Breeding: breeding French bulldogs, pregnancy and childbirth. Caring for dogs and puppies

Each breed of dog has its own characteristics, so before breeding they must be taken into account in order to avoid mistakes. French bulldogs are considered an elite breed. These are small, cute dogs with a flattened muzzle, protruding ears and a stocky build.

They have a variety of colors, but their types are still prescribed by the international standard. Let's look at the features of breeding French bulldogs and what difficulties breeders may encounter.

When does puberty begin and how long does the first heat last?

The dog's first heat (estrus) indicates that the bitch has reached puberty. This period usually occurs between 6 and 12 months of age. If this happened a little earlier or later, you need to show your pet to a veterinarian.

The approach of estrus is accompanied by a change in the behavior of the “French woman”:

  • lethargy;
  • weak activity;
  • hyperactivity;
  • excessive or vice versa - weak appetite.

In addition, even a well-trained dog can be disobedient.

Estrus in French bulldogs is divided into the following stages:

  1. Proestrus . The period of this stage is from 1 to 9 days. If it drags on, there is nothing to worry about - proestrus can last up to 17 days. At this time, the loop begins to swell and spotting appears.
  2. Estrus . The duration of this stage is about 9 days, and can last up to 3 weeks. During estrus, the discharge begins to become more scanty, its scarlet color changes to pinkish, the loop becomes smaller and softens a little. During this period, the bulldog begins to show interest in male dogs. Estrus is the ideal time for mating.
  3. Metestrus . The final stage, in which the bitch gradually loses interest in males and begins to avoid them. The duration of metestrus is approximately 2 months.
  4. Anestrus . The final stage of a dog's sexual activity, which lasts about six months until the next proestrus.

Important to remember! During the entire period of estrus, the pet must be walked only on a leash. This will help avoid unwanted mating.

Has fertilization occurred?

We can talk about unconditional pregnancy no earlier than the fifth week from the day the mating took place. In the first month there are no external signs or changes in behavior. She may be sad and inactive, have an increased appetite and drink large quantities of water.

After the first month, the nipples swell, becoming pale pink, and there is clear vaginal discharge.
The belly becomes visible by the sixth week, the pet’s behavior also changes, it looks for a place for a nest, and begins to build a shelter. But pregnancy can be determined with 100% accuracy only at 7-8 weeks, when the fetus moves in the stomach when palpated.

With proper knitting of French bulldogs and timely resolution of problem situations in the process, pregnancy will occur without problems.

It is important to remember: once you start breeding pets, continue to do so to avoid subsequent health problems.

Care before mating

The owner of a “Frenchie” who plans to breed a pet in the near future should prepare her even before estrus. Preparation consists of carrying out the following activities:

  • Prevention of parasites. A month before the expected estrus, the bitch must be given an anthelmintic and also treated with a flea preparation.
  • Make sure your dog has all required vaccinations.
  • Normalize weight. If the bulldog is too overfed, you should put it on a diet. And when she is too thin for her breed, provide her with nutritious food.
  • As soon as the emptying begins, you need to start giving mineral supplements containing vitamins.

What to cook

  1. Sterile gauze (sold in a pharmacy);
  2. Ironed towels;
  3. Scissors for cutting the umbilical cord;
  4. Zelenka;
  5. Antiseptic (for disinfecting hands and scissors);
  6. Vatu;
  7. Petrolatum;
  8. Cup or small kitchen scales;
  9. Oxytocin (to stimulate labor);
  10. Syringe;
  11. Colored yarn or multi-colored ribbons for tagging babies;
  12. A weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  13. Thread for tying the umbilical cord;
  14. Pipette for mucus.

Important! The owner should be present at the birth even if he does not provide assistance, the pet will feel more confident.

There are cases when a girl refused to give birth without her owner, the process was delayed, which provoked pathology and complications in the children and mother. The process is divided into three stages:


The uterus contracts, the cervical canal opens, the duration is from 5 to 36 hours.


The contractions are more frequent, and attempts appear - contraction of the abdominal muscles. Children are starting to be born. Usually the bulldog itself gnaws the umbilical cord and licks the baby.

The umbilical cord is tied 2 cm from the navel; leaving more is not recommended to avoid the appearance of a hernia. The umbilical cord should be cut slightly below the ligation site. After 1-2 days it will disappear on its own.

