A selection of breeds with long (fluffy) hair with photos and descriptions

The most beautiful dogs, and simply unremarkable representatives of the canine family, are unique animals whose lives have long been inextricably linked with the life and activities of humans. These are the first animals that were domesticated and tamed by man, and became his faithful assistants in such vital activities as hunting, fishing, cattle breeding, home defense and much more.

The most beautiful dogs, and simply unremarkable representatives of the canine family, are unique animals whose lives have long been inextricably linked with the life and activities of humans

Of course, with the development of civilization, a number of important activities, for example, hunting, practically lost their primary importance and turned rather into entertainment, however, even now dogs faithfully serve people not only as companions and nannies for children, but also as service dogs, outstanding whose abilities help solve serious security problems.

There are more than 400 dog breeds in the world, which can be divided into the following types:

  • hunting;
  • official;
  • decorative.

A number of cynologists also distinguish herding dog breeds. And among all this many representatives of the canine world, there are beautiful and majestic dogs, and there are just cute doggies. However, no matter how harmless and cute this animal may seem, we should not forget that any representative is a predator, and almost all decorative breeds were bred on the basis of hunting and herding breeds.

When choosing an animal, many people first of all pay attention to the attractive appearance of the breed. However, a beautiful exterior is not the most important quality that the cutest dog breeds have.

Beauty criteria

A dog is a predator, therefore it must have an appropriate appearance, i.e. a representative of a dog breed should look like a lion, tiger, bear, and in no case like a herbivore (as is the case with the Bedlington Terrier). Professional dog handlers believe that the most beautiful dogs in the world are animals that combine the following qualities and characteristics:

  1. Strict compliance of individual characteristics with the typical characteristics of the breed.
  2. Harmonious color.
  3. Physical and mental health, since the cutest dog, being sick, looks sad and requires special care from the owner.

Yorkshire Terrier

A very formidable beast, contained in a tiny body. A fearless baby with a very cute face has long been firmly established in the ranking of the most popular breeds in Russia. Yorkies are loyal empaths who can sense their owner’s mood well and adapt to it.

Yorkie's coat needs quality care. If the dog does not participate in exhibitions, then it can be trimmed to make life easier for both the owner and the dog. If a representative of the breed is being exhibited, the hair cannot be cut - it must hang evenly on both sides of the body. Even if you leave the maximum length, Yorkies do not shed or smell, and do not provoke allergies.

The biggest problem for Yorkies is poor health. This affects the condition of the teeth, windpipe, and gums. Unfortunately, these dogs have very weak bone tissue. Problems with the digestive system often occur. The owner’s task is to provide the dog with proper nutrition, vitamins and regular examinations by a veterinarian.

Daily care includes brushing the teeth and massaging the gums, combing the coat and wiping the eyes with a damp cotton pad. You should wash your entire Yorkie and clean its ears no more than once a week. Be prepared to get a haircut and trim overgrown nails every month.

Gallery: the most beautiful dogs in the world (25 photos)


The snow-white fluffy dog ​​has the roots of a rat catcher, but it has taken root much better as a pet. Since ancient times, representatives of the breed lived in rich families and not in kennels, so they learned to get along well with other animals, be it other dogs or even cats.

There should always be someone around the bolognese. If there is no person, then the dog begins to be sad, bark loudly and ask for attention. He may even get sick from melancholy or bring himself to a nervous breakdown.

If you are ready to share your love and affection with your pet to the maximum, then feel free to choose the Bolognese breed. This is an ideal lap dog that does not need long walks or regular exercise.

As with any long-haired breed, the Bolognese's coat requires proper care. This is especially true of the muzzle - the eyes of the Bolognese often run, and the coat takes on a reddish tint.

Ten of the most beautiful breeds

Compiling any ratings among dog breeds is a scrupulous matter, and in many ways its results are relative. After all, time passes, the fashion for breeds changes, new varieties are developed and existing ones are improved, “refined”. And it is not surprising that for a real dog breeder, the most beautiful breed of dog in the world is his favorite.


Of course, there are exhibitions where pets are evaluated by a professional jury, therefore, according to professional dog handlers, we can conditionally identify the following top 10 most beautiful dogs in the world. In principle, this top ten should be divided into 2 parts, and the first 5 positions in this ranking are deservedly occupied by representatives of service and hunting breeds:

  1. Collie (Scottish Sheepdog).
  2. Dog.
  3. Russian greyhound.
  5. German Shepherd.

The second part of the top is decorative breeds, namely:

  1. Chow-chow.
  2. English cocker spaniel.
  3. Poodles.
  4. Bolonki.
  5. Pekingese.

These beautiful dog breeds have interesting appearance and characteristic qualities.

