.

Such girls seem to have stepped out of a picture, fall into a man’s soul, and remain there until they get what they wanted. Bitches show with all their appearance that they are free, independent, even if they are supported by men.

They do not plan children or marriage, although if it is beneficial for them, they get married. Usually a bitch does not need anything, has high self-esteem and inflated self-esteem.

Trying to attract another fan, the bitch shows him attention: she empathizes, supports him emotionally, and showers him with compliments. But at the same time it inspires - she must be conquered, efforts must be made, since she is a pure diamond that needs an expensive frame.

The bitch plans in detail how to attract the gentleman - she collects information about him as much as possible. As a result, the partner’s interests become her interests, or so it seems to him. Beautiful lies cloud the brain.

The lover devotes all his free time to the lady of his heart, since she is the only one who understands him, supports him, is interested in his life and hobbies, experiences, joys. But behind the beautiful shell it is easy to recognize the bitterness. The lover, having done what the lady of his heart wanted from him, is left with nothing.

In books about bitches, they give something like this description: “This is a self-confident, purposeful woman who achieves her goals with ease, since she is ideal and everyone likes her.”

In fact, bitches are manipulators; having received the result, they switch to a new victim, without experiencing love or friendship. They communicate with a person as long as they need something from him. Behind the image of a sweet, intelligent girl there may be a calculating trash, an “energy vampire.”

How they do it: five signs of a bitch

How to recognize a bitch? She plays on instincts. He plays masterfully and tastefully. She knows what you need and gives it. In full. And then - at the very peak - he takes it away. So, five signs of a bitch.

1. She's bright. Behavior, appearance, all her verbal and non-verbal signals are aimed at demonstrating to the world that she is ready to get closer.

She is well-groomed, sexy, always sleek. She is like a picture from your dreams, a magnet in which all your fantasies are concentrated.

2. She emphatically promotes freedom. Doesn't want children. Doesn't want to get married. With all her behavior, she seems to be telling you: you are free, do what you want, I don’t need anything from you.

3. She seems to be completely immersed in you. Now your interests are her interests. Your pain is her pain. Your experiences are also hers. She always talks and asks about you - and adjusts.

You say on a date that you like to play tennis, and then, quite by accident, it turns out that she does too. Football? And she just has a season ticket for all the matches. You love weapons, but with her - bam! - and dad is a hunter. A beautiful lie that completely blows your mind.

In short, at some point it begins to seem to you that she is the only one who understands you and shares all your interests with you.

4. She doesn't stick to you. She doesn't give a shit about you! She doesn’t need anything: if you called, well done, if not, to hell with you. Her life doesn't revolve around you and your dick. She’s always happy to see you when you’re around, but at the same time, it’s as if she’s not there.

That is, you have: sex, emotions, and just a beautiful girl nearby, and at the same time you are free. You experience a complete brain explosion and euphoria. “It doesn’t happen like that!” - you think. And at that moment you got it.

5. A very significant point. You can tell a bitch by the absence of friends. Yes, party.

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Main types

Female bitches are not the same, although they are all selfish.


She mocks men, jokes mockingly. She takes everything good that they do for her for granted. Behind her back, with her friends, she viciously makes fun of her, telling the details of her courtship. Surrounded by her friends, she presents herself as a special person of royal blood, an object to be emulated.

Such a woman questions everything her gentleman says and does (if she has already won him). At the slightest provocation one can hear mockery - “You are mediocrity, you can’t do anything,” “Your hands are growing from the wrong place.” Calls the lover weak-willed, worthless, even nonentity, etc., deliberately lowering his self-esteem and destroying his personality.

If you start a family with this woman, you will have to be patient all your life, because she will not change. They say about such families: “The wife cut her husband down with a rag.” Recently, many books have appeared on the topic “How to become a bitch”, “How to manipulate a man”, films on this topic.

Female bitches read them with pleasure, then put all the recommendations into practice. Such Bitches do not try to avoid conflict, they become its instigators and love scandals.


This type of bitch may know that Mars is a planet, not a chocolate bar, but a narrow mind is judged by other parameters. The fool bitch is characterized by a lack of self-criticism, logic, sound thinking, ability to analyze, she has no sense of humor at all. This is the least dangerous variety of female bitches.

They are mainly interested in their appearance, they consider themselves unsurpassed beauties, in contrast to the gray mass of other people. Stupid girls are not always bitches; the likelihood of a successful family with a stupid woman is much higher. But they need a lot of financial support for constant polishing.


