Alabai dog breed: advantages and disadvantages of animals, health and typical diseases

This dog has the blood of the fighting dogs of Mesopotamia, the ancient dogs of Asia and the herding dogs of nomadic tribes, traces of which are forever lost in Time; it was well known in Persia by the legendary King Xerxes, and this Central Asian Shepherd is quite closely related to the famous Tibetan Mastiffs, Swiss St. Bernards and Great Danes.

Interesting fact: Alabais are among the top ten in the ranking of the largest dogs in the world, although they occupy only eighth place.

The official standard for this breed was established in 1989. According to the ICF classification, Alabai are quite rightly classified as molossians, that is, herding breeds, mastiffs and herds.

Alabai care and dog maintenance

When choosing a dog for yourself, be sure to think about what kind of life you are preparing for it. And after that, start calling breeders.

Large representatives of the breed require the owners of certain conditions for keeping the Central Asian Shepherd, diet, and sometimes the use of special feed additives that can slow down the early aging of joints

If all this is not a problem for you, you are not bothered by the short life expectancy and you are ready to spend any money on special food, then you can safely take a dog from a breeder who breeds “big dogs”. If it is important for you that the Alabai lives a long time, is unpretentious and does not get sick, then it is better to choose a puppy from parents whose size is closer to the standard indicators in the breed. Those who want a dog to successfully work as a guard and lead herds should choose a puppy from aboriginal parents and know that size is not important for work

The behavior of an Alabai largely depends on what kind of blood it is.

It is better not to keep an Alabai in an apartment; the best option for him is a country house, where it is recommended to build an enclosure with a booth for the dog. These two structures will allow your dog to have a roof over his head in rain or snow and will give you the opportunity to isolate the dog when visitors - be it construction workers, relatives or friends - come over. In areas with severe frosts, the floor of the enclosure is made of wood. In stone buildings, you can sprinkle hay, straw or sawdust on the floor. An enclosure for an Alabai should not become a place for its permanent detention.

The best option is free placement in the yard with access to all protected objects and a booth installed at a point that allows you to control the entire territory. Entrust the choice of location for the booth to the dog. It should have a view of the entrance and be located on an elevation. The flat roof of a low kennel will definitely be used by an Asian for a better view of the area, so place the kennel so that the dog cannot jump over the fence from it.

If you have two dogs of different genders, you will definitely notice a difference in their performance. Alabai male usually sits on an elevated place, vigilantly looking around the surroundings, while the female runs along the fence, monitoring the situation every minute. It is better if you plan the area in advance so that this dog behavior does not cause you any inconvenience.

When preparing for the appearance of a new dog in the yard, take into account one more feature of the Central Asian Shepherd breed. They love to dig holes. This is especially true for bitches, for whom such behavior is inherent in nature - in Central Asia, puppies are born in a hole carefully dug by their mother. By burying holes, you provoke the dog to look for another place. It is much more practical to choose one of them and let the dog rummage around there, taking all measures so that the second exit from the structure does not end up behind a fence.

The Alabai's fur sheds once a year in the spring. At this time, the dog needs to add special vitamins, eggs and elemental sulfur to the diet and comb it daily until the process is complete. Healthy Alabai wool has the ability to self-clean. Therefore, they often give themselves mud baths to escape the heat, old fur and parasites. Dogs rolled in mud dry out in the sun within an hour and their coat becomes shiny and clean.

Central Asian Shepherd Dogs tolerate any heat well in summer. Their Achilles heel is high humidity. In damp regions and during the rainy season, Asians may suffer from skin diseases, and they also commonly develop conjunctivitis. In winter, adult Alabai feel great outdoors, but require increased nutrition.


The giant Alabai dog, another name for the breed - the Central Asian Shepherd Dog, cannot be confused with anyone, it amazes with its power and strength. Everything about her is strong and solid, including her character, which is confident and independent. This is an excellent watchman and an unrivaled bodyguard.

Dog experts claim that the Alabai breed has many advantages. They are naturally calm and good-natured. But many are afraid of Central Asian Shepherds as military weapons, and see only disadvantages in the huge dogs. They say that these are dangerous animals that have no place among people, especially on city streets.

Let's figure out what kind of dog the Central Asian Shepherd is and why it causes so much controversy. What is the character of a real Alabai, how to raise him - read about this and more below.

Photos and descriptions of colors

The Alabai coat can be not only white or black and white, there are many possible variations of its color.


There are no albinos among the Alabais, even in the absence of a coloring pigment in the coat of these dogs, which is why it looks snow-white; the lips, nose and eyelids of the Alabais are colored black or brown.


Red fur can have many shades: yellow-golden, fawn, light beige, reddish-red and copper-brown. The coat may be solid red or have white markings on the chest, belly, paws and face.

Dogs with a color called wolf look especially attractive: the main color of their coat is bright red or has a gray-brown tint, the hairs on the stomach, neck and chest are white, and the lower part of the forehead, cheeks and area around the eyes are black or dark -gray.


The coat can be solid black or have dark brown, white or red spots.

The most common coat color of Alabais is a combination of black and white. If the main color of the coat is white, then black spots are located on the back, hind legs and top of the dogs head. In the case when the fur is black, the belly, chest and lower part of the paws of the Alabai are painted white.


The tiger alabai is the owner of wool, the color of which is combined with gray, brown or yellowish-golden colors. On the back, neck, croup and limbs there are dark stripes located transversely and closing into rings on the chest and belly.

Many individuals with this color have almost black fur on their faces, making it appear as if they are wearing masks.


Brown coat color varies from pure brown to brown.

NOTE! In accordance with the standard, silver-blue and chocolate coat colors are considered unacceptable - it is believed that coat of such colors is characteristic of dogs that are a cross between an Alabai and a Great Dane or a German Shepherd.