Chinese Crested

When studying the names of small dog breeds , pay attention to the Chinese Crested Dog. It is definitely impossible to confuse it with any other breed in the world, these miniature dogs have such a specific appearance. Some adore them, others are disgusted, but no one is indifferent. The hair covers only the head, paws and tail of the Chinese Crested. The rest of the body appears completely naked.

But such an unusual appearance has clear advantages: the Chinese Crested Dog does not cause allergic reactions, does not shed and has almost no unpleasant odor. The character is characterized by friendliness, intelligence and playfulness.

To teach a representative of the breed any commands, it is better to turn to dog handlers - the mission is not easy, requiring a thorough approach and special knowledge. Chinese Cresteds learn commands, but with difficulty.

Two more features of hairless dogs are the need for their own wardrobe and careful skin care. These dogs do not cause allergies in their owners, but they themselves are very prone to skin diseases, including allergic ones. Therefore, Chinese Cresteds need to be washed only with special products, and their diet should be selected very carefully.

A little about the characteristics

The Scottish Sheepdog, or collie, was bred in Scotland at the end of the 18th century. She heads the top of the most beautiful dog breeds. The main qualities of Scottish Shepherds are:

  • endurance;
  • high degree of adaptation to harsh climates;
  • very beautiful shapes;
  • affectionate and gentle character;
  • attentive, calm and trusting look;
  • cleanliness and accuracy;
  • easy training.

Collies, along with Chow Chows and others, are the fluffiest dogs, whose thick coat perfectly protects them from the harsh climate of mountain pastures.

Collie loves people and is an excellent watchdog and protector.

The majestic and regal Great Dane is an ancient breed, originating from the Greek fighting breeds - the Molos. The main qualities of the breed are:

  1. Large, strong, agile and balanced.
  2. They are distinguished by very calm behavior and restraint without nervousness. At the same time, they are affectionate and friendly to the owner and his family. They treat strangers with distrust, but calmly.
  3. Great Danes need proper training and handling because they have a tough character.
  4. Representatives of this breed have prominent muscles.

Havanese Bichon

A small dog with soft silky fur and very intelligent eyes. His main character trait is friendliness, which extends to both adults and children. But this breed is absolutely not suitable for busy people who spend most of their lives at work.

If the Havanese Bichon is left alone for a long time, it will become extremely irritable and anxious. In their homeland, these dogs are called “Velcro” - this definition speaks for itself.

Bichons are easy to train and are often used as guide dogs for visually impaired people. The soft and long coat of Bichons requires high-quality care. But you can’t bathe your dog often; instead, owners brush their dogs every day and often take them for haircuts.

Choosing a dog

Choosing a beautiful dog is not an easy task, but the main criteria for choosing a pet are as follows:

  • individual tolerance, i.e. no allergies to wool, love of animals;
  • having a strong motivation to buy a dog;
  • availability of appropriate conditions of detention;
  • the need and feasibility of lifestyle changes to meet the dog’s needs for movement, walks, etc.

Choosing a dog is a responsible decision on which the quality and emotional fulfillment of not only the owner’s life, but also the life of the future pet depends.

Miniature Pinscher

If you dream of a Doberman, but the square footage does not allow you to keep such a large dog, then a miniature pinscher may be a good alternative. He is similar to a Doberman not only in appearance, but also in character: wayward, stubborn, overly independent dogs can become a wonderful guard, friend and companion. If you are ready to look at the dog not as the youngest in the pack, but as an equal, then the Miniature Pinscher is an excellent choice.

Adult miniature pinschers weigh approximately 4-6 kg, height at the withers does not exceed 30 cm. Dogs need daily active games in the fresh air, they need physical activity.

But this breed can be kept even in an apartment - after running around on the street, they behave quite calmly at home. Another plus for living in an apartment is that miniature pinschers hardly shed.

Chow chow

One of the oldest dog breeds. According to researchers, its ancestors are among the first primitive breeds that arose as a result of the evolution of the wolf. This happened in the dry steppe zone of China and Mongolia. Our ancestors used dogs as sled dogs, hunting dogs, and guard dogs.

The purity of the breed was maintained by Buddhist monks. They kept accounting books, which were the chow chow pedigrees. When it was necessary to refresh the blood, the mixing took place between dogs from neighboring temples.

In the European part of the continent, they learned about the breed thanks to the stories of the famous traveler Marco Polo. But Europeans were able to see the unusual dog only 500 years later, in 1830 in Britain, since China was an isolated state for a long time.

The British decided to improve the dog, and therefore modern Chow Chows are far from their Chinese ancestors. Nowadays, the Chow Chow has nothing left of the guards and hunters. They turned into decorative pets.

