Eukanuba dog food - an overview of all the advantages and disadvantages of dry food

Description of dry food Eukanuba

One of these is Eukanuba dry dog ​​food. These products are sold by a brand that is considered a leader in the production of food mixtures for dogs and cats. Inventors produce products that contain natural meat.

Manufacturers first began producing premium quality feed mixtures in the early 1970s. It was during this period that natural chicken meat was used as part of the dry substance.

The cost of the finished product was several times higher than that of other brands. Such nutrition helped to care for small puppies and sick animals.

  • Numerous positive reviews about eukanuba dog food have made this product popular and in demand among breeders.
  • Today, manufacturers offer several types of dry food, which contain chicken, lamb, eggs, various vegetables, meat and bone and fish meal, and brewer's yeast in a dry substance.
  • Such components make it possible to make the nutrient substrate balanced and rich in beneficial compounds.


Eukanuba dry food is prepared only from high-quality products and contains the entire complex of vitamins and minerals necessary for different cat breeds .

In addition, it contains animal proteins and a minimum of ballast substances.

All these beneficial substances are contained in food thanks to the following products included in its composition:

  • lamb and chicken meat are sources of protein;
  • chicken liver;
  • a sufficient amount of vegetables, fruits and berries;
  • sodium and potassium chloride;
  • calcium carbonate;
  • whole dry egg;
  • brewer's yeast;
  • fish meal.

An equally important component of Eukanuba food is animal fat.

It provides your pet with fat-soluble vitamins, energy and fatty acids.

Advice! When choosing Eukanuba dry food, you should pay attention to what kind of fat is contained in the food - chicken, beef, lamb. If this information is not on the label, then the cat food contains low quality fat. It is better to refuse to purchase such food.

Manufacturers believe that protein is necessary for cats, which by nature are predators.

A cute, fluffy Bengal kitten requires high-calorie food for an active pastime

But in many types of food, including Eukanuba, its content is provided by by-products.

In addition to corn flour and cereals, these can be processed products of animal origin: ground bones, horns and even feathers.

They are found in almost all series of cat food due to their low cost.

Therefore, when choosing Eukanuba cat food, you should pay attention to the first 5 ingredients.

They should only be of natural origin.

This way you can choose high-quality food, preserving your pet’s health for many years.

What is used in Eukanuba food?

On the back of the pack there is a detailed table showing the proportions and components of the active substances.

  • Dehydrogenated proteins occupy a special place.
  • They are of animal origin.
  • Poultry is used for this.
  • The proportionality of this substance is 30%.
  • They are considered the main source of protein molecules.

Wheat, young barley and rice are used as energy sources. Animal and fish oils are used as a source of fats. These components allow you to restore the level of useful connections.

The source of fiber is sugar beet fiber. Coarse fibers help normalize digestion processes and intestinal motility.

A food supplement based on mineral components is used as minerals. Hydroisolated animal protein is used as a flavoring additive.

Contains egg extract. It is considered a source of natural fat. Fruit oligosaccharides are used as a prebiotic. They help in the digestion process and reduce flatulence. In addition, these substances reduce the risk of an allergic reaction in adults and sick individuals.


Olga, Moscow: “We recently learned that our beloved cat is pregnant. We decided to buy special food for pregnant women for her. Among numerous brands, we chose Eukanuba dry food and were satisfied. The cat feels great, she is not tormented by problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The fur has become thicker and silkier.”

Alena, Novosibirsk: “Our cat was castrated and after the operation became less active. Naturally, I began to overeat and gain weight. Friends advised me to buy Eukanuba dietary food for cats prone to obesity. After some time, we noticed that the cat stopped overeating and his weight stopped. At the same time, our pet looks absolutely healthy and happy.”

Natalya, Yekaterinburg: “I always considered dry food to be absolutely unhealthful food for my cat. But one day a veterinarian recommended the Eukanuba line. I bought food for an experiment, but it turned out that I ended up introducing it to my pet’s daily diet. The cat has become more active and gets sick less often.”

Elena, Voronezh: “I recently decided to get a kitten, and then the question arose of what to feed it. I read a lot of information about various lines of food for kittens and reviews from owners. I decided to go with Eukanuba dry food for small pets and I think my choice was right. The kitten immediately liked the food, he is active, playful and reacts calmly to the move.”

Marina, Omsk: “Our beloved cat Gepa has been living with us for more than 7 years. As he aged, he became more susceptible to illness and less active. I learned about Eukanuba dry food for older cats. I’ve been using it for daily feeding for 2 months now and have noticed that during this time the cat has never gotten sick, the weight gained due to an inactive lifestyle has returned to normal, and the appearance of the coat has improved.”

Benefits of Eukanuba dog food

Experts highlight a huge number of positive qualities of this product in relation to four-legged pets. Numerous studies have proven the effectiveness and high quality of the products of this brand.

