The dog does not pee - what to do if you have problems with urination

How many times a day do dogs urinate in normal condition?

Diseases of Dogs
Dogs vary greatly in weight and physical characteristics depending on their breed. Because of this, in veterinary medicine there is no universal indicator for all canines.

The rate of urination may vary depending on:

  • age (puppies and older animals experience a more frequent need to urinate);
  • gender (cables use urine as a territorial marker);
  • estrous cycle of the bitch (marking territory, increasing blood supply to the pelvic organs during estrus);
  • ambient temperature (in hot weather, the volume and frequency of urination decreases);
  • nutrition, amount of succulent and dry food;
  • volume and frequency of drinking;
  • walking regime (adults get used to constant walking time);
  • breed and size (small dogs feel the need to urinate more often);
  • psychological and emotional state;
  • general health;
  • individual characteristics;
  • procedures and medications taken during treatment.

Puppies can pee up to 10-15 times a day, and well-mannered adult dogs up to 7-10 times only during walks outside. The amount, speed and frequency of bladder emptying in dogs depend on many factors.

Additional Information! Various problems arise with urination in dogs - toy terriers, for example, feel the need to use a diaper at home, in addition to walking, while large breeds calmly tolerate it until the next time they go outside.

Big and small dog

How do huskies handle the heat?

Husky is considered one of the oldest dog breeds. The owners of the first huskies were the Chukchi and Eskimos. Today there are many legends and myths about these dogs, which do not always correspond to reality. And they are not always positive. Having heard another “rumor” about a husky, some even decide not to adopt this dog. But she has so many positive aspects.

Here are some of the main advantages of dogs of this breed:

  • Husky loves all people, so will love all family members;
  • Huskies never bite people; cases when these dogs attacked people are an exception (this happened when they tried to re-educate the dog or damaged its psyche);
  • for lovers of active recreation and an active lifestyle, the husky will become the best friend and inquisitive partner;
  • Huskies don't bark at all (but sometimes they howl);
  • Huskies are very original and beautiful dogs, they combine wolfish grace and the famous blue eyes.

How do huskies cope with hot climates?

Many people are interested in the question of how huskies tolerate hot climates. After all, this is a northern breed of dog. So, another undoubted advantage is that huskies adapt perfectly to any climate.

If you live in a hot climate, you should purchase a husky puppy from a kennel located in a city with the same climate. These dogs have lived in kennels for more than one day, which means they have already adapted to the local climate.

If you do not have a nursery nearby, then it is necessary to create favorable acclimatization conditions for your pet. Evening walks, plenty of cool water and, if possible, a cool place are perfect for this. Within a week, your husky will adapt to the local climate.

By and large, you don’t have to worry about how huskies handle the heat, because these dogs are known to live in many hot regions, including African countries.

The husky's thick, two-layer coat protects it from direct sunlight. And thanks to it, the dog’s body temperature remains constant, both in cold and hot weather.

In the summer heat or in a too warm room, a dog may suddenly increase the amount of fluid it consumes to quench its thirst. Naturally, she will begin to ask to go outside more often to urinate. There is nothing surprising or dangerous about this.

It is equally normal for thirst to appear after eating specific salty foods, for example, if a dog ate a piece of salted fish or smoked sausage, as well as after increased physical exertion. Thirst also increases after castration, as well as during breastfeeding, especially with large numbers of puppies.

It's a completely different matter if the animal suddenly starts drinking too much water for no apparent reason. This may be one of the first signs of a developing disease, which is important not to miss. In this case, treating the dog will be much easier and faster, and cheaper too.

Signs of difficulty urinating in dogs

Unlike cats, dogs urinate outdoors, which is why the frequency and volume of fluid produced cannot always be controlled.