However, they are very capricious and their sense of ownership of the housing where they live can often cause hostility towards unknown visitors. But this will never turn into aggression. Inexperienced owners will have a hard time getting used to their pet’s peculiar attitude towards strangers.

We recommend that you read about how to choose a tray, bowl, toys and leash for a dog, what diapers for dogs are, as well as the benefits and disadvantages of a paw washing device.

After all, they show distrust not only on their territory, but also on the street. Therefore, if the owner assumes that a passerby may cause a negative reaction in his four-legged friend, then it is better to give the stranger a wide berth.

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Chow chows show love and devotion towards their family. They love to be independent and independent. They do not need to be overly active. If they are provided with a sufficient amount of physical activity, then they will be quite comfortable in the apartment.

Despite the fact that Chow Chows are very calm dogs, it is necessary to play with them, even if they have the opportunity to run freely in the yard of a private house. They are very inquisitive animals, so they need to be given interesting tasks every day. They are difficult to train because they are very stubborn.

Did you know? Scientists from the University of British Columbia found that chow chows have one of the worst degrees of perception and execution of commands (ranked 77th out of 80 breeds studied).

Chow Chow puppies can be called the cutest among all decorative breeds. It’s hard to look at a plush little thing with a serious face without smiling. Puppies need to be socialized as early as possible. Otherwise, if the dog does not understand who is in charge in the house, then it will be quite difficult to control him.

Among the Chow Chows there are owners of both long and short hair. In the former, the main hair is long and hard, and the undercoat is dense and soft. The latter have a plush thick fur coat. The color is mainly monochromatic: black, red, blue, cinnamon, red, cream or white; shades may be added, but not in spots.

Pomeranian Spitz

A decorative dog that can easily be considered the leader of the top 10 cutest dogs in the world. This lush ball on neat legs with a small triangular muzzle will touch anyone and will certainly lift their spirits.

This furry friend comes from Germany, from the province of Pomerania. Since the breed is the smallest of the Spitz, its representatives have long been called dwarf Spitz by the States and Russia. Pomeranian Spitz received their dwarfism and sophistication from the British, who decided to improve the existing type of dog. This was during the reign of Queen Victoria.

Today, three types of this breed are known: “baby doll” (“doll”), “bear type” and “fox”. Only the latter meets the standards: it has an elongated fox muzzle, almond-shaped eyes and a neat lower jaw.

The “puppet” representatives have a wider muzzle and are slightly shorter. The “bear type” has a round, flattened, wide head and round eyes. This makes them look like bear cubs.

Important! Only by the shape of the head are these species distinguishable from each other.

Little Spitz dogs are very cheerful and active. They are very loyal to their owner and are always ready to protect him. You can't call them timid dogs. Need active pastime. They love to run after a ball or a stick. Always ready to play with children. Despite their mischievous disposition, they are very obedient, so they do not cause much trouble.

They are savvy, which makes training easier, but they are very stubborn. Because of this, it is recommended to start training them from an early age. If training is not started on time, they will become disobedient and begin to show aggression. They often try to dominate not only the owner, but also large dogs.

Shepherd dogs

Dogs, mainly bred for herding livestock and protecting them from wild animals. Many shepherd dogs now serve as guards. The animals are large, easily make contact with humans, and are accustomed to working with them.


The Hungarian Shepherd, or Komondor, is a typical sheep herder. The dog rounds up the flock and protects it from attacks by predators. A characteristic feature is long, curly light hair, thanks to which the pet camouflages itself among the herd. The size of such a dog is 65-70 cm, weight is 40-60 kg. The average price for a puppy is 40-65 thousand rubles.


A large Soviet breed with long, thick hair that allows it to survive in the harsh northern climate. Minimum height – 64-68 cm, weight – 45-50 kg. It was used to protect the herd and home, but now its functions have not changed. Characteristic differences are a thick collar, a black mask, and powerful round paws. The average price is 22-50 thousand rubles.

Eastern European

Soviet breed, bred on the basis of the German Shepherd for service in the army and other law enforcement agencies. Externally similar to its brother. Size – 62-72 cm, weight – 30-60 kg. Pets were often used for filming in films.

In Russia, this is one of the most recognizable breeds; it has been given the status of the kindest, most faithful and brave friend. Average price – 10-35 thousand rubles


The original function of the breed is protection and rutting of the herd. Later, good working qualities were noticed, after which the dogs are used in the police and army. There are several types of German Shepherds, but the short-haired one is considered the standard and correct one. Size – 55-65 cm at the withers. Price – 10-40 thousand rubles.


French aboriginal herding dog, unpopular outside its homeland. Outwardly similar to the Dobermann and Rottweiler, although the genetic relationship has not been confirmed. The closest ancestor is the wolf. Despite the fact that the animals are open to communication and intelligent, they are only suitable for experienced owners, because they are often stubborn. Their height is 61-70 cm. Price is 10-30 thousand rubles.


