Top 10 smartest dog breeds that are easy to train

If you decide to get a pet that will become a full-fledged member of your family, take the time to first do research on which dog breed is best for you. Find out if this dog can get along with children? Can he live in an apartment? Is it difficult to care for the coat? And most importantly, how receptive is this breed to training? A dog that doesn't respond to its owner's commands can bring more trouble than joy to your home.

For our part, we have prepared for you a list of the 10 smartest dog breeds. A short description is attached.


The Rottweiler is a very powerful dog, which is famous for its high pain threshold. A muscular body is a distinctive feature of Rottweilers. On the one hand, they are very friendly, and on the other hand, they are defenders of their owner.

This dog can live almost anywhere, even in an apartment, as long as you give it daily opportunities to burn off its energy. Easy to train.

Standard Poodle

Despite their pretty, graceful appearance, representatives of the breed are obedient, active, inquisitive, intelligent and hardworking.

However, the energy and abilities of such dogs must be directed in the right direction. In order for the training to proceed quickly and effectively, the poodle should be trained either by a dog trainer or by an owner who has sufficient experience in training animals.


If you decide to get a Doberman, then know: he needs a powerful owner. These dogs are powerful and easy to train. All kinds of physical activity are important for them: Dobermans need to be constantly loaded with some kind of physical work or exercise so that they expend energy.

Dobermans are one of the most fearless and dangerous dogs in the world. However, they can make excellent pets if raised near children from puppyhood.

Dobermans have short fur and do not require special care. But you should know that these dogs are susceptible to cold, so on frosty days it is better to wear something on them.

Medium and large dog breeds for beginner dog breeders

The weight of medium-sized dogs starts from 11 kg, and large ones – from 26 kg. Four-legged animals from this group need much more space and more frequent walking, so it is recommended to keep them in a private home. The option of a large three- or four-room apartment is also acceptable, but in relation to calmer representatives: poodles, English and French bulldogs, Great Danes, Newfoundlands and St. Bernards.

Cocker Spaniel

Both English and American Cocker Spaniels are notable for their affectionate and playful nature. They are distinguished only by the size and shape of the muzzle. The minimum weight of the “American” is only 7 kg.


The prototype of the sole pattern of boots for yachting and sailing was the wavy grooves on the pads of the Cocker Spaniel's paws.

Representatives of this group cannot stand prolonged loneliness and love noisy companies. Because of this, they are not suitable for careerists and homebodies.

“ About the English and American Cocker Spaniel breeds

German dog

This handsome handsome man is an ideal protector and bodyguard, devoted to his owners with all his heart. Thanks to its phlegmatic character, the Great Dane is not prone to mischief and active games, which allows it to be kept even in an apartment.

“ About the Great Dane breed

Golden retriever

The sociable retriever is wildly popular among all animal lovers. He is as person-oriented as possible and is often involved in canistherapy. Thanks to his high intelligence, the dog quickly remembers commands and does not need to repeat them for a long time.

“ About the Golden Retriever breed


This group includes several varieties: large (royal), small, dwarf and toy. The first 2 refer to large and medium-sized dogs, and the latter to small ones.

Regardless of their size, all poodles are the kindest and most obedient pets. Their extraordinary mind allows them to easily remember not only basic commands, but also complex circus tricks.

“About the poodle breed

French Bulldog

“Frenchies” become strongly attached to their owners and sense their mood well. Suspecting sadness in one of the family members, they either silently settle down next to them, or do their best to cheer them up with their funny antics.

“ About the French Bulldog breed

English bulldog

Unlike the French bulldog, the English one is more sedate and stubborn. He likes to be lazy on the couch and does not always agree to his owner’s offers to walk down the street. If the dog does not want to go for a walk in the rain, then he will have to be dragged there by force.

Despite some differences, bulldogs are united by a deep devotion to humans. They accept their owner in any mood and are always ready to defend him.

“ About the English Bulldog breed

Basset Hound

This four-legged animal risks seriously damaging your reputation in the eyes of your neighbors with its sonorous and deep bark. However, this drawback is more than offset by devotion and developed intelligence.

The long-eared basset hound is absolutely not aggressive, so you can trust him with peace of mind with children. The dog's relationship with pets depends on the timing of their acquaintance. If he grew up with them as a child, then with a high probability they will become friends, and if not, there is a risk of awakening the hunting instinct.

“ About the Basset Hound breed


Friendly and intelligent, the Newfoundland is one of the most suitable dogs for inexperienced owners. He loves children, is calm with strangers, and quickly bonds with all family members, including other pets.

The purpose of the shaggy giant is to serve man. Thanks to his innate intelligence and ability to independently make the right decisions, the Newfoundland is always ready to help in difficult times, without waiting for the appropriate order.

“About the Newfoundland breed

Labrador Retriever

Like the Golden Retriever, the Labrador Retriever has long been one of the most popular family companion dogs. He is friendly, even-tempered and trainable. Due to zero aggression, the Labrador Retriever is not suitable for protection. In a real robbery, he will simply lick the strangers who have invaded his territory.