This is a tough, ruthless type of bitch. They are distinguished by their intelligence and intelligence, perfect grooming, and determination. This one will “go over corpses” in a career or when winning a coveted young man. Tears and complaints will not stop her; sympathy and compassion are alien to her. A man must achieve everything she ordered. She won't care what methods.

This is a calculating female, smart, dangerous. Usually relationships with such people are short-lived, they are based on passion, it is difficult to create a family due to lack of understanding, total control, thirst for power, and dominance in everything. When the relationship drags on, the bitch drives her partner’s friends and relatives away from home.

Declares himself and his interests as the center of the universe. No sane male will be able (or rather will not want) to tame her or tolerate her for a long time.

The concepts of “bitch” and “bitch” are similar. Their only difference is that the first destroys a person’s personality, tramples the ego, crushing it, showing what a nonentity he is. The second one twirls it like a puppet, no matter who is in front of her - girlfriend, parents, husband, partner.

The bitch is indiscriminate, she only wants to benefit herself, she seeks profit, she is greedy. The Bitch looks at the future, calculates what she will get in the end, values ​​herself, does not date just anyone, believing that she deserves the best. She squeezes out all the energy and finances until the person is left empty.

The bitch controls the fan, not wanting to adapt to him, to take into account his interests. She demands and demands, her gentleman constantly “owes” her something, but she gives nothing in return.

She feeds on the energy and finances of her boyfriend, sucking everything out of him like a vampire. The bitch uses both boyfriends and girlfriends, easily sits on the neck, believing that everyone is happy to drag her around. After all, she is so interesting, bright, brightens up their gray, worthless life.

Finds weak points and puts pressure on them. Both types make a man henpecked. Once self-confident, courageous men become beaten dogs with sad eyes next to a bitch or bitch.


SDS translates as bitch-stupid-bitch. Many people think that these traits are common to all women, especially those with PMS.

Where do female bitches come from?

They are not born. “Suchness” manifests itself only through past life situations. Many factors go into becoming a female bitch. Some acquire vile skills by experiencing resentment towards men, experiencing an unsuccessful first love or teenage insults, or being disliked in childhood. Sometimes a mother instills disrespect for the male sex by extolling her daughter, indulging all her whims and humiliating her father before her eyes. Showing that he is a nonentity, needed only to provide for them.

For others, “bitterness” is a conscious defensive reaction. There is a stereotype that if a partner cheats, the husband is the one who made a mistake, succumbed to temptation, this is an ordinary phenomenon, but if the wife cheats, this is a stigma, a shame. Women

We, brought up on this stereotype, have lost faith in men. They only see them as potential cheaters. This becomes a reason to protect yourself from betrayal - to become independent, to love only yourself.

Women with a defensive reaction are tough and cold, especially if they have had a sad personal experience. They become selfish bitches, using men for their own purposes, fearing betrayal, getting used to the image of an “independent chick.”

Circumstances that shape character

Most often, girls become bitches after sick, failed relationships or a difficult life in a family where she was belittled by her stepfather and disliked by her mother. Men themselves turn girls into bitches.

With mutual understanding in the parental family and life with a partner, the girl will not become a demon. The following circumstances greatly influence the formation of wild character:

Men's predilection for appearance

Many males talk about spiritual beauty, responsiveness, kindness, etc., but in reality they fall for glamorous models with large breasts and sexy appearance. They claim that the main thing is internal, spiritual qualities, and they prefer selfish, often empty beauties.

They give them everything they have, be it time, energy or money. Gifts, parties, dates - everything ends up in the hands of beauties.

A normal girl will not ask a fan to buy the latest model smartphone after dating for a week. She will value respect, time spent with her and beg for gifts beneath her dignity.

Males desire slender chicks with large breasts, seductive lips, long thick hair, expressive eyes, but they do not see how they become like this - how much money is required for this. Anyone can be made beautiful. Well-groomed chicks are made of money. Even the simplest trip to a cosmetologist can cost someone's salary.

Clothes, makeup, hairstyle or manicure - everything costs a lot.

A young beauty has nowhere to get such finances (unless her parents sponsor her), she pays attention to wealthy gentlemen, realizing that she can only get what she wants with a pretty face, an elastic butt, and large breasts.

As a result, young ladies do not strive to study, develop as individuals, but constantly improve their appearance. Males contribute to this by paying tribute to instincts and choosing a partner based on appearance.

Fighters for equality.

Men are often dissatisfied with gender equality: women occupy leadership positions, master male professions, earn more, and know how to command subordinates.

The stereotype still persists that women’s place is in the kitchen; they can only work as school teachers, librarians, saleswomen, and educators. An unbearable boss is a common occurrence, but a boss who is an evil bitch is unbearable.

