Large and small long-haired dogs: list of breeds and care features

Long-haired dogs have become increasingly popular lately. However, many people make four-legged friends not only because of their beautiful appearance. For many years, they accompanied people on hunting, fishing, helped herd sheep and other livestock, rescued, served as guides, or were simply taken in by their owners for the sake of respectability. Currently, only some of the long-haired breeds perform official work; many are simply kept as pets and friends.

Care and maintenance

Caring for a Highlander is not difficult, but it does require regularity. In addition to providing a sleeping place, food bowls and a clean tray, the following main points of content should be paid to:

  • Combing. Unlike the Persians, six British women do not roll, and therefore will not cause much trouble. It is enough to manipulate it twice a week with a rubber brush or a special mitten. During the molting period, brushing must be done daily.
  • Bathing. You should be accustomed to this procedure from infancy, otherwise you won’t be able to wash an adult cat yourself: the British don’t like water. It is recommended to bathe up to three times a year with shampoos intended for British breed cats.
  • Ear care. Three times a month, the ears should be examined and subsequently cleaned with a cotton pad soaked in a special solution.
  • Eye care. The visual organs require daily examination. Contaminants are removed with a napkin intended for this purpose or with a simple one soaked in boiled water.
  • Claw care. The cat does them on his own with the help of a scratching post.
  • Dental care. For preventative purposes, it is enough to clean once a week with a soft brush and animal paste.
  • Walks. With age, the British turn from active, playful kids into lazy cats. An inactive lifestyle can lead to obesity in your pet, so regular walking of the animal is necessary.
  • Grooming the cat. In extreme cases, animals are prescribed haircuts: mats, partial mats in places for injections during treatment, advanced age of the pet, unable to care for the coat on its own.


Feeding the British cat is carried out with natural products or ready-made food, which are selected in accordance with the sex, age, health and character of the cat.

British Longhair cats have an excellent appetite. Combined with a sedate lifestyle, Highlanders can become obese. Controlling the size of portions and their calorie content (70 kcal per 1 kg of animal body weight) will help prevent possible health problems. Kittens are fed at least five times a day in small portions. By the year their number is reduced to two.

Natural food includes products: cereals, boiled boneless fish, lean meat, low-fat milk, quail eggs. Your pet will also happily accept raw meat. Various pickles, potatoes in any form, fatty meats, smoked foods, sweets, spicy and fried foods are excluded from the diet. In combination with natural nutrition, it is necessary to provide a vitamin and mineral complex designed specifically for long-haired cats.

Often, owners prefer feeding dry food. The choice is desirable in favor of premium products. With this method, you need to give your pet a bowl of water and change it daily.

Highlander cat photo:

Health and diseases

Highlanders have excellent health and good immunity. Proper care of your pet will eliminate possible illnesses.

  • Tartar. A disease affecting all short-faced cats. Helping your pet brush his teeth will prevent tartar from forming.
  • Obesity. Reasonable portion sizes, proper food, and encouragement to exercise will help control your pet’s weight.
  • Allergy. An itchy pet with swollen and watery eyes is examined for the cause of the reaction. Symptoms are relieved by eliminating the allergen and taking antihistamines.
  • Cold. A feature of the breed is sensitivity to cold. Cats get cold instantly. Eliminating the main cause in the form of drafts in the apartment will save your pet from frequent illnesses.
  • Helminths. Not a single animal is safe from them. Annual deworming is recommended.

You should also not forget about visiting a veterinarian for the purposes of prevention and timely vaccination for the health of your pet.

Only one disease is incurable: hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. This is a hereditary disease associated with heart disease. In the early stages it is characterized by shortness of breath, rapid fatigue, in the later stages - damage to the hips and paralysis of the limbs due to blockage of blood vessels, pulmonary edema, and death. The disease can be detected using cardiac ultrasound. Such animals have not been allowed for breeding for a long time, and therefore the disease is unlikely.

