Bars products for controlling fleas and ticks in pets: reviews, instructions, testimonials

With the help of special preparations you can protect dogs and puppies from various ectoparasites.

These include Bars drops, which provide a quick effect and long-lasting action. But to ensure that this product does not harm your pet, it must be used in accordance with the instructions. Otherwise, therapy may be complicated by side effects.

  • 5 Contraindications and side effects
  • 6 Precautions
  • 7 Storage and shelf life
  • 8 Benefits
  • 9 Conclusion
  • Description, release form and composition

    Bars drops for puppies and dogs are produced in Russia. On sale you can find the drug standard and Forte. The medicine has an insectoacaricidal effect. Bars drops are intended for external use.

    The product is a light yellow oily liquid, which is packaged in disposable pipettes of 1; 1.4; 1.8; 2.8; 3.6; 4.2; 5; 5.4 ml. This assortment allows you to choose the right dosage for dogs and puppies depending on their body weight.


    The standard form of the drug includes the following active ingredients:

    • fipronil – disrupts the transmission of nerve impulses;
    • diflubenzuron – prevents reproduction, has a detrimental effect on the larvae;
    • dicarboximide - enhances the toxic effect of the two previous substances.

    Bars Forte drops have a more gentle effect. Therefore, they can be used for puppies over 2 months of age. This product does not contain dicarboximide, but uses citronella ester instead. In addition to the active components, any form of the drug contains excipients that increase the effectiveness of the product.

    Brief description of the drug

    Leopard is used to exterminate fleas or ticks on animals. Refers to combined insectoacaricidal agents. It is produced in Russia and comes in various modifications (collars, tablets, shampoos, drops). The most popular are Bars drops for fleas. They are produced in the form of disposable plastic ampoules with different dosages, which depend on the age and type of animal.

    Composition and purpose of Bars drops

    Bars is able to output:

    • fleas;
    • skin helminths;
    • demadecosis parasites;
    • ticks;
    • lice;
    • lice eaters.

    At the same time, the drug kills both adult insects and larvae.

    Bars drops contain:

    • fipronil (main active ingredient);
    • dicarboximide;
    • diflubenzuron;
    • Excipients.

    The leopard has an immediate effect on the parasite, paralyzing its nervous system, which leads to instant death. Additional substances increase the toxicity of the product and also disrupt the vital processes of parasites. The drops have a repellent effect, which allows them to be used for preventive purposes.

    Active substance

    The main active ingredient in Bars is the insecticide fipronil. The substance is widely used to destroy not only parasites on animals, but also household or garden pests. Long-term human use of fipronil as an insecticide proves that the product is truly effective. It is not susceptible to external factors and is resistant to washing off with water.

    Fipronil does not enter the pet's blood, but accumulates in the secretion glands and hair follicles, due to which the effect of the drug lasts for a long time.

    Advantages of the drug

    Leopard has proven itself to be an effective remedy in the fight against parasites living on pets. The positive properties of Leopard also include:

    • minimal toxicity of the substance towards animals;
    • the possibility of the drug affecting not only fleas, but also other pests;
    • high efficiency achieved thanks to the complex composition of the product;
    • a wide range of release forms suitable for animals of various breeds and ages;
    • ease of use;
    • long-term effect (1–2 months).

    Operating principle

    Bars drops for fleas are a low-toxic product that does not pose a threat to the health of humans and warm-blooded animals. When the medicine is applied to the skin, it lingers in the top layer and also penetrates the hair follicles and sebaceous glands. The active components of the drug are not absorbed into the bloodstream, therefore they are not capable of harming the pet. The effect of the drops begins 24 hours after application and lasts for 4 weeks.

    The medicine initially causes paralysis of adult parasites, and then death due to circulatory problems. Also, the active components of the drugs penetrate the protective shell of the larvae, which leads to a stop in their development and death.

    Why are fleas and ticks dangerous?

    Fleas are parasitic insects that feed on the blood and scales of animal skin. These small creatures (about 1 mm) move by jumping along the fur, lay eggs on their host, from which larvae emerge, which soon transform into adults. Insects are extremely resistant to adverse environmental factors - they survive in heat and cold, and can go without food for a long time. When fighting parasites, you will have to treat not only the animal itself, but also thoroughly clean its bedding, personal belongings, and vacuum the floors, carpets, and walls in the room. Flea bites cause itching and irritation; insect saliva often provokes allergic reactions in cats and dogs. There is also a risk of contracting typhoid, plague, salmonellosis, and hepatitis. Fleas are especially dangerous for young animals - puppies and kittens can suffer from anemia, be weakened, and have trouble gaining weight. Fleas often cause pets to become infected with internal parasites - helminths, whose eggs they feed in the external environment.