The appearance interval is possible from 10 to 50 minutes. A longer period of time is possible. Labor is over if 2 or more hours have passed since the last baby. After this, oxytocin is administered.

The bitch usually eats the afterbirth, and also cleans the children on her own; if the mother is very tired and did not get the children out, then break the bubble yourself, free the mouth and nose from mucus. Take a pipette and suck out the mucus from the nasal passages, using gauze to clean the oral cavity.

Each dog needs to be weighed, the results written down in a notebook, and be sure to mark them with multi-colored ribbons or threads around the neck.

After the birth and all the events, put the children with their mother and let them rest.

Postpartum period

Carefully monitor the condition of your pet and offspring. If your pet behaves sluggishly and the discharge does not stop after 2-3 days, then take the mother to the clinic.

Place a light-colored cloth in the nest, this will make it easier to track the nature of the discharge. Measure your temperature, a temperature of 39-40 is critical.

Do not kick the dog out of the place in the first hours; if the Frenchie asks to go to the toilet, be sure to take her outside.

Green, transparent, dark and black discharge with greenish impurities are considered normal. If the discharge is abundant, continuous, and mixed with blood, then the pet needs hospitalization.

Check daily how things are going with feeding, whether there are any lumps, whether the nipples are clean, and most importantly, watch how the puppies eat. Children often push away the little ones, make sure that everyone gets a place with mom.

Mating dogs: rules and difficulties

For successful mating, owners of a pair of French bulldogs need to know how to do it correctly:

  1. The first mating of a bulldog should not be earlier than 15-18 months. Before this, 2-3 heats should pass.
  2. Find a healthy partner. He should not have hereditary pathologies. You also need to make sure that both suit each other in height.
  3. At the time of mating, both dogs must be completely healthy.
  4. It is better to breed pets in the male territory. He will feel more comfortable and confident.
  5. Mating should be carried out in a ventilated, enclosed area; the slippery floor should be covered with carpets. If mating occurs during the cold season, the room should be well heated.
  6. Before mating, both dogs need to be given a good walk, but not fed. The process is carried out on an empty stomach.

Depending on the experience of the dog, hand or freestyle mating is carried out . When freestyle, dogs can be left alone, especially if the bitch shows interest in her partner. Hand knitting is required when the dog has no experience - he cannot get into the loop the first time.

In this case, the owner of the bitch supports the pet by the collar and belly, constantly calming and stroking her. The owner of the male guides his dog when he does the mounting, lightly supporting him by the croup. After ejaculation, the dogs can be released - they will behave calmly.

Dogs stay in the castle for up to 15 minutes . At this time, there is no need to touch them, much less take them apart.

In some cases, owners of French bulldogs may encounter the following difficulties during mating:

  • The owner is nervous - the excitement is transmitted to the dog. Mating, especially the first one, is a test not only for pets, but also for owners. You should try to pull yourself together and not show your worries to the dog.
  • Spoiled bitch. A dog accustomed to constant care and excessive affection may become frightened in an unfamiliar place, bite a male dog, or try to hide. In this case, it is better to entrust the mating to an experienced dog handler and leave. The dog will behave more disciplined in the absence of the owner.
  • The male dog does not want to be caged. This usually happens due to the dog's inexperience. You need to take a break: let the dog rest, then cheer him up.
  • The dog fell into the noose, but the lock did not form. In such a situation, fertilization definitely does not occur. It is better to carry out a control mating in a couple of days.
  • The female and male are of different heights , so the dog cannot get into the noose. A special stand will help here.

Note! For successful fertilization, a second control mating should be carried out a couple of days after the first.

Ejaculation outward

This happens when the young male is inexperienced.
If the bulldog, after many attempts, is unable to enter the vagina and is overexcited, then ejaculation occurs outward. Further attempts at mating are impossible; the penis remains swollen for some time. Let the animals calm down, take them to different rooms. Re-mating is carried out on the same day after a few hours.

How long do pregnant women go, how to take care of them and what to feed them?

Pregnancy in French bulldogs lasts on average up to 70 days.

