Gorgeous tiger from Ilyinovka, and why small dogs are so angry: morning with Amurskaya Pravda

Photo: Google

Homemade mixtures made from available ingredients will ideally cope with a wide variety of stains and dirt. When making and using homemade cleaning products, it is important to follow one rule: before mixing anything, be sure to study the composition of the prepared solutions and the properties of the individual components. Some of them should never be combined. As soon as the home remedy is ready, do not forget to stick a sticker with its composition on the container, Lifehacker advises.

All-purpose cleaner

What you will need:

  • white vinegar;
  • water;
  • lemon zest;
  • sprig of rosemary.

Mix water and white vinegar in proportions 1: 1. Pour the resulting mixture into a spray bottle, add the rest of the ingredients, shake well and let sit for a week.

This product is suitable for removing water stains, refreshing the trash can, getting rid of stains on the walls and much more. All thanks to lemon zest, which not only gives a pleasant smell, but also improves the effectiveness of the product. The main thing is not to use the mixture on granite surfaces, otherwise the stone may become dull.

The most evil fighting dogs

The character and disposition of representatives of such breeds can sometimes be simply unpredictable, so fighting dogs should only be raised by experienced dog breeders.

Dogo Canario

A breed that is banned in some countries. Dogo Canarios are considered ideal protectors. They will not attack first unless you show aggression towards them.

Bull Terrier

The result of a long-term breeding experiment. For your own peace of mind, you need to take an obedience course with your bull terrier, teach him to walk on a leash and muzzle, without taking them off in public places.

Staffordshire Terrier

These fighters become aggressive if they feel threatened by a stranger. In this case, they can attack him.

Tosa Inu

The breed has innate aggression, so it needs proper education. These are angry fighting dogs, which are usually called crippling or killing the enemy.

If you want to learn about how to properly train a dog at home, we recommend reading the article

Refreshing kitchen cleaner

What you will need:

  • 4 tablespoons of soda;
  • a little less than a liter of warm water.

This simple mixture will help refresh the kitchen - clean different surfaces and even the inside of the refrigerator. To remove odors from your trash can and sink or bathtub drain, you can take just baking soda and pour it straight from the box, then rinse off the residue with water.

If you need to clean something made of stainless steel, it is better to mix the ingredients to a paste, use a damp cloth and gently rub the mixture in the direction of the metal texture, then immediately rinse with water and let the surface dry.


Oddly enough, it is with bites from dachshunds that people most often go to emergency rooms, although the dog’s dimensions cannot be compared with the breeds presented above: height up to 35 cm at the withers, weight up to 12 kg. Perhaps many people forget that dachshunds are burrow hunters, and hence they have such qualities as fearlessness, activity, and agility.

The dachshund requires careful treatment due to frequent problems with the spine in this breed

Of course, this breed does not pose a danger to humans. Her aggressiveness manifests itself only in response to cruelty or is a consequence of improper upbringing. Dachshunds are characterized by stubbornness and disobedience. This is a direct consequence of the ability to make decisions independently (there is no owner in the hole, you have to think for yourself). If your opinions coincide, the command will be executed. In a loving family, these dogs are always obedient, but in response to disrespect they can do dirty tricks.

Cleaner for windows and mirrors

What you will need:

  • 2 glasses of water;
  • ½ cup white or apple cider vinegar;
  • ¼ cup rubbing alcohol (70 percent solution);
  • 1-2 drops of orange essential oil (optional).

Mix all ingredients and pour the mixture into a container with a spray bottle. This product should not be used on a hot and sunny day - it will dry out too quickly and leave streaks on the windows.

To clean mirrors, apply a small amount of cleaner to a paper towel or soft rag and wipe the surface.


Rottweilers are absolutely not suitable for inexperienced owners; they will only create a lot of problems for the owner. If raised incorrectly, they become uncontrollable and begin to pose a danger even to members of their own family.

Rottweilers require long walks combined with active games and physical activity.

The Rottweiler is a born fighter and guardian. And if within the confines of the house he is a pile of muscles that can be squeezed heartily, then outside this territory the dog is wary of any stranger, be it an adult or a child. All strangers will always be a source of potential threat in the dog's eyes.

Dogs of this breed, oddly enough, have a subtle mental organization. If there is a tense situation in the family with frequent showdowns, the pet becomes nervous and easily excitable. In addition, Rottweilers are very jealous; you should not pet or treat other dogs in their presence. The dog attacks the offender with lightning speed and without warning. In a fit of emotion, he does not feel pain at all, so it is impossible to pull him away.

Rottweilers are up to 70 cm tall and weigh up to 50 kg.

Marble cleaner

What you will need:

  • 2 drops of mild liquid dishwashing detergent;
  • 2 glasses of warm water.

Mix the ingredients, soak a sponge in the resulting solution and rub the marble surfaces. Then rinse them with clean water and wipe dry with a soft cloth.

You should not use products with vinegar, lemon or any other acidic cleaners - they eat into marble and even granite and spoil them.

Throughout the holidays, readers sent New Year's photographs to the editorial office of the AP. They feature stunning snow figures, luxurious courtyard decorations, kilometer-long slides and ice skating rinks. Everything was done by the hands of ordinary Amur residents - to please their relatives and fellow villagers. We share with you the folk art of the inhabitants of the Amur region.

“This is the tiger we got in the village of Ilyinovka, Oktyabrsky district. We received so many positive emotions and joy from the creation process!” - another creation of Amur residents was sent by our reader Natalya Grudinina.

