9 cool ways to keep your pet occupied while you're away

When getting a puppy, many owners have no idea what awaits them, and sometimes they simply hope for a miracle, each time being surprised by chewed shoes, overturned flower pots and torn sofa cushions. I will not hide that quite recently I was one of those naive people.

I've had the cutest Labrador puppy for four months now, and all this time my house has looked like a dump, in the literal sense of the word. I love my pet very much, so I tolerate all his pranks, but for days on end one thought bothers me: what to do with the dog at home so that he doesn’t destroy everything to smithereens?

Buy more toys

The first thing you need to do is buy toys for your pet.

For cats you should choose:

  • small balls that make a ringing sound when rolled;
  • Catnip-scented toys, such as wooden sticks, that you can hold and chew. But you need to take into account that some animals are allergic to this plant;
  • “mouse on a spring” - a stick with a suction cup with a small fluffy animal at the end, which is attached to a wall or floor, and when touched by a cat, it begins to vibrate, luring it into the game;
  • large playhouse for cats;
  • a tall, stable scratching post with a jingling toy at the very top.

For dogs you should choose:

  • a soft toy that fits the size of their mouth, since almost all dogs adore them, and having chosen their favorite, they carry them with them everywhere;
  • strong rubber bones with pimples for teething puppies, and hard edible bones and sticks for adults;
  • balls with rubber spikes for cleaning teeth, including a squeaker inside.

In general, any toys that the dog can carry in its mouth or chew instead of the owner’s shoes and furniture.

You cannot leave your pet with all the toys in the house every day, as he will begin to get bored with them. It is better to hide one of them for a couple of days, and then take out and take the other one, then the animal will not lose interest in them.

Hire a dog walker

If possible, you can find a person who will walk your dog for a couple of hours every day for an additional fee. Many reputable pet care facilities include dog walking services. For those owners who have long workdays, walking with a dog walker may be the only way their dog can get the exercise and activity he needs.

Practice quests with rewards

Cats and dogs love to get food, so puzzle toys will come in handy:

  1. For cats, small units are sold in which you need to load food, and then the cat will try to get it by moving, pushing, rolling or hitting it until a portion of “crackers” falls out, and then he will have to try again.
  2. Toys for dogs are more complex. They are stands with molds and lids that you need to lift or open to find your favorite food under one of them. There are also installations where the dog must throw a ball into a special hole, press so that the ball shoots, and only then will some food fall out.
  3. In the store, the puzzle is quite expensive, so you can make it yourself: take a plastic mineral water bottle, cut a hole in it a little larger than a food pellet and fill the container with food. The dog will definitely spend several hours getting food, and then get tired and sleep a little.

Puzzle games will not only keep your pet occupied for some time, but will also contribute to the development of his intelligence.

How and what to do with your dog in your absence

Buy toys for your pet. They should not be too loud, heavy or large - the neighbors below will clearly not be happy with the rumble above their heads. Also, let the toys be such that the dog cannot quickly render them unusable (break, tear) and get hurt.

There is an exciting game for dogs: “Go get it!” The point is this: in front of the pet, the desired item is placed in a box or any other packaging that the dog is able to open, but not immediately. This process can take a long time, but we just need to provide our pet with entertainment for a long time. At the same time, it will train your ingenuity.

Buy a fountain

But cats are always willing to play with water, even though they don’t like to wash themselves. Wetting your paw under a thin stream of water and then licking it is a favorite pastime. During the game, they will be able to drink enough water to prevent diseases of the genitourinary system, which is especially important for cats that eat dry food, because by nature they drink little.

Dogs will be interested in watching the fountain and at the same time drinking plenty.

How to train a puppy to stay home alone

If in a private house you can simply wait out the unpleasant period of separation, then after complaints from neighbors from the adjacent apartment you have to worry about the problem of how to leave the puppy at home alone. Education should begin 1-2 weeks before going to work. During this time, the baby will have time to get used to separation and will not cause trouble due to stress.

Farewell and meeting

The main task is to instill indifference to care and joy from the upcoming meeting. For this reason, you should not focus on goodbye. You just need to leave the house and return at the appointed time.

At first, you can stand outside the door and watch the reaction. Don't forget to take your keys and other important items with you. This will help simulate the real situation and eliminate panic from unusual fees in the near future.

If your baby howls and whines nonstop, go back, but don't reward the unwanted behavior. Do normal household chores: brew coffee or make yourself a sandwich. As soon as your pet calms down, pet him and entertain him with a game.

If the hysteria stops on its own, take a walk to the nearest pet store for a dog treat. After returning, praise your little pet and treat him to the purchased treat.

Gradually increase the time you are away, trying to bring it closer to your working day. Despite the general recommendations of 2 hours, it is not always possible to find a replacement. For this reason, the specified interval can be increased.

In this case, you need to take care of the leisure, comfort and safety of your pet. Remember that this practice is only permissible after switching to 3-4 feedings a day.