Description of the breed. Alabai have distinctive features

What does an Alabai Shepherd look like? The large head has a rectangular shape. The frontal part smoothly transitions into a voluminous muzzle with clearly defined brow ridges. Small in size, low set ears in the shape of a triangle, which are mostly cropped. The eyes are round, dark, small in size, widely spaced. The nose is quite large and brown or black in color. All limbs have well-developed muscles. The paws are heavy and oval in shape.

Powerful body with a broad chest, short neck and rounded ribs. The rear is slightly raised, the loin is short and wide (when viewed from above). Alabais have hard, coarse fur with a dense undercoat. The coat can be long (up to 8 cm) or short (up to 4 cm).

The saber-shaped thick tail of the Alabai is often docked along with the ears within 24 hours after the puppy is born. Once upon a time, such an operation was necessary, because the ears and tail were the most vulnerable parts of a dog’s body to predators. Nowadays, docking is absolutely not necessary, and, moreover, it does not subsequently affect the exhibition ratings. Some dogs are born with a short tail.

According to the thickness and length of the coat, dogs are divided into two types - smooth-haired and long-haired. Smooth-haired dogs live in the steppe zone, so their coat is less dense. They are more mobile, more sociable and easier to train. Long-haired dogs are localized in mountainous areas, so their fur is long, thick and dense, due to which they can withstand winter cold. Thanks to the developed vestibular apparatus, they easily move along mountain roads. They are larger than the short-haired Alabai, have a calm, balanced character, and can easily cope with loneliness.

Necessary education and care

The first thing Alabai breeders need to remember is that this dog cannot live in an apartment. There won't be enough room for him. And it can bring a lot of inconvenience to family members, falling onto new bedspreads and spilling food all over the kitchen.

A yard is suitable for your pet, preferably large and fenced. Alabais are proud animals. It will be unbearable for them to be chained. It is better to avoid it and allow him to walk freely in the local area.

An Asian would be a wonderful partner for a man who enjoys hiking or jogging. Don't forget to take it with you.

As for aesthetic care, everything is simple. Although the coat is thick, it requires minimal grooming. Brushing your dog once a week is enough. With the exception of spring: they begin to shed, so you will have to comb out their fur every day. And it is advisable to do this on the street. Sometimes you need to clean your ears and trim your nails. The dog will endure all these procedures calmly.

Pet habits

Despite his advanced age, Bulldozer continues to lead an active lifestyle and maintain good physical shape.

Daily walks are still an important part of a dog’s life, so even now the dog is beautiful, fit and has well-developed muscles. Every day the dog runs at least 6 km, without weekends or holidays.

The room where Bulldozer lives is always kept clean and the dog can calmly rest alone. The 9-year-old pet often takes advantage of this privilege and rests away from the hustle and bustle.

Even at this advanced age, the dog tolerates cold, heat and sudden temperature changes well. The dog is not fussy about food, but eats quite a lot.


Alabai is a proud, calm and stubborn dog, prone to taking a leadership position and requiring willpower and patience. A dog that has not completed an obedience course before 6-7 months can become potentially dangerous both for the owner and for strangers.

Characteristics of the Alabai

Since Alabai is a security guard, receiving guests in the house involves some difficulties. It is best to lock the Alabai in an enclosure during the visit. Even if the dog does not rush at a stranger, he will watch him closely. A pet may perceive a sharp gesture or wave of the hand as aggression. Since the dog has the ability to make independent decisions, the consequences can be disastrous.

A Central Asian Shepherd with a healthy psyche does not pose a danger to family members. Moreover, they are all part of the group that the alabai protects. The same applies to livestock.

Alabai perceives other domestic animals as objects of protection

A purebred Alabai protects the property and family members of the owner. The dog has a tolerant attitude towards children. He most likely will not allow himself to be cuddled by little ones, but he willingly plays in the fresh air with older ones. This attitude towards younger family members is associated with the skills of strict education of the Alabai breed. In a Turkmen family, at the slightest aggression towards a child, the Alabai was immediately shot. Only the “right” dogs were bred.

CAOs are very patient with children

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Despite its loyalty to its own people, the dog has a capricious character. It requires proper education and training. From childhood, the child must be taught the necessary skills. During adolescence, the dog should not be allowed to dominate. A sixty-pound dog with inappropriate behavior can pose a serious threat outside its territory. The Asian does not like his brothers, and can show aggression towards strangers.

Brief description of Alabai

Alabai is the ancestor of the Tibetan mastiff, which is evident from the appearance of the animal - it is large, menacing, with a heavy look. The dog's character is moderately calm and balanced. Alabai Asian Shepherd, which easily and quickly gets along with the family, will become a faithful friend and companion. But the animal’s attitude towards strangers will always be very wary and distrustful.

Alabai loyal to his master

History of the breed

The Alabai breed has an interesting history. These dogs were kept exclusively by nomadic herders who left few archaeological remains. Most of them were illiterate and therefore could not write about their dogs. The description of the Alabai dog indicates that the pet’s native region is Central Asia.

You need to understand how huge this region is. It includes: Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, areas surrounding the Caspian Sea and Altai steppe

It is important to know the history of these places: the highlands of Tibet, Tien Shan, Pamir and the Great Steppe, through which tribes and peoples passed for centuries

Numerous factors influenced the formation of the breed. Non-trivial conditions have formed many of its types. It is impossible to single out a specific subtype and claim that this is a real Alabai.

Due to the previously mentioned limitations, it is impossible to say with certainty when the Alabai breed developed. Even the earliest records of the region indicate the presence of these dogs. They have most likely existed for the past few thousand years.

There are two main groups of theories that try to explain the origin of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog. The first says that the Alabai descended from ancient Middle Eastern breeds that guarded livestock. The second says that the dog descended from the Tibetan mastiff.

