How does a Pomeranian go to the toilet - how to train it to a diaper or litter box, caring for a Pomeranian

How to toilet train a Pomeranian?

In the apartment

While the Pomeranian is very small, he will relieve himself in the apartment. At first, you will inevitably have to deal with unexpected puddles and piles in various places in the apartment. But you can’t scold the puppy, you just need to be patient.

To train a Pomeranian to use the toilet in an apartment, first use a diaper, then a tray. How to properly teach this to a four-legged dog is a little lower in the article.

On the street

They go outside only after the Pomeranian's quarantine period after vaccinations ends. To start training a little Spitz to go to the toilet outside, you will have to take the baby there often (up to fifteen times a day). A little later, the frequency of walks will decrease to two per day.

It's time to take your baby outside when:

  • 10-15 minutes have passed since he ate;
  • the puppy woke up;
  • the baby played actively;
  • The puppy begins to sniff the floor, sit down and whine.

You need to take a small piece of a dirty diaper outside to activate your baby's instinct.

In a private house

Training a Pomeranian in a private home is no different from training in an apartment. For classes you will need diapers and a little later - a tray.

Step by step training steps

You need to train your dog consistently. Give information gradually, without overloading the dog.

Important StepsExplanation
You need to equip places for the toilet as soon as the puppy appears in the apartmentThe designated areas will interest the baby
After a week, you need to slightly reduce the number of napkins laid outThis begins the process of reducing the area where the pet is allowed to relieve itself.
By the beginning of the second month there should be only 1 diaper left. After a while, the place for the toilet is located where the owner considers it necessary If the owner of the Spitz did everything correctly, then the dog should ignore everything except the napkin when it wants to go to the toilet
The floors in the apartment, even if they seem clean, need to be washed with water and ammonia.Helps eliminate urine odor. The animal will lose interest in places where it regularly left puddles in defiance of its owners.

It is important to act step by step, be patient, then your pet will learn to behave civilly and will not create problems.

Tray training a puppy

The dwarf Pomeranian goes to the litter box only after it has become accustomed to relieving itself in the same place. At the beginning of classes, you need to put a small piece of diaper soaked in your pet’s urine in the tray. This will help him get his bearings. To teach a Pomeranian boy to go to the litter box, you need to purchase a version with a post.

Which litter tray should you choose for your Pomeranian puppy?

Since the Pomeranian is a small dog, the tray should have low sides. A cat won't suit him. You need to choose one that has a special mesh that protects your pet’s paws from dirt. For males you will need a tray with a post.

What to do if your dog refuses to go to the litter box

Sometimes, having figured out how to train a dog to use a litter box at home, owners are faced with the fact that the dog refuses to sit in the container.

Reasons that may contribute to this:

  • The sides are too high for a small dog.
  • Inconvenience of use - the tray is unstable, or the puppy does not like the filler.
  • Demonstration of character - often seen in cables. The problem can be solved by installing a column.

Important! Some pets try to attract the owner's attention by refusing. In this case, you need to try to spend as much time as possible next to your pet.

Training a puppy to wear a diaper

If your tiny Pomeranian is already toilet trained, you need to ask the breeder for the napkin that the baby used. When you get home, you need to study your pet’s behavior. You need to figure out which place he liked best, fence it off and put a napkin soaked in his urine there.

The Pomeranian should be swaddled immediately after eating, sleeping, active play or restless behavior. There is no need to let the baby out of the pen until he does the job. In case of a positive outcome, the Pomeranian should be praised.

Which diaper is better to choose?

Usually they are bought at a regular pharmacy or at a pet store. If you take a disposable diaper, you will need to change it daily. Reusable ones can be left in place for one or two days, because they absorb much more liquid. But they also cost more. As for the manufacturer, it depends only on the desires and capabilities of the owner.

How should I use the diaper?

The diaper should be located over the entire area of ​​the pen allocated for the Pomeranian puppy. But don’t forget to let your baby out every 1.5-2 hours so that he can play and run around.

Is it possible to replace a diaper with newspaper?

This is not prohibited, the main thing is to buy newspapers and not glossy magazines, since the latter do not absorb liquid at all. Lay no less than 7-10 newspapers. The only negative is that newsprint does not eliminate odor, unlike an absorbent diaper or napkin.

