Ear drops Bars and Bars forte for dogs: instructions, comparison, analogues

A simple way to treat a dog against ectoparasites is to use drops on the withers. The domestic product from Agro Vet Protection - Bars drops for dogs differs from imported analogues in its low cost and wide spectrum of action. Bars drops for puppies from two months and adult dogs are produced in the form of an oily liquid without color, but with a faint odor. The product is packaged in disposable plastic bottles with a pipette.

The drug contains the following active substances:

  • fipronil at a dosage of 50 mg per 1 ml;
  • dicarboximide at a dosage of 5 mg per 1 ml;
  • diflubenzuron 1 mg per 1 ml.

It also contains other auxiliary components.

The medication is used for treatment and as a regular prophylaxis against lice, fleas, lice, ticks, otodectosis and other external parasites.

Storage is carried out separately from food in a dark place inaccessible to animals and children, at a permissible temperature of 0 to + 30 degrees. Unopened drops are stored for up to 2 years, opened in a cold place for no longer than 1 day.

Instructions for use of Bars drops

Treatment against external parasites and ticks is carried out a week before seasonal vaccination or twice a year. For therapeutic purposes, treatment is carried out twice with an interval of 10–14 days. During the first treatment, adult individuals are destroyed, and after 10 days, young ones that hatch from the remaining eggs. The duration of action of the drug is up to three months.

Using a plastic pipette, the drug is applied to the animal’s skin and spreads evenly throughout the body. The drug is not absorbed into the skin and does not enter the pet’s blood, but accumulates in the pores.

The instructions for Bars for dogs recommend the following application of the drug:

  • the most inaccessible area for licking is selected on the dog’s withers;
  • the fur and undercoat move apart;
  • Apply Bars onto the skin in droplets in several places.

For the first few hours, you should ensure that the animal does not lick itself. The likelihood of poisoning is especially high when several animals are treated at once in one house. Dogs can lick each other.

For otodectosis, drops are instilled into each ear of the animal in the following steps:

  • the dog's ears are cleaned of wax, dirt and mucus;
  • the required dosage is instilled into each ear;
  • The ears are folded and with massage movements the drug is evenly distributed over the inside of the shell.

After instillation into the ears, it is important to ensure that the dog does not shake its head for 15–20 minutes. To do this, the animal is distracted by a treat or stroking.


Ear scabies can be treated quickly; advanced disease can lead to:

  • to purulent otitis;
  • hematoma of the auricle.

By scratching sore ears until they bleed, a dog or cat damages the delicate skin of the auricle. Pathogenic microorganisms can enter scratches and micro-wounds in the ear canal and quickly spread, causing purulent inflammation. Treatment will require antibiotics. In its advanced form, otitis media will become chronic and will appear periodically.

Hematoma (otherwise known as lymphatic extravasation) of the auricle is a complication of otodectosis, more typical for cats. It is diagnosed when, as a result of injury to the auricle (the cat scratches the ear with sharp claws), a blood or lymphatic vessel under the skin bursts. A hematoma forms in the area of ​​the auricle. Surgical intervention is required - under anesthesia, the skin inside the auricle is opened and the contents of the hematoma are removed.


How to give drops to an animal without causing intoxication? It is important to follow the dosage, which is calculated depending on the dog’s weight:

  • weight from 2 to 10 kg – 1 pipette (1.4 ml);
  • from 11 to 20 kg – 2 pipettes (2.8 ml);
  • from 21 to 30 kg – 3 pipettes (4.2 ml);
  • from 30 kg – 4–7 pipettes (5–10 ml).

For dogs weighing more than 30 kg and puppies, a more accurate calculation of drops is made from the ratio per 1 kg of animal weight / 0.1 ml of the drug. The exact dosage will prevent intoxication.

For the convenience of breeders, the manufacturer offers pipettes with the drug of various volumes.

How to take Bars for dogs with otodectosis depends on the complexity of the disease. The standard regimen allows the use of 4 to 6 drops in each animal's ear, once a day.

How to use drops against ixodid ticks

Unlike other parasites, ixodid ticks are more likely to attach to dogs. However, cats are also at risk. The parasite gets onto the animal's fur and skin from grass or ground, sometimes from a tree or low bush.

Ixodid ticks are active from March to October. At this time, the ground is not covered with snow and has an acceptable temperature for the parasite. If the winter is warm, then this type of arachnid is active all year round.

To protect cats from ixodid ticks, insectoacaricidal treatment must be carried out every month. This applies to animals that go outside for walks. At home, infection with ixodid ticks is unlikely.

If prevention was not carried out on time, ticks can be found on the pet’s body. In this case, the use of Bars drops has its own peculiarities. It is necessary to carefully move the fur apart. A few drops of the medicine should be applied directly to the tick.

After half an hour, the parasite should die and fall off on its own. If this does not happen, you need to take special tweezers and unscrew the tick counterclockwise. It is important that the parasite comes out with the head. Otherwise, inflammation may occur.

After the tick has fallen off or been twisted out with tweezers, you need to contact a veterinarian. The cat could become infected with diseases carried by this parasitic arachnid species.

Advantages and disadvantages


  1. The convenient shape of the pipettes allows you to instill the product without the use of additional devices.
  2. Low price compared to imported analogues.
  3. Easy to calculate dosage.
  4. Good shelf life.
  5. A complex remedy that is used for various skin and ear parasites.
  6. Easily washed off with water.


