How to stop a dog from littering the house. Causes and solution to the problem

The animals we care for often give us surprises. They, like children, can be naughty, spoiled, and playful. The character of some pets leaves much to be desired. Agree, we are not always distinguished by good qualities. The difference between a person and an animal is precisely in habits and behavior. If the latter are driven by instincts, then people are able to analyze their actions and actions.

What to do when you can’t get your dog to start asking to go outside to the toilet? Or perhaps there are some psychological prerequisites due to which the animal begins to become dirty indoors? Let's look at the reasons why the dog began to shit at home.

Experts identify more than a dozen main risks that can cause such a problem. What is important here is a correct and calm reaction to the fact that the dog has begun to harm. Perhaps there are more serious reasons behind this. A lot depends on the dog’s well-being. But, usually, physiological and psychological components of health are distinguished. Factors that affect the condition of your pet should be taken into account. If you have a puppy and not an adult dog, it could be a matter of both learning and stomach problems. An important step in overcoming the problem will be education or a trip to the veterinarian. As you can see, the reasons can be varied. And definitely worth the owner’s attention.

Physiological reasons

  • Involuntary urge to go to the toilet or the desire to pee in the house can be caused by problems with the genitourinary system. The dog can catch a cold or get sick. It should also be taken into account that sometimes this is caused by incorrectly selected food;
  • If your pet is female, it may be due to estrus or pregnancy;
  • Quite often, a dog begins to defecate if it has problems with digestion. Often, this is influenced by the food you feed your pet. Food must be selected taking into account the age of the animal, its breed and size. For example, for small Spitz dogs it is not recommended to use hard and large ones, and sometimes it is healthier to cook porridge. Moreover, both for small breeds and for larger dogs.

Stomach upset

A dog may pick up something inappropriate during a walk or receive a product as a treat that causes indigestion and, as a result, diarrhea. It's not the dog's fault. She simply had no other choice, she had to do everything at home. Usually, the dog already feels guilty, and there is no point in scolding it; on the contrary, it is better to calm it down - well, sometimes there is no point in picking up all sorts of rubbish.

It is necessary to remove everything and give the pet adsorbents (activated carbon, enterosgel and others) depending on the weight of the dog. It is very good to brew chamomile and give the dog a drink of the decoction after a walk. There is no point in feeding the dog; let it go hungry for a day, but it must have access to water.

Psychological reasons

  • Lack of attention. Most likely, if you often leave the house, for example, to work, and lock the puppy at home, he may begin to protest in this way;
  • Resentment towards the owner. A little similar in essence to the first reason, but it is more extensive. For example, this could be triggered by jealousy or possible punishment;
  • Sometimes punishment provokes fear, which can cause the puppy to make a puddle. Then try to soften the methods of influence on the animal;
  • Pet's emotionality. The dog begins to pee when he sees his owner. In order to correct this behavior, you need to calmly approach the problem that has arisen. Experts recommend not resorting to punishment. On the contrary, show less emotion when you come home. Wait until the puppy calms down and only then greet him;
  • A stressful circumstance that causes a dog to develop a behavior disorder. Such situations could be moving, the appearance of a new pet or child, or any other unexpected changes;

An adult dog may shit at home because it has not been trained from childhood to relieve itself correctly. This problem can also be overcome. This is a matter of instilling discipline and training. It is important to understand that excessive severity does not mean discipline. When raising both a small pet and an older one, it is important to ensure the right approach.

The owner is the only person the dog trusts. In addition, it depends on us how the animal will feel, as well as whether we can really make friends and find a common language. Among the possible reasons why a dog shits at home, we looked at three. These are physiological problems, psychology and dog education. We hope our tips will help you. Sometimes it is very important to determine where such a syndrome came from. Only then can you select the correct correction methods.

