Farmina cat food or Grandorf cat food - which is better?

The choice of ready-made food for your pet must be approached responsibly. The composition of Grandorf dog food and reviews from veterinarians about its quality attract the attention of professional dog breeders and pet lovers. But, of course, there are no ideal feeds.

It is important to understand the features of the Grandorf dog food line, the geography of production, the pros and cons of nutrition in comparison with analogues of the same price group. And not only instructions, but also reviews from the customers themselves should help with this. All this together will allow you to correctly determine whether this food is suitable for your dog or not.

Which is better dry or wet dog food?

Feeding wet food

- more expensive than
dry ones
, because due to the high moisture content their daily consumption rate is much higher.
And if for dogs
and cats this difference is not so noticeable, although in this case it certainly exists, then when we talk about the nutrition of a large dog, it becomes critical.

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About the rating

A good owner always wants to not only pamper his mustachioed pet, but also provide him with proper balanced nutrition, which will allow him to maintain health for many years. According to most veterinarians, as well as volunteers of the Murkosha shelter, it is very difficult, almost impossible, to achieve a balanced diet at home if you feed a cat natural food.

More information about food “from the table”: Natural food for cats: benefit or harm?

Therefore, the choice of a caring owner is high-quality professional food. But which one exactly? After all, now you can find a huge number of offers on the Internet and pet stores. It's no surprise that many people are eager to find some kind of rating for cat food. We decided to meet them halfway and present ours. Let us immediately make a reservation that our ranking will not have a distribution by place, firstly, because we do not want to impose our ideas on you. Secondly, any of the foods we included in the rating is worthy of your attention; in any case, it will be close to the optimal diet for your pet. Therefore, choose for yourself, focusing on your impressions, cost, the possibility of purchasing this or that food, but most importantly, whether this food is suitable for your pet.

Purina Cat Chow

I wouldn’t recommend Cat Chow food even to my enemy. The cat ate it when he was still a kitten, and everything was fine for two months. Then he started vomiting almost immediately after eating and only with this food. We tried changing to “Pro-plan” and “Purina-van”, but the reaction was the same. In general, they decided that the cat had an intolerance to soy in the food from this manufacturer, and transferred him to another. There is no nausea now, the cat is fat, well-groomed and has excellent fur.

Grandorf for cats - types

Many veterinarians and experienced breeders advise owners of four-legged animals to purchase high-quality food and not feed their pets from the table. Grandorf cat and dog food has an excellent balanced composition, an overview of the varieties of which is presented below:

  1. A distinctive feature of the brand’s dry food is that it uses four types of high-quality meat: turkey, duck, lamb and rabbit. Chicken is not included in the composition when producing dry food. There is also a fish diet, which includes Atlantic cod and herring meat. Carbohydrates included - brown rice and sweet potatoes - are suitable even for animals with sensitive digestion.
  2. The brand's line of wet food comes in a wider variety of flavors. The brand's canned food consists exclusively of meat (chicken, duck) and seafood (salmon, tuna, crab meat, sea bass, mussels, shrimp). They do not contain grains. The sauce is your own meat or fish juice.

Dry food Grandorf for cats

As you know, cats are carnivores, and in the wild their diet is dominated by meat. Cereals and other products are present in minimal quantities. Based on this, experts have developed three types of Grandorf dry food for cats:

  1. Low grain feed
    . It contains dehydrated turkey meat and fat, Antarctic krill, brown rice and sweet potato. Vitamin supplements in small quantities include: dried carrots, chicory, cranberries, flax seeds.
  2. Low grain food with probiotics
    . This type of food contains special bacteria – probiotics – that help improve your pet’s digestion.
  3. Grain-free food
    does not contain grains. It includes only fish, turkey fat and meat, Antarctic krill, sweet potatoes, spinach, apples, cranberries and chicory.

Grandorf wet food for cats

The brand's canned food is presented in the form of metal jars containing 70 g of food. Grandorf wet food is made from selected chilled HUMAN GRADE meat and fish fillets. Prepared in its own juice. The food has good taste and a pleasant aroma for animals. The owners claim that even the most picky pets will like this food.

Grandorf for cats - feeding rate

The basic principles of eating for your pet, which are recommended by the Grandorf company, are as follows:

  1. It is optimal to feed your cat twice a day - morning and evening.
  2. In addition to food, your pet should always have access to clean drinking water.
  3. The amount of food is calculated individually based on the pet’s weight and level of physical activity. Exact recommendations for each type of food are given on the packaging.
  4. Grandorf (canned food for cats) is served to the pet at room temperature at the rate of 1 jar per day per 4 kg of cat’s weight.

Pet Features


For dogs of different breeds, food of a specific size and composition is produced.