Some of the aggressive behavior can be explained by the animal's fear of a stranger or another dog. The small size of these animals makes them feel vulnerable. The study also found that males are more aggressive than females, and older dogs are more aggressive than younger ones. The authors identified another reason and found out why small dogs are angry: due to the small size of “pocket” breeds, owners consider their pets harmless, so they don’t even try to correct aggressive behavior. This may also be a contributing factor to aggressive behavior. Scientists suggest that adequate upbringing of a pet can reduce the “degree” of this behavior - with the help of training, you can reduce a dog’s fear of people and teach it not to bark at any loud sound.

There is no empty space, air or any liquid in our body. If you take a chest x-ray, you can immediately see that the lungs are pressed tightly against the chest wall, and there is no empty space around them. The same applies to the stomach. All our insides are very tightly packed together. On the outside, they are very slippery, as they are covered with a liquid that is similar in composition to lymph. This mucus is produced by the peritoneum, with its help the organs rub against each other painlessly. However, sometimes the organs may not fit together as tightly because there is fat between them. This is another reason why visceral fat is quite dangerous. It can lead to chronic inflammation in the body, which in turn will lead to a variety of diseases.

  • Beans - 410 g
  • Lemon juice - 3 tablespoons
  • Olive oil - 2 tablespoons
  • Tortillas - 6 pieces
  • Canned tuna – 400 g
  • Red onion - 1 head
  • Fresh spinach leaves - 125 g
  • Canned pepper – 200 g
  • Carrots - 2 pieces
  • Cheddar cheese - 150 g

Place the beans in a bowl and add a small amount of liquid from the can. Add lemon juice and olive oil. Mash until smooth, adding more liquid from the jar if necessary. Add salt to taste. Heat the tortillas and spread with bean paste. Next, add spinach leaves, tuna, finely chopped onion, pepper cut into strips, grated carrots and sprinkle with grated cheese. Roll the tortilla, tucking the edges inward.

Sources: news.mail.ru, 120.su, zelv.ru, youtube.com, food.ru, TG channels: “Interesting facts”, “Obvious things”, “Secret of success”

The Russian Ministry of Health warns: smoking is harmful to your health.

Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to your health

Age category of materials: 18+

  • Louise Smolyanskaya


Lighter dogs tend to be much more reactive in their movements. And this is understandable, because for tiny breeds, much in the world around them is dangerous, so they are forced to defend themselves. The desire to bite is often observed in Jack Russell Terriers, Chihuahuas, and Dachshunds. Small dogs with short legs often show anger. They are afraid of unfamiliar animals, so they demonstrate their aggression, showing with all their appearance that they are ready to protect both themselves and their owner.

Cases of dog attacks on people...

In conclusion, there are some statistics that are kept in some countries, and they reflect cases of attacks by dogs of different breeds on people. It is difficult to imagine that among the faithful four-legged animals there are those who can rightfully be classified as killer dogs.

In the photo: American Pit Bull Terrier

  • In the United States, the American Pit Bull Terrier firmly holds the lead in attacks on people. Over the past 10 years, more than 3 thousand attacks have been recorded, and between 1982 and 2014, 295 attacks resulted in death.
  • In Germany, German Shepherds commit the most attacks on people, followed by Rottweilers.
  • In Russia, cases of aggression from dogs, including attacks on children, are recorded annually. Sad statistics state that more than 300 people are attacked by dogs every year, and every 10th case ends in disability or death.

So we found out which dog breed is the most evil, and most importantly, what are the main reasons for the aggressiveness of some dogs. Tough dogs are sometimes necessary in some areas of human life, but a person should always control the level of aggression in both large breeds and small dogs.

The editors of TopCafe ask you to write in the comments which dog breeds, in your opinion, are the most aggressive, and which are undeservedly included in our list.

German Shepherd

Origin: Germany. Weight: 32 – 38 kg. Height at withers: 55 – 65 cm.

The German Shepherd is known as a fearless and confident dog. She needs regular physical activity, such as long walks or vigorous play.

Scottish Terrier

The appearance of the Scotch Terrier has its fans, which is not surprising - it is quite cute. And the dimensions are quite roomy - height up to 28 cm, and weight up to 10 kg. But make no mistake, the dog itself is hot-tempered, pugnacious, constantly looking for conflicts with its relatives. Moreover, with the same pressure she will attack both small and large dogs.

A properly raised “Scot” does not make a tragedy out of his master’s absences, the main thing is not to abuse his good nature by locking the animal in the apartment for a day and depriving him of walks

Also, Scottish Terriers do not like to be cuddled. They will accept a certain amount of affection favorably, but then go off about their business. In addition, the dog is incredibly touchy. The owner may not even understand why the pet is once again sulking at him. And the reason can be anything: a ban on something, a raised tone of voice, a refusal of a tasty treat. So life with a Scottish Terrier is not an easy task. In addition, the breed is very energetic and does not seek to entertain itself. She needs both walks and communication with her owner. If something is missing, the pet’s character deteriorates irreparably.

Dogo Canario

Origin: Canary Islands, Africa; Weight: 45 – 55 kg; Height at withers: 62 – 65 cm.

This breed was trained for hunting and war back in the 18th century. If the dog attacked, the victim's resistance was useless. The Canary Dog has incredible strength. He is truly considered a fearless animal.

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