Why does a dog howl: common reasons and ways to correct your pet’s behavior

Over the centuries, observing the behavior of animals and birds, our ancestors collected and interpreted signs associated with certain actions of “our little brothers” and the events that followed.

From time immemorial in Russia they believed that a dog never howls without a reason.

. For example, according to popular superstitions, it is believed that the howling of a dog is a sign of fire or death.

However, this is not true in all cases, and therefore you should not always be afraid of this event.

Why does a dog howl - the main reasons

The ability to howl to dogs was passed on from their predatory ancestors - wolves.

The howling of a dog, especially in the dark, frightens and irritates many people. Partly, this attitude towards such sounds is associated with folk superstitions that attribute the prediction of various troubles to dog howls:

  • on the moon - to a change in the weather for the worse;
  • on a dark, moonless night - to future troubles and even war;
  • looking at a specific person - to his illness or death;
  • massive howling of dogs in the area - to a dead person in a populated area;
  • the howling of a homeless dog - to bad news from afar;
  • Howling of a pet while simultaneously bending its head to the floor means the death of a family member.

Zoologists and dog handlers are skeptical about folk signs. In their opinion, such behavior of the dog is explained only by its own physical or mental state. In each specific case, there is a completely logical explanation:

  • Deterioration in health. The animal is trying to inform its owner about the disease. This is a kind of complaint, and at the slightest suspicion of an illness, the owner should take the pet to the veterinarian.
  • Discomfort. The animal may be cold, hungry, or some strong smell bothers it.
  • Instincts. Sometimes dogs howl to warn of danger threatening their owner or home.
  • Fear. The dog is frightened by sharp sounds, flashes of light, and fireworks. In this situation, the person screams, and the dog howls.
  • Yearning. This is the most common cause of howling in a dog, especially when sitting on a chain. Howling is a sublimation of loneliness, a manifestation of a lack of attention on the part of a person.
  • The basic Instinct. Sensing a female nearby, a male dog may begin to howl, demanding to be let go “on a date.” Punishing a pet for such behavior is stupid and even cruel. It is better to provide an opportunity to realize a natural desire by arranging a meeting with the opposite sex for your pet.
  • The desire to communicate with relatives. People communicate with loved ones at a distance using the telephone, and dogs use their voices for the same purposes. This is how they inform their relatives about their location from all over the area.
  • Territory protection. Hearing the steps of strangers, the dog howls notifies the owner of the danger.
  • Expression of dissatisfaction with the actions of the owner. Dogs do not like manipulations with their body: bathing, haircuts, sharpening their nails, etc. Starting to howl loudly and protractedly, they try to force the owner to abandon his intentions and leave them alone.

The logical explanation for howling while bending the head to the floor is the smell of a seriously ill person. Irreversible processes in the body of a dying person cause a specific smell that is detected only by the dog’s sensitive nose. The animal covers its nose from this dying aroma, expressing its dissatisfaction and longing for the imminent loss with a plaintive howl or whine.

What do zoologists say about this?

We should start with the fact that the wolf and the moon are in no way connected. The wolf does not howl at the moon on purpose. It's just that his posture during this eerie sound misleads people. The misconceptions are supported by various images from the Internet that have been processed using Photoshop.

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The fact is that the howl when the wolf looks up is the loudest. Scientists wondered why wolves howl at the moon, and during the study they found that they do this at any time, even when the weather is cloudy and the moon is not visible. Okay, but why can this sound only be heard at night? It's simple, because wolves are nocturnal animals. They are active at night. When they make such melancholy sounds, it feels like they are communicating. In fact, this is true.

With the help of a howl, a wolf can signal to its fellows that it is going to hunt. Also, a wolf couple can notify their neighbors that they have small cubs. By howling, they make a kind of marking of territory. They seem to notify their fellows that the nearby territory is already occupied and should not be interfered with.

There is another interesting point why the howl of a wolf can most often be heard during a bright moon. At this time, as a rule, the nights are much lighter. Consequently, it is much more convenient for wolves to go hunting or simply wander through the forest.

So, to summarize, wolves use howls to communicate with each other, but why is hearing a howl during the day nonsense? Because they are nocturnal animals.

At different times of the day

First of all, it’s worth figuring out why the dog howls in the morning, afternoon or evening, and what it wants to convey to the owner:

  • Night howls are basic boredom. A few hours are enough for a young dog to sleep, so he does not understand why everyone around him lies motionless and does not communicate with him. This behavior can only be corrected with proper training.
  • Daytime howling is a manifestation of emotions, and not always negative ones. An animal can even howl with joy, expressing delight at playing or meeting its owner. If there is no reason for joy, howling is a demand from the owner for attention. It wants communication, asks to go for a walk, or it is hungry.
  • Howling in the morning is a way of manipulating the owner. Thus, the pet forces the owner to quickly take him for a walk.

