How the Chinese Shepherd was bred and its main differences from the German one

The German Shepherd is perhaps the most popular dog in the world. It is universal, and many of its working qualities and characteristics are priceless for humans.

It is for this reason that many cynological associations from around the world have worked with this breed in order to adapt it to the needs and living conditions in their region.

China did not stand aside. Their version is more impressive than others. The similarities with the German Shepherd are obvious, but overall the result is a completely different breed.

History of the breed

During the Chinese Cultural Revolution, many valuable breeds of working dogs went extinct. At this time, the need for four-legged helpers only increased, and dog handlers turned to the world-famous German Shepherd. They were crossed with local dogs, as well as with a wolf.

The result was the so-called Wolfdogs, the second common name for our heroes in their homeland. The popularity of this species in China is simply amazing.

Perfect, working dogs, ideal guards, adapted to serve humans, and therefore suitable for training and education.

Official recognition occurred in 1988. From that moment on, the Chinese Shepherd began to conquer not only its country of origin, but also other countries. Although many in Europe prefer the already familiar and familiar German Shepherd, the Chinese equivalent has already aroused interest and captivated many with its exoticism. In addition, he is more resilient and interesting for his characteristics, which he inherited from wolves. By and large, these dogs are used as labor or as employees of various security organizations, but they may also be quite suitable as a pet.


There are several varieties of these dogs. Shepherd dogs with a black back are strong and tough, excellent guards and defenders. Straw yellow dogs are ideal for racing and tracking. It's just quite difficult to calm them down. Dogs of the “black wolf” color are very active animals. They are suitable for any type of service. Chinese Red Shepherds are also used in the police and military. Dogs guard various public events, search for explosives and drugs, and participate in dog fights and other competitions. Many people keep these animals as watchdogs in private homes.

Description of the breed

For many “German” lovers, a photograph of a Chinese relative may even be shocking.

On the one hand, the similarity really exists, but on the other hand, it is very distorted.

The silhouette is slightly elongated, flattened with an increased head size.

We will try to summarize all the external differences from the original and list them:

  • The head is much larger, it seems disproportionate to the body.
  • The back, just like the original, follows a slightly beveled line towards the tail.
  • The body is more compact, square in shape.
  • The ears are longer and strongly pointed.
  • Strongly developed, wide chest.
  • They have a flattened snout.
  • The nose is square in shape and covered in black.
  • The paws are powerful and strong.
  • The tail is the same as that of their ancestors.
  • The colors are identical to the original.
  • The coat is dense, short with a good, warm undercoat.

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The Chinese model is superior to the “Germans” in strength and endurance. They can easily run through the mountains, hunt and look for traces of a pursued person.

In China, they are used everywhere, from simply guarding the territory to serving in the police, in rescue operations and in other operations that require serious training from dogs. For them, there is practically no difference between high and warm temperatures, since they can withstand any climatic conditions with ease. We can say that the creators really managed to improve the look in many ways. It is possible that in the east such manipulation is justified and bringing a wolfdog into service makes life easier for a person, but how justified is this for Europeans and for the inhabitants of our country?

Chinese Crested Dog

  • Height: from 28 to 33 cm
  • Weight: from 3.6 to 5.5 kg
  • Life expectancy: 13 to 18 years
  • Average cost: from 1200 to 2200 dollars

Those prone to runny noses and sore throats may enjoy the Chinese Crested Dog, a “hypoallergenic” hairless dog breed that typically weighs no more than 5.5 kg. While no dog is truly hypoallergenic, this breed has a very low level of allergens.

Interesting fact: Chinese crested dogs were often taken on voyages to help prevent the spread of black plague on ships, because they quickly caught bilge rats.

The Chinese Crested Dog comes in two varieties : almost hairless with soft, smooth skin and tufts of hair on the head, paws and tail; and completely covered with soft, silky fur. Interestingly, there are very few differences between the two varieties and both can be born in the same litter.

Chinese crested dogs make up for their small size with their striking appearance and devotion to their owners, often serving as ideal companions for a comfortable holiday. Their small bodies also have a lot of vitality - they are a long-lived breed with a lifespan of up to 18 years.

Although Chinese Crested dogs do not shed, the hairless variety can be susceptible to skin irritation and should be protected with sunscreen when outdoors. It is also worth noting that the Chinese Crested Dog is sometimes called a “cat dog” because, like a cat, it likes to climb high objects.

Maintenance and care

As you understand, the dog was created with such an idea that thoughts about its maintenance and care would not bother the owners at all.

But still, this is not a robot, but a living creature that needs care and a certain comfort. First of all, let's talk about wool, of course.

In any case, she needs a comb, and she should be combed regularly. Of course, if you want your dog to look neat, and not like a descendant of timber wolves. During the molting period, there will be plenty of fur, since the fur itself and the undercoat are quite thick.

Feeding does not require special attention when creating a menu. Naturally, the majority of the diet consists of meat and offal. The meat can be served either raw or boiled along with vegetables and cereals. You should not give your dog anything fatty, salty, peppery or sweet. If you want to switch to dry food, then in this matter it is important to be guided by the pet’s lack of allergies to the chosen product. There is no specialized food, but the one that was developed for German shepherds is also perfect.