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Diarrhea often appears suddenly and disappears just as suddenly, but in some cases the cause must be diagnosed. Then you need to show the dog to the doctor. Before visiting a veterinarian, you must undergo tests in advance, including:

  • full clinical examination;
  • stool analysis necessary to detect possible parasites;
  • blood test to detect inflammation, anemia, infection, dehydration;
  • blood biochemistry necessary to assess the functioning of the kidneys, liver and pancreas;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • X-ray of the abdominal cavity to identify possible fluids and foreign bodies;
  • PCR is an analysis that detects microbes, bacteria, and parasites.

Depending on the symptoms and general condition of the body, the doctor sometimes recommends other tests, including:

  • Bacterial culture, which determines sensitivity to drugs;
  • cytological examination, revealing the type of inflammation and the simplest bacteria, as well as parasites;
  • analysis for the presence of infections;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, required if previous tests were not very effective;
  • X-ray with a contrast agent, identifying peptic ulcers, foreign substances, obstruction;
  • endoscopy, showing the condition of the small and large intestines;
  • analysis for the presence of toxic substances.

How to deal with the fact that a dog craps at home?

Sometimes the excitement or surprise that a dog begins to behave this way causes a lot of trouble for the owner. It is important to be patient. Try to be as gentle and patient as possible with your dog. In order for your pet to recover quickly, understand that he is not to blame for anything. Having established the problem why the dog began to do toilet chores at home, it will take a little time to solve it. With a good attitude and care for the animal, you will be able to improve the situation.


Typically, in cases of illness or severe poisoning, diarrhea in dogs is accompanied by vomiting and discharge from the eyes and nose. In this case, you need to consult a doctor.

But it happens that as a result of a spasmodic attack or epilepsy, dogs experience spontaneous urination and bowel movements. The stool is completely normal. After 15 minutes the dog’s condition returns to normal. You can't blame her for this.

With diseases of the genitourinary system, in particular cystitis, the dog may begin to sign.

After sterilization, every 10th bitch may have urinary incontinence, which does not appear immediately, after about 6 months. There is a decrease in sphincter function. In young and healthy dogs, this may resolve without treatment. For older dogs, things are more complicated. At first, propalin helps, but then doctors recommend treatment with hormonal drugs, which can worsen the dog’s health.

After castration, older males can also begin to sign, but this is observed less frequently than in females. Although it is more difficult to treat.

It turns out that this is unconscious for dogs. Typically, signing occurs when dogs are relaxing, during sleep. The owners notice this by wet spots on the litter.

Is this a big problem?

It is necessary to evaluate the factors that caused the dog to experience this situation. If psychological problems are at the root, it is necessary to change parenting methods in time. To do this, review possible mistakes in communicating with an animal. If your dog begins to shit at home for physiological reasons, do not hesitate to contact a veterinarian. Perhaps it's not just about nutrition. The sooner you take care of solving this problem, the easier it will be to improve your dog’s bowel movements.

What to do if your puppy shits

Small pets do not always learn to use the tray right away. In order to develop such skills in a puppy, you need to show maximum patience. A good attitude and perseverance of the owner in such a matter will certainly have a beneficial effect on the process of training and education. It is important to take into account a number of defining points. For example, until all vaccinations have been completed, the animal should not be taken outside at all. Therefore, when a puppy begins to play tricks at home, it is important to take into account his age. Up to two months, the dog is trained to use the litter box, and later, it is taken outside with you.

Through painstaking discipline training, the puppy will become more obedient. But to achieve the goal, you need to study a little about the peculiarities of animal training. Sometimes owners can start lessons on their own. In some cases, it is recommended to seek the help of a specialist who will advise you on how best to behave with your pet. You can train various skills, but first start with the simplest commands. These are “sit”, “lie down”, “forward” and others. If, for example, a puppy shits because he meets his owner too emotionally, developing the ability to show obedience can also help you. It is important to show understanding so that the dog does not begin to follow commands out of fear or protest. Of course, it is worth understanding that the consequences of improper upbringing can be much more serious. A dog reacts to what is happening around it in the same way as a person. It's surprising that a pet can experience stress, depression and other conditions.