The earliest dogs performed many roles in human society: they guarded homes, helped in hunting and herding livestock, were a source of meat and hides, and took part in battles.

Farmers of that time deliberately bred pets that had different, bright colors. This was necessary to distinguish our own from strangers, as well as from predators. To successfully fight wolves, dogs needed powerful jaws and fairly large heads. Farmers have also discovered that short, wide muzzles give their animals the largest possible bite area. The weather in those regions was harsh: cold winters, strong winds. Therefore, people tried to breed individuals with long hair.

The Central Asian Shepherd Dog also began to play an important social function in the region. Periodically, many tribes and clans gathered together. These meetings usually included religious and holiday festivals, political discussions, and so on. Tribesmen brought Alabais with them, especially males. The dogs confronted each other in dog fights. These fights were very different from the illegal fights that remain popular in the United States and the British Isles. Their point was not for dogs to fight to the death. In a confrontation they determined which animal was better.

Central Asia's harsh climate and landscape would likely make the region one of the most isolated places on Earth. However, it had a great location. Central Asia borders and lies between four of the world's most populous, wealthy and historically important regions: Europe, the Middle East, China and India. The famous Silk Road ran through Central Asia. To prevent theft, traders used Central Asian Shepherd Dogs to guard their caravans.

Dogs turned out to be so useful that they quickly spread throughout the world. Dogs were crossed with larger, longer, long-haired individuals, which led to the emergence of Spitz-type animals.

Existing data about the Alabai dog indicate that there are currently four main lines of the breed. Each has significant differences in temperament.

  1. Animals that are bred for conformation displays. They are the most controllable and least aggressive.
  2. Animals bred to protect livestock. They are usually subject to the highest demands on physical strength. These dogs demonstrate the most stable and predictable character. Although they tend to be more aggressive than show line dogs.
  3. Animals bred for dog fighting. They have the most unpredictable character and the highest level of aggression.
  4. Animals bred for military purposes. They are very aggressive towards people and work-oriented. However, this line is more predictable than the fighting line.

Bulldozer - the largest Alabai in the world

The dog, which will be discussed below, is considered the largest representative of this species in the world. The weight of the pet in the best years of its life was in the region of more than 120 kilograms. Interestingly, when the dog stood on its hind legs and placed its front legs on the shoulders of its owner, its “height” reached about two meters. Thanks to these characteristics, Bulldozer was considered the largest dog in the territory of the former USSR for several years. However, its impressive dimensions are far from the only advantage of such a dog.

By the way! The terrifying nickname “Bulldozer” appeared among the Alabai because this dog’s favorite pastime in its early years was crushing snow with its small paws.

The triumphant dog

Pedigree that inspires confidence

The bulldozer had incredible endurance, as its ancestors were forced to engage in numerous fights with predators and win just to survive. Another nuance that is worth paying attention to is the climate. These dogs existed in harsh desert conditions, without sufficient moisture and food. This explains the high level of endurance of individual individuals.

The unbending will of the Alabai is a reward for the former hungry harsh times

Thus, the Bulldozer and other representatives of this breed owe their tough, strong character to their habitat. For example, an animal reacted with increased aggressiveness to wild animals and strangers when it was protecting the flock of sheep or other domestic animals entrusted to it. Alabai had no room for error, since killed livestock could cost them the right to be near a person, and sometimes even their lives.

The blood of Turkmen ancestors flows in every Alabai

The dog's documentation indicates that he was a purebred Alabai. However, every dog ​​handler knows that in the blood of any such dog there will definitely be an admixture of the Turkmen wolfhound and other similar breeds.

Video - Bulldozer surrounded by descendants

Striking character

Using the example of the Bulldozer, we can draw conclusions about other representatives of the Alabai breed. Despite its impressive menacing appearance, the dog is friendly. Alabai is a guard dog that needs relaxed and respectful communication with its owner.

Female Alabai with her puppies

Often their relationships represent a strong, life-long friendship. If the owner of the dog is aggressive, then in response he can only get an angry watchman who is ready to bare his teeth at his owner at any moment.

As for the Bulldozer himself, he was positive not only towards the owner, but also towards his many fans. The dog did not look away when the person looked directly at him, which was a sign of the dog’s confidence in himself and his abilities.

Bulldozer's lively character does not interfere with his communication even with unfamiliar people

At the same time, it cannot be said that Bulldozer was happy to be in public for a long time. He preferred a narrow circle of close people. The dog adored children, and was happy to ride the children on his own back. Amazingly, Alabai agreed to play even with children he didn’t know well.

Sports achivments

The bulldozer regularly took part in dog fights. Alabai's endurance and strength helped him achieve dizzying success - he became the champion in the international CACIB fight three times.

Bulldozer is the champion of the Russian Kennel Club. In addition to all the official merits, the dog performed well in several dozen similar competitions.

Thanks to natural selection, the Alabai got the most successful genes

Such high results were achieved not only due to genetic data. The owner, dog handler Alexander Khudyakov, carefully monitored the condition of his dog. Daily training took about six hours. They mainly consisted of walking - the Bulldozer was forced to walk more than 10 kilometers per day.

The Alabai food system deserves special attention. The dog's diet included about 5 kilograms of meat and 10 liters of special porridge. This allowed the dog to remain at its previous impressive weight, without losing muscle mass.

Breeder information

Alexander Khudyakov is widely known among dog handlers and ordinary dog ​​lovers for his main occupation - breeding the Alabai kennel. Most of the pets are descendants of the Bulldozer himself.

Alexander in the company of representatives of his favorite breed

Since childhood, Alexander loved animals, in particular dogs. After purchasing a small Alabai puppy, he completely stopped being interested in other breeds, devoting himself to raising wolfhounds. By 2011, there were already about 30 dogs in the kennel. Every year this figure gradually increases.