Abundance of toys

A puppy is not much different from a normal child, so a toy is a pretty good distraction tool. When purchasing it, pay special attention to safety. Some fillers can cause allergies and other unpleasant consequences. For the first time, it is better to buy as many toys as possible and place them throughout the house - the baby will move from one entertainment to another and will not notice how time flies.

Satiety and comfort

Feed shortly before leaving and immediately upon returning. Be sure to leave extra in the bowl for extended periods of absence. If your baby prefers to eat when he is not hungry, buy an automatic feeder. In this case, food will be provided strictly on schedule.

Equip a comfortable sleeping place and remove all dangerous objects from the reach of the restless four-legged animal. Don't forget to leave a tray and diapers to prevent puddles from appearing in the wrong places.

Common Mistakes

Most mistakes associated with self-study can be avoided by familiarizing yourself with the most common ones in advance. These include:

  1. Rush

    . After buying a puppy, let him get used to his new environment and survive separation from his mother. Do not start training until your psychological state returns to normal.

  2. Excessive emotionality

    . Don't try to say a heated goodbye to your pet before leaving. Excessive attention and subsequent care will cause even more anxiety.

  3. Punishments

    . If things are not destroyed before your eyes, forget about screaming. The dog will not understand the relationship, so just calm down and hide valuable items out of reach.

  4. Strict adherence to the regime

    . A regularly repeated routine (shower-coffee-breakfast-putting on clothes) is quickly stored in the head. If the baby is still getting used to separation, these actions may cause fear ahead of time. In this case, just change the sequence or put on your jacket already outside the door.

Be patient and don't give up. Gradually your efforts will bear fruit.

Send the animal to a pet hotel

If you are planning to go on vacation abroad for a long time and have no one to leave your pet with, then it is better to send it to a special pet hotel.

Moving for an animal is stressful, which can be reduced if you follow some rules:

  1. Shortly before and on the day of relocation, you need to treat your pet kindly.
  2. Try not to be nervous, because animals feel everything.
  3. You should not overfeed your pet, worrying that he will go hungry in your absence, because severe overeating can undermine his health and cause vomiting, which will only add stress.
  4. It is advisable to bring your pet's favorite toy and bed so that he can sleep comfortably and feel at home.

Rehearsal for the absence of the owner

Prepare the animal for your long absence. A couple of weeks before your vacation, change your usual time of returning home. For example, go to the movies after work or see a friend you've been meaning to meet for six months. Then your pet will have the opportunity to gradually get used to your absence.

If there is a puppy or kitten living in the house, role-play the scenario of your departure. Get dressed, jingle your keys at the door and leave the apartment. Stop on the staircase and listen to what your pet is doing for 10 minutes. If the animal loudly protests, do not enter under any circumstances. Be patient and wait for the “hysteria” to end. Then go in and praise your pet by treating him with a treat.

Find a companion for your pet

Dogs are very social, unlike cats, but each of them would love the right companion. Dogs love parrots, and cats can spend hours watching fish in an aquarium.

But you can place a dog and a cat in the same house. However, such cohabitation is not suitable for huskies, cops, dachshunds and other hunting breeds, since the cat will always be prey for them, which means destruction of the premises due to “catch-up” is guaranteed.

What if both a dog and a cat live in the house?

Do you have a fluffy organized crime group at home: cat + dog? This means their level of melancholy is significantly lower than that of single people. But after a long absence, the chance of “getting in” for cosmetic repairs or at least general cleaning increases. To avoid this scenario, provide your pets with safe games:

  • Amusement park. Pet stores are replete with all sorts of interactive battery-powered toys, ranging from automatically moving “teasers” to memory-developing puzzles. A couple of such devices can keep your pets occupied for more than an hour.
  • Friend on call. Simply irreplaceable entertainment, especially for dogs. Ask a friend or family member to visit the furry zoo from time to time. It’s better to introduce them first. A walk or dinner together will allow your pets to understand your friendly attitude towards this person and feel comfortable in his presence. Be sure to leave detailed instructions for your friend with full information about the features of feeding, playing, walking the animal or changing the filler in the tray.

Find a dog sitter

It’s easy to find a pet sitter abroad, but this is unusual for us. However, if there is a pet hotel in the city, then you can find out about a specialist there who is ready to walk and feed the dog in your absence, but, naturally, this will not be cheap. You can also try looking for a nanny on the Internet.

Now you know what to do with your pet in your absence, so that the furniture and walls remain intact, and the animal does not get too bored. And when leaving for a long time, it is still better to take your pet with you, so as not to risk its health once again by leaving it with strangers.

Smell games

The sense of smell is one of the most developed senses of a dog. With the help of smell recognition, she gets acquainted with the world around her. Smell training at home can be a rewarding activity and a great way to channel your dog's energy in the right direction.

Hide your dog’s favorite treat in the room and give the command: “Look!” For games, you can use various interior details: drawers, boxes, shelves. Do not use fragile or glass objects.

The dog that has found the goal of the game must be praised and rewarded with encouragement. Over time, the game can be complicated by hiding not food, but objects that have a less pronounced smell, for example, a dog’s toy or a personal item of the owner.

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