Discharge in a dog from a loop after estrus - normal or pathological

Discharge in a dog most often occurs in 2 cases: after estrus and from the loop, and it happens:

  • spotting;
  • without smell;
  • transparent.

Discharge in dogs is not always a sign of any disease. Sometimes they are physiologically determined and do not pose any danger. However, it is very important to distinguish pathology from the norm in order to begin treatment at the first signs of the disease.

It can be difficult for the owner to determine how normal the animal’s condition is. Therefore, if you have any doubts on your part, contact your veterinarian, who will make an accurate diagnosis.

If the discharge is a symptom of such a serious disease as, for example, pyometra, then surgical intervention is necessary.

In our clinic, experienced veterinarians will help your pet 24 hours a day!

Why do dogs have discharge from the loop?

The “loop” is the name given to the external genitalia of bitches, which ends the dog’s birth canal. Normally, discharge from it is noticeable mainly only during the period of estrus, since the rest of the time it is transparent and released only in minimal quantities. All variants of emerging liquid are classified based on the following parameters:

  • by quantity - abundant or scanty;
  • by transparency - cloudy, translucent or transparent;
  • consistency - liquid or viscous;
  • by color - white, cream, dark gray, yellow, brown, green;
  • by the presence of inclusions - with the presence of blood, fibrous films, large amounts of mucus or purulent impurities (often these contribute to the appearance of a greenish-yellow or dark brown color);
  • by smell - with a weakly or strongly expressed sour or putrefactive aroma (sometimes smelly discharge appears even in puppies).

With a large amount of exudate from the vagina, the dog is forced to constantly lick itself, since, regardless of the level of viscosity, it gives it a lot of anxiety. In order to understand the nature of the origin of the discharge and decide on his further actions, the owner of the bitch needs to learn to distinguish the natural physiological causes of what is happening from pathologies. This can be done based on other symptoms of the disorder.

Physiological reasons

Among the physiological reasons that are safe for a bitch for the appearance of liquid or viscous exudate from the loop, only three reasons can be distinguished: the period of estrus, several days before giving birth and the recovery period after it. In each of these cases, the discharge will have its own characteristic features, and a deviation from the norm indicates the development of pathology.

Did you know? The most prolific dog is considered to be a female mastiff breed, named Tia. At the age of two, she gave birth to 24 puppies, of which 20 babies survived.


Blood variants of secretion from the loop occur in bitches 1-2 times a year, starting approximately 2-3 weeks before mating. In general, the estrus period in dogs is 21–28 days, but not all this time the female will allow a male to approach her. Usually the most favorable period for their “acquaintance” will be 10–12 days after the appearance of discharge, but if the owner does not plan the birth of offspring from his pet, then it is worth using all means to protect its contact with other relatives.

The first heat usually occurs between the 6th and 12th months of a female’s life, but to get strong puppies and prevent health problems for the female, experts recommend skipping it and not breeding the dog yet. In the case where physiological readiness for mating has not manifested itself until two years of age, it is worth showing the bitch to a veterinarian and making sure that there are no serious problems with her health.

During pregnancy and childbirth

During the entire pregnancy, no copious, foul-smelling, yellow, green or brown discharge should appear from the bitch’s vagina. A few days before the expected birth, the owner may notice a thick secretion of a whitish or grayish color on the loop, indicating an approaching birth. This is considered quite normal, just like bloody fluid secretion during the birth of puppies.

Over the next three weeks after giving birth, the dog's vagina will discharge a dark green or brownish discharge containing ichor. If they do not have an unpleasant putrid odor and gradually decrease in volume, there is no need to panic. In the first three days after the puppies are born, a slight increase in the dog’s body temperature and moderate diarrhea are also considered acceptable options, but if the owner notices the restless behavior of his pet, her intermittent heavy breathing and the desire to leave the den with the puppies as quickly as possible, it is worth contacting a veterinarian. The correctness of this decision will be confirmed by copious bloody clots of discharge with a pronounced unpleasant odor or a thinner scarlet exudate.