Khudyakov’s goal is not just to collect a large pedigree in his collection, but also to create a real athlete out of each dog. Despite the fact that the records of the leader of the nursery - Bulldozer - have not yet been broken by any Alabai, almost every one of them participates in competitions and shows good results.

Raising a generation of champions is Alexander’s main task

From his seemingly simple hobby for dogs, Alexander Khudyakov managed to build a good business. Watchdogs trained under his patronage become reliable protectors of many respected houses in the North Caucasus.

Some representatives of the kennel participate not only in dog fights, but also in real beauty contests. This result is achieved through proven training methods and quality nutrition.

Alexander is an excellent confirmation that only a strong-willed person can cope with a strong-willed dog

It is worth noting that only a person with a strong spirit could succeed in such an activity as breeding large dogs. Alexander fits this description perfectly - a fighter by vocation, he has been involved in wrestling for several years, and knows firsthand what hard training is.

The vocation of a breeder is in no way connected with the specialty he received earlier: Alexander graduated from the Grozny State Petroleum Technical University named after Academician M.D. Millionshchikova. According to Khudyakov himself, he had never previously planned to breed dogs seriously, much less turn it into a business.

Health and illness

Purebred Central Asian Shepherds inherited excellent health and excellent immunity from their ancient ancestors. But these strong and hardy animals are also not immune to illness. Diseases of Alabai are associated with genetic factors and improper maintenance.

The most common problem among Asians is musculoskeletal disorders. This occurs due to their large mass. Due to increased loads, the knee and hip joints are seriously damaged.

With short walks, the dog becomes obese, which will lead to diseases of the cardiovascular system and various forms of arthrosis or arthritis. The latter are accompanied by severe pain, which means that your pet will experience unbearable suffering. To effectively prevent obesity in Alabai, it is necessary to properly organize its diet: feed should contain the required amount of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and other microelements

Be sure to pay attention to the dog’s physical activity

Due to an unbalanced diet, metabolism can also be disrupted, which can lead to diabetes. Always remember that food from a human table poses a risk to the health of your four-legged pet. In addition, it is necessary to select specialized dog food very responsibly, since some of them cause allergies in animals.

The presence of helminths in the animal’s body is another serious problem. A dog infected with parasites becomes lethargic, loses appetite, and loses weight. To avoid such problems, the pet must be dewormed twice a year.

Ticks and fleas can also cause a lot of serious troubles such as demodicosis and other diseases. An effective method of protection against these dangerous blood-sucking insects is a special collar to combat ectoparasites. And also for the prevention and treatment of such diseases, a variety of drugs are used for external and internal use. However, it should be borne in mind that all of them are very toxic, so they should be used under the supervision of a veterinarian.

What to feed Alabai

It is advisable to study the nuances of feeding the Alabai even before you decide to get a dog. Its health and full development depend on how properly you feed your pet.

Due to their large build, Central Asians have an enviable appetite. The main difference in the diet of puppies and adult dogs is the size of the portions. Regularly overfeeding your puppy will harm its health and can cause obesity. In addition, from childhood he will get used to eating more than he needs.

When feeding Alabai, adhere to the following basic rules:

Give your dog only fresh food. The best option for an adult animal is two meals a day, and you need to feed it after morning and evening walks. He should be accustomed to this regime from puppyhood. During heavy physical activity and pregnancy, you should increase the amount of food or feed your pet not twice, but three times a day.

As the dog grows, it is necessary to gradually raise the stand for the bowls so that he does not have to bend down while eating.

big alabai dog in autumn park

Do not pamper your pet with delicacies from your table - excess salt and seasonings will negatively affect the functioning of his stomach and internal organs. You should not stuff your four-legged friend with food additives and microelements if this is not necessary. Too high levels of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D in the body are fraught with negative consequences.

Warmed cow's milk and raw chicken eggs can be used as complementary food for very young puppies. The diet should include soups with vegetables and meat, fermented milk products, boiled vegetables, and minced meat. Food for babies should be ground to a liquid consistency. To ensure that your puppy does not lack vitamins, add carrot and beet tops, herbs, and fish oil to his food.

The dog's diet must contain protein products - fish, meat, cottage cheese, rice, wheat, buckwheat. Since the Alabai’s body needs salt, the food should be slightly salted. Animal fats will also not harm him, unlike fats of plant origin, which are not absorbed by his body at all.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before buying an Alabai, you should carefully familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of this breed.

The advantages include:

  • protective instinct;
  • loyal attitude towards children;
  • mind;
  • endurance;
  • good health;
  • no requirements for content;
  • devotion;
  • courage;
  • easy care;
  • independence;
  • equilibrium.

Among the negative qualities of these dogs are:

  • need for regular walks and physical activity;
  • tendency to dominate;
  • the need for proper education and socialization;
  • possible display of aggression towards other dogs and strangers;
  • heavy spring shedding;
  • stubbornness.

In addition, due to their rather large size and high level of activity, Alabais are not suitable for apartment keeping.

Famous owners

The breed is very popular among government officials and artists.

Alabai Putin

On October 11, 2022, President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov presented Russian President Vladimir Putin with an Alabai puppy, the country’s national treasure. The puppy was given the nickname Faithful, which characterizes his breed very well.

Asian Kadyrov

Ramzan Kadyrov is the owner of an Alabai named Tarzan, who lives at his residence in Grozny. In 2013, it happened that the dog ran away due to unclear circumstances. But she was found, and Kadyrov rejoiced at this event very sincerely, which shows what place the pet occupies in his life.

Anita Tsoi and her dogs

Anita took two Alabais at once - a red spotted boy, Yelash, and a white girl, Umka. She and her family dote on them. The singer says that her dogs are very friendly, but they treat strangers with caution and even a bit of aggression.