There are so-called quiet breeds, from which it is difficult to even bark. Such “intelligents” include Whippets, Shar-Peis, Akita Inu, and St. Bernards. If a pet of one of these breeds suddenly begins to howl, it means he has health problems or something is causing him to feel anxious or afraid.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. Folk omens are not always true. If your pet howls, it doesn't have to be in trouble. Most likely, he is simply trying to draw attention to some problem.
  2. A dog's howling can be caused by many factors; it may be worth taking a closer look at your pet's behavior.
  3. It's easy to stop a dog from howling. Depending on the reasons, there are many different ways.

Stopping a dog from howling is not an easy process. The main thing is to be patient and under no circumstances use violence against the animal. Always pay attention to your pet's barking, because in this way he is simply trying to tell you that something is wrong. Pay more attention to his behavior, habits, and characteristics. Then there will be no problems. Remember, we are responsible for those we have tamed. Share in the comments below, does your dog howl and how do you deal with this problem?

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In a dream

Small puppies often howl because they miss their mother

The howling of a sleeping dog is a reaction to dreams. As a rule, dogs' dreams are much more vivid than human dreams. You can often notice that a sleeping dog wags its tail, jerks its legs as if running, growls, and barks. This behavior is associated with the processing of daytime events in the dog’s mind.

Most often this is typical for puppies or young dogs who are very energetic and impressionable. As the dog gets older, his sleep becomes calmer and the howling stops.

If such restless sleep is typical for your pet all the time, you should consult a veterinarian. He may need sedatives.

When you're left alone

When a person moves just a couple of meters away from the dog, it begins to whine, but now imagine what it feels like for it alone at home

A feeling of loneliness and uselessness inevitably arises in a dog left locked in an apartment or sitting on a chain in the yard. A dog is a social creature and requires almost constant attention from its owner.

When the owner leaves for work or other errands, the dog feels as if it has been abandoned. The same situation happens with a howling dog in the yard. The animal does not understand why the lights are on in the house, voices are heard, and he has to spend time alone, sitting on a chain near the booth. By howling, the dog demonstrates his own disagreement with this circumstance.

There are breeds that absolutely do not tolerate loneliness. Left alone with themselves, they howl, tear or gnaw various objects, and scratch furniture. Dachshunds, Alaskan Malamutes, Chihuahuas, and Basset Hounds are considered noisy. If dogs of these breeds are left in the apartment for a long time, complaints from neighbors to the owner are guaranteed.

Folk signs

There are a lot of folk beliefs about dog howling, and some of them may contradict others. Some resulted from random coincidences, while others have a completely adequate scientific explanation.

  • If a dog howls at the moon at night, it was considered a sign of a change in the weather.
  • A dog howls at a house - to a fire.
  • If the dog howls with his head down, there is a dead person in the house. If a dog howls while lying down, it has a presentiment of its own death.
  • The dog howls, holding his head straight - to hunger, pestilence or war.
  • A pack of dogs howling means big trouble.

To the moon

There is a version that not all dogs howl at the moon, but mainly those who have a freer lifestyle, that is, street dogs

The effect of the moon on the psyche of humans and animals has not yet been fully studied. During the full moon, scientists note that some people experience sleep disturbances, poor health, apathy, and even aggression. What can we say about animals that have increased sensitivity to natural phenomena?

Howling at the moon is a manifestation of anxiety, fear, similar to human feelings. This is how the animal expresses its anxious mood, which appears under the influence of the moon.

Musical ability

There are talented dogs, some of whom can perform complex acrobatic tricks and walk on their hind legs. As soon as familiar music starts playing, the animals begin to sing. From the outside it may seem that the pet is just howling, but no - this is a real song.

This feature is characteristic of hyperactive dogs. Most of all, dogs love to howl to the accordion, button accordion and flute.

To the music

Very often, the “singing” of dogs becomes the theme for videos, which then become popular

The peculiar “singing” of dogs to music is a common phenomenon. When a dog begins to howl to the beat of a melody, this does not mean that at this time he is experiencing negative emotions. If a sound is unpleasant to him, he will try to move away from it rather than whine or howl.

The howling of a dog accompanied by music is a song. This is how she expresses sympathy for the piece of music and demonstrates her own positive emotions.

Huskies are considered the most “singing” breed. These dogs practically do not bark, and all communication is based on whining, howling, and purring. The Eskimos believe that this behavior is explained by their close relationship with wolves. Zoologists explain this by the fact that huskies are pack animals. They need constant communication with their brothers. Living in an apartment, the breed considers the pack to be a family, so it constantly howls when communicating with people.

Loud rocks

  1. The most musical breed is considered husky. They differ from other breeds in that they almost never bark, and their only method of vocal communication is howling and whining. There are many legends why they lack barking in their communication - from the legends of the ancient Eximos to the close relationship of huskies with wolves.