A trip to the veterinary clinic is mandatory if your Chinese friend intends to become a member of your family. Don't forget about vaccinations and systematic treatment of your dog against harmful insects. Their health is usually excellent and they can definitely live with you for fifteen years, but preventive examinations by specialists will help prevent diseases or provide the necessary assistance in a timely manner. This is necessary not only for your pet, but also for you. Since preventing or promptly identifying will result in not only a disease that is dangerous for animals, but also contagious for humans, and there are quite a few of them.

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Chow chow

  • Height: from 43.2 to 50.8 cm
  • Weight: from 20.4 to 32 kg
  • Life expectancy: 8 to 12 years
  • Average cost: from 1000 to 4000 dollars

Associated with China's Han Dynasty, the Chow Chow is one of the oldest living dog breeds, dating back to the 11th century BC . Even ancient Chinese artifacts have been discovered depicting this mighty breed. The Chow Chow is a versatile dog breed. Its original purpose was hunting, herding and protection. It gained worldwide popularity only in the 18th century, when representatives of this breed fell into the hands of the British.

Fun fact: This is one of only two dog breeds with a blue-black tongue, a special characteristic only shared by the Chinese Shar-Pei.

With its frowning face and fluffy fur, the Chow Chow has a very distinct bear-like appearance . Socialization and training at an early age are important for this breed. In warm weather, exercise should be limited as the pet can easily overheat, but in cooler months the Chinese Bear Dog should be walked regularly.


A lot can be said about character, since the genetics of our heroes are quite complex.

In general, the breed obliges these dogs to have a balanced psyche, be easy to train, educate and get along with people.

They are superior in temperament to "Germans" and can be more aggressive if attacked or while defending their owners. They will never show aggression towards their owners.

They love children and tolerate even small cubs with their encroachments and desire to play.

If the harassment becomes unbearable for the dog, then they will try to sneak away unnoticed and hide in an inaccessible place. There have been no recorded cases of attacks on children, but this does not mean that parents can leave their baby alone with an animal. In any case, no matter how cute and funny your favorite pet is, it remains a beast. And we shouldn’t forget about this. Nature is capable of presenting surprises to humans. And no matter how much people would like to keep everything under control, even robots or highly scientific technology can get out of control. And any living creature is prone to self-will.


It is worth noting that Chinese breeds are characterized by a specific appearance. Most breeders indicate that these dogs look very unusual, to some extent too exotic. They are divided into smooth-haired, as well as downy, resembling bear cubs, hairless, with folds and other non-standard characteristics.

Such biodiversity arose not so much due to natural selection and anatomical features, but also thanks to enormous breeding work. In addition, the sympathy of the Chinese monarchs for decorative dog friends, as well as the centuries-old isolation of the Celestial Empire, had an influence.

At the same time, even taking into account the serious efforts of breeders to breed new breeds, most species of Chinese quadrupeds have not changed and have retained their original appearance and their natural physical and psychological traits.

Due to the severe overpopulation of China, small-sized animals, which also do not emit unpleasant odors, are especially popular here.

In addition, each Chinese dog breed has its own specific features and characteristics unique to it. But still, there are certain common features that are universal for all “Chinese” people.

For example, these four-legged animals have a fairly developed intellect, they have a stubborn character, and developed traits such as devotion and fidelity to one owner.


to buy a purebred Chinese Wolfdog in our country . If you want just such a puppy, then it is possible that you will have to go to China. From which the cost of the baby will increase significantly. They are also not common in Europe, and finding a reliable nursery is almost impossible.

On average, the price for a puppy will be about five hundred euros. Before you go looking for a suitable pet, try to find a reliable breeder on the Internet and contact him. It is better to discuss a preliminary agreement by correspondence.


They can live 10-12 years. The length of life depends on its quality. They have excellent health, but there are a number of diseases inherent in them. Among them: cancer, problems with the digestive system and musculoskeletal system, cataracts, corneal dystrophy, joint dysplasia, growth hormone deficiency, epilepsy, pericardium, pyoderma, dermatitis.

Unfortunately, the list is not short and these are real diseases that are most often inherent in the breed. But if you take proper care of your dog and undergo all necessary examinations on time, then no problems should arise.

It is also recommended to purchase puppies from nurseries, as they only sell healthy pets. Although these diseases are predominantly not hereditary, puppies may already have some of them at birth.


Some owner reviews:

  • “Frankly speaking, I did not notice any difference in the behavior of the German and Chinese shepherds. I was there for a long time, but out of curiosity I also purchased an oriental copy. Because of their flattened appearance, they seem more touching and funny."
  • “Difficult to train and aggressive, wolf genes take their toll. I would definitely not recommend it as a pet. But if you need a good service dog, then you can try it. But training and education must be tough.”


Since the breed is predisposed to bloating and other digestive problems, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to developing the diet. Due to possible food allergies, it is worth introducing new foods one at a time to check your pet's reaction. If there are no problems, you can include them in your diet. Do not give foods prohibited for dogs, sweet or fatty foods. You cannot give human food from the table.

You can buy food - this is the easiest way to avoid gastrointestinal diseases. If food is prepared at home, it is necessary that it has a high-quality protein base with an optimal amount of fats and carbohydrates. Additional mineral and vitamin supplements will help avoid nutritional deficiencies. It is very important that your dog always has fresh water in his bowl.

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