Since some people are getting a dog for the first time or have not taken into account some feature in raising an animal before, you should set a goal to constantly learn something new. These could be books about your pet, instructive stories from other dog breeders, TV programs and consultations with specialists. But with all this, keep in mind that your dog has his own temperament and character, which distinguishes him from other representatives of the species. Therefore, monitor your dog's behavior to understand its habits. Then it will be easier for you to identify the psychological reasons why the dog shits at home and correct the problem.

Enforcement measures

Depending on the cause of the deviation in the animal’s normal behavior, experts advise:

  1. Maintain a routine for walking and feeding your dog. During the walk, the dog should completely empty its bladder and bowels.
  2. If there is a possibility of food poisoning (bones eaten while walking, food leftovers, etc.), it is wise to immediately give the dog adsorbents and not feed it.
  3. A sick dog needs to be treated. Along with the disease, the problem will go away. Signing after spaying and neutering in older dogs is not treated very successfully. More often you have to put up with this and switch to diapers.
  4. With short-term stress, the dog comes to its senses on its own. In case of chronic stress, the dog should be given special attention and taken out of this state. Threats, shouting, violence will make the problem worse. You need to show your disappointment when a precedent occurs, and give a lot of praise when you return to normal behavior.
  5. The dog needs to be trained. There is a basic rule in raising dogs: if you can’t, then you can’t always . If you can’t do it 5 times, but you can do it once, then the dogs think that it’s always possible. Pampered dogs will always do what is best for them. You should not think that by indulging their whims, the owners are doing good for them. Such dogs are emotionally unstable, susceptible to stress, which entails a number of diseases.

Correcting a dog's misbehavior requires patience, kindness, strength of character and time. It is very important that all family members adhere to the same line of behavior. Dogs are quite good psychologists and quickly find the “weak” link.

How to litter train a puppy

When you take a small puppy into your home, be prepared to spend some time cleaning up after him wherever you have to. The animal does not yet understand what it means to go to the toilet. Therefore, there are certain strategies for teaching a puppy to go to the litter box. To do this, you can use an enclosure in which the toilet will be placed. Cover it with a soft diaper, and as soon as the dog wants to urinate, take it to the designated area. Do not change the rag right away; let the dog use the hormones in the urine to guide him. By the way, when cleaning, urine is washed off well with a vinegar solution.

It becomes easier to train a dog when it reaches two months of age. If you have been teaching at home, then most likely she will be more understanding of subsequent forms of influence. Choose the strategy of a friend and a caring owner, but show confidence. If the dog urinates, wipe the area with a diaper and take the dog to the litter box. You can also use special products that wipe the places where dogs are not allowed to go to the toilet, and where they are allowed. But in the latter case, give the dog the opportunity to navigate by his scent.

Useful tips

Experts remind that there are several common mistakes that even experienced owners make:

  • An attempt to poke the dog's nose into the abandoned pile. This is done in order to remind the animal of why he is being punished. In some cases, the effect can be completely opposite. Fearing physical punishment, the dog will not stop shitting, but may begin to eat its own feces. On her part, this will be an attempt to erase traces of the crime if she was unable to wait until the usual walk time.
  • Purchasing a special metal cage gives good results. Its size should be enough to accommodate a soft mattress, drinking bowl and toy. The animal spends the entire period of absence of the owner in this cage. The dog is unlikely to shit on his own bed. And if this does happen, you should immediately show him to a veterinarian.

Most likely, the reason lies in physiological factors. But you shouldn’t force your dog there. The resulting stress can trigger the opposite effect. Try to accustom your pet to a crate while you are away. And immediately after returning home, reward him with a tasty treat and a long active walk.

