Playing with the dog at home
What you can play with your dog at home: without toys, with toys, dog sports, while washing
Playing with your dog can be fun and interesting. Look for entertainment options for your dog in this article.
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Polivak TM for dogs – vaccine against fungal diseases
Cat owners sometimes encounter a disease in their pets called ringworm. This is the view
The puppy constantly whines at night, what to do and how to wean it off?
If you buy a dog and bring it home, chances are it will
dog diseases
Distemper in dogs: how to treat, what to do, possible causes, symptoms, prescribed treatment, recovery period and veterinarian advice
Which dogs are at risk for the disease? Puppies and young dogs are most prone to this disease.
dog refuses dry food
Why doesn't my dog ​​eat dry food? The dog eats poorly and refuses dry food: reasons, reviews, advice. How to train a dog to eat dry food?
What to do if your dog stops eating dry food? This question may even arise
Dog scratching ears - diagnosis
Why does my dog ​​have scabs in his ears and what should I do?
Itchy ears in dogs is an extremely unpleasant thing. Owners often call it “ear mange.”
DIY protective collar for dogs
How to make a protective collar for a dog with your own hands
Today we will sew a veterinary protective collar for a dog or cat. Moreover
Tailed Tomboys
Why do dogs like to roll in feces and carrion?
Very often, novice dog breeders are perplexed by the fact that their dogs are lying in
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Is it possible to feed your dog pearl barley, and how to properly prepare this grain?
It’s rare that an owner offers his dog pure meat: it’s expensive and not very healthy.
How to determine the size of an adult dog by the size of a puppy
In the last few years, future owners are increasingly choosing
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