Which dogs must wear a muzzle according to the pet walking law?

Why do you need a muzzle?

A muzzle is a device placed on an animal's face. In urban conditions, they most often put it on a dog so that it:

  • didn't bite;
  • did not pick up various objects from the ground;
  • I didn’t dig the soil with my nose and didn’t try to taste it.

Staff in a muzzle

The accessory prevents the mouth from opening wide, but does not interfere with breathing. A muzzled dog is easier to control and is limited in its actions. If everything is secured correctly, then nothing threatens the surrounding people and the owner of the animal showing aggression.

Important! Muzzles are designed for safety and do not cause significant discomfort. The law obliges dog owners to wear guards on their dogs, but they do not have to wear them all the time.

In an area fenced off from outsiders, even large fighting dogs can be kept without muzzles.

Nylon muzzle

Responsibility for improper keeping of animals

According to Article 21 of Federal Law No. 498, for violation of this law, animal owners may incur administrative and criminal liability.

Walking animals in unauthorized places, failure to use a leash, and failure to clean up animal waste products are administrative offenses. Each region has its own legislation in this regard. For example, Article 5.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the city of Moscow provides for administrative punishment for these offenses in the form of a fine of up to three thousand rubles. When a dog attacks another dog - up to five thousand rubles, baiting animals and people - up to ten thousand rubles.

In the event of a dog attack on a person, the first part of Article 118 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Causing grievous harm to health through negligence” is applied. Responsibility for it is:

  • a fine of up to eighty thousand rubles (or income for a period of up to six months);
  • compulsory work up to 480 hours;
  • correctional labor for up to two years;
  • imprisonment for up to three years;
  • arrest for up to six months.

In the Russian Federation, dog walking is regulated by a whole range of legal acts. Each region sets its own rules.

In 2022, a new law dated December 27, 2018 No. 498-FZ “On the Responsible Treatment of Animals” came into force, defining not only the general rules for keeping pets, but also the responsibility of their owners. What's new in the new law

The law is designed to regulate the treatment of animals for their protection, safety and rights, and to instill in people humane treatment of their smaller brothers.

In accordance with the new law, the owner of the animal must provide it with proper care and nutrition, timely veterinary care, vaccination, and take measures to prevent the appearance of unwanted offspring. You cannot treat pets cruelly or set them against people or other animals. Organizing fights involving animals is also prohibited.

If for some reason the owner is no longer able to keep the dog, he does not have the right to throw it out into the street. The law obliges the animal to be transferred to another owner, to a shelter or to a veterinary institution.

Which dogs are required to wear a muzzle by law?

Fighting and hunting dogs, whose aggressive behavior is determined by a genetic predisposition, by law cannot be walked without a muzzle and a leash in any public places, regardless of whether the courtyard is a high-rise building, an elevator or a sports ground.

Dog walking area: norms and rules

Without restraints, pets are kept only at home behind closed doors or a fence. Moreover, if the owner of a private house owns a pit bull, American bulldog, or any other large dog, then he is obliged to post a corresponding warning on the fence in a visible place.

For reference! The rules for walking animals are stipulated in Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 498, amendments to it, adopted in 2022 and entered into force in January 2022.

The dog owner is responsible for the actions of the dog. He can be fined and even convicted under a criminal article if the pet caused serious harm to health or caused the death of a person.

Interesting muzzles

In 2022, 12 dog breeds are recognized as potentially dangerous, as well as mixed breeds resulting from crossing with fighting dogs. This:

  • Akbashi;
  • ambuldogs;
  • Brazilian bulldogs;
  • Alapaha purebred bulldogs;
  • Bully Kutta;
  • bandogi;
  • gul-dongs;
  • pit bull mastiffs;
  • wolf hybrids;
  • North Caucasian dogs.

In total, the list of dogs for walking in a muzzle consists of 69 individuals, it includes, among other things, Dogo Argentino, which is prohibited for keeping almost all over the world, Caucasian Shepherd Dogs and even dogs of the Akita Inu (“Hachiko”) breed.

There is no exact list of dogs that must wear a muzzle; rules for walking and keeping vary depending on the region. So, in Moscow it could be a German shepherd, and in St. Petersburg it could be a mastiff.

Dogo Argentino

Dog fighting

Organizers, as well as participants in dog fighting, bear criminal liability under Art. 245 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Cruelty to animals”. The minimum penalty for the crime is a fine of 80 thousand rubles, the maximum is imprisonment for up to three years.

Since this act involves a public demonstration, the fine can be increased to 300 thousand rubles, and the term of imprisonment - up to five years.

How to properly walk a potentially dangerous dog

Prohibited dog breeds in Russia: list

According to the current rules:

  • The dog must be wearing a muzzle; according to the law, it can only be removed in specially designated areas. An exception is made for small breeds and puppies. So, if a mastiff or German shepherd is not yet 3 months old (height and weight are not important), then you can freely take it with you to the store or for a walk without any restraining device. But if a puppy bites someone or attacks a cat or small breed dog, you will still have to answer.
  • You cannot appear with a pet without a leash in any public place, regardless of what breed we are talking about.
  • The dog can be walked at any time of the day or night, but if it violates the law on maintaining silence from 23.00 to 7.00, the owner will face administrative punishment.
  • It is forbidden to walk your dog while drunk. Aggressive breeds cannot be owned by persons declared insane or incompetent, as well as people with disabilities. It will not be easy for a disabled person to keep the dog from attacking.
  • You cannot trust anyone under 12 years of age to walk. Large individuals can only be walked by adult citizens, in some cases teenagers over 14 years of age.
  • The fighting dog can only be walked without restraints in a fenced area owned by the dog breeder. He has no right to be on the designated walking area without a muzzle. You will have to dress him.