Features of caring for long hair of pets

Long-haired pets require special care, and it should not be one-time care when the owner remembers his ward, but include a whole range of daily activities. Procedures should become a habit and be carried out religiously.

Standard care for long dog hair consists of the following manipulations:

  • Combing. Brush the dog daily to prevent the fur from becoming tangled and mats forming. In this case, a simple thin-toothed brush with rounded and blunt teeth is used. Scratch especially carefully under the armpits, behind the ears and on the stomach.
  • A haircut. It is recommended to trim your animal's hair before the summer season. Periodically (every six months) the hair on the paw pads, in the ears, around the anus and genitals is shortened. Hair falling over the eyes is shortened or tied into a bun.
  • Bathing. Water treatments are carried out at least once every 10–15 days, using special shampoos for long-haired dogs (8in1 Tea Tree oil Shampoo, AVZ Elite Professional, Iv San Bernard Traditional Line Green Apple, etc.). Before bathing, you need to comb your dog thoroughly, otherwise the wet fur will become very tangled.

On sale you can find special balms, conditioners and rinses for long dog hair, which facilitate subsequent detangling and combing (Groom Professional Coat Repair, 8 in 1 Perfect Coat Moisturisng Conditioner Pink Lilac, Doctor VIC spray-conditioner, etc.).

Video: home care for long, thin hair

Afghan Hound

Unlike the giants described above, although Afghan hounds are tall, they look unusually elegant and graceful. This is the oldest breed, the history of which goes back thousands of years. Afghan hounds are excellent hunters, but in ancient times the dogs were used to guard homes and herd livestock.

Afghans are difficult to train, but not because of their natural narrow-mindedness and low intelligence. On the contrary, dogs are smart and quick-witted, but their stubbornness and arrogance sometimes cross all boundaries.

That is why the breed is not recommended for inexperienced dog breeders. Training may take more than one year, and the process will require considerable patience and endurance from the owner.

These long-haired aristocrats are suitable for exhibitions and show programs. Surely, dogs love to show off!


The Maltese Bichon, Maltese, as the Maltese is also called, are unusually cute creatures, one of the most beautiful among decorative breeds. In ancient times, dogs were used to catch rodents, but today they are just harmless lap dogs and everyone's favorites.

Despite their tiny size, Maltese fearlessly guard the house and are ready, if necessary, to use their teeth, even if they face an enemy tens of times larger than their own size.

Maltese dogs have a touching and funny appearance, a friendly character and extraordinary activity. Add to this good training abilities, a love for children and a desire to please the owner in everything, and you will get the ideal dog that even a beginner can train. Maltese is suitable for pensioners, people with disabilities and families with small children.

Yorkshire Terrier

These charming babies belong to decorative breeds. Once upon a time they were used to catch rats, but today the main task of Yorkshire terriers is to bring joy to people with their original appearance and glorious character.

Tiny dogs with long, silky hair are gentle and loyal, quickly becoming attached to all family members. They get very bored when people are away, so leaving them alone for a long time is not recommended. Children adore little Yorkies, but due to the fact that they cannot yet correctly calculate their strength, they sometimes accidentally harm their pet.

Yorkshire terriers are so sweet and touching that they can often be seen in the arms of celebrities at various social events.

Small long-haired dogs

Usually these are fluffy, pretty creatures that are difficult to pass by, so representatives of these breeds are often bred in order to groom and cherish:

  • Yorkshire Terrier. These little ones often live in the homes of celebrities and accompany them to social events, but you can also find similar funny cuties in ordinary families. They do not require much space, get along with other pets, adore their owners and are very attached to the family. Once upon a time, the breed was bred for special needs - the dogs were excellent at catching rats, but today they are purely decorative pets, whose main duty is to please their family members. The breed is widespread all over the world, and all thanks to its cheerful disposition, the ability to be a true friend and surprisingly nice appearance.