As for the care and nutrition of the bitch, it differs depending on the stage of pregnancy:

  • Up to 3 weeks. Signs of pregnancy are almost invisible. Successful fertilization can be judged by increased sensitivity to external factors and deterioration of appetite. There is no need to change your diet, and you shouldn’t force anyone to eat either.
  • Week 4. “French women” who eat natural foods should be given fresh greens and fill the menu with protein foods. Bulldogs who eat ready-made food need to purchase products for pregnant women.
  • Week 5. By this time, you need to carefully monitor the dog's condition. By week 5, her nipples begin to swell and colostrum is released when pressure is applied. In addition, a small amount of mucus appears from the loop. It is important to ensure that it is transparent.
  • Week 6. The bitch's hips expand and her belly becomes larger. She begins to look for a secluded place to raise her offspring. Now the dog should be fed 3 times a day, and by week 7 switched to 4 meals a day. Walks should be leisurely, without excessive physical activity.
  • Week 8. The dog needs to prepare a box for future puppies so that she gets used to it. The offspring are already beginning to move. During this period, it is advisable to do an ultrasound to accurately determine the number of puppies. It is necessary to remove meat from the diet, replacing it with fish.
  • Week 9. From this moment on, the “Frenchie” needs to be fed 4-6 times a day, but the amount of food should be reduced.

Important to remember! A couple of days before the expected birth, fish should be excluded from the diet.


Normally, the interval between estrus is 6 months, but this phase is individual for each female. An interval earlier than five months and later than 10 is a reason for concern and examination of the animal by a specialist.

The frequency is influenced by various factors: living conditions, diet, animal temperament, the influence of pheromones from the environment of nearby bitches. In domestic dogs, it is observed mainly 2 times a year - in autumn and winter. Dogs living in the wild expire once a year in the spring and give birth to puppies during the warm period of the year.

A pet requires care and proper care. Owners of bitches need to pay due attention to the signs of ovulation and the course of the process in their pet during these hectic days.

Preparing for childbirth

Childbirth in French bulldogs is usually difficult, so it is better to arrange with your veterinarian in advance - a caesarean section may be required.

The onset of labor is accompanied by a decrease in the dog's body temperature to 37 degrees , milk appears, and she begins to spend more time in a pre-prepared box.

If the birth goes without complications, then contractions and pushing will soon begin, and the first puppy will be born. The owner should immediately free it from the membranes, clean the mouth of mucus, and then tie the umbilical cord in two places. Then cut it above the constriction points, treat the edges with an antiseptic.

Under no circumstances should you let your dog chew the umbilical cord. It can injure the puppy.

Each new puppy should be placed in a separate box from the mother with a pre-prepared heating pad so that the dog does not injure the babies during the birth process.

When is a male ready and when is a female ready?

Bitches reach sexual maturity when they are 7-9 months old, but keep in mind that mating at this age can have disastrous results in the literal sense. Pregnancy may occur, but pregnancy may not be possible for a small dog.

This will affect both the puppies and the health of the mother herself. And no matter how much the owner wants to start breeding bulldogs earlier, it is better to wait. The main criterion for breeding is the birth of healthy puppies with a good pedigree, which means we follow all the rules of mating.

Mating of bulldogs is possible if the future parents are healthy on the day of mating, treated for helminths and vaccinated. Otherwise, you take responsibility for the next generation; why should dogs suffer and get sick due to the owner’s negligence. A true dog lover would never allow this to happen.

So, to set a mating day, carefully study the characteristics of the male dog, pedigree, passport and other documents. The quality of a French bulldog's sperm depends only on the illnesses it has experienced, and the more of them, the worse. But if he is absolutely healthy, then everything depends on the health of the bitch to a greater extent.

The age when a male dog is ready is 24 months, which means you can easily arrange a date for your bitch with a two-year-old male dog. It would be good to look at him shortly before mating; his appearance can speak volumes, especially if you are aware of the signs of illness in the bulldog.

If you notice running eyes or nose, redness on the skin that is visible to the naked eye, it is better to postpone mating for several months. Or refuse a partner, in general, everything is decided by the owner, because he is the one who will not allow mating with a sick dog.

The girl (bitch) must be treated for helminths and also vaccinated. Her first heat is not a reason to immediately run to a male dog, wait, her age - 8 months, does not yet indicate the ability to bear healthy offspring, and the first such litter can be painful.