Anatoly Chubais and Jack with gold teeth

Chubais also has an alabai, but due to his busy schedule, he cannot spend as much time with it as he would like. It is known that SAOs are incredibly loyal dogs, and therefore Jack was very homesick for his owner. Because of this, he constantly gnawed at the metal mesh that covered the enclosure. So he damaged his two lower teeth.

Anatoly Chubais decided to put dentures on the dog. Until this moment, no one had performed such operations, so finding a specialist was difficult. Nevertheless, there was a prosthetist who took on such work. The total amount came out to be decent. $200 for each dental prosthesis, the cost of anesthesia, two visits home to examine Jack - all this totaled $1000.

As a result, we can say that Alabai are very difficult to raise and maintain. It is important to be aware of all the risks you are taking when choosing this breed. But if the upbringing goes correctly, then you will become the owner of a very loyal and disciplined dog.

Health and common diseases

Central Asian Shepherd Dogs are distinguished by good health, and they have virtually no hereditary diseases. Average life expectancy is 12-15 years. For non-purebred and improved, refined individuals, the age limit does not exceed 10 years.

In the first three months, Alabai puppies are reliably protected by the mother’s immune system. Upon reaching the age of three months, their body becomes vulnerable to viral diseases, and since Central Asian Shepherds reach full maturity only by 2-3 years, the pet’s health should be closely monitored. Vaccinations are carried out strictly according to the schedule, and in addition to the mandatory vaccinations (rabies, viral hepatitis, leptospirosis, etc.), additional ones are recommended for Alabai - against parainfluenza, piroplasmosis, infectious tracheobronchitis.

Like all large dogs, the most vulnerable point in Alabais is the musculoskeletal system. Hip or elbow dysplasia can be either congenital or acquired. In adult dogs, especially those living in city apartments, it develops due to obesity and lack of physical activity. Other diseases of bones and joints that are diagnosed in Central Asian Shepherds include arthrosis, arthritis, and myositis.

When keeping Alabai, you need to take into account that they are prone to overeating, which means increased weight gain, which is extremely undesirable. Obesity not only increases the load on the joints, but also provokes cardiac arrhythmia and myocardial infarction.

Hereditary pathologies inherent in Alabai include:

  • hypothyroidism - dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • addition deformation;
  • lack of teeth;
  • glaucoma, cataract.

Bitches are often diagnosed with cryptorchidism - the absence of sexual heat. The heat begins according to the standard pattern, but the female does not allow the male to approach her. If the pathology is not recognized in time and sterilization is not carried out, then the dog may develop purulent inflammation of the uterus (pyometra). This is a very dangerous disease that, if left untreated, leads to the death of the animal.

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Examples of names for puppies

You can name a dog based on its country of origin

It is important to understand the exact translation so as not to give your pet an offensive nickname. Among the nicknames for boys, Aikol (noble), Aylaker (agile), Palvon (hero), Demir (iron), Kamtar (modest), Yenish (victory) are suitable.

They select the names of mythological characters, warriors, gods, such as Spartacus, Achilles, Caesar, Hercules, Mars, Zeus, Amon.

The girls also look menacing, so you shouldn’t call them too affectionately. Suitable nicknames are Kira, Beta, Kessie, Alva, Edba. Among the Central Asian words they choose Orzu (dream), Kadama (armor), Tara (peace), Ai (moon), Vepa (loyalty), Shagga (quickly). The names of goddesses and nymphs are also suitable for females - Hera, Nike, Gaia, Daphne, Cyrene, Dike, Eirene.


Alabais are fearless, proud dogs that do not tolerate rough treatment. They have high intelligence and are easy to train, as the pack instinct has been ingrained in them for centuries. They calmly obey a person who is recognized as a leader, but at the same time they are freedom-loving and independent. It is wise to seek the services of a professional dog handler, who will make the dog not only a reliable guard and watchman, but also a companion capable of getting along with all family members, including small children.

The Alabai have a complex character that requires a special approach. Bitches are cautious and suspicious, they sense the object of a threat, even if it is at a distance. They are more obedient and understand commands well, but at the same time they are cunning and try to get their way. That is why you should not overly pamper a shepherd dog, but talking as with an equal, stroking and other ways of showing care are welcome.

Males are courageous and reckless; in case of danger they become unusually aggressive and can act without warning. They are undoubted “territorialists”, and consider their territory, the yard and the area adjacent to it, inviolable. There are known cases when Alabai, without warning, attacked passers-by who happened to be on the street. But outside their territory, shepherd dogs do not show aggression and are quite good-natured. But if the animal feels a threat to its owner, it will inevitably rush at the offender.

The best living conditions for Alabai are a private house, a spacious enclosure. It is not recommended to put him on a chain, since shepherd dogs do not tolerate captivity and, not being able to move freely, can become aggressive.

You cannot punish and scold an Alabai for no reason! Representatives of this breed are vindictive and touchy.

Photo with a person

If we compare the parameters of the largest Alabai with the average person (man), we can say that the dog is about 1.5 times larger. After all, a man of average height and build weighs approximately 78-90 kg, with a height of 175-185 cm.

To cope with such a giant, you need not only an iron character, but also considerable physical strength, since without good training it is impossible to even keep such a dog on a leash.

Photos of popular species and their descriptions

Alabai is a common dog breed, especially in Asian countries. And each of them has its own vision of the ideal representative of this breed. Additionally, the appearance of each breed variety varies depending on its natural habitat.


The Tibetan Alabai is a large, shaggy and muscular dog with harmonious proportions and a moderately elongated body. Males grow to at least 70 cm at the withers with a body weight of 50 kg, females are 65 cm tall and weigh 40 kg.


They are considered the descendants of Tibetan mastiffs, which, after entering Central Asia, began to acquire features characteristic of modern Alabai.

These are guard dogs, not fighting dogs, but they can fend for themselves and protect their owner. They have a tendency to dominate and can get along with other animals only if they recognize their leadership qualities.

