Oil for the dog
What to do and how to help a dog or puppy with constipation
People use various types of oils in everyday life; it is difficult to imagine the modern world without them.
Features of keeping Shar Pei dogs: what care does a pet need and how to choose the right food for it
Many potential Shar Pei owners look first at the appearance of their pets, thinking that
When can you start trimming a dachshund puppy’s nails and what is needed to carry out the procedure at home?
The dachshund is a hunting dog that has gained popularity not only among hunters, but
The dog bends in the lower back, almost does not get up, high temperature
When you think of your dog arching his back as a reason to...
why does a dog press his paw
Should you be concerned if your dog starts squeezing his paw?
You can often see a street dog tuck its paw. At this moment you involuntarily begin to think,
Childbirth in dogs
Childbirth in a dog: what and how to do? What to prepare for?
The birth of babies is a special moment in the life of every owner and his pet. Often new owners
How to train a dog to jump “ON HANDLES” AND WITH A U-turn?
In order to have a dog, they say, you need to be a good owner. First of all, it is important
Vaccination against rabies (rabies vaccine, CoCav, Rabipur)
Why is vaccination necessary? A vaccine helps a dog develop immunity to a certain infection. It contains
Feeding dogs
What foods should you not eat if you have allergies and why should you stick to a diet?
Every owner of a furry pet dreams of it being healthy and cheerful. Regular walks, careful
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Popular brands of dry food for pugs, which one is better to choose?
People adore these friendly and sociable dogs with huge, sad, naive eyes and
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