    Ticks are no less dangerous to pets than fleas. A cat or dog can pick up an insect while walking on the grass or lawn, in the country or in nature. The parasite digs into the skin and sucks the pet’s blood, secretes saliva, through which it can infect the pet with dangerous diseases: borreliosis, anaplasmosis, encephalitis and others. Dogs can also get piroplasmosis, which can be fatal.

    Doses and order of application

    Depending on the disease, Bars Drops should be used differently. Therefore, before starting therapy, you need to study the instructions for use. Compliance with all recommendations will allow you to achieve the maximum result of treatment or prevention and prevent possible complications.

    Lice, fleas, lice eaters

    Before using Bars drops against fleas and other ectoparasites, you must examine your pet. Do not use the medicine if there are scratches, open wounds, abrasions and dermatitis.

    Attention! For adult dogs, both forms of the drug can be used, and for puppies - only Bars Forte.

    For puppies

    For lice, lice-eaters, and fleas, it is necessary to apply Bars directly to the dog’s skin, after parting the fur. For small dogs and puppies, it is enough to drop the product on the withers, and for large pets - in several places inaccessible for licking.

    Acceptable one-time dosage of standard Bars drops, depending on the weight of the pet:

    • 1.4 ml – 2-10 kg;
    • 2.8 ml – 10-20 kg;
    • 4.2 ml – 20-30 kg;
    • 5 ml – more than 30 kg.

    After the procedure, the animal should not be bathed for 4 days, and shampoo should not be used for 1 month.

    Single dosage of Bars Forte for puppies and dogs:

    • 0.18 ml or 4 drops – up to 1 kg;
    • 1 ml - 1-5 kg;
    • 1.8 ml – 5-10 kg;
    • 3.6 ml – 10-20 kg;
    • 5.4 ml – 20-30 kg;
    • 1.8 ml for each kg of animal weight - over 30 kg.

    If necessary, repeat therapy after 30 days.

    Ixodid tick

    To destroy the parasite that has burrowed into the dog’s skin, you need to drop the product onto the insect and wait half an hour. If after this time the insect does not fall off on its own, then it must be carefully pulled out with tweezers.

    Attention! For puppies, only Bars Forte drops can be used against ticks.

    Ear mites

    In this case, before starting therapy, it is necessary to clean the pet’s ears from scabs. Then you should drop the medicine into each ear canal according to the dosage indicated in the instructions for the product. After this, you need to massage the ears to distribute the medicine evenly and hold the pet’s head for several minutes.

    Attention! Bars drops should be applied to both ears, even if one is affected.

    Therapy should be repeated every 2 weeks until the mites are completely eliminated. The permissible dosage, depending on the size of the dog, is from 3 to 5 drops in each ear. The drug begins to act 3 hours after administration.

    Advice from experienced dog breeders

    Dog owners who have been using Bars flea drops for dogs for a long time give only the most positive reviews about the drug.

    In addition, they want to advise beginners to be sure to write down the processing date in a notepad. This is necessary in order not to miss the time of the next Bars treatment. Days when your pet's skin is left unprotected can become dangerous to its health.

    Dog breeders also advise using not only drops, but also Bars collars during periods of particularly high parasite activity. Double protection will not hurt your pet.

    Contraindications and side effects

    This remedy, like many others, has a number of contraindications.

    The product should not be used if:

    • individual intolerance to any component included in its composition;
    • less than 8 weeks old;
    • exhaustion;
    • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
    • dermatitis, open wounds.

    There are contraindications

    The use of Bars drops of any form for nursing and pregnant dogs is unacceptable. It is also prohibited to combine them with drugs of similar action.

    This product belongs to category 3 hazard class. But, despite its safety, if used incorrectly, it can cause side effects such as general lethargy, muscle tremors, skin irritation, vomiting, and lack of appetite. Their presence directly depends on the number of drops applied. If your dog is feeling critical, you should contact a veterinarian.

    Contraindications to the use of Bars drops

    Despite the fact that the product is not toxic to animals, it is prohibited to use:

    • pregnant or lactating cats and dogs;
    • puppies and kittens under eight months of age;
    • convalescent pets;
    • animals infected with various infectious diseases;
    • dwarf breeds whose weight does not exceed 2 kg;
    • in combination with other drugs.

    Please note that rabbits, turtles and fish should not be allowed to come into contact with the drug. Contact of fipronil on their skin and organ systems causes instant death.


    Bars drops have many advantages, which sets them apart from other medications with similar effects.

    Main advantages:

    • availability;
    • ease of use;
    • safety;
    • does not cause addiction among parasites;
    • wide spectrum of action;
    • minimum contraindications;
    • Can be used for puppies and adult dogs.