Turkmen Alabai are fierce and independent, but also loyal, self-confident and have a balanced character and stable psyche.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Caucasian Shepherd Dogs are freedom-loving animals that will not obey anyone except their owner, in whom they will see the leader and leader.

Due to their high degree of aggressiveness, such dogs must be kept with the utmost care.

Turkish Kangal

Representatives of the Turkish Kangal breed have been used since ancient times as fighting dogs, protectors and hunters.

These are obedient dogs, distinguished by speed, courage, endurance, vigilance, distrust and the ability to make decisions independently, assessing the situation. They are kind and flexible and get along well with other animals.

Height at the withers reaches 70-80 cm, weight – 55-65 kg. The coat can be gray-yellow or gray-brown.

Kyrgyz wolfhound (debit)

The breed is on the verge of extinction.

These wolfhounds were used primarily for herding. These are large, powerful animals with thick and straight hair; they can be either short- or long-haired. They have a calm character and are obedient. They grow up to 70-76 cm at the withers and weigh 40-70 kg.

Uzbek buribasar

Compared to other varieties of Alabai, the Uzbek Buribasar has a miniature stature, an elongated body and an elongated muzzle.

Smart, flexible, reserved dogs.

Kazakh tobet

Strong, hardy, large animals, reaching a height of 77 cm and a weight of about 45-65 kg. The coat is coarse and thick, piebald or spotted color is acceptable. They get along well with other animals and have a good guard instinct.

At the moment, the species is on the verge of extinction.


The Siberian Alabai is a cross between a German Shepherd and a Siberian Husky. A large dog with thick fur. Characterized by a high level of intelligence, sociability, obedience and developed security and protective instincts.


These dogs are larger than the Turkmen Alabay, have a heavier shape and resemble St. Bernards. Good-natured and reserved animals, good shepherds and loyal friends.

Malamutes are friendly, intelligent, but sometimes overly stubborn dogs.

Armenian (Gampr)

These are viable, independent, self-sufficient dogs with short or long coats. Height is 65-78 cm, weight is approximately 60 kg.

Alabai from Afghanistan

One of the oldest dogs with a refined body, up to 75 cm tall and weighing 30-45 kg. Wool can be black, white, red, blue and other colors. Willful animals with a tendency to dominate.


The cost varies depending on the type of dog and its color. If the alabai is white, then the price for it is much higher than for spotted individuals. The region in which the dog is sold plays a big role: if it is the center, then the price is the highest there. However, the build of an Alabai puppy does not affect its cost in any way, and its large size does not mean that the dog is expensive.

A puppy with a breeding match can be purchased for 10 thousand rubles - such a dog is perfect for a summer residence and guarding a home, but not for exhibitions. Alabai with a simple appearance without distinctive features cost around 15 thousand rubles. For 20-45 thousand you can buy a very high-quality and beautiful Alabai, which can also be taken to exhibitions and competitions.

How to choose?

To buy a good healthy Alabai puppy, follow these tips:

  1. Buy a dog not from an online store (such as Avito) or from a poultry market, but from a nursery. This way you can examine the puppy with your own eyes, assess its health and make sure it is purebred.
  2. Pay attention to the puppy's parents - they should look healthy and mentally stable.
  3. The puppy should be picked up at the age of 2 months. Before doing this, be sure to make sure that the breeder has given him his first vaccinations.
  4. Do not choose cowardly ones, especially if you are choosing a guard dog. You can drop the keys and see which puppies will get scared and run away, and which ones will run closer to examine the fallen object.
  5. Pay attention to the length of the puppies' coat - in a real Alabai it should not be too long, the dog's appearance should resemble a teddy bear.
  6. Assess the condition of the animal by its external signs: a wet nose, clean eyes and straight paws - all this indicates a healthy puppy. It is also advisable that the dog's tail and ears be cropped.


Girls are smaller in size, they are calmer and more pliable. They are characterized by curiosity and mobility, but they are less strong than boys. They also get along well with children due to their gentle nature.


More powerful than girls due to their confidence in strength, large size and desire for leadership. Due to these qualities, it is necessary to correctly and promptly win over the male dog so that in the future there will be no difficulties with his behavior.

With documents

If your goal is to purchase a purebred Alabai, then the presence of documents at the time of purchase is a significant guarantee of the quality of the individual. Moreover, the presence of documents indicates that the animal is free of inherited diseases.

The set of documents includes:

  • a card containing information about the name of the dog, his mother and father;
  • stamp number;
  • Date of Birth;
  • name of the breeder or organization that issued the documents.

Also included is a veterinary passport, which records all vaccinations given and the pet’s health status.

Alabaev mating

It is recommended to untie a bitch of this breed on the third heat, but mating is best done on days 9–14.
In the very first days after the bitch has “flowed”, you should call the owner of the selected male and agree with him on the time of mating. It is necessary to discuss in advance all the conditions and how payment will be made. Usually, mating is either immediately paid for on the spot, or the owner of the male takes one or two puppies as payment for mating.

In this case, you should remember:

  • Only healthy dogs with a balanced temperament and a stable psyche can be bred.
  • Before mating, it is necessary to show the bitch to a veterinarian.
  • 3-4 weeks before estrus, it is necessary to give the bitch anthelmintic, since later, during pregnancy and nursing, this cannot be done.
  • For the first mating, you should select an experienced male.
  • It is advisable to invite an instructor who will tell you what to do if any difficulties arise.
  • As a rule, dogs are bred in the male territory: there he will behave more confidently.
  • It is better to knit dogs in the morning, without feeding them, but giving them a good walk.
  • It is advisable to have only three people present: the owner of the bitch, the owner of the dog and the instructor; strangers will only interfere.
  • Mating should be carried out in a calm environment.