Professional veterinarians recommend using eukanuba food for older dogs. The ingredients included in the feed mixture allow you to maintain an aging body in excellent condition. In addition, it is possible to reduce the incidence of chronic diseases.

No additional flavorings or dyes are used in production. The absence of additional components helps reduce the occurrence of allergies in the animal. Each type has a specific composition.

It is based on several factors:

  • Age;
  • Breed;
  • Individual characteristics;
  • Activity level;
  • Sensitivity.

For example, eukanuba lamb food for dogs is considered hypoallergenic and safe. To produce such products, fat-free components of muscle fibers, which are rich in protein, are used. With regular feeding of this food, many breeders have noted an increase in the activity levels and endurance of their dogs.

Eukanuba food is recommended for large breed dogs. This group includes the Rottweiler, German Shepherds, Boxer, Cocker Spaniel, Great Dane, and Labrador.

  • During production, experts studied the distinctive features of each breed. They took into account their individual needs and requirements.
  • The line includes dietary compositions that help normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and restore joints and ligaments in active animals.
  • Eukanuba was developed for obese animals who have undergone spay or neuter. Special substances are added to such compositions to help get rid of excess fat and restore the genitourinary system.
  • In addition, the granules are rich in high levels of fiber, which normalizes intestinal motility.

Each medicinal food contains certain types of additives that are not drugs. In this case, eukanuba refers to dietary nutrition. It does not use toxic or chemical components that can harm your pet’s body.

Food mixtures of this brand are not addictive and do not harm the dog’s body.

Eukanuba cat food - reviews

Eukanuba dry cat food has been sold on the Russian market for a long time, so there are already a lot of reviews about it on the Internet from owners of four-legged pets. In addition, a medicinal line of these foods is available in pet stores, which is why reviews from veterinarians about them are not uncommon. Below we share a few of them.

Reviews from veterinarians

Yulia Olegovna writes on one of the forums in response to a question about Eukanuba food:

Good afternoon. Eukanuba dry food is quite good. If your pet likes it and fits it, then you can stay on it. There is no need to switch to a special option for neutered cats; this should only be done if the pet really gains excess weight.

From personal experience I will say that this does not always happen. Therefore, in many cases, you can continue to feed your cat complete food without compromising his health. I only recommend that you monitor the condition of the genitourinary system by regularly doing laboratory tests at a veterinary clinic.

Customer Reviews

Karina writes:

We have a Thai cat, after castration he began to gain a lot of weight, he became like a bun. On the forum, the veterinarian recommended changing food to something special for sterilized cats and suggested trying Eukanuba or Eminent. We didn’t see the second one in pet stores, so we bought the first one. The price was about 250 rubles for 400 grams and less than 800 rubles for 1.5 kilograms.

We started feeding him and gave him strictly according to the specified norms. A small package is enough for a week, the cat eats with pleasure and is full. Within a month of feeding, the result was already noticeable, the weight began to return to normal. Now he doesn’t look like a bun at all, he’s cheerful, there are no more problems. Therefore, we definitely recommend this food to those who need to lose weight.

Marina writes:

Hi all. Our cat became pregnant and we decided to change the food to something appropriate for kittens and pregnant cats. In the Ozone online store we found a suitable one, Eukanuba Kitten Healthy Start Chicken & Liver. There was just a cool 1+1 promotion for it, they took a 0.4 kg package for 260 rubles and a second one of the same as a gift. I’ll say right away that such packages turned out to be inconvenient, they do not have a zipper, and for storage they must be poured into a container after opening.

The packaging contains a lot of information, indicating that 86% of the total protein level is high-quality animal protein. The composition seems to be decent. I am glad that there is no corn, 43% poultry, although it is not clear which parts of the poultry. If I understand correctly, the food is produced at the same factory where Royal Canin is made (usually the cat eats it) - it says “manufactured by: Royal Canin Russia (ZAO Ruskan”)).

The food croquettes are very small, and this is understandable because they are designed for kittens, but it is not convenient for an adult cat to chew on them; they fall out of the mouth. Therefore, I left the second package for the kittens, and the cat was returned to its usual food. When the kittens were born and grew up, I gave them Eukanuba to try. At first I soaked it a little, they ate it very willingly, a little less than normal. But I also fed them with canned food and boiled chicken breast.

When fed with this food, the kittens did well and grew active and charming. But she didn’t feed for long, the babies were quickly taken apart. In general, I recommend Eukanuba Kitten food only for kittens, as it is inconvenient for adult cats due to the small granules.

Elena writes:

We tried Eukanuba food for older cats, Adult Top Condition 7+, with chicken. After opening the package, I was surprised by the smell, it was like chips, and I felt like there was a lot of salt in there. The cat ate this food well, but after eating he drank more water than usual.

The food is also kind of sticky, the granules stick together, this has not happened with other foods. At a price of 960 rubles for 2 kg, there are somehow a lot of shortcomings, despite the seemingly good composition. We won't buy it again.

What are the disadvantages of food?

In addition to the advantages, there are several disadvantages.