We recommend reading the signs of pregnancy in dogs, which affects its duration.

Possible diseases

If the dog is not in heat and has not given birth anytime soon, then any heavy vaginal discharge should alert a responsible owner, especially if it has an unpleasant odor and is brown, green or yellow in color. In addition, the presence of blood clots, mucus or pus in them should also cause concern, which often indicates the development of an inflammatory process in the uterus and vagina of the bitch.

Inflammation in the vagina

Vaginitis (inflammation of the vaginal mucosa) is one of the most common diseases of the genital tract in dogs, characterized by slight discharge from the loop, which the bitch quickly licks off. At the initial stage of the disease, an inexperienced owner may well confuse vaginitis with estrus, but as the pathology develops and body temperature rises, more obvious deviations in the pet’s behavior appear: lethargy, apathy, loss of appetite. When examining the external genitalia, their swelling will be noticeable, and when pressing on the area around the loop, the dog may experience pain.

In addition to adult bitches, the disease sometimes affects puppies that have not reached puberty. The juvenile variety manifests itself in a transparent mucous discharge from the female's loop, which in some situations can acquire a whitish or yellow-green tint. At the initial stages they have a more liquid consistency, but over time they become thick and viscous. The abundance of secretion depends on the individual characteristics of the dog, but in almost all cases the cause of its appearance is endocrine disorders in the body. Often, after the individual reaches puberty, the problem resolves itself and does not require medical intervention.

Vaginal discharge during vaginitis is often accompanied by severe itching, causing the dog to constantly lick the perineum. However, to make a final diagnosis, a cytological examination of the emerging exudate is performed. If an infection of bacterial origin is detected, additional antibacterial therapy will be required, using broad-spectrum antibiotics.

Important! Without a doctor's prescription, you should not give your dog any human medications, even if they are aimed at an existing problem. Some drugs are poisonous to animals (for example, the popular aspirin).

Inflammatory processes in the uterus

Among the inflammatory processes in the uterus itself, first of all, it is worth highlighting endometritis, characterized by damage to the internal mucous layer of the organ. Usually the disease occurs in acute or chronic form, but in the initial stages it often does not have a clear clinical picture. The reason for the appearance of the pathology lies in the imbalance of hormonal balance in the animal’s body, due to which the mucous membrane of the uterus thickens and an increased accumulation of secretory mucus is observed. In turn, it acts as an excellent place for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms, which becomes the main reason for the formation of purulent discharge. Unlike the acute period, the chronic course of the disease may not manifest itself at all, with the exception of the inability to conceive and bear offspring. The general condition of the bitch is quite satisfactory.

The second, no less rare cause of inflammation of the uterus is considered to be pyometra. Unlike endometritis, it manifests itself with a more noticeable clinical picture, since pus accumulates rapidly in the organ cavity. The disease can be closed or open, when purulent exudate leaves the uterus through an open lumen. The closed form of pyometra is expressed in the gradual accumulation of purulent exudate in the organ cavity, which ultimately leads to intoxication of the body and possible tissue rupture. Of course, the dog has little chance of survival, especially if we are talking about a neglected condition.

Among the accompanying symptoms of pyometra development are usually an increase in the animal’s body temperature, refusal to eat, vomiting, lethargy and apathy. The bitch lies down more, constantly licks herself and loses interest in everything happening around her. To eliminate the problem, they often resort to surgical treatment, and only in some situations it is possible to manage with drug therapy.

Cancerous tumors of the genital organs

Oncology is always a serious problem, regardless of whether the tumor is located in the genital area or other parts of the dog’s body. In the genitourinary system of an animal, malignant neoplasms usually affect the ovaries and uterus, although the possibility of so-called “venereal sarcoma” should not be excluded. It is sexually transmitted and affects the mucous membranes of the genital tract of both females and males, especially during uncontrolled matings of pets. Among the most noticeable symptoms of the disease, dog owners note the appearance of drops of blood from the external genital organ of the animal, and upon careful examination of the loop, parts of the neoplasms themselves, which look like cauliflower, may be noticeable.

