Eukanuba cat food: super-premium or clever advertising?


Include the following types:

Dry food

Kitten Healthy Start. Food for babies with chicken meat. Veterinarians point to excess fat, which can cause digestive disorders, and excess minerals, which is contraindicated for sterilized individuals. Pros: almost 90% protein components.

Adult Top Condition. Food for cats from one year old. Not suitable for castrated cats, as the percentage of minerals and fats is too high. Plus: prevention of urolithiasis.

Adult Sterilized/Weight Control. Diet food option. It contains a minimum of fatty components and contains L-carnitine, which suppresses the feeling of hunger and stimulates metabolic processes. Judging by the inscription on the package, it can be used as a prophylactic against ICD.

Hairball Control. Suitable for cats with long hair and for those living in an apartment. There is a lot of fiber in the composition, there is fish oil (small amount). The manufacturer assures that this food will not allow wool to collect in the stomach into lumps.

Senior Top Condition. Designed for older animals with weak gums. Probiotics, antioxidants and other components indicated in the composition support the immune system and gastrointestinal tract, eliminating the formation of tartar. But the fat content percentage is 19%, which is unacceptable for very old animals.

Wet food

Eukanuba wet food has approximately the same composition as dry food. They include meat and offal (not listed), cereals (in second place in volume), vitamin and mineral complex (origin not specified), amino acids, fish oil (in minimal concentration).

Veterinary ruler

There is also a veterinary line, but several years ago (before the rights to the Mars Corporation transferred the rights to the brand to others) it was much wider.

What's on sale now:

Eukanuba Dermatosis LB. Dietary food for pets prone to allergic reactions. It improves metabolic processes in the body, reduces the manifestations of food allergies, relieves inflammatory processes, and boosts the immune system. Prescribed for chronic external otitis, food intolerance, miliary and common dermatitis, colitis, gastroenteritis, inflammatory bowel diseases. Ingredients: lamb liver, lung and lamb meat, corn oil, barley, beet pulp, sodium chloride, calcium chloride, dicalcium phosphate, vitamins. Contraindicated if you are allergic to lamb and barley.

Eukanuba Intestinal. For cats with gastrointestinal problems. Contains easily digestible ingredients (freeze-dried turkey and chicken meat, corn grits, dry sugar beet pulp, dried chicken eggs, etc.), does not contain allergens. often prescribed in complex therapy (after cancer, enteritis, parasitic infestation, intestinal surgery). Contraindicated in kittens and adolescents, pregnant and lactating cats.

Eukanuba Renal. A dietary product that is prescribed to cats with kidney failure and liver diseases. Ingredients: corn grits and flour, soy protein isolate, animal fat, potassium chloride, sodium chloride, chicken extract, calcium carbonate, fish oil, fructooligosaccharides, freeze-dried turkey and chicken. , beet pulp. Contraindicated in pregnant and lactating cats, adolescents and children.

Eukanuba Urinary Oxalate. For animals suffering from oxalate stones (low calcium levels). But it is also allowed as a dietary feed due to its balanced calorie and fat content. It contains chicken meat and liver, eggs, white fish and fishmeal. Contraindications: FLUTD associated with struvite urolithiasis, growth period, pregnancy, lactation.


Next, consider the opinions of experts and owners about Eukanuba dog food.


“The main reason to purchase Eukanuba food is the large assortment and exclusively natural composition of the products. Considering that dogs are carnivores, they simply need a diet consisting of real meat. The manufacturer offers a huge selection - not only everyday, but also special (therapeutic) diets and, what is very important, food for older animals. I can confidently recommend any of the company’s products for daily dog ​​nutrition.”

veterinarian Viktor Sergeevich

“Eukanuba dry food belongs to the super premium class group, which means that they are of excellent quality. They contain not only meat, but also many other useful ingredients that have internal and external positive effects on the dog’s body. It is very easy to choose a diet for any breed, which is very important (since each breed has individual nuances that must be taken into account when choosing food). I recommend the high-quality and proven product Eukanuba for dogs!”

veterinarian Lev Ilyich


“We have a Labrador who loves to eat hearty food. I fed him Brit Care for more than a year, but over time I began to notice that my dog ​​was itching a lot. I contacted the veterinarian. Unfortunately, it turned out that he was allergic to some ingredient in the food. I had to urgently look for a replacement for the old diet. The vet recommended Eukanuba food for Labradors. The dog is healthy and active, the coat is magnificent.”


“Six months ago a spaniel puppy arrived at our house. But alas, we immediately encountered an allergy - a rash began to appear on the skin. During the examination, the veterinarian diagnosed a food allergy and recommended Eukanuba food for the baby. Yes, it’s not cheap, but the allergies gradually went away with it, which still doesn’t bother me. If you want your pet to be active and not have to worry about its health, then feel free to choose Eukanuba products.”


