How to bathe a Chihuahua, what to use and how often it should be done

One of the most important procedures in caring for a Chihuahua is bathing. How to wash a Chihuahua correctly? After all, her health and the beauty of her coat depend on it. In addition, some similarity in the size of a Chihuahua with a cat does not at all negate the pleasure the dog receives from the water procedure.

You understood correctly - dogs, including Chihuahuas, love to swim, and there is nothing to say about swimming in a spacious bathroom or pool. The main thing is to follow safety measures and know what to wash with and when exactly. Let's talk about this now.

When to start and how often to wash your Chihuahua?

Water procedures are not recommended until 3-4 months of age. Puppies produce more sebum, forming a thick coat. It should not be violated, as it protects against negative factors, including pathogenic microorganisms.

When asking how often you can bathe a Chihuahua, focus on the dog’s age. Wash puppies no more than once a month. Frequent water procedures in the first year are fraught with hair loss (alopecia) and seborrhea. Dirt after a walk can be washed off with plain water without shampoo, and paws can be rinsed every time. For prevention, you can use a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

In the future, bathe the Chihuahua as needed, use shampoo only once every 3-4 months, otherwise the protective layer of the epidermis will be damaged. If you wash your dog once every six months or less, the hair will stick together, forming icicles. The mixture of sebaceous secretions and dust changes color and is an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic microorganisms. There is a risk of baldness, lichen, dermatitis, and damage by ectoparasites - fleas, ticks.

It is necessary to adhere to the same frequency of bathing. This is important for the dog’s body to adapt and maintain the fat balance of the skin.

Features of the skin

The thermoregulation system of dogs is completely different from that of humans. Their skin does not have sweat glands, that is, dogs do not sweat. Moreover, their glands produce a special secretion that creates a kind of thin protective layer on the animal’s skin. The fat film of puppies is thick enough to protect against external dangers such as germs or skin diseases.

Adult dogs also need natural fat film. It helps maintain temperature balance, protects the animal from getting wet and high humidity, and reduces the risk of infectious skin diseases.

The puppy's first acquaintance with water

The first bath of a Chihuahua is important because the procedure is still unusual. If you do it correctly, then in the future your pet will bathe with pleasure.

Prepare the bathroom and bathing accessories in advance. Before the procedure, the puppy should stay in the room for some time to sniff everything and get used to the surrounding atmosphere. Place the dog in the bathroom and turn on the water so that it flows silently down the wall. While filling the container, talk to the animal, pet it, and play. In order not to frighten your pet, it is better to bathe it for the first time in a basin with low sides. It can also be used in the future.

When bathing a Chihuahua, it is important to follow some rules:

  1. Wash your pet in the evening after a walk.
  2. Place an anti-slip mat at the bottom of the bathing container.
  3. Protect your ears from water to avoid causing otitis media. To do this, use a cap or earplugs.
  4. Rinse off the shampoo completely.
  5. After bathing your pet, be sure to dry it.
  6. If the fur is long, be sure to comb the animal before washing.

After preparing the room and accessories for washing the Chihuahua, proceed as follows:

  1. Dilute the detergent in advance.
  2. Cover your pet's ears.
  3. Rinse the wool with water. It is better to use a ladle or other container rather than a shower.
  4. Lather the animal. Start with the body, then move on to the limbs, belly and muzzle.
  5. Rinse off the shampoo with a low-pressure shower or with a ladle.
  6. Remove the dog from the bath (basin) and immediately wrap it in a towel.
  7. Remove the cap (earplugs).

It is better to combine bathing your Chihuahua with brushing its teeth. For this you need a special paste and a soft baby brush. Clean your teeth by moving back your upper lip first, then your lower lip.

When washing, do not allow the dog to become hypothermic or use too hot water. The optimal water temperature for bathing a Chihuahua is 37-49°C.