  • Maltese. It is also called the Maltese Bichon or Maltese. The breed was bred so long ago that today experts are not sure that Malta is the homeland of the dogs. At that time they were excellent rat catchers and also exterminated cats. Modern Maltese have acquired a more beautiful appearance and, of course, are no longer rodent hunters. Today they are excellent, affectionate lap dogs and welcome guests at any exhibitions, and they really have something to brag about.
  • Shih Tzu. An amazing Tibetan breed, its representatives have wool that resembles a chrysanthemum flower. Once upon a time they lived exclusively in palaces, so they still retained some aristocratic appearance. Despite the coat that requires special care, the breed is extremely popular. These dogs are hypoallergenic, suitable for families with children, extremely affectionate and tame. In addition, they do not like conflicts, so they easily get along with other pets.
  • Pomeranian Spitz. Although there are many Spitz breeds, Pomeranians are the most common. Perhaps this is due to the fact that today it is small breeds that are fashionable. These dogs are very modest in size, but do not consider themselves babies, demanding to be treated with all respect. They are very attached to their owners, especially children, and love attention to themselves. In general, this is a 100% decorative breed.

  • Pekingese. In this list, they can safely be put in first place, since representatives of this breed have held the leading position in terms of prevalence for quite some time. Pekingese, representatives of the oldest Chinese breed, have been exclusively imperial dogs for too long, and this, naturally, influenced their character in a certain way. Until now, various myths and legends hover around the breed, which further fuels interest in these dogs. The main drawback that the owners face is the reckless courage of the Pekingese, who are capable of getting into a fight with a stronger opponent. They are not recommended for families with small children as they can be strict.

South Russian Shepherd

Snow-white giant dogs, similar in appearance to both a snowdrift and a huge lapdog, were bred to herd and guard livestock. Today they have not lost these functions and are used as guard animals. The temperament of South Russian Shepherd Dogs is aggressive and ferocious, which means keeping dogs is fraught with numerous difficulties.

This is a dog of one owner, recognizing whose leadership it will remain faithful to him until death. It is not recommended for inexperienced people to own a South Russian Shepherd. It will be extremely difficult to subdue it, yet it is one of the most dangerous dogs in the world.

Gaps in upbringing can lead to the fact that instead of a fearless and infinitely loyal dog, you can end up with a furry, uncontrollable monster.

Important: the dog does not get along with children and does not make allowances for age

Medium longhaired dog breeds


The second name of the breed is the Scottish Sheepdog, first mentioned in the 14th century. This is a lovely herding dog, common in the highlands of England and Scotland. She has passed on from generation to generation the feeling of bringing everyone together so that no one strays too far from each other.

Collies can also be kept in urban environments. It is necessary to walk the dog for a long time every day, take care of the coat, and regularly comb and bathe the dog. Lately, the Shetland Sheepdog has been chosen as a companion dog because it is intelligent and obedient. She can be a guide for blind people, because she is able to adapt to her owner’s mood and listen to him in everything.

Cocker Spaniel

Representatives of long-haired dogs are descendants of hunting breeds. Despite this, he has recently fallen in love with many people and lives with them as a member of the family. They have a pleasant appearance and excellent manners.

Dogs of this breed move gracefully, smoothly and gracefully, it may seem that they are floating without touching the surface of the ground. They attract others due to their playfulness and responsiveness, they love to be close to their owner and get along with small children.

You need to constantly take care of your Cocker Spaniel, monitor its diet, do not overfeed it, and give it certain physical activities. Also, the dog’s long hair requires special care: regular combing, cutting and trimming.

Chow chow

Long-haired Chow Chow dogs appeared 3,000 years ago; for a long time they were considered descendants of lions, bears, and polar wolves. They were revered by the Chinese nobility and clergy.

Sacred Chow Chows guarded temples, hunted birds and large animals, and dragged carts and other loads. After many years they gained respect and became devoted friends.