Signs of difficulty urinating include:

  • urination is intermittent, in streams;
  • tense posture, frequent “sitting down” or raising the paw without results;
  • small, spontaneous “leakage” of urine;
  • blood, pus, mucus in the urine;
  • frequent licking of the genitourinary area;
  • arrhythmia;
  • increased body temperature;
  • change in color of mucous membranes (blue, yellow tint);
  • decreased appetite;
  • the appearance of unusual taste preferences (licking the floor surface, eating inedible objects);
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • tension, tightness of the abdomen, pain to the touch;
  • decreased activity, apathy;
  • anxiety;
  • painful whining;
  • swelling;
  • dyspnea;
  • the appearance of a sharp, unpleasant odor, cloudiness or change in the color of urine (any deviation from light yellow).

Ignoring infections and other diseases can lead to the development of chronic disorders (cystitis, urethritis) in the pet’s body.

Note! Females are more likely to develop infectious diseases of the genitourinary system.

The dog is sick

Forms of cystitis

Spicy . Its main feature is the rapid development of all signs of the inflammatory process, including frequent urge to urinate, intense pain, and lack of appetite. An acute form of cystitis requires immediate contact with a veterinary clinic. Delay can lead to serious complications, including the development of purulent cystitis.

Chronic . With this form of bladder inflammation there are no pronounced symptoms. There is no increased body temperature or intense pain. However, the pet requires supportive therapy and special care aimed at preventing exacerbation of cystitis.

Reasons why your dog urinates very rarely

The reasons why a dog does not urinate are divided into:

  • natural (the volume and frequency of urination decreases without visible disturbances);
  • pathogenic (the pet does not pee for one or more days, there are signs of deterioration in health).

If the animal remains active and the pet's behavior remains unchanged, a slight decrease in the frequency of urination does not pose a serious health risk.

Natural causes of lack of urination include:

  • insufficient fluid intake;
  • high ambient temperature, overheating;
  • salt imbalance;
  • stress in response to a stimulus (surgery, the arrival of a child or new animal in the family, moving, etc.);
  • swelling.

Pathogenic disorders include various diseases of the internal systems of the body, poisoning or infections, for the diagnosis of which you need to consult a specialist.

Important! If the pet does not pee for several days with severe signs of malaise and difficulty urinating, you cannot treat the dog on your own. To determine the diagnosis and restore the animal’s health, you need to contact a veterinarian.

Hot season

Prevention of cystitis

To prevent the development of the inflammatory process, try to prevent hypothermia of the animal’s body. For example, during autumn walks, small breed dogs need to be warmed with special clothing.

Useful tips for preventing cystitis:

  • Do not neglect deworming to protect your dog from parasitic diseases and cystitis that develops against them.
  • Vaccinate every year so that your dog develops immunity to infections that can cause inflammation.
  • Provide proper and balanced nutrition for the animal using ready-made food or a natural diet.
  • If your pet has already suffered from cystitis, then do not forget about regular preventive examinations at the veterinarian.
  • If infections of the lower urinary tract develop, contact a specialist in a timely manner to prevent complications.

Cystitis in dogs is a common but dangerous disease. If you suspect that your pet has an inflamed bladder, then do not hesitate - make an appointment at the veterinary clinic and get examined.

What to do if your dog pees poorly and rarely

To fix the problem, you need to contact a veterinarian. Even if the problem turns out to be minor and easily fixable, a competent specialist will help you quickly cope with the violation without serious consequences.

Before going to the veterinarian or the doctor coming home, the owner can take the following measures to improve the care of the pet:

  • Check and update the water in the drinking bowl, to which the animal should have constant access at any time of the day. The water must be clean, passed through a filter, not boiled.
  • Add more succulent food to the diet.
  • Completely exclude salt, sweets, fried, smoked, flour products from your pet’s diet.
  • Normalize a constant temperature in the permanent room.

It has been noted that spaying and castration have a positive effect on the condition of the urinary system of pets. If the pet is purchased for home keeping as a companion, the operation will improve the quality and increase the life expectancy.

Important! You cannot use medications (diuretics, antispasmodics, laxatives, etc.) without a veterinarian’s prescription. An incorrectly selected medication or dosage can cause serious health problems for your pet.