Eye and ear care

Small dogs often suffer from excessive tearing due to the specific structure of the eye sockets. To avoid eye infections, the development of conjunctivitis, glaucoma and cataracts, you need to wipe them daily with cotton pads soaked in boiled water, chamomile infusion or a special lotion.

It is necessary to keep your ears clean - once a month, empty the shells of accumulations of wax, dust and dirt. For the procedure you will need lotion and cotton swabs.


You should not wash your Chihuahua with human shampoo or soap. Because of this, the microflora is disrupted, irritation, itching, and dandruff will appear. Buy shampoo and other grooming products at a pet store. When choosing, consider the type of coat.

There are special detergents for Chihuahuas. Gentle shampoo for other breeds is cheaper. It must be diluted in 3 parts water. If the product is professional, dilute it 1:10.

To maintain the beauty of the coat and protect it, it is recommended to use conditioner. It is better to choose the same brand as the shampoo.

If the animal cannot be bathed, then you can get by with a special dry shampoo. It protects against pathogenic microorganisms and does not require rinsing.

Shampoos for dogs against dandruff, fleas and odor: list

Anti-dandruff shampoos:

  • Trixie ANTI-SCHUPPEN Shampoo - anti-dandruff shampoo for dogs
  • AnimAll Vet Line Shampoo - therapeutic and prophylactic shampoo for dogs
  • Four Paws Magic Coat Medicated - medicated shampoo for dogs that eliminates itching and dandruff
  • Espree (Espri) Luxury Tar & Sulfa Itch Relief Shampoo - shampoo with sulfur, anti-dandruff for dogs
  • Animall VetLine shampoo Animal Vetline for dogs with sulfur and tar

For fleas:

  • Sentry Pro Toy Shampoo against fleas and ticks for mini and small breed dogs
  • SynergyLabs Salon Select Flea&Tick Shampoo for fleas and ticks
  • Hartz Rid Flea&Tick with Oatmel - flea and tick shampoo with oats and vanilla aroma for problem skin
  • Hartz UltraGuard Shampoo Flea and tick shampoo with citrus scent

Hygienic shampoos:

  • Shampoo for dogs ACTIVE
  • Deep cleansing DazhBO Professional
  • Four Paws Magic Coat 2 in 1 Shampoo & Conditioner - shampoo + conditioner for dogs
  • AnimAll (Animal) shampoo for Yorkshire Terrier dogs

As you can see, washing your dog is quite simple, but you should never use human shampoo. You must purchase a separate cleanser. It can be found in any pet store on the shelves, in large hypermarkets.

Swimming in open water

Not all dogs like to swim in open water. If your pet is not one of them, you need to remember some points:

  1. Go to the pond in the morning or evening, or choose cool weather. Wool does not exclude sunburn and heatstroke.
  2. Protect your ears from water. It's better to use earplugs.
  3. Avoid bodies of water with rapid currents and steep banks.
  4. Avoid noisy places and water activities that can frighten the dog.
  5. The animal should drink only clean water.
  6. Do not bathe your dog in a pool with chlorinated water. It irritates mucous membranes and can cause poisoning.
  7. Do not throw or drag your pet into a pond. Accustom it gradually, first by walking nearby, then wetting your paws at the edge.
  8. Limit your time in the water to 3 minutes, then take a break.
  9. You can be near the dog, but do not swim at this time.

You cannot bathe a dog in open water if it has a dermatological or infectious disease. The ban also applies to females during estrus.

Cons of the breed

Before you get a Chihuahua at home, you should also familiarize yourself with the disadvantages of the breed:

  • Difficult temperament. These charming creatures are very jealous. They cannot get along with other dogs and cats. In addition, the pet is very attached to the owner and requires constant care and attention from him.
  • Intolerance for loneliness. Chihuahuas should not be left alone for long periods of time. This sad dog may lose his appetite and get sick. Or maybe it’s the other way around – barking for hours on end and ruining the owner’s things.
  • Difficulties in training. The Chihuahua dog is very smart, but is reluctant to follow human commands. It is not easy to accustom her to a litter box at home, and it is even more difficult to teach her to obey the commands “sit”, “lie down”, etc.
  • Fragility. These babies are very vulnerable due to their size. Even a fall from a small height can cause injuries and fractures. The owner himself can injure the dog if handled carelessly. Therefore, it is not recommended to train Chihuahuas to sleep in their master's bed. It is also not recommended to purchase a dog if there is a very small child in the house.

