Discharge from a loop in a dog: what it is and what to do

The main symptom of estrus (heat) in a dog is the discharge of blood from the external genitalia. By the quantity and quality of discharge, one can judge the state of the female’s health and her readiness for fertilization. Normally, the abundance of discharge directly depends on the size of the animal. In representatives of small breeds they can be weak and insignificant, while in large females they can be very abundant. Age, conditions of detention and individual characteristics of the organism also have an influence. By paying attention to oestrus abnormalities in time, dangerous pathologies can be identified and treated.

Symptoms of heavy heat

During estrus, the female's loop swells greatly, increases in size, and blood mixed with transparent mucus is constantly released from it. When moving, blood drips from the vagina, and small puddles remain in the place where the dog sat or lay. Such phenomena are considered normal and indicate readiness for mating.

The reason for contacting a veterinarian is profuse estrus, in which there is a constant leakage of a significant amount of blood or clots from the external genitalia, accompanied by the following signs:

  • increase in temperature indicators by more than 1°C;
  • the appearance of an unpleasant odor emanating from the discharge;
  • complete refusal of food for more than 3 days;
  • lethargy, apathy or, conversely, excessive anxiety;
  • anemia of visible mucous membranes;
  • presence of pus in the discharge.

Important! Normally, the color of discharge during estrus should be dark. Copious flow of bright scarlet blood indicates uterine bleeding.

During estrus, the discharge may acquire a slightly unpleasant specific odor due to hormonal changes in the female's body. However, it should not be confused with a putrid odor, which indicates decomposition processes in the internal genital organs.

Caring for your pet during estrus

A dog in heat requires special care.

Rules of care:

  • Long walks on the street should not be allowed during the cold season, as this can provoke the development of colds in the animal.
  • The owner should not leave the dog outside unattended. It is best to walk your pet on a leash, away from male dogs.
  • the dog often licks the area under its tail;
  • During estrus, dogs themselves perform hygienic care of their genitals, regularly licking the secretions under their tail. But this does not at all eliminate the risk of bloody stains appearing on carpets, furniture and other surfaces in the house, which is especially likely during the estrus stage. The owner should remove soft coverings from the floor, do not allow the pet on the bed, soft chairs, etc. It is better to wipe off all stains left on the floor in front of the animal. A smart dog will quickly understand that it needs to “clean up” after itself, and will soon learn to lick bloody stains on the floor in the house on its own.

Some owners purchase special disposable panties for dogs during the period of heat. They are easy to use, eliminate the risk of bloody stains on the floor, but at the same time do not allow the dog to perform hygienic care of the genitals. It is not recommended for your dog to wear such underwear all the time.

A good owner will not ignore the important sexual cycle in the life of a domestic dog. If you control the process of estrus in a female and correctly plan her matings with males, you can eliminate the dog’s unwanted pregnancy from yard dogs and other problems with her health, and at the same time get breeding offspring that are not inferior in breed to the parents of the puppies.

If the owner did not take care of the domestic dog during the period of heat and an unwanted pregnancy occurred, in no case should this problem be solved using medical means to prevent pregnancy without a veterinarian's prescription! Such drugs are selected individually, as they can cause serious health problems for the dog and lead to infertility.

Monitor your dog during puberty and be sure to follow proper grooming practices during heat.


The causes of endometritis (inflammation of the inner lining of the uterus) are:

  • hormonal imbalances;
  • false pregnancy;
  • penetration of pathogenic microflora from the vagina into the uterus;
  • pathological childbirth;
  • freezing of the fetus.

The wall of the uterus thickens, becomes inflamed, and begins to produce serous or purulent exudate. Bleeding occurs when the integrity of the blood vessels of the mucous membrane is disrupted as a result of the formation of erosions and cracks on it. Along with heavy bleeding with endometritis, the following is observed:

  • deterioration in the general condition of the animal;
  • increase in body temperature (with purulent form);
  • frequent urination;
  • difficulty breathing and palpitations;
  • vomit.

With chronic endometritis, the estrus period may increase.


With pyometra, there is heavy bleeding from the vagina mixed with pus. The female's condition is rapidly deteriorating. She moves little, is thirsty, and suffers from severe pain. Without treatment, it quickly leads to death.