Show as much attention and patience as possible to your pet. Use special preparations to eliminate odors in the apartment so that the dog does not perceive it as a latrine.

How to train a puppy to ask to go outside

Once all vaccinations have been completed, the dog can begin to be trained to go outside. In order for you to overcome this stage successfully, be patient. As soon as the dog starts doing business, take him outside. If your pet is still small, he needs to go to the toilet more often. For example, at three months of age, about five walks may be required. Of course, it all depends on the number of feedings. But at the same time, the dog should not be hungry.

When you take your pet outside, the puppy begins to become more and more accustomed to relieving itself in the yard. You can use a certain command or stimulus word in a conversation with him, which will make it clear that you are ready to go for a walk. For example, ask your dog “Do you want to go for a walk?” before the walk. Or say: “Let’s go for a walk.”

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Wrong daily routine

Adult dogs adapt to 2 walks a day. But dog experts recommend walking your dog 3-4 times a day . The morning walk is usually the shortest, the owners need to go to work, and takes 30-50 minutes, the evening walk is longer, from 1 to 2 hours. It is useful to take your dog out at night, before going to bed for 30-40 minutes. On weekends, it is very useful to take daytime walks to the park or forest.

In dogs, the excretory systems are directly dependent on activity. While the dog is alone at home, he either dozes or simply waits - these systems are inhibited. But as soon as the owner arrives, the dog becomes active and the systems begin to work.

If the dog is taken out for a walk quickly enough, then everything is fine. But if the owner decides to have dinner and rest, then the dog may well relieve itself at home. And if this is repeated more than once, then for the dog it becomes a system . For dogs - if you can do it once, you can always do it.

During a walk, the dog should move and first do all its business, and then play. This is important for short walks. For example, in the morning, before work, you need to walk the dog, you can let him play a little, but you need to go through the usual route. If it is enough for bitches to sit down several times, then males lift their paws at least 15-30 times.

If after a walk the dog’s bladder and intestines are not empty, then the trouble on the carpet is a pattern, not an accident.

You should walk your dog at the same time every day. On weekends, dogs usually let people sleep, but to be safe, it's good to walk your dog at night.

How to behave with an adult dog

If your pet is already an adult, it is very important here whether he has been with you since childhood. When raising a dog from a young age, pay attention to communication that will help build trust. If problems begin with your dog’s toilet, pay attention, first of all, to the possible causes of the problems that we discussed above. If you adopted a dog from other owners or from a kennel, you should add stress to the possible reasons why an adult dog begins to crap at home, and also take into account the animal’s skills and discipline. We mean how accustomed the pet is to various kinds of commands. Any problem in behavior is just a “bell” that you should try and make a little effort. Sometimes learning can be more difficult than usual. You can find an approach to an animal if you take into account its character, and not just try to use educational methods. In addition, an adult dog can be trained to ask to go outside. It happens that such a goal is much easier than training a puppy. Use the same stimulus words and take the dog outside as soon as you see that he wants to go to the toilet.

Psychology of communication with a pet

The training technique revealed by the famous physiologist Ivan Petrovich Pavlov is applicable to any dog. It is called the “carrot and stick” method. You shouldn't use a whip, of course. This is just a metaphor. But you can punish an animal. This should be done with the words “fu” or “impossible.” The intonation itself will explain to the dog your attitude towards his behavior. And this is already a punishment. As for the “carrot”, here you can use both rewards with a treat and phrases such as “well done”, “clever girl”.

What is absolutely forbidden to do?

  • Under no circumstances use insults or brute physical force towards the dog; if the dog is guilty, you can lightly spank him on the rump;
  • The dog began to shit at home for certain reasons. So consider why this might happen. Don't be impatient or dissatisfied;
  • Punish your pet only for those puddles that she made in your presence. If you find the matter later, the dog may not understand why you are yelling at him. But there really is no point in poking one’s nose. This may offend the pet. Then he will become even more naughty.

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