Drying after swimming

To keep your Chihuahua's coat beautiful, it must be completely dried and combed after bathing. Humidity in cold seasons threatens the dog with hypothermia and colds.

Immediately after bathing, wrap the Chihuahua in a terry towel. It absorbs moisture better. You cannot keep your pet in a towel for a long time, otherwise the fur will become brittle and dandruff will appear.

For further drying, use a hair dryer, setting the minimum speed and medium temperature. Bring the device no closer than 5 cm to the dog. Dry the body first, paying more attention to the back and sides, then the paws, then the chest and neck, placing the pet with its belly up. The animal must be accustomed to the hair dryer in advance so that it is not afraid of air flow and noise.

Combine combing the Chihuahua with drying. For short hair you need a brush glove, for long hair you need a special comb.

Precautions to take when bathing your Chihuahua

During water procedures in a bathtub or open pond, it is important to remember the following precautions:

  1. After bathing in the bathroom, do not go outside with the dog, avoid drafts, and other variants of hypothermia.
  2. Do not wash your Chihuahua immediately after eating; it is better to feed or give a treat after the procedure.
  3. Do not allow the detergent to get inside - the dog can drink water with it, lick it from the fur, or swallow the foam.
  4. During bathing and after, do not allow temperature changes.
  5. Do not leave the animal in the water unattended.

What toys are needed

When caring for a Chihuahua dog, you need to remember about toys. The best ones are squeaky ones and ones that can be chewed (they are especially useful for puppies). They should not be too small so that the dog swallows them. Must consist of rubber or latex, without metal or plastic parts. An important nuance: you cannot pull a toy out of a dog’s teeth - this can ruin his bite.

When should a Chihuahua not be washed?

Puppies should not be bathed during the incubation period and before their first vaccination. In the future, washing is prohibited in the following cases:

  • at least 2 weeks after vaccination;
  • after surgery, after removing the sutures, wait for 1-2 weeks;
  • at least 1-1.5 months after birth;
  • during illness until complete recovery;
  • at least 2 days after applying the flea and tick remedy (see instructions for the product).

Bathing a Chihuahua is an important procedure to maintain the health and beauty of your pet. It is important to follow general rules and precautions and use special and high-quality detergents. How often you can bathe a Chihuahua depends on the age and living conditions of the dog, but shampoo is only needed 3-4 times a year. It is better to discuss the possibility and timing of washing after operations, vaccinations and illnesses with a veterinarian.

It is also useful for you to know: Why is a Chihuahua constantly itching: possible reasons How long and when can you walk your Chihuahua outside?

Skin diseases

There can be many reasons for skin problems. The most harmless, symptomatic treatment that does not require medication is incorrectly selected cosmetics or bathing regimen. Using the wrong shampoo, too often, or, conversely, not washing often enough can lead to dry skin, dandruff, and oily seborrhea.

Other reasons are more serious and can harm the pet’s health:

  • pathogenic bacteria that are normally present in healthy microflora;
  • viruses, or rather their pathogens;
  • fungi are part of the normal flora present in every organism;
  • parasites – fleas, ticks, worms.

Skin diseases can also be a symptom of some serious diseases:

  • allergy;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • endocrinological diseases;
  • oncology;
  • hereditary diseases.

In any case, if you notice dandruff or a rash on your pet, if he is constantly itching or showing restlessness, you should consult a veterinarian. You should not self-medicate or listen to the advice of fellow dog lovers. Some diseases have similar symptoms but require completely different treatments. Only a doctor, after additional research, will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

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