This pathology can develop if estrus does not result in pregnancy as a result of the use of drugs that suppress the symptoms of sexual desire. During the period of anestrus, progesterone levels constantly increase, leading to a thickening of the uterine wall and a weakening of the body's defenses. Against the background of such hormonal imbalance, cysts and hyperplasia can develop. The combination of these factors leads to increased susceptibility of the uterus to pathogenic microflora, and any penetration of infection leads to the formation of purulent inflammation in its cavity.


Dogs, like humans, begin puberty sooner or later. Of course, these processes cannot be compared, since they are characterized by their own specifics. In dogs, puberty is accompanied by a natural process, estrus. During puberty, the “girl” prepares to mate and bear puppies. As a rule, this mechanism is activated every six months or a year. In some cases, a dog's heat begins at a later age. However, if this does not happen by the age of two years, then the dog must be shown to a veterinarian.

In animals such as dogs, the normal period of sexual activity is considered to be 14-21 days. However, this process is influenced by the age and other characteristics of the girl. If the process is painful and accompanies the animal for more than 30 days, the dog must be immediately taken to the veterinarian. Some individuals experience pain during this period.


Hemometra is a pathological condition in which a significant amount of blood accumulates in the uterine cavity and is then released into the external environment. This occurs as a result of blows, bruises or trauma to the abdominal and pelvic areas. This phenomenon can develop after a pathological birth or a fall from a height.

The dog quickly weakens, the inner surface of the ears and mucous membranes become anemic, and the animal may experience convulsions. Heavy bleeding with a hemometer poses a threat to the dog’s life and therefore requires immediate medical intervention.

What is the reason for discharge from the snare of a sterilized dog?

This happens extremely rarely, but there are still several possible reasons:

  • during sterilization, part of the ovary remains, and the animal continues to go into estrus, and, accordingly, periodic discharge;
  • cultitis - inflammation of the stump of the remaining uterus after its removal;
  • vaginitis - inflammation of the vaginal walls; during sterilization, the ovaries, body and horns of the uterus are removed, the vagina is preserved, and accordingly, inflammation may occur;
  • neoplasms in the vagina.

The exact cause can be determined by visiting a specialist who will prescribe specific therapy or conduct additional necessary research.

As a rule, no complications occur after sterilization, and most veterinarians recommend routine ovariohysterectomy for females and castration for males - these operations prolong the life of your pets and allow you to avoid a huge number of diseases associated with the reproductive system.

We all know that it is better to prevent any disease in time than to treat it. If any of these symptoms occur, we recommend contacting your veterinarian immediately.


Both malignant and benign tumors lead to heavy, gradually increasing bleeding during estrus.

Only a veterinarian can determine the nature of the neoplasm by performing a tissue biopsy of the affected organ.

Important! Heavy, prolonged bleeding during estrus may indicate hemophilia and other genetic diseases that affect blood clotting.

What to do in case of heavy heat

In the case where the release of a large amount of blood is a physiological norm and is associated with the individual characteristics of the female, the owners only need to take care of the hygiene of their home. To do this, you can use special protective underpants, which will not only help keep the house clean, but will also prevent unwanted pregnancy if the owner is inattentive while walking with his pet.

You can also cover the dog's bedding with medical rubberized diapers.

If excessively abundant estrus is caused by pathology, then treatment is necessary, which should be prescribed exclusively by a veterinarian.

Tips for bitch owners

During estrus, females need especially careful care and attention. Maintain hygiene, regime, daily routine. The diet should be nutritious, balanced and complete.

To prevent unwanted mating, walk your animal on a leash and away from general dog walking areas. An empty female attracts male dogs, which is not pleasant for their owners and for the dog itself, and starts fights with other females.

You can let your dog off the leash only in deserted places where there are no dogs or people. Do not let your pet out of sight, control its actions and movements. If the bitch is disobedient, limit yourself to walking on a leash.

If the dog is kept in the yard, lock it in an enclosure during estrus to avoid unwanted mating.

Keep a close eye on your dog. False pugnaciousness may develop. Therefore, to avoid possible complications, if you notice the first manifestations of this condition during or after estrus, consult a veterinarian.

If the bitch is not of breeding value, it is best to sterilize the dog. There are also special means to prevent ovulation and unwanted pregnancy.

Important! Long-term use of such medications can provoke hormonal imbalance and cancer. Only a veterinarian should prescribe them!

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