“For several years now I have been feeding my baby Yorkie with Eukanuba dry food for small breeds and have never regretted my choice. During the entire period, no allergic reactions or problems with the functioning of the stomach arose. Therefore, I advise you to immediately make a choice in favor of this dry food in order not to torture yourself or your pet. Moreover, the range of diets is so huge that it will be very easy to choose food for any dog.”

Dasha Z.

“We used to feed our Doberman with Eukanuba, now Bosita, the dog eats it with pleasure.
I will say that there were some doubts about this food, but it suited the dog perfectly. Yes, we switched to Bozita, since Eukanuba is rarely sold in our city.” Alexander


First, let's look at the composition of dry food. Eukanuba Kitten Healthy Start kitten food will serve as an example (since it is assumed that food for babies consists of higher quality products).

It includes:

  • poultry - 43% (the most important protein of animal origin);
  • poultry fat and fish oil;
  • wheat and wheat flour;
  • barley;
  • rice;
  • whole dry egg;
  • animal protein (hydrolyzed);
  • sugar beet pulp;
  • fructooligosaccharides;
  • minerals;
  • dry brewer's yeast.

Studying the composition, we can conclude that there is no meat in the food in its natural form. There is so little fish oil and eggs that they do not have any significant positive effect. But there are a lot of unspecified ingredients in it, which is a serious drawback. Such secrecy makes you wonder why the manufacturer does this: either he often makes changes to the recipe, or uses low-quality components.

The food also contains a lot of grains: they occupy several points at once. If you do the math, the total share of cereals will probably be greater than meat products.

Wet food also contains grains, vitamins, minerals, and fish oil, but since nutritional components are at the very end of the list, their quantity is small.

Conclusions about Eukanuba food

There are both positive and negative reviews about Eukanuba cat food. Although there are more of the former, the PetObzor website will not recommend this dry food as the main food for your cats. The reason is the inflated price, which clearly does not correspond to the quality of the composition.

However, if the last mentioned fact does not bother you and you want to overpay, then Eukanuba can be bought as an alternative to any premium food.

Verdict: not desirable (?)

  • Mars
  • Premium food for cats

Advantages and disadvantages

Regarding advantages and disadvantages: Eukanuba food also has them. And, apparently, there are slightly more minuses than pluses.

  • Food of this brand is available and sold in all more or less large pet stores. You can also buy them without problems in hypermarkets like Auchan and Lenta, and you can also place an order directly from suppliers via the Internet. This is a real lifesaver in situations where an animal, for some reason, refuses natural food, and needs to be fed quickly.
  • The line offers not only dry, but also wet food (the so-called spiders).
  • The composition is far from bad: the food contains animal protein, minerals, and vitamins.
  • Adding methionine and taurine is pointless from a nutritional point of view, since these amino acids are already present in meat, and if there is plenty of meat, then the nutrients too. So such a maneuver raises the question: is natural meat really added to the food in sufficient quantities?
  • A surprisingly modest (if not to say meager) assortment. There are at least a minimum of food varieties: only 2 preventive and 3 age-related foods. Wet food is designed for cats without health problems. Please also note that special wet food is not available for sterilized and neutered cats.
  • There are too many grains in the feed, and the process of processing them always creates additional stress on the pancreas.
  • The composition of all foods in the line is approximately the same. But different cats have different needs! The elderly need more glucosamine and chondroitin, castrated and sterilized - dried berries and fruits.
  • It is not specified what kind of preservatives and antioxidants are used in the feed.

Get acquainted with interesting cat breeds with the help of our encyclopedia: Napoleon, LaPerm, Thai.

Brand history

Initially, the creator of the brand, Paul Imes, sought to develop a diet for dogs that would meet their natural needs, but as a result, the formulas underwent major changes, and the products became much richer in grain than in meat components.

Subsequently, the brand was sold - first to the Procter & Gamble concern, and then, in 2014, the rights to this brand were divided between the Mars, Inc. corporation. and Spectrum Brands Europe.

If previously the food of this brand was only imported, produced in the Netherlands and Liechtenstein, today the products that can be bought in Russia are produced in the Russian Federation.


The cost of feed produced under the Eukanuba brand is slightly higher than the average cost of similar super-premium class feed.

The price of a package weighing 400 g of dry food in the daily line ranges from 290 to 440 rubles, 2 kg of food will cost 1250-1850 rubles.

The price of dietary dry food is on average 1,220 rubles per package weighing 2 kg.

Cost of Eukanuba feed for daily feeding

Type of feedAverage price, rubPackage weight, g
dry food15002000

Cost of medicinal feed Eukanuba

Type of feedAverage price, rubPackage weight, g
dry food12202000
canned food116170

Feeding standards

It is recommended to consult a veterinarian before starting use or before extending the period of use. Your veterinarian may make specific feeding recommendations for your cat or may ask you to use the standard portions listed on the feeding chart. Recommended period of use: compensation for impaired digestion: 3-12 weeks; reduction of acute intestinal malabsorption: 1-2 weeks; regulation of lipid metabolism: initially up to 2 months. Make sure your cat always has enough water to drink. Exclusively for feeding pets.

Weight, kg)

Gram per day
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