Important! By licking itself, a dog can contribute to the mechanical transfer of tumor particles to the mucous tissues of the muzzle, after which the same “cabbage” lesions will form on them.

The main causes of cancer of the dog’s genital organs are usually considered:

  • remnants of parts of the ovaries after sterilization, which is why estrus continues and spotting periodically appears;
  • cultitis, manifests itself in the form of an inflammatory process in the stump remaining after removal of the uterus;
  • vaginitis;
  • malignant neoplasms in the vagina.

The exact cause of the disorder can only be determined after diagnosis at a veterinary clinic.

Possible treatment options

If a dog has vaginal discharge, a specialist may prescribe both medication and surgery. Of course, if this is natural discharge (during estrus or the postpartum period), then no treatment is required.

If we are talking about a pathological phenomenon (white discharge, purulent, brown, etc.), then this is usually:

  • surgical removal of the infected uterus. A foreign body, vaginal or uterine tumor must also be removed;
  • surgical correction of congenital pathologies of the ureter, rectum or vaginal walls;
  • drug treatment with antibiotics to eliminate the presence of infections, bacteria or inflammation caused by injury;
  • drug therapy if a problem with blood clotting is identified;
  • treatment with chemotherapy (indicated in the presence of tumors).

If eliminating the discharge does not require surgical intervention or complex drug therapy, then you can help your pet get rid of the problem at home. True, this will require a lot of effort and follow the recommendations of a specialist. During treatment, you need to be patient and before starting to solve the problem, be sure to show your pet to a veterinarian.

Why do genital diseases develop in dogs?

There may be several causes of diseases of the reproductive organs in bitches, often accompanied by vaginal discharge, but the most common are the following:

  • hormonal disorders associated with weakened immunity, complications after sterilization, difficult childbirth or premature maturation of the reproductive organs;
  • uncontrolled matings of animals or their complete absence;
  • traumatic injuries to the external genitalia;
  • failure to comply with sanitary standards for keeping a dog, especially during estrus or during childbirth;
  • damage to the dog’s uterus and birth canal as a result of the birth of large puppies (the likelihood of a bacterial infection increases);
  • infection of the dog with sexually transmitted infections during mating;
  • side effects from taking hormonal medications, with dangerous side effects.

If the female has a strong immune system, short-term exposure to any of the listed factors may not provoke the development of the problem, but the presence of several of them at once will most likely lead to the appearance of discharge from the animal’s genitals.

Prevention measures

To prevent the appearance of purulent and any other types of discharge from the urethra, it is necessary to adhere to the following preventive measures:

  • timely sterilization;
  • proper and balanced nutrition;
  • periodic visits to the veterinarian;
  • cleanliness in the house or dog kennel;
  • completion of all vaccinations that the animal must have;
  • dog activity. You need to spend a lot of time outdoors with your pet;
  • maintaining pet hygiene: bathing, combing, trimming claws, etc.

If you follow all the preventive measures listed above, the risk of such a pathology will be reduced to zero.

Many diseases of the genital organs in any type of dog always begin with purulent discharge. Therefore, if even minor smears are detected, you must take your pet to a veterinarian for examination. Often this is a clear symptom of the onset of an illness, treatment of which should be started as soon as possible.

Related article: Main causes and treatments for urinary incontinence in dogs

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What symptoms should you pay attention to?

Despite the possibility of the formation of different foci of damage to the reproductive organs of the animal, in most cases, inflammatory processes and associated discharge from the loop have common symptoms. The main signs of trouble in this case include:

  • the dog’s increased attention to its genitals, which is often accompanied by licking the area under the tail;
  • lethargic and apathetic state;
  • increased body temperature;
  • increase in abdominal volume;
  • increased thirst, causing the dog to drink a lot of water;
  • shortness of breath, which appears not only when climbing stairs, but also during normal walking;
  • vomiting or urge to vomit;
  • refusal to go for a walk;
  • frequent urination, sometimes even at home, in small portions.