“ About the Labrador Retriever breed

Saint Bernard

The charming and loving Saint Bernard becomes attached to all family members without exception. He treats children with special reverence, so he is often entrusted with the role of a nanny.


The St. Bernard's keen sense of smell detects odors at a distance of 3 km in a headwind. If the object is under snow, then the limit is 6 m.

Despite their outward aloofness, St. Bernards are playful and love long walks. Keeping them in a city apartment is a real crime.

“About the St. Bernard breed


The Papillon is a small but very energetic dog. A special feature of the breed is its ears, which resemble the spread wings of a butterfly. Papillons are easy to train, but life in a confined space is difficult for them.

These small dogs can bark everywhere, which often creates problems for themselves. Papillon wool requires special care. She needs to be looked after and combed every day.

Labrador Retriever

Nature has endowed these dogs with webbed feet, which makes them excellent swimmers. Labradors are not afraid of the cold and can adapt to almost all living conditions.

The Labrador Retriever is a very friendly dog. If you have a large family and want a pet, a Labrador may be a good choice. Dogs of this breed get along very well with children and do not bite.


Shelties are perhaps the most sensitive dogs on this list. They can even understand a person's tone of voice. And if the owner communicates with them rudely, they simply do not respond to his commands. These are very kind dogs that need an equally kind owner. They get along well with people and are easy to train.

Dogs of this breed tend to be wary of all strangers. Therefore, in order to avoid unpleasant moments, they should always be under the supervision of the owner.

Sheltie can live with you in the house, but on the condition that you provide her with a daily opportunity to let off steam outside the four walls.

Who's smarter?

Like humans, each dog exhibits its intelligence in various forms and also has certain individual characteristics. That is why it is wrong to divide dogs according to the principle of which dogs are the smartest and the stupidest, since each of them has enormous potential, which will only manifest itself with the help of the owner. As dog lovers say, there is no stupid dog, only a stupid owner.

However, a dog’s abilities are influenced by its breed, namely: its characteristics and the purpose of breeding . Humanity has bred new breeds of dogs to protect territory, hunt, and herd livestock. Such “narrow specialization” cannot but affect the character, behavior and habits of the dog. Thus, representatives of a breed bred for herding are more responsive to training. If the dog belongs to a breed whose purpose is to guard livestock or protect the owner, it will have to work hard before it learns commands.

Therefore, before inviting a new four-legged friend into your home, think about how much time and effort you are willing to give him, and remember that the dog should be trained in accordance with the purpose for which its breed was bred.

Golden retriever

This is perhaps the most popular dog breed. And the thing is that the retriever gets along very well with people and is very loving.

It is equally important that these dogs have a “soft mouth”, that is, they can even carry raw eggs without damaging them. This is a trait you should consider if you have children in your family.

Dogs of this breed are excellent swimmers due to their webbed feet. They are easy to train compared to many other breeds. They can live in almost all conditions. They get along well in apartments and houses. But their fur requires daily care.

How the rating of obedient dogs was created

If you are ready to invest time and effort into your dog and teach it commands, then there are dog breeds for training that are suitable for you. They quickly pick up new commands and remember them for a long time.

The ranking of the smartest dog breeds, compiled by psychology professor Stanley Coren , will give you several options to choose from. Of course, some dog lovers are skeptical about such a “hit parade,” especially if their pet is not in the top spots. However, the ranking is not based on empty space, but on a thorough and lengthy study based on a survey of two hundred judges from the American and Canadian Kennel Clubs. They were asked to rate different dog breeds on their understanding and timing of commands. Consequently, this is not the top most intelligent dog breeds, because hunting and sledding breeds are characterized by greater independence, and this does not reduce their intellectual abilities.

The author of the study, Stanley Koren, shares three aspects of the intellectual abilities of dogs:

  • Instinctive: The dog performs the tasks for which its breed was bred. This intelligence is based on functions inherent genetically.
  • Adaptive: The dog solves problems on its own.
  • Working: the dog is trained, gains new knowledge. This aspect is also called the intelligence of obedience, and it is this aspect that is the object of study by Stanley Coren.
  • OO training

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  • 11.01.2019

German Shepherd

This is truly a fearless dog. He doesn't care about any dangers. Cold weather is not a problem for him. Very easy to learn. You can teach him anything even faster than you expect.

The German Shepherd gets along well with children and owners. But guests and strangers need to be careful when interacting with this dog, because by nature it is a protector of its owner. This dog can live in your house and even in your apartment. True, long hair can cause a lot of trouble.

English bulldog

These pets are playful, funny and cheerful. And they are able to cheer up the owners in any situation. However, owners who want to quickly and effectively teach their dog commands should not get an English Bulldog.

In addition, representatives of the breed often have the habit of chewing furniture. Owners should wean the puppy away from this behavior as early as possible.

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