Now individuals of this breed do not hunt, but this has not affected their working ability. They will be able to protect their owners at any time if danger threatens.

The Chow Chow has unique external features:

  • blue tongue;
  • unnatural gait;
  • leonine appearance;
  • wool that looks like a bear's fur coat.

Long-haired Chow Chows lead a passive lifestyle, so owners of a modest apartment can afford to have a “teddy bear” in their home. The key to a socialized and kind pet is early upbringing. Then he will be able to distinguish “friends” from “strangers,” identify the threat and eliminate it. However, families with small children should not have such a pet.

Longhaired German Shepherd

The breed became famous at the beginning of the 20th century, although at first a shepherd with long hair was considered a waste. Then everything changed and a club of lovers of this dog was founded; the long and luxurious coat began to be valued and considered an adornment for individuals. The German Shepherd was bred to serve and herd sheep, but later it changed its role as a shepherd and became a companion or even a family member.

Representatives of the breed have soft and thick hair. They shed only during the molting period and require regular brushing. They are active, so they need walking 2-3 times a day, playing and jogging while walking.

The German Shepherd is kind, friendly, loyal, and becomes attached to its family and owner. Recommended for families with children. Thanks to her high intelligence, she is able to sense the child’s mood and provide protection at the right time. It is necessary to train from the first days the dog appears in the house.

English Setter

The long-haired Setter dog is considered a purely English breed and took part in hunting. She is kind, psychologically balanced, intelligent, amenable to training and training, has a positive attitude towards individuals of other breeds and species, and loves to communicate with people.

If earlier a representative of the English Setter was bred for hunting raids, now they show themselves as devoted friends and love to play with children. Due to their violent temperament, the breed requires long-term training, so you will have to be patient and achieve the desired result.

Setters have a long, wavy coat that is often ruffled and matted, especially around the ears, chest and tail. After walks, the dog should be combed well, then the coat will return to its previous appearance, softness and shine. It is necessary to regularly clean the ears and rinse the eyes so that the Setter feels healthy and happy and makes his family happy.

List of long-haired dogs

Both large representatives of the canine world and very tiny tame dogs can have elongated, luxurious hair. Let's look at the most popular and “woolly” dog breeds.

Small dog breeds with long hair

Small dogs are often not visible due to the abundance of fur covering them. These pets look especially funny.

Yorkshire Terrier

The Yorkie, or Yorkshire Terrier, is an extremely popular small lap dog, bred in England (Yorkshire) in the late 19th century. The structure of the coat is very similar to human hair. The coat is thin, long, delicate, silky and flowing, there is no undercoat. Yorkies hardly shed, long hair grows constantly, and rarely falls out (if damaged or combed out).

Yorkshire Terrier is one of the most popular indoor dog breeds in the world.


The Maltese is an emotional and very active ornamental breed, whose history of origin is associated (perhaps erroneously) with the island of Malta. The small animal is completely covered with snow-white, long, completely straight and silky hair, falling to the floor in the form of a mantle or cloak (without waves or curls). There is no down layer.

The Maltese (Maltese) is a breed of lively and very emotional decorative dogs with snow-white “doll-like” fur.

Shih Tzu

A small companion dog originally from Tibet, the first Shih Tzu puppy was presented to the Chinese emperor as a gift by the Dalai Lama in the mid-17th century. This animal has a double coat; it includes not only a straight (light wave is acceptable) and slightly harsh outer coat, but also a thin, soft, fairly thick undercoat.

Shih Tzu (lion dog, chrysanthemum dog) is one of the oldest dog breeds

Pomeranian Spitz

The Pomeranian, which looks like a fluffy bun, received its name in honor of the historical region in Germany (Pomerania), where it originated. His main coat is long and fluffy, slightly harsh to the touch, the undercoat is short and densely packed. The fur on the fox-like face and ears is much shorter. The tail is very fluffy, curled over the back.