    The advantages of this product include the minimal likelihood of side effects when used correctly.

    Combining Bars with other means

    Please note that combining drops with other drugs is strictly prohibited. Such prohibitions were invented for a reason. The fact is that even drugs that differ in their principle of action can have identical compositions. As a result, in case of an overdose of the active substance, in this case fipronil, intoxication of the body is possible.

    Alternatively, when drugs contain different substances in their composition, mixing of the main components is possible. Such reactions can cause weakening of the body, seizures or allergic reactions.

    Precautions for pets

    Following safety precautions for humans alone is not enough. Please note that simple precautions should also be followed in relation to your pet:

    • apply only a preparation suitable for the type and age of the animal;
    • If your pet has an allergic reaction, immediately wash off the drops with water and visit a veterinarian;
    • do not combine drops with other drugs.

    With the right approach to processing, the procedure will take place without harmful consequences.

    Popularity in comparison with analogues

    Bars drops are bought by every second cat or dog owner, despite the fact that various manufacturers of veterinary drugs offer a huge selection of products.

    Advantages of Bars:

    • Reasonable price and availability. You will spend no more than 250 rubles on a package of Bars for fleas, and you can buy it at any pet store, veterinary pharmacy or in the pet department.
    • Wide spectrum of action. Leopard is capable of destroying parasites at any stage of development.
    • Ease of use. There is no need to carry out complex calculations for the dosage of the drug or prepare a special composition in advance.
    • The substance lasts for 6–8 weeks.
    • The risk of infecting your pet is minimal due to the specific application.

    Disadvantages of the drug:

    • There are no guarantees of complete safety of the product in relation to animals. If the pet does reach the substance and it enters the digestive system, intoxication of the body and other side effects are possible.
    • Individual characteristics of the animal. If the body is intolerant to any components of the substance, allergic reactions are possible.

    It is worth noting that Bars drops are practically no different from analogues with a similar composition and principle of action. Other drugs containing substances also cannot guarantee the complete absence of the risk of side effects. Bars, in turn, has established itself as an accessible and inexpensive, truly effective remedy.

    Other drugs Bars

    In addition to Bars drops for fleas, you will find other drugs on sale. Their variety and principle of operation can be found in the table.

    MeansMethod of influence
    CollarPresented in the form of a rubber collar impregnated with a special substance. The action is more aimed at repelling rather than destroying parasites, since there is no direct contact with the skin. Excellent for consolidating the result and further prevention after using drops or spray.
    ShampoosSuitable for quickly killing parasites. The composition contains only natural ingredients, so the product can be used for animals of different ages. Due to the absence of a toxic insecticide, it has a short-term effect.
    SprayMade for complete treatment of the animal's skin and fur in all areas of the body, as well as for disinfecting the pet's sleeping area or bedding.

    Are there analogues of Bars for fleas?

    If the pet store does not have Bars drops in its assortment, and you need the drug urgently, you can choose similar drugs that differ from Bars in cost, composition and principle of action. These include drops:

    • Frontline;
    • Practitioner;
    • Dana;
    • Rolf Club;
    • Mr. Bruno;
    • Advantix;
    • Celandine.

    Before purchasing an analogue, read the instructions for use, paying attention to contraindications and side effects.

    Precautions for humans

    Be sure to read the instructions before using the drops. When processing, follow these simple precautions:

    • carry out processing with rubber gloves;
    • do not come into contact with food during the procedure;
    • After all manipulations, wash your hands with soap;
    • do not allow children to come into contact with the treated animal in the first two days;
    • Dispose of used capsules correctly;
    • If the product gets on your skin, rinse with warm water;
    • If the substance is swallowed, consult a doctor immediately.

    Reviews from owners and veterinarians

    Most cat and dog owners note the high effectiveness of the product. According to some dog breeders, Bars drops begin to act on the second day and remain effective for 60 days. The majority of RuNet users note the ease of use of the tool. Some owners claim that the substance caused side effects in their pets, namely weakness and lethargy, and lack of appetite. As a rule, symptoms disappeared in the first few days after treatment and were caused by intoxication of the body due to an overdose or the substance entering the digestive tract.


    “Bars” is sold in the form of a yellowish solution with a viscous consistency and a specific aroma. One pack contains 3-4 pipettes. The volume of each of them is no more than 1.4 ml. In the drug intended for cats, the main active ingredient is fipronil. Its effect is enhanced by diflubenzuron and dicarboximide.

    Additional ingredients include polyethylene glycol, polyvinylpyrrolidone and isopropyl alcohol. The manufacturer indicates the date of manufacture of the medicine on the packaging. Shelf life is 2 years. The drops should be stored in a place inaccessible to children and pets.

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