They are as follows:

  • Contains wheat. This component is often used to create premium nutrition;
  • Manufacturers use preservative additives. They allow you to preserve the taste and appearance of the dry substrate longer;
  • Lack of detailed description of animal protein. It is unknown which parts of the meat are used to create the feed mixture. For example, some brands prefer to use offal, leftover meat production;

High price. Prices for eukanuba dog food are calculated based on the product line, the breed of the animal, and its activity.

For example, for pets of small breeds, the cost of a pack can vary from 1000 to 2000 rubles per 3 kg.

You can find many other brands with excellent composition in the pet store. Their cost is an order of magnitude lower than that of the brand presented above.

Food for different breeds

The Eukanuba dry food line contains food for the following animals:

  • for small kittens;
  • for adult pets;
  • for mature and elderly individuals;
  • for inactive representatives;
  • for cats and female cats that have undergone castration and sterilization;
  • dietary food for sick individuals.

Food for kittens

Eukanuba dry food for kittens is a balanced food.

Its main component is chicken meat.

The food does not contain dyes, preservatives or other additives that can negatively affect the health of a small pet.

This food can be used to feed pregnant cats , or pets after giving birth .

Proper care and balanced nutrition are important for pregnant cats.

According to the manufacturer, this series has the following effects on the baby’s health:

  • Eukanuba dry food ensures optimal growth of your pet, thanks to high-quality ingredients and sugar beet pulp content in the food. It promotes complete absorption of all nutrients.
  • The food contains vitamin E, which is an antioxidant. Thanks to this, Eukanuba helps strengthen the kitten’s immunity. The food is indicated for use after vaccinations , it helps to quickly cope with the reaction to the injection and avoid complications.
  • Eukanuba food contains docosahexaenoic acid, which ensures optimal development of vision and tissues, brain cells.
  • Eukanuba food is high in calcium, which helps strengthen the kitten's bones and teeth.
  • Omega-3, Omega-6 fatty acids have a beneficial effect on your pet's skin and coat. Shedding decreases, and you have to use the furminator .

Only completely healthy pets can be vaccinated.

Advice! Eukanuba cat food from the kitten line should be introduced into your pet's diet gradually over 4 days.

For the first six months, the kitten is fed three times a day, then it is worth switching to two meals a day.

If you want to know how to determine the age of a kitten, we recommend that you read the article

With proper nutrition, the little fluffy ball is playful and watches what is happening with interest.

Food for cats

This line is represented by food for the following cases:

  • Eukanuba food, which contains special fibers. This series is intended for cats that develop hairballs in their stomachs. Fiber allows it to pass through the digestive tract more easily.
  • Eukanuba food for adult cats is a classic product of the series. It contains lamb meat and chicken liver or meat and chicken liver. The food is suitable for the daily nutrition of cats of any breed.

If you're wondering how old your cat is in human years, you can find the answer here:

  • Eukanuba for older cats contains chicken meat and liver. It can be used to feed pets over 7 years old. At this time, cats' immunity weakens, they become more sick and less playful. Proper nutrition becomes the key to their health and good mood.
  • Eukanuba food for cats that have undergone sterilization and are prone to excess weight. Food helps your pet quickly cope with the consequences of surgery. In addition, this line includes L-carnitine, which promotes the burning of fatty tissue. Dietary food contains a small amount of fat, which allows the pet not only to maintain its existing weight, but also, on the contrary, to get rid of excess weight.

As cats age, they become less active. At this time, it is important to choose the right food so that your pet not only receives the necessary vitamins, but also does not gain weight.

Diet food

Eukanuba dietary food is intended for feeding cats after suffering from various diseases.

The treatment series contains the following types of feed:

  • "High Calorie" is intended for cats that have suffered stress. Reviews from experts say that wet food contains a large amount of nutrients that are easily digestible, providing your pet with energy and strength.

Important! The food can be used both during stress and for the rehabilitation of pets until their complete recovery.

  • For pets who are overweight and prone to obesity, you can buy Restricted Calori wet food. It has low energy value. Eukanuba also helps normalize metabolism in the body, so the cat does not gain excess weight.
  • If you have skin problems, it is recommended to buy Dermatosis LB wet food. It is intended for feeding pets that are prone to allergic reactions and hair loss. Hypoallergenic cats like Orientals, Cornish Rexes, Don Sphynxes and Peterbalds are not suitable for this type of food.
  • Eukanuba also has food for cat breeds with urinary problems. This food is worth buying even if you have urolithiasis. It contains a small amount of calcium, which, according to veterinarians, prevents the appearance of stones.
  • If you have kidney disease, it is recommended to buy Renal wet food for your pet. It contains small amounts of phosphorus and protein. Designed to support kidney function in chronic renal failure.
  • Dietary food for digestive system disorders regulates metabolic processes and promotes slower absorption of substances during diarrhea.

Properly selected food is the first step to normalizing your pet’s weight.

Photo of dog food Eukanuba

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