It is better if dogs engage in masturbation or take harmless drugs to slightly suppress desire, than to allow an organism that is not yet strong enough to become pregnant.


Problems that the owner may encounter during the birth of a “French woman”:

  1. Weakened contractions or pushing. Most often this occurs due to the dog being overweight or having dead puppies. In such a situation, the veterinarian gives an injection to stimulate labor.
  2. Large puppies. They can get stuck in the birth canal. The only correct solution is a caesarean section.
  3. Incorrect position of puppies. The situation can only be corrected by a veterinarian by giving the dog anesthesia and, after relaxing the muscles, turning them into the correct position.
  4. Atypical discharge after childbirth. This usually indicates that there is a puppy remaining in the uterus. Need urgent veterinary help.
  5. Ectopic pregnancy. Only urgent surgery with further long-term treatment can correct the situation.
  6. Lack of milk. The veterinarian gives a special injection to stimulate lactation.

Signs of false pregnancy

Imaginary pregnancy is typical not only for women, but also for females of various animals (including French bulldogs). Then the bitch who has not mated will show symptoms of pregnancy:

  • a failed mother prepares a “nest” for puppies;
  • collects toys and various objects that play the role of children near the bed;
  • licks, feeds the “children” and hurries home from a walk to look after them;
  • the bitch is restless and often irritated;
  • the stomach increases;
  • the nipples swell and milk comes out;
  • some individuals simulate labor.

This condition is typical for bitches who mate irregularly.

If symptoms of a false pregnancy appear, the female French Bulldog should be taken to the veterinarian. The specialist prescribes sedatives and a diet without fermented milk products. Long walks and games will also help normalize the body’s condition.

Important! After mating, a frozen pregnancy may occur. Then, 8 weeks after fertilization, the bitch’s temperature rises and there is no movement of the fetuses. In this case, consultation with a veterinarian is necessary.


If we talk about helping a dog, then immediately after giving birth the dog needs to be given something to drink , and if it does not refuse, then something to eat. Warm milk or light broth is good for these purposes. After this, you can take your pet for a walk.

If a dog has undergone a caesarean section, the owner will have to feed the babies himself, and the bitch will have to regularly treat the suture with medication. When a bulldog feeds puppies on its own, you need to take care of the air temperature in the room - it should be at least 24 degrees.

When, for certain reasons, puppies are left without a mother, in addition to feeding, another problem arises - they cannot yet defecate on their own. Therefore, you should regularly massage each baby’s tummy with a damp cloth.

5 days after birth, small French bulldogs have their fifth toes removed. This procedure should only be performed by a veterinarian.

To start breeding French bulldogs, you should monitor its health, diet, and activity from the first time your pet appears in your home. By approaching the issue of caring for the dog responsibly, the owner will receive healthy offspring from his pet.

How many puppies are born to bulldogs?

Inexperienced breeders are always concerned about how many puppies a French bulldog gives birth to. It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. The number of puppies may vary from litter to litter. This depends on many factors: the age of the parents, their physiological state, heredity and living conditions.

At approximately 1.5–2 years of age, a dog gives birth to 3–5 puppies. But this figure is approximate.

A healthy, properly cared for female French Bulldog over 2 years of age will give birth to 6-7 puppies.

The fertility of a bitch can be assessed by the first litter. If she gave birth to a few puppies the first time, then in the future you should not expect a large litter. Although exceptions are possible.

If a dog breeder wants to get a large litter, then he needs to choose the right partners for breeding. These must be healthy dogs, with good heredity, over 2 years old. The young will produce a modest litter.

Features of behavior

Shortly before ovulation begins, the dog begins to get nervous. She becomes lethargic or overly aggressive. This also applies to appetite. The bitch stops eating or constantly feels hungry.

Signs of the onset of maturation include:

  • Disobedience replaced by submission;
  • Weight gain associated with constant hunger;
  • Frequent trips to the toilet;
  • Swelling of the loop.

Behavior towards individuals of the opposite sex changes over time. At first, the bitch does not allow male dogs to approach her. But then everything changes and sexual desire arises. If an unwanted mating of dogs occurs, then you should not forcibly separate them. The coupling is strong and forceful release will result in serious injury. Veterinarians advise delaying mating until the pet is 1 year and 3 months old. Bulldogs produce offspring throughout their lives.

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