  1. If the dosage is not observed, the animal may become intoxicated.
  2. Allergic reaction to some components.
  3. The unpleasant smell of dichlorvos, which causes discomfort in the dog.


The drug is contraindicated in puppies under 8 weeks of age, as it can cause intoxication in the baby and the bitch that will lick it.

You should use drops with caution for dogs prone to allergic reactions.

The drug has no other contraindications. The drops go well with any medical and folk remedies.

Side effects

If you follow the instructions and the correct dosage, Bars does not cause side effects for dogs.

In animals with a predisposition to an allergic reaction, the following manifestations are possible:

  • itchy skin accompanied by weeping eczema;
  • hair loss;
  • swelling of the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose and eyes;
  • discharge from the eyes.

If an allergic reaction or overdose occurs, the drug is washed off the animal’s skin with a mild shampoo. The dog is given an antihistamine.


Any ear drops cannot be used in two cases:

  • For sensitivity, intolerance to components, allergies.
  • If you suspect a ruptured eardrum.

Anti-tick Leopard cannot be instilled:

  • kittens, puppies younger than 4 weeks;
  • pregnant females;
  • during the feeding period only with the permission of a veterinarian.

There are no contraindications for ear leopard forte based on age or physiological condition. The drug can be included in complex therapy, combined with other medications except solutions for auricular administration.

Anti-tick Bars cannot be used simultaneously with other acaricidal agents to avoid overdose.

Reviews of Bars drops for dogs

Reviews of Bars for dogs are as follows:

Vitaly: “I use Bars drops for preventive purposes, I drip them in the fall and spring on the pet’s withers. There are no fleas all year round. The pet had no side effects. But after instillation, I don’t let the dog lick his lips.”

Nikolay: “Effective drops from AVZ are suitable for all four-legged pets. Convenient packaging in plastic bottles of 1.4 ml makes it easy to purchase the required dosage for a dog of any size. The drug does not cause allergies, but it is important to follow the dosage.”

Elena: “The drug Bars for fleas is inexpensive, but it caused an allergic reaction in my Shih Tzu. I had to quickly wash off the drops and give medicine. Although the dosage was calculated correctly. Before this, treatment was carried out only with an imported product in the form of a spray.”

Julia: “We use leopard to treat cats and dogs. Since we have a lot of them, we purchase several packages at once. Animals do not have fleas, but after application it is necessary to ensure that cats do not lick the drops off each other and dogs. We consider drops safer than vaccinations or oral medications.”


If the instructions for the insecticidal drug Bars are followed exactly, no negative manifestations will occur. If the dose indicated on the package is exceeded, or if the dog accidentally ingests the medicine, symptoms of overdose may appear:

  • apathy, lethargy, constant drowsiness of the pet;
  • increased salivation, lacrimation;
  • vomit;
  • hair loss, rash at the site of application of the drug.

In cases of overdose, the dog must be shown to a veterinarian, since the consequences of insecticide poisoning can be very severe.

What is included in the Bars spray?

Bars flea remedy is sold in convenient bottles made of plastic with a volume of 100 and 200 ml.
Both types of packaging are equipped with a sprayer for ease of use of the drug. Each package contains detailed instructions for using this flea medicine. The effectiveness of the effect on blood-sucking parasites is ensured by the insecticide fipronil contained in the spray. In addition to the main active ingredient, the drug contains:

  • alcohol;
  • Castor oil;
  • glycerol;
  • hydrochloric acid;
  • water.

The product has a characteristic yellowish tint and a specific smell. Bars spray has a very strong smell due to the insecticide fipronil.

The medicine is applied to the cat's fur by spraying, after which the active substance quickly penetrates into the hair follicles and upper layers of the animal's skin. The spray can be used to both treat and prevent flea and tick infestations in your cat.

Fleas are an all-season scourge, and ticks especially often plague animals in the summer. The risk of infecting a pet with blood-sucking parasites increases sharply if the cat lives in a private household and goes for a walk outside, where it can easily come into contact with sick animals. It only takes one single flea settling on the fur of a domestic cat for it to very soon become the carrier of a whole colony of blood-sucking parasites. Fleas lay large numbers of larvae, causing their numbers to grow rapidly.

Fleas are dangerous not only because they bite and greatly bother the cat, but also because they spread dangerous diseases. One application of the drug is enough to protect your pet from fleas for up to one month. All components of the medicine are safe for the cat, since they do not penetrate into its body, but remain only in the outer layers of the epidermis. Fipronil has a detrimental effect on fleas and other blood-sucking insects, as it causes complete paralysis in the parasites.

Effect of the drug

Fipronil is an insecticide that has a destructive effect on the nervous system of pests. It blocks the functioning of nerve impulses. Paralysis occurs, resulting in the death of insects.

  • Diflubenzuron slows down vital processes in the parasite's body, dicarboximide activates the insecticide.
  • The drops easily penetrate the sebaceous glands, epidermis and hair follicles.
  • It is impossible to detect the drug in the blood when taking a standard set of tests; it does not enter the blood.

Drops penetrate the body when biting the skin. Contrary to popular belief, pests do not die immediately. At least 7 hours must pass from the moment the composition is applied. "Leopard" destroys not only adults, but also larvae. The duration of the beneficial effect of the drug is due to the fact that it is not washed off with water.

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