Important! You must attach a note to the dog’s collar with the owner’s name and address, telephone number, and the dog’s name.

Akita Inu

Additional rules for walking with a dog

Roulette leash for dogs for walking large breeds

Additionally, you need to remember that:

  • You can enter a store with a dog only if there is no prohibiting sign or inscription on the door;
  • animals are not allowed to walk in the park unless there is a specially designated area for this;
  • the owner must have a container for collecting excrement;
  • You cannot throw a container with excrement into a regular trash can; for this purpose, there are special garbage containers located in areas for walking animals;
  • When crossing roads and highways, even at a pedestrian crossing, the dog owner is obliged to take the pet on a short leash and wear a muzzle (if the dog has an accident due to the fault of the dog running onto the roadway, the owner will pay for the repairs and treatment of the victims).

Dogs, which must be muzzled by law, are allowed to travel on public transport. But they are kept on a short leash. A separate ticket is issued for the dog.


It is better to take the last seats in the cabin so as not to disturb anyone. The owner must have a certificate from a veterinary clinic certifying that the dog has received all vaccinations and is absolutely healthy. In addition to the certificate, you also need a veterinary passport. It is advisable to move small dogs in a carrier or carry them.

Attention! A fine is imposed for walking in a place not designated for this purpose, even if the pet is walking wearing a muzzle.

The size of the fine depends on the characteristics of the dog, its actions and the name of the public place where the owner went with it in violation of all the rules.

Teach commands

The pet must clearly understand basic commands. So that if necessary, your prohibition would be enough to calm the dog. Among the main required commands:

The animal must understand and follow commands the first time.

A dog's behavior is the result of human upbringing. Therefore, the owner bears full responsibility for the actions of his four-legged friend. If you start instilling certain norms in your puppy from an early age, it will not be difficult for him to strictly follow them in the future.

Where to complain about those who break the law

Complaints against citizens who have broken the law are accepted by:

  • city ​​or district administration;
  • police;
  • prosecutor's office

Deciding on a structure that will respond to the complainant and his request to eliminate injustice is simple. So, the local administration will accept a collective or individual complaint against the dog owner:

  • which regularly breaks the silence, preventing neighbors from sleeping with its barking;
  • walking her on the playground or in the courtyard of the house;
  • who does not use a muzzle or a leash when walking (information about which dog breeds can be walked without a muzzle is freely available);
  • not cleaning up after the dog.

The police are contacted if the dog has bitten someone, damaged property, caused a car accident or injury, or is on the list of dogs prohibited from walking without a muzzle.

The prosecutor's office is the last resort. A statement is written only if representatives of other authorities have not responded properly to the notification that the law has been violated.

Important! To confirm an offense, you need to record it using photos and videos, attract the attention of witnesses, call the police, or go to the nearest police station yourself if the dog caused serious damage to property or health.

The owner of the dog will most likely have to sue to prove that he is right. But if there is written and oral evidence, photos and videos, then the court will side with the plaintiff. For example: citizen R.D. Lupanov goes out every day to walk a large dog without a muzzle. He does this while drunk, usually early in the morning. A hungry dog ​​howls under the windows, disturbing the neighbors' sleep. People leaving early for work have more than once encountered the dog viciously attacking them and trying to bite them. The owner did not respond to the neighbors’ request for a muzzle and a change in the dog’s walking. A collective complaint was filed with the district administration, and then with the court. The judge ordered Lupanov R.D. to pay a fine for violating the order. His pet is on the list of dogs that must wear a muzzle, so the judge also fined the citizen for not having one.

Opinion about the law and criticism of dog breeders

The opinions of dog breeders regarding the law are divided, some support the inclusion of a list of dangerous dogs, others believe that not all dogs are so dangerous that they cannot be walked without a muzzle, even in special areas. Aggressive individuals are not specifically bred. Thus, the Dogo Argentino is prohibited not only for cultivation by non-professionals, but also for breeding for the purpose of using it, for example, for border protection, the needs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other structures.

No walking sign

Many dog ​​handlers are inclined to believe that there are no longer dangerous dogs in Russia. Any dog ​​can become dangerous if it is not raised correctly. Thoroughbred individuals that show excessive aggressiveness are immediately excluded from breeding and castrated. The law should be tougher on owners, not pets.

On the other hand, the bite of a Yorkshire terrier is only unpleasant, while the fangs of a pit bull can leave a permanent scar on the body.

In Russia, they are trying to solve the question of the degree of danger of a particular animal for humans and other living beings with the help of Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 498. Since 2022, it has included 12 breeds that pose a particular danger to others. The owner of such a dog is obliged to constantly lead him on a leash and muzzle.


With puppies everything is extremely simple. The above law clearly states that until the puppy has reached 3 months of age, the muzzle need not be used. Even if your pet has a playful character and doesn’t listen to you well, a good leash will help restrain him in a critical situation.

What to do after the puppy is 3 months old? Despite the fact that at this age he cannot yet be considered an adult dog, one should navigate this issue precisely according to the recommendations relating to adult dogs, which we will talk about a little later.

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