Dog walking law in 2022: rules and fines in Russia

The Dog Walking Law of 2022 was adopted on December 28, 2018. Its official number is Federal Law No. 498 “On the Responsible Treatment of Animals.” Based on Federal Law No. 248, changes were made to some legislative acts of the Russian Federation. Walking dogs, rules and requirements for keeping them, as well as cats, became the main points of the regulatory document. Since January 1, 2022, it has been included in the legislation in force in the country, but some articles have come into force this year, 2022.

Dogs walking on the street

Dog Walking Law 2022: Russia, official text

The Federal Animal Welfare Act has been under discussion for about five years because some of its provisions and clauses have met with harsh criticism from the public, animal rights activists, and even lawyers.

Walking dogs in the city

As a result, the original version was supplemented with adjustments and additional clauses and led to amendments to other legislative acts. The result was rules for dog walking in Russia that did not previously exist. The standard requirements were only in the bill.

This need has existed for a long time.

The 2022 legislation takes this into account. And the law, which lists and establishes dog walking standards, has received the necessary additions starting in 2022.

Walking pet on a leash

The introduction of new legal norms regarding dog walking and repressive norms for violating them did not resolve the pressing problem of the existence of special places for this purpose. In fact, the adoption of the law only stipulated the creation of such by local authorities based on the existing requirements of regional self-government bodies.

However, new dog walking guidelines had to be adopted as there was no legislation in place. There were only local government regulations defining places where pets could be walked. The conditions under which this should be carried out were also specified. The new law included the following points:

  1. The need for special equipment for movement in areas not designated as free-running areas for dogs. The dog should not move without a muzzle and a leash in prohibited areas and crowded places.
  2. Requirements for points where you can walk your dog are the safety of other animals and people who accompany the pets, the safety of the property of legal entities and individuals.
  3. The time when walking is officially permitted and recommended is from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. No one forbids being with a dog on the street at later or earlier times. But it is necessary to comply with the condition - the dog will be walked without violating the silence regime, which is established precisely from 23:00 to 07:00.
  4. Without a muzzle and without a leash, a dog may only be in an area specially designated for this purpose by local authorities. The exception is a puppy under 3 months of age, if we are talking about large animals or classified as potentially dangerous breeds. Small breed dogs are allowed to be walked without equipment.
  5. It is prohibited to walk dogs while intoxicated, even if there is a leash and muzzle. Now this means an administrative offense and implies a potential and quite significant fine.

Rules for walking without a muzzle on city streets

The owner can walk with the dog in full protective equipment only in places that are not classified as prohibited by the relevant instructions of local authorities. The owner is required by law to clean up after his walking pet if the dog leaves excrement. To do this, you need to have a scoop and spatula with you.

Where to complain and instructions

If breeders do not comply with the requirements of current legislation, citizens have the right to complain to the local administration or district police officer.

Attention! When submitting an application, it is recommended to attach documentary evidence that the dog owners do not comply with the prescribed rules. This could be photographs, videos, witness statements and more.

Lawyers recommend drawing up collective complaints, to which district police officers or officials from the local administration respond more quickly. The application must be written in two copies. It is recommended to indicate the addressee in the complaint (the head of the administration or the name of the district police officer).

Rules for walking dogs in the city

Animals must not be walked in the wrong place. This refers to the area near cafes, canteens, shops and other points of access and stay of people considered collective.

How to walk your pet

Even before the new law was issued, city officials had passed ordinances specifying areas where dogs were prohibited under any conditions met. These include the roadway (even if it is at night and there is no traffic), adjacent areas of multi-storey and apartment buildings.

This also includes sports and children's playgrounds with special equipment, crowded streets, areas of schools and kindergartens, and hospitals.

Amendments to the legislation gave legal status to prohibitions and places where you can walk your dog that previously existed by default or by order of city authorities.

Dogs on leashes and muzzles

Previously, when there were no penalties, residents of apartment buildings were forced to endure dog barking and excrement from the pets of irresponsible owners who walked the dog at their own discretion.

The new walking rules contain a list of places prohibited for animals in the city.