Pomeranian looks like a child's toy

Photo gallery: small dogs with long hair

Medium-sized, long-haired dog breeds

Slightly larger dogs also have a fairly long coat.

American Cocker Spaniel

The country of origin of the cocker spaniel is considered to be the United States of America (1880). The medium-sized dog has a silky and soft coat, tightly lined with thick down. Hair can be either straight or wavy. The hair is shortest on the head, and noticeably longer on the ears, legs and body.

The American Cocker Spaniel is a wonderful bird hunter.

Chow chow

The Chow Chow, whose name means “shaggy lion dog,” is one of the oldest dog breeds in the world. There are two varieties: short-haired and long-haired. The latter has extremely thick, abundant fur that extends from the body. The main hair has a rough texture, the undercoat is soft and delicate. The collar (jabot), mane and feathering on the legs made of longer wool are clearly visible.

Chow Chow is a guard dog, companion, one of the oldest dog breeds

Samoyed dog

Sammi, or Samoyed, Samoyed Spitz, is a primitive breed of dog descended from the Nenets Laika and is considered very ancient. The Samoyed dog has a very fluffy and thick coat of the arctic (polar type), which allows the animal to sleep in the snow even in severe frosts. The downy undercoat is thick, soft and short, the outer coat is long and straight. The hair is shorter on the head, ears and paws (in front), there is a “collar” around the neck and on the shoulders, and characteristic “pants” on the hips.

Snow-white and thick fur with an expressive fox face hide the good-natured and one of the most caring dogs in the world - the Samoyed dog

Hungarian Shepherd

The Hungarian Shepherd Dog, more commonly called the Puli, was developed in Hungary in the Middle Ages. This breed has a very unusual coat, which spontaneously rolls into long cords-dreadlocks. The undercoat and outer hair (harder and coarser) have almost the same length, curl among themselves and by about two years of age form a cord-like cover up to 20–30 cm long.

Chow chow

An exotic dog, visually reminiscent of both a teddy bear and a lion at the same time, has a difficult character and requires a special approach. However, with proper training and upbringing, Chinese Chow Chows grow into reliable guards and pleasant companions.

In ancient times, they were used to protect temples, monasteries, palaces, and also for hunting large animals. Today they are mainly bred as family dogs, loyal and reliable. Despite their external clumsiness, chow chows are agile, strong and give a worthy rebuff to the enemy. By the way, dogs can not only bark, but also grumble and rumble in a funny way, depending on their mood.

Features of long-haired dog breeds

The coat of long-haired animals consists of long guard hair and a downy, more delicate undercoat. However, the length, thickness and density of the outer coat, as well as the density and structure of the undercoat, may vary. In some breeds, the undercoat may be completely absent or very sparse. It can be very short or long, like the main cover.

Such wool is often prone to excessive brittleness, matting and matting. To maintain the two-layer wool structure, it needs constant and painstaking care.

Shar Pei

There are smooth varieties of these animals. Scientists analyzed the skin of both representatives of the breed and came to the conclusion that they have a different gene sequence and the mutation caused the folds in Shar Peis, which was fixed by breeders. It is interesting that in humans, who were wrinkled from birth, they found the same genome structure.


Shar Peis were originally bred to hunt wild boar. The ferocious, bulletproof animal attacked the dog with fury. The dog's numerous sagging and fluttering folds were a distracting element that was difficult to grasp, and the barking animal dodged the huge carcass. The dog was small in size, up to half a meter tall and weighing 20-25 kg due to its skin, it seemed huge. Short and stiff hair, the “sand skin,” added to the effect by slipping out of the boar’s mouth. Later, all these properties of a dog with folds were used in the Shar Pei as a fighting dog. Excess skin saved the insides of the animal in a mortal fight between dogs.

Interesting: What breeds of dogs are considered companions?

The breed got its blue tongue from the Chow Chow, and mastiffs gave it fighting qualities and independence. A sufficient layer of subcutaneous fat promotes skin gliding.