There are two ways of knitting: freestyle and manual.
In free mode, the dogs are left together for a while; in manual mode, the dogs are helped. The second method should be used only if the animals for some reason cannot breed on their own. Both dogs should have collars, and if the “bride” is too obstinate, then she should be muzzled.

The owner of the bitch needs to hold her by the collar with one hand and under the belly with the other. A male dog usually does not need help, but sometimes, if he cannot reach the bitch’s loop, he has to be seated.

During mating, you should not shout at the dogs and, of course, under no circumstances should you force them apart. Owners should reassure their pets if they show indecisiveness, and, conversely, calm them down if they become overexcited.

One or two days after the main one, it is recommended to carry out a control mating, especially if there is no confidence that the first one was successful.

Varieties of colors

The standard allows any color except genetic blue, genetic brown in any combination and sable.

Standards and appearance

Alabai is a large, harmoniously built and balanced breed of dog. There are no unambiguous indicators of the size of the Central Asian Shepherd. The standard specifies only permissible minimums:

  • the weight of an adult Alabai dog is from 50 kg for “boys”, and from 40 kg for “girls”;
  • Alabai height is from 70 cm in males and from 65 cm in females.

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According to reviews from owners, the weight of an adult Alabai can reach up to 80 kg with a height of 80 cm. But the larger the dog, the higher the likelihood of joint problems. If an alabai weighs more than 80 kg, you should review your diet and increase physical activity.

The largest Alabai in the world, nicknamed Bulldozer, weighs about 120 kg, but his height is appropriate. On its hind legs, the height of the animal is almost 2 m. Its appearance at dog fights has always created a sensation. Now the largest Alabai is on a well-deserved rest.

Official description of the breed (FCI standard No. 335):

HeadLarge, proportional to the body. The shape resembles a square.
MuzzleQuite short, blunt, close to a rectangle.
NoseLarge, painted black. In white or fawn colored dogs, lightening of the lobe is acceptable.
JawsMassive and wide. The teeth are hidden behind dense, well-pigmented lips. A straight or scissor bite is allowed, as well as a bite without waste.
EyesMedium size, almond-shaped, set wide and straight. The pigmentation of the iris can be any shade: from dark brown to light brown.
EarsHanging, triangular in shape, set low. In some countries they are subject to docking.
NeckMassive, muscular, cylindrical in shape.
BodySlightly stretched. The withers are especially prominent in boys. Both sexes have a wide back, short loin and deep chest. The belly is slightly tucked.
TailExpands as it approaches the base. It is shaped like a sickle or twisted into a ring closer to the tip. In some countries it is subject to docking.
LimbsStraight and parallel, set quite wide.

According to the observations of dog handlers, the size of an adult Alabai fluctuates within a fairly wide range, so it is almost impossible to name any specific parameters. However, it is permissible to highlight the average weight and height of an Alabai based on measurements of puppies from various litters.

But one should not be surprised if the little Alabai first lagged behind its relatives, and then sharply overtook its fellows. With the Central Asian Shepherd, such surprises occur quite often.

The following is a table of Alabai’s body weight by month, which can be used to track weight dynamics:

Age (months)Alabai weight and height
NewbornA small alabai looks like a well-fed barrel with short legs. Its weight ranges from 350 to 550 g.
1By this time, the Alabai’s height at the withers reaches 30 cm, weight – 3–5 kg.
2At 2 months, the weight of the Alabai reaches 10 kg, but the growth does not increase so rapidly: by about 5 cm. The difference is associated with the active formation of the skeleton.
By the way, the largest Alabai Bulldozer by this time weighed 20 kg.
3The weight of Alabai at 3 months is about 20 kg, height is up to 45 cm.
4At this age, a period of intensive development begins. At 4 months, the Alabai’s weight reaches 30 kg, height – up to 55 cm.
5At 5 months, the Alabai’s height increases by 2–3 cm, and its weight increases by 5–7 kg.
6At six months, puppies begin to resemble adult dogs - their bodies become wider and more massive. During this period, Alabai weigh 50 kg, height at the withers reaches 70 cm.
9Dogs practically no longer stretch in height, but actively build muscle mass. The growth of Alabai at 9 months remains almost the same - 70–75 cm. Weight is 60–70 kg.
12A teenager acquires the build and dimensions of an adult dog. Compared to 9 months, Alabai’s height increases by 3–7 cm, and its weight increases by 5–8 kg.

An adult alabai stops growing by the age of 3. Until this time, the pet can gain several kilograms due to an increase in muscle mass.

What does the Alabai breed look like?

Without a doubt, the phenotype of modern Alabais reflects the features of their distant ancestors: they have “impressive” dimensions, their strength is so obvious and, finally, they have thick hair.

And Alabai also have a heightened sense of self-esteem, they are certainly smart and quick-witted, and each of them knows his own worth well, and therefore from the owner and his immediate circle they demand basic respect for themselves and their rights - which, as it seems to us now, quite reasonable and even more than fair.


Massive, proportional to the body - a shape more reminiscent of a rectangle with smoothed corners. The skull is flattened, the occipital part is prominent.


Medium length, with a visually well-defined, clearly defined chin. The nose is fleshy, large, black, although in Alabais of white and fawn colors it can be light.

The jaws are massive, wide, and have a standard scissor bite; the lips have black pigmentation, the upper lip in a calm state of the dog completely hides its lower jaw. It is this characteristic feature, or more precisely, one of these appearance features that allows us to classify Alabais as mastiffs.


Oval in shape, rather medium in size, set wide apart. The color of the iris is light and dark brown, the eyelids are black.


Alabai fold-ears, their small ears are triangular in shape. By the way, in some countries the ears of Alabais are cropped.


Muscular, medium length. The characteristic dewlap is a special distinguishing feature of this breed.


Straight, muscular, prominent loin, short but powerful.