    Before you buy a husky: 9 rules for choosing a puppy The reality is somewhat simpler. The fact is that huskies are pack animals and need communication every minute. They mistake the family they live in for a pack in an apartment, and if they are left alone, they begin to howl, calling members of the pack to go home.

  2. Close relatives of Siberian huskies are also prone to howling - Alaskan Malamutes. The reasons for the howling of these dogs are the same as those of huskies - they do not like to be left alone and begin to howl. They also often howl out of boredom - Malamutes were bred to be hardy working dogs with a lot of energy. If they have nowhere to put this energy, they begin to “sing.”

    Malamute and Husky: 12 differences with clear photos

  3. Mixed dogs and wolves by nature often howl - in wolfdogs Wolf blood is stronger than in all domestic purebred dogs. Obeying her, they often organize midnight concerts.

  4. Beagles They are no less famous for their love of loud howling songs. They sing along with sirens on the street, at home, howl and howl at any music they hear, even if it is the music of neighbors three floors below.

  5. Dachshunds The dogs themselves are quite noisy, which can always be indignant at something with a loud and ringing bark. When left alone at home, they almost constantly begin to howl, which irritates their neighbors.

    “Do you know that your howling bothers your neighbors?” “What are you saying?!”

  6. Little ringing chihuahua can become the scourge of all neighbors. Due to their size, they are unable to defeat their opponents or express their dissatisfaction in any way; they begin to howl loudly and for a long time, and no amount of shouting can calm the animal down. Especially if no one worked on raising the dog.

  7. Representatives of Basset Hounds , a famous hunting breed, are renowned not only as good hunters of burrowing animals, but also as good “singers”. They cannot stand loneliness, they always need a companion.

How to stop a dog from howling

Choose gentle ways to wean dogs from howling; there is no need for cruelty here.

To wean your pet from an unpleasant habit, you must first try to determine the specific reason for this behavior. First you need to exclude the possibility of illness. A dog that constantly howls must be taken to a veterinarian to determine the pet’s health.

If the dog has no problems with physical health, then it is important to start working with its emotions:

  • Try to increase the time you spend walking and playing with your pet. During walks, the dog should receive sufficient energy output: a tired dog will not hold “concerts,” especially at night. If he is a hunting breed, then regular trips to nature are necessary to satisfy his instincts.
  • When leaving your dog alone in an enclosed area, you need to make sure there is enough food and drink. The dog's corner should be provided with the necessary toys. Alternatively, you can leave the radio on in the house so that she has a sense of human presence.
  • Ensure soundproofing of the room. The dog’s sensitive hearing reacts to sounds in the entrance or neighboring apartments, and the animal expresses its anxiety by howling or barking.
  • Teach the commands “quiet”, “be silent”, “no”. This will allow you to control the animal.
  • If your dog howls to music, it is better to immediately turn off his favorite tune. It is better not to encourage howling along with melodies with applause or laughter. As soon as the pet understands that its songs bring pleasure to the owner, it will begin to howl even at night in order to once again communicate with the person. It will be very difficult to wean the dog from howling in this situation.
  • Encourage your pet if it stops the unpleasant howling on command: praise it, treat it with a treat.
  • Punish howling by leaving home. As soon as the dog begins to howl, the owner is advised to leave the room and return as soon as the pet is silent. The dog will understand that the owner is dissatisfied with his behavior and will learn to remain quiet.
  • An effective way to deal with a dog that is howling to get attention is to ignore it. If the dog understands that howling can attract the owner to play or force him to take him for a walk, he will howl more and more often.
  • For a dog spending the night in a kennel on the street, you can leave some item of your beloved owner overnight. This will create a sense of human presence for your pet, and he will calm down.
  • A somewhat cruel way to prevent howling is the Antilay collar. It is equipped with a control panel, with the help of which the owner sends an electric discharge to the dog’s neck during an unauthorized howl or bark. This is how he is weaned from howling at the training level. If the electric discharge is accompanied each time with the command “quiet” or “keep silent,” over time it will be possible to make do with only words, refusing the electric shock.

You can wean a dog from howling in various ways, but this does not mean that the animal will stop experiencing negative emotions. The owner needs to take care of the psychological comfort of the pet, then its emotional state will stabilize and the howling will disappear. If the howling is an attempt to communicate problems, then the dog needs help. When howling is a manifestation of joy, there is no point in fighting it, because the animal also has the right to express its own emotions.

Memory of ancestors

Dog handlers claim that the “Howl” program is embedded in every dog. Dogs got this habit from wolves. In the wild, animals communicate with each other using their voices. The leader of the pack warns of danger and calls together his relatives. The male howls to signal his readiness to mate.

Wolves whine when they feel bad or good. In order for the message to be better heard by all members of the pack, the animal chooses an open, preferably elevated space and raises its muzzle upward.

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