  1. Small breeds are suitable for mini-pellets, which a dog with a miniature chewing apparatus can easily chew. Small pets have fast metabolisms. Nutrition should maintain metabolic energy at a high level and not contain ballast substances (soybeans, corn), which increase the weight of the product but are not beneficial.
  2. Medium breed dogs are fed medium-sized hard granules, which load the chewing apparatus and train the jaw muscles. Fatty food has a bad effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, ready-made food should contain no more than 18% fat, protein (primarily chicken and eggs), vitamin D, substances that protect bones and joints (chondroitin and glucosamine).
  3. For large breeds, choose large granules. The growth of puppies is accompanied by problems with joints and ligaments; in old age, cartilage tissue and joints become thinner. Large breed dogs often have intestinal and stomach problems. High-protein mixtures with chondroitin and glucosamine are selected for them.


The body's needs change depending on the age of the animal. Puppy food contains protein, minerals and nutrients in quantities necessary for the development of a healthy body. It is important that the packaging states: “food for puppies and young dogs.” An adult pet needs less protein.

Health status

For a healthy dog, buy daily formulas. Dogs prone to weight gain and allergies require specialized nutrition. Medicinal food is prescribed by a veterinarian when a disease occurs or for prevention.

Physical activity

  • for an active dog, to maintain tone and increase endurance, choose Energy or Active type granules, containing a lot of proteins and a minimum of carbohydrates;
  • Standard and Normal meals are suitable for animals with an average level of activity, who spend most of their time at home and go for a short walk a couple of times a day;
  • Light type food with reduced protein and fat content is intended for sedentary overweight dogs.

Your doctor will help determine if you are overweight or underweight.

Composition of the product

The quality of dog food depends on the presence of the following components:

  • protein of animal origin (at least 40% of the total mass);
  • animal fat (no more than 18%) and omega-3 fatty acid (up to 3.9%);
  • vegetables and fruits that add flavor to the product and affect the pet’s energy;
  • balanced vitamin and mineral complex.

These components give energy and improve the condition of the skin and coat. According to veterinarians, the absence of cereals sometimes leads to the development of cardiomyopathy in the animal. Grains are also added to meals as the main source of fiber. But the volume of grains should not exceed 9%. This is exactly what the composition of complete dog food should be, regardless of the cost and brand of the manufacturer.


Overall food rating out of 55 possible points, including bonuses and penalties

Overall food rating out of 55 possible points, including bonuses and penalties

Overall food rating out of 55 possible points, including bonuses and penalties

Overall food rating out of 55 possible points, including bonuses and penalties

Overall food rating out of 55 possible points, including bonuses and penalties


The reviews included both approval and negative assessments. This is fine. One dog is not suitable for holistic, but feels great on economy class food. If you want to get an idea about the product, consider the opinion of the specialist and dog owners. A veterinarian can analyze the composition of the food, but unless he has conducted an experiment on his own dog, the nuances will slip away.

Dog breeders can make mistakes and violate feeding rules. For example, they combine natural food with ready-made food. The dog develops indigestion. The dog owner concludes that the food is of poor quality.

A sudden change in diet or additional intake of vitamins can lead to hair loss. On this basis, it is alleged that the dog was poisoned with ready-made holistic food.

Veterinarian review

Evgeniy, veterinarian. I analyzed the composition of food mixtures, assessed the assortment taking into account different tastes, found out the opinions of dog owners about the food, and made the following conclusions:

Watch your pet. If he is cheerful, active, his coat is shiny, the feeder is empty, his stool is regular without digestive disorders, then the food is adequate. It cannot be ruled out that your pet may be intolerant to certain components. Overall, I think Grandorf foods are high quality and recommend them for your dog.

Customer Reviews

Dog owners expressed different opinions about the food:


I have two mongrel cats. Several years ago I switched them to Applaws food, and one of them almost gave up her skates - her kidneys and liver failed. After switching to food, the cat began to lose weight, and I was glad that she was losing weight, yeah. The second one ate it calmly without consequences. As a result, we returned to the food for old cats, despised by many, and for many years now my cats have been beautiful, fluffy, ruddy and healthy.

I didn’t feed mine anything. When she came to us from foster care after eating Pro-Plan, we decided to switch to something more elite. For about two years they fed Go, but when blood appeared in the tray, they took him to the doctor, where this food was criticized. It turned out to be very greasy for my cat.

Food Manufacturer

Grandorf dry dog ​​food appeared on the Russian market more than five years ago. And the price category suggests that it should belong to the elite class of dog food. But we can’t help but warn you about a snag with the manufacturer. The official manufacturers on the Russian website are the well-known European brands “MONGE & C. SpA” and “United Petfood Producers NV” from Italy and Belgium, respectively.

However, it is impossible to find information about Grandorf on the official websites of these companies. We can’t talk about some kind of industrial conspiracy, it’s just that companies are quite legally selling their services for packaging a product manufactured elsewhere using an alternative recipe. Therefore, the real manufacturer of Grandorf remains anonymous. This deprives the buyer of information about the conditions of production and storage of the goods.

You can try to find out something about the manufacturer through the Russian representative office. But the site is registered to a legal entity, the details of which are hidden. The official Grandorf LLC is registered in Moscow, and the main activity of the company is considered to be “wholesale trade in pet food.” All this raises unpleasant suspicions about the origin of this dog food. But in fact, Grandorf dog food is quite high quality.

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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