Care and hygiene

What to do if a puppy or dog does not pee for more than two days

Retention of urination for two days is caused by serious disorders. To alleviate the animal’s condition, the owner needs to consult a doctor as soon as possible to identify the cause of the difficulty in emptying the bladder.

What can happen if an adult dog does not pass urine for more than three days?

Impaired excretion of urine from the body for three days or more without examination by a veterinarian can lead to complications in the functioning of the urinary system and loss of tone of the bladder walls. It is worth remembering that the retained fluid remains in the body and causes severe discomfort.

Urinary incontinence

Common symptoms are sudden uncontrollable urges, involuntary urination, and constant leakage of urine in small portions. There are small wet spots on the bedding after sleep, urine is released from sudden movements. If we are not talking about a congenital pathology, older, larger dogs are more likely to suffer from incontinence. Provoking factors are excess weight, low mobility, frequent childbirth. In chronic cases, the risk of urinary tract infections increases.

Ectopia is a structural anomaly in which the ureter protrudes into the vagina (females) or urethra (males). Leaks in the first days after birth. The puppy smells bad. The genitals are inflamed, licked by the bitch. The ureter is surgically removed into the bladder.
Sphincteric insufficiency after sterilization. Large females that are spayed after puberty are susceptible. Involuntary bowel movements, usually in the morning and at night. Sometimes the dog constantly leaks drop by drop. Long-term hormonal therapy aimed at maintaining sphincter function. Surgical correction is possible.
Complicated course of infectious diseases of the genitourinary tract. Due to decreased receptor sensitivity, it is impossible to control urges. Urine flows randomly, first drop by drop, then in larger portions. Elimination of infection and the cause of the disease, strengthening the immune system.
Injury - blow to the stomach, fall from a height. The injury initially causes delay, but the long-term consequence may be incontinence. Due to decreased innervation of the bladder and/or sphincter, the dog ceases to feel the urge and control the process. Partial or complete incontinence may occur. Treatment is surgical coupled with long-term therapy. The forecast is cautious.
Problems with urethral closure - decreased sphincter function due to congenital pathology, infection, obesity, and age-related changes. Urine flows out even at rest, in small portions. The dog constantly licks himself, smells unpleasant, and his genitals are inflamed. Long-term therapy, often including hormonal drugs.

Incontinence is usually not as dangerous as urinary retention, but it does cause a lot of inconvenience for owners. It is important to remember that you should not scold your pet - stress will only make the situation worse. To minimize the consequences, you need to use diapers, remove carpets during treatment and walk longer.

You should not try to reduce the amount of drinking water in your diet - concentrated urine more irritates the walls of the organ, which leads to increased urination. It is important to follow the prescribed diet, avoid hypothermia, and exclude sweets and dairy products.

Diagnosis of urinary problems in dogs

The dog does not urinate for two days, what should I do? To identify diseases in which a dog pees a little, you need to:

  • Visit a veterinary clinic or call a doctor at home.
  • Describe in detail the symptoms and changes in the animal's behavior.
  • Take the necessary tests (blood, urine).
  • It is possible to prescribe computed tomography, myelography, epidurography, cystoscopy or ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity.

Only a veterinarian can make an accurate and correct diagnosis. After undergoing tests and diagnostic procedures, the doctor prescribes the necessary treatment strategy.

Important! The sooner the owner notices that the dog cannot pee normally and brings the animal for examination, the faster the pet will recover. Also, timely treatment reduces the risk of complications.

At the vet


The type of food you feed your dog plays an important role in how long they can go to the toilet. Food rich in moisture, as raw and wet foods can increase the amount and frequency of their urination.

Although your dog may have to pee more, diets rich in moisture aid digestion and can flush out toxins and bacteria that accumulate in their body. Dogs that are fed a strictly dry diet, such as kibble, may pee less, but this does not mean they are healthy.

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