Most of these signs appear only in advanced stages of the inflammatory process, while in the initial stages of the disease, owners do not always pay attention to changes in the behavior of their pet. The earlier the diagnosis is made, the greater the chances of a positive treatment outcome.

But that's not all

The reasons why a dog has discharge from the loop can also be:

  • vaginitis (mucous and watery discharge);
  • problems with blood clotting (abnormal bloody discharge that appears constantly, and not just during estrus);
  • the presence of a foreign body or injury (blood discharge at the initial stage, later turning into watery and purulent);
  • sphincter problems or abnormal position of the ureter (persistent watery discharge, often mistaken for urinary incontinence).

How is the diagnosis carried out?

To ensure the presence of a particular disease, you need to conduct a thorough examination of your pet at a veterinary clinic. If we are talking about strange discharge from a bitch’s loop, then the most common diagnostic procedures usually include the following:

  • visual examination of the mucous membranes of the external genital organs, measuring the dog’s body temperature and palpating its abdominal cavity;
  • collection by the doctor of anamnesis, including information about the nature and duration of discharge, the frequency of estrus and the number of pregnancies in the bitch;
  • conducting an ultrasound examination to determine the condition of the uterus, ovaries and vaginal walls, to detect malignant or benign neoplasms (cysts and tumors) both in the reproductive organs and in the abdominal organs;
  • passing general urine and blood tests, which help clarify the general condition of the animal and determine the location of the inflammatory process;
  • cytological examination of a smear taken from the vagina.

If a dog has an abnormal heart rhythm, it may be referred for an ECG and chest x-ray. Rarer diagnostic testing methods include a serological test for herpes and brucellosis, as well as a blood clotting test.

Did you know? Dog nose prints are as unique as the patterns left by human fingers. No two identical copies exist.

Is it possible to get vaccinations during estrus?

In the annotation for veterinary immunizing drugs there are no contraindications for the use of vaccines in animals during estrus.

Veterinary specialists, based on many years of observations, believe that immunizing a pet during heat does not affect the process of developing immunity to a particular infection. Therefore, if the time has come for the next vaccination, and the dog is in heat, then delaying the procedure is undesirable.

Nevertheless, experienced dog breeders recommend routine preventive vaccinations during the sexual resting phase. This opinion is based on the fact that estrus, although a physiologically normal process, still represents stress for the dog’s body.

Treatment of diseases in which the dog develops discharge from the loop

The treatment regimen for discharge from a dog’s loop is always developed taking into account the root cause of the existing disorder. Usually, in addition to symptomatic therapy using antipyretic and broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs, the veterinarian prescribes special solutions to maintain water-salt balance in the body and immunomodulatory drugs to strengthen the animal’s immune forces. Vitamin complexes will help speed up the regeneration of damaged parts of the mucous membrane of the internal genital organs.

In severe cases, when purulent discharge from the dog’s vagina is accompanied by a critical increase in body temperature and a deterioration in its general health, immediate surgery is possible. If the cause of the disturbances turns out to be a malignant neoplasm, after its removal the animal is prescribed a course of chemotherapy.

Preventive actions

It is impossible to completely exclude the possibility of developing diseases of the reproductive system. Fortunately, veterinarians have developed a system of measures that, if followed, will help reduce this likelihood:

  • a thorough medical examination before and always after mating;
  • regular examinations by a veterinarian;
  • if necessary, taking hormonal medications to normalize the background;
  • timely vaccination;
  • regular examination of the genital organs: anus and vagina in females;
  • strict adherence to hygiene measures.

It has been scientifically proven that sterilization reduces the likelihood of developing a large number of diseases and prolongs the life of pets. If the owners do not plan to breed puppies, this procedure can solve many problems, including discharge from the females’ loops. The procedure is common and completely safe.

Ultimately, whether to sterilize a female or not is up to the owners to decide. But you definitely need to monitor her health so as not to miss discharge of green or other colors and begin treatment for emerging diseases in a timely manner.

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