A group of Belgian herding dogs, which include: Malinois, Tervuren, Laekenois and Groenendael. They are different in appearance, have different coat structure and color, but in terms of physical parameters and qualities they are the same, therefore they are included in a single international standard. The height of individuals is 56-66 cm, weight is 20-30 kg. Price – 30-60 thousand rubles.


Heritage of Turkey, a dog not allowed for export. The second name is Karabash. Previously used only for shepherd service, now the pet is a faithful companion and assistant to humans. The animal not only protects the house, but also takes care of the household. The height of dogs ranges from 65 to 81 cm, weight – 41-54 kg. Individuals can be short-haired or long-haired. Color – yellow-gray or yellow-brown. The average price is 12-30 thousand rubles.

Toy poodle

This miniature dog may be a little shy around strangers, but he will be a loyal and devoted friend to his family. Despite its modest size, the toy poodle needs to be taken care of, especially since it lends itself well to training. Otherwise, the pet can be dangerous, especially for children.

Be prepared for the dog to bark often and loudly. This is a feature of the breed and nothing can be done about it. Barking may be completely unjustified - the toy poodle doesn’t care much about this.

The breed has very high maintenance requirements: a special balanced diet, regular haircuts by a professional groomer, special clothing and shoes for the cold season.

Dogs are very sickly, and various diseases can manifest themselves regardless of care. But for people who are not afraid of difficulties, got a toy poodle and approached the issue of education competently, a puppy can become a true friend.

Top medium breeds

This is the most common group of dogs, the most versatile. Dogs from this group often combine a spectacular appearance with excellent service and hunting qualities. It includes animals weighing from 12 to 25 kg and height from 28 to 60 cm.


The Siberian beauty lives from 12 to 14 years. At first, this dog was used as a sled dog; it was bred in the North. Currently, huskies have proven themselves to be excellent companion dogs. They are actively used at exhibition forums. Huskies are absolutely devoid of aggression, incredibly patient, and sociable. They are often used as therapy dogs for children and people with special needs. They love communication, games, are smart, and think well.

The dog is almost impossible to get angry, so it is safe to leave it alone with children. Because of this, it cannot be used as a watchman or hunter. Caring for huskies is easy; they are undemanding in feeding and living conditions.


They belong to one of the oldest breeds, are very energetic, active, and require regular walking with physical activity. They are cheerful in nature, love to play and have fun. They were bred in the north of Russia, so they are perfectly adapted for any, even the frostiest weather. They perfectly combine working and aesthetic qualities. Very affectionate, gentle, love people, loyal. You can safely entrust your child to them; the breed is absolutely devoid of aggression and is very patient.


This dog lives from 10 to 13 years

They are distinguished by their spectacular spotted color, which immediately attracts attention. This is a fairly ancient breed that has always been in great demand and popular

The dog is very energetic, active, the owners will have to walk it for a long time, frolic, and play with it. It is not recommended to have one for people leading a sedentary lifestyle. This is a very loyal, peaceful, friendly breed.

Chow Chow

The Chow Chow is a very fluffy dog. Depending on the quality of care, he can live 9 or 15 years. The name is translated as shaggy lion, this similarity is obvious, you just have to look at the handsome red-haired man. It was bred in China as a guard breed, but is also an excellent companion. One of the oldest breeds, created from Spitz and Mastiffs. Another distinctive feature of the Chow Chow’s appearance, besides the coat, is the bluish-tinged tongue.


This breed is very similar to a collie, but somewhat smaller. They live from 12 to 13 years, they were bred quite a long time ago, but exact information about their origin has not been established. The purpose of their breeding was to protect the herd. The herding dog has become one of the most beloved due to its spectacular appearance, peaceful, cheerful disposition, and easy-going character. They are very loyal to their owner, love to play and frolic. They are very responsive, the dogs’ intelligence is quite well developed.

English Springer Spaniel

Its lifespan varies from 12 to 14 years. This variety was isolated from the general group of spaniels not too long ago, so in fact the breed is quite young. These dogs, like spaniels in general, were bred as a hunting breed. The dog's character is cheerful, energetic, and playful. Loyalty and intelligence are developed at a high level. Aggression is unusual for this breed, so families with children can safely get such a dog, but it requires active walking.

Scottish Setter

They live on average from 10 to 12 years and belong to the group of hunting dogs. The breed was developed in the second half of the 19th century. The dog is distinguished by physical strength, endurance, efficiency, and hardworking. It is not easy to train her, since her character is quite freedom-loving and independent. Patience and consistency in education are required. Beautiful coat requires constant care. You can safely start one both in a private house and in an apartment, but subject to quality walking and serious physical activity.

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