In addition, it is normal for a young man to change partners every day, but for a girl to change boyfriends means becoming a whore. They say about single mothers that they spoiled the child. Although this is often the fault of her partner, he did not use a “condom” because it bothered him, and then left the mother of his child alone.

If she demands child support, such fathers are indignant, calling their exes mercantile bitches. Yes, they gradually become bitches, seeing men as irresponsible, narcissistic males, having lost faith in the good.

Single girls with no experience

Single girls without experience in their personal lives, raised by their mothers and grandmothers, become bitches. They have not seen a positive family example and think that the bitch mask makes them an independent, lone wolf. There are fewer cute, affectionate, loving domestic cats, since the first requirement for a beloved is a beautiful face and a good figure.

You have to invest in beauty, but getting it is not easy. This is how ladies become ideal, beautiful, but bitches.

What kind of men fall for bitches?

A normal, psychologically healthy man gave a fuck about women’s manipulations. He is not used to submitting, humiliating himself, sacrificing the interests of himself and his loved ones in the name of - albeit a beautiful, albeit sexy, albeit unearthly - but pussy.

But for a man who is accustomed to being under the authority of a woman, all this rigmarole is only a joy. Being a puppet in his well-groomed, tender fingers is his usual pattern of behavior. He always lived like this.

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With whom? With mom, of course! Well, or with grandma. With a dominant, tough, domineering parent, without whom not a single issue in his life could be resolved. He's used to having a woman on top. He doesn't know any other way.

In his picture of the world, a sweet, gentle girl is not a woman who can be loved. But the powerful manipulator - yes, wrap it up, please. Everything is as he likes.

That’s why I always say: first change your thinking, and then go choose a woman for yourself. The doormat mentality will lead you to the position of a doormat, no matter how many trainings you complete.

Features of character and behavior that help recognize extremeness

The main “bitch” trait is the desire to lower, humiliate a person, to rise against this background. Female bitches love to manipulate and constantly hone their skills. They start with friends and girlfriends. In any company there is a person who tells others what to do and how to behave. Considering herself the smartest, most beautiful, worthy.

As they get older, this behavior begins to spread to fans. The girlfriends gasp enviously as they watch the commander knock out yet another loser. Her friends admire their queen and try to imitate her.

“Natural selection” occurs: narrow-minded girls, after having relationships with rich daddies, give birth to children early, and if they’re lucky, they get married. The smart bitch will laugh at them and go to the restaurant to look for a new victim.

Smart girls see how accomplished men of a certain type love to emphasize their importance, achievements and praise him, stroke his ego. As a result, the gentleman does not notice how he spent everything on a beautiful passion, and then became unnecessary. As a result, bitches are lonely.

Not every man who was not robbed and thrown out of his life will agree to renounce himself for the sake of serving his beloved. He will choose a loving, caring and understanding partner. Therefore, a man who has retained his finances and dignity leaves the bitch himself.

Lifestyle, appearance

Sometimes you can recognize a bitch by its appearance. “Beach face” is a serious, predatory facial expression. Women with a whip face look cold, gloomy, and angry, even if they are in a good mood. Many Hollywood stars have a “beach face”, for example, Kristen Stewart, Bella Hadid, Avril Lavigne. Of course, it’s also a matter of natural features; not everyone has such an appearance.

Bitches are well-groomed. They have everything perfect - hair, makeup, skin, clothes, manicure. They know how to behave in society and communicate nicely. They are characterized by brightness, catchiness, evoking sex appeal. They often wear high heels and wear evening makeup even during the day. Bitches take undressing glances as a compliment.

Such ladies love to spend their free time in salons, going to cosmetologists, manicurists, training in fitness rooms and shopping. Then they demonstrate all this in clubs, restaurants, where they hunt for the next wealthy victim or shine in front of their friends.

With age, the cost of procedures increases; you need good earnings or a richer daddy.

Communication, manners

Bitches are in no hurry - they need to show themselves, their fit figure, their outfit. Their speech is smooth, a slight smile during pleasant communication, when they are not interested in a person, the expression on their face is impenetrable. They like to communicate from a dominant position, demonstrating a strong character.

Men love daring women, they awaken hunting instincts. After communicating with a bitch, some of them are ready to do anything just to win her cold heart.

Ladies with a “bitch” character do not worry about the feelings of others, they prefer to get on their nerves and this only adds to their feminine charisma, but for the time being.

From such relationships, people get tired and the bitches are left alone - without a man and girlfriends, sometimes even relatives stop communicating with them.

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