You can complain about their violation. Administrative liability is provided for dog owners who violate Russian legislation. A number of rules must be followed:

  1. You can walk your dog in a place specially equipped by the city authorities. For example, in a fenced area where there is a fence and the coating changes with frequency in accordance with established rules.
  2. If one is not provided, there must be a specially designated place. For example, a vacant lot between houses, where the owner must ensure safety for other animals and their owners. There are protective measures for this. The upbringing of the dog is also of great importance. She needs to be taught to follow commands and behave correctly in society.
  3. Dog breeds classified as dangerous by law cannot be accompanied by a child or intoxicated adult. It is impossible for the fashion for aggressive hybrids or breeds like the pit bull to lead to incidents, the definition of which legally falls not under the scope of the Code of Administrative Offenses, but under a criminal article.

Certificate of vaccinations

In some regions of Russia, such walking rules have been in effect for a long time. For example, in the Sverdlovsk region, for which the regional authorities adopted a corresponding resolution.

They even allow a large dog to stay freely in the yard of their own house only if the surrounding area is securely fenced off. A warning sign - a picture or an inscription - must be installed on the fence.

In 2022, other points of the new law on walking came into force. Guaranteed support for their action will be new decrees of the city authorities. It is also necessary to equip special dog pens where you can walk your pets safely and free of charge.

Legal norms for walking pets

There are certain requirements for a properly equipped walking area. These are size, distance from buildings, landscaping elements. Even if the quality of the coating does not meet the text of the law or GOST, animal owners can file complaints with the city administration.

Maintaining hygiene.

Dogs need to relieve themselves in the designated place. In the house, this could be a diaper or a tray. All that remains is to accustom the animal to the toilet in a special place for this.

The learning process is not complicated and consists of praising the pet with a treat for the correct action, that is, for relieving itself in a diaper or in a tray.

The owner should not allow the dog to shit anywhere in the house, otherwise the animal will get used to defecating wherever it wants, which will make keeping the pet much more difficult for the owner.

Fine for violating the law on walking

The punishment for violating the new law differs in different regions, since it is not specified in its text, but depends on the Code of Administrative Offenses (CAO) in force in the territory of the subject of the federation - city, region, republic or territory.

Walking pets is prohibited

In this regard, it is worth noting the following:

  • in Moscow, monetary penalties range from 1–2 thousand rubles;
  • the authorities of St. Petersburg considered it necessary to double the amount of payment and fine violators of the rules for walking dogs in the amount of 3 to 5 thousand rubles;
  • The Krasnoyarsk Territory makes exceptions for those who perform official duties with a dog; for other owners, the monetary penalty will be 1–5 thousand rubles;
  • There is a similar situation with fines for walking dogs illegally in the Krasnodar Territory.

Fine for walking a pet in the wrong place: subtleties

Graduation has not yet been adopted in the Moscow region. But there is reason to believe that public outcry will accelerate the adoption of a system of administrative penalties, taking into account the specifics of rural areas and the type of settlement. The problem will be resolved based on the Moscow experience.

Rules for keeping dogs

The government of St. Petersburg has long ago adopted the Law on Administrative Offenses, according to which the provisions of the new federal regulatory document have long been implemented. In 2004, in St. Petersburg, a document was published by the Committee for Improvement, which explicitly prohibits walking dogs and any other pets.

The parks and squares of the magnificent city are now patrolled by Committee inspectors, who are still warning owners about the legally supported possibilities of a one-time fine.

The lower limit of punishment for walking a dog in the wrong place is 3 thousand rubles. Violation a second time may entail more significant administrative liability.

About large and potentially dangerous dog breeds

The list of dog breeds known to be dangerous to others was approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on July 31, 2022. However, changes in legislation regarding aggressive animals only came into force in 2022.

The dog walks in a muzzle and on a leash

Most of them are not species that can be found on the street every day. Many Russians don’t even know these names: wolfdog, bandog, ambuldog and pit bullmastiff, akbash, bully kutta.

Husky, children's favorite Labrador, and the well-known German Shepherd are not small breeds. They are easy to teach rules of behavior and commands, but they cannot be in public transport or places where there are potential crowds of people.

These pets fall under the category of large breeds with a height of more than 40 cm at the withers. Such animals should not be allowed to cross without a short leash and muzzle only on the basis of training or friendliness, which their owners often use as an argument.

A small dog

Subtleties of walking according to the law

The Staff or Shepherd must be equipped accordingly. For a small dog in transport in 2022, you need to purchase appropriate armor.

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