Wide, with a wedge that widens towards the shoulder blades, and its bottom reaches the level of the front joints, sometimes even lower.


High-set, powerful, often crescent-shaped until docked, sometimes curled into a ring in the last third. Official breed standards allow these two options.


Strong, wide bones, straight.

Hind limbs

They are as strong as the front ones, set slightly to the side.


Rounded, any color of claws is allowed.


Straight, thick, rough - in a word, luxurious, with a developed undercoat. It can be short or long – in the second case there is also a small mane.


Almost any, with the exception of black, brown, blue.

What factors does the life expectancy of an alabai depend on?

The lifespan of a Central Asian Shepherd depends on a number of factors. The place in which the dog is kept has a big influence. Alabai requires cleanliness and warmth. Many people mistakenly believe that Central Asians are supposed to sleep in the snow, and they don’t freeze.

Important! Experienced dog breeders advise paying attention to your pet’s diet. A balanced diet is the key to a long life for a dog.

It is necessary to carefully care for your pet's fur.

A large dog needs a large, spacious kennel

Where is the best place to keep a dog?

Alabai feels good in an insulated booth in the yard. Aviary housing involves the free movement of the dog around the site. Breeders do not recommend putting the dog on a chain; as a last resort, letting it roam around the area at night

It is important to fence the yard and not allow the dog to “walk on its own”, especially in crowded places

Alabai will not refuse to enter the house, and if the owner allows it, he will happily sleep on the carpet.

Optimal diet

The Central Asian Shepherd's menu should include meat, cereals, and vegetables. Breeders recommend cooking buckwheat, oatmeal, and rice in meat broth. You should give your dog beef, chicken and turkey. Alabai are not allowed to eat pork in any form. Several times a week, an adult dog needs cottage cheese and eggs. The pet must receive calcium. Alabai eat carrots, cucumbers, and peppers with pleasure. You can give your dog zucchini and lettuce leaves.

Potatoes and cabbage should not be introduced into your pet’s diet. Potatoes contain a lot of starch, which negatively affects the digestive system. Cabbage provokes increased gas formation in the dog, causing him discomfort.

Important! The veterinarian selects a suitable vitamin complex, which is given to the animal for a month, and then take a break for two to three months. You can feed Alabai with special food that contains all the necessary microelements

Manufacturers indicate on the packaging the recommended amount of food per animal per day, based on body weight

You can feed Alabai with special food that contains all the necessary microelements. Manufacturers indicate on the packaging the recommended amount of food per animal per day, based on body weight.

Hygiene procedures

The Central Asian Shepherd needs constant care. You should brush your dog regularly and avoid the formation of mats. It is necessary to trim the animal’s claws in a timely manner if they do not become worn down during long walks.

Alabais love water, so swimming gives them pleasure. For hygiene procedures, it is better to use a special shampoo for dogs. Human hygiene products are not suitable for dogs.

You should not forget to clean your pet's ears and teeth. The eyes are treated with special drops, which can be purchased at a veterinary office.

Aviary and booth

Dog lovers are opposed to kennel keeping, as it limits the freedom of the animal. However, Alabai can live peacefully in an enclosure, provided that it is equipped with a warm booth and the area of ​​the enclosure allows for an active lifestyle. It is better to sheathe the booth with special insulation. You need to choose the middle between expensive and cheap material and make your dog a cozy home.

The kennel for the Alabai must be insulated

Aviaries are often equipped for safety purposes in homes where there are small children. You can make a kennel and fencing with your own hands.


Central Asians need activity. Daily walks take at least three hours. Dog handlers advise walking your dog three times a day.

In cases where the animal lives in a private house and has constant access to the street, you can walk it long distances once a day.

Important! When dog handlers are asked how long Alabai live, they unanimously answer that walks affect the dog’s life expectancy

Daily walks with alabai are necessary for health


The dog must be vaccinated as prescribed by the veterinarian. Your puppy should be vaccinated against the following diseases before he is one year old:

  • rabies and plague;
  • hepatitis and enteritis;
  • canine flu;
  • leptospirosis and trichophytosis;
  • microsporia.

It is also necessary to remove parasites from your pet and prevent fleas and ticks using special drops and collars.

Alabai needs to get all the necessary vaccinations


Due to their nature, Central Asians are well suited for guarding and defense, as well as for hunting. Here are the most popular “professions” for this breed:

  • Shepherd. For a long time, nomads used these giants to protect livestock from wolves and to keep an eye on the herd. And in this role the dog feels very comfortable, because this is his original historical purpose. He copes with his duties in office very well.
  • Security guard. Alabai is extremely territorial. He does not allow anyone onto his land. If you live in a private house, then it will perform the role of security well. You won't have to worry about the safety of your home at all.
  • Hunter. This breed is distinguished by its strength and ability to make quick decisions on its own. For this reason, they are more than suitable for hunting. They have enough intelligence, strength, and dexterity for productive hunting.

Alabai or wolf - who wins

Alabai's middle name is wolfhound. The name speaks for itself. Under natural conditions , Central Asians, especially shepherd dogs, often faced wolves in fierce battles and almost always won . This was their main task and they undoubtedly coped with it.

Who is stronger: Alabai or tiger

Tigers are not at all the natural enemies of Alabais; it is very rare to see how these animals confront each other, but, most likely, their strength is equal . Although with proper training, the dog has every chance of winning.

Hunting for large predators

The Alabai is not a specialized occupation, but sometimes this dog is used to hunt bears and more often wolves. Today, such activity is not often practiced, but several centuries ago, nomads used their strength and powerful physique to catch wolves and other predators.

Fighting dog

Alabai is not officially considered a fighting dog, but dog fights are constantly held in Turkmenistan. They have very strict rules, no one fights to the death, and even serious damage is not allowed. The winner is the dog that was able to grab the other by the scruff of the neck and hold it for a sufficient amount of time.

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