After the walk

Pet stores sell special wax to protect against reagents, which must be washed off with regular warm water after a walk. Or purchase special dog shoes with a thick rubber base.

Do not ignore your pet's persistent restless behavior after walking and washing its paws, but rather contact your veterinarian.

Pros and cons of trays and diapers

It is up to the owner to decide whether to choose a diaper or a litter tray. Even better is to combine two in one, placing a diaper on the bottom.

In fact, both options have their pros and cons. For example, the advantages of a diaper are:

  • protection of the floor from dirt, as it is quite spacious;
  • absorb the smell and prevent it from spreading;
  • not prone to fungus formation.

Among the disadvantages are the not very aesthetic appearance and rather large financial costs.

The advantages of the tray include:

  1. Saving. The tray will last a long time and you won’t have to change it every day.
  2. There are models for males, equipped with a column. This will help your pet relieve itself more normally.
  3. Easy to wash.

If we consider the disadvantages, then this is perhaps the inability to absorb smell. However, everything can be easily resolved if, as stated above, you combine both options.

Photo gallery

Accustoming your little pet to a diaper is not so difficult; you just need to be patient and follow the recommendations described above.

What not to do when your pet is toilet training

Some owners make serious mistakes when toilet training their Pomeranian:

  1. Move the tray. This will only confuse the Pomeranian, making him more likely to relieve himself in the wrong place.
  2. The child is not praised after a correct action. Praise and treats help your Pomeranian understand that he did everything right. This way the result is secured.
  3. They scold or beat their pet. This is absolutely unacceptable.
  4. They raise their voice if he went the wrong way. You need to try not to start shouting; it is enough to scold the baby in a stern tone.
  5. It is not forbidden to play with a diaper. In this case, the pet will perceive the toilet as a place for games and entertainment.

Arranging a toilet in an apartment or house

To toilet train a Spitz puppy, decide on its structure. Suitable for this purpose:

  • diapers;
  • rags;
  • newspapers;
  • tray.

A practical option is a combination of a tray and a diaper. The fabric perfectly absorbs liquid and absorbs odor. A plastic container will prevent excess from leaking out.

Prepare a place for your baby in the apartment:

  1. Find a secluded corner. It should not be in a hallway or in a high-traffic room. The dog should not be distracted by human presence, conversations or sharp sounds during the process. Do not place near food or drinking bowls.
  2. Remove carpets at a distance of 2 meters. While the baby gets used to the toilet, he can go past the tray onto the carpet. The smell of urine is very persistent and will be difficult to remove. Based on his sense of smell, a dog may prefer carpet to a tray.
  3. If the dog ignores the prepared “conveniences,” wet a small area of ​​the diaper and place it in the tray. Your pet will be attracted by its own scent when it looks for a comfortable place.
  4. Relying on instincts, you can equip a tray that is better suited for a Spitz boy. Build a low post from plastic material or wood. Perhaps the baby will want to relieve himself “doggy style”.
  5. “Smart spray” for dogs will be a good help for owners in training. They are sold in veterinary pharmacies and specialty stores. Spray the product in the place where the puppy left his “mark”, and he will no longer have the desire to go there again. Humans practically do not smell the spray, but dogs are irritated by it.

Is it possible to toilet train an adult Pomeranian?

This is possible, but it is still recommended to do this with your pet at a very young age. It is more difficult to train an adult Pomeranian because he is more stubborn and willful. Of course, it will take a lot more time for lessons, but the result will definitely be positive. The training algorithm is exactly the same as with the young Pomeranian.

Keep it clean

While training a dog, it may shit on carpets and sofas. The smell from the surfaces will attract the dog and he will periodically defecate there. To prevent this from happening, you need to eliminate odorous marks.

You should promptly clean up after other pets. Spitz, like other dog breeds, have a highly developed sense of territoriality. They may defecate to mark their habitat.

Cleaning up after the dog

Diapers need to be changed more often so that the dog does not look for another, cleaner place for the toilet.

Boys often mark the corners of the apartment, and treat dirty surfaces with disinfectants and repellent sprays.

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