The Shar Pei has a wide variety of colors, but the main color is always the belt on the back and there is a mask on the face.

Disappearance of a dog

In the last century, the communists came to power in China, while at the same time the country's billions of people were starving. One of the objects of persecution as a “parasite” was the Shar Pei. They destroyed it so zealously that in the 70s they included it in the Guinness Book of Records as the rarest breed. The revival began with single copies on the initiative of the Americans, and the stuffed dog was restored with minor changes in appearance. The American version of the Shar Pei has shorter paws and a softer coat.

A square body, a short neck that cannot be identified, and a frowning muzzle due to the structure of the eyes creates a threatening image. However, the character of the four-legged friend is calm and balanced. He is distrustful of strangers and does not make contact with them well. The Shar Pei's tail is curled into a ring.

Breeding work continued for decades, and the folded breed has now spread throughout the world.

Behavior in society

The dog is a guard, watchman and devoted friend in the owner's family. She is calm in character, but shows aggression towards unfamiliar relatives. Therefore, dog training should begin at an early age. Like any dog ​​with fighting tendencies, the folded dog must go through a good obedience school and obey its owner. In a family, a well-bred dog is distinguished by kindness and intelligence.


When listing rare breeds of large dogs, cynologists first of all name Leonberger. This breed appeared in the 19th century. The city where the breed was bred is known - Leonberg. The name of the author of this breed has been preserved - this is Heinrich Essig, mayor of Leonberg. The last century, especially wars, brought the breed to the brink of extinction.

The height of males reaches 82 cm, females up to 76 cm. A 70-kilogram weight of males is not uncommon. The dogs are dressed in a double coat. The large mass did not turn Leonbergers into obese, lazy animals. They are muscular, dynamic and even elegant. Dogs are capable of performing rescue work in snowy mountains and on water. Their friendly nature makes them excellent companions.


Once upon a time, these intelligent dogs of gigantic size were fishermen's helpers. They still amaze us with their impeccable working qualities, ability to dive and swim. It is for this reason that Newfoundlands are often used as rescue dogs.

Dogs have a balanced temperament, good nature, ability to learn and a calm disposition. Thanks to these character traits, they make excellent companions, faithful and reliable guards, kind nannies who tenderly adore and protect children.

Separation from loved ones is difficult for them, so you should not leave your Newfoundland alone. By the way, dogs can easily travel and accompany their owner with pleasure.

Types of dog hair, its properties

In order to understand how shedding actually happens, it is advisable to understand the types of coats in dogs.

Dog handlers say that all dogs can be divided according to this factor into six groups:

  • medium-haired (regular);
  • long-haired;
  • smooth-haired;
  • wire-haired;
  • curly;
  • exotic.

The most common regular coat has hair of medium length and thickness; such dogs need regular combing and washing, especially during seasonal shedding. It is preferable to keep them in outdoor conditions, for example, in enclosures, but nevertheless, shepherd dogs and huskies still live next to humans and in apartments.

In long-haired dogs, the main hair is elongated, and the undercoat is soft and dense. These are, for example, greyhounds or Pekingese. They require careful care, daily washing using special products and combing.

People prone to allergies react most strongly to such pets.

Smooth-haired dogs usually have no undercoat at all, the main hair is quite hard and short (up to a maximum of 2 cm). It is not necessary to wash them often, but they do need regular cleaning. Most often they have a pungent odor, this is the property of subcutaneous fat. The shedding is heavy, short hairs get stuck in the upholstery of upholstered furniture and on clothes.

Wire-haired pets are carriers of soft undercoat fluff and hard outer hair. Shedding is the calmest - the axial coat practically does not fall out, and it is customary to pluck the undercoat.

Not only do curly-haired dogs have an attractive appearance, but they also cause virtually no trouble during shedding and have absolutely no odor. In addition, they have a thin layer of subcutaneous fat (this is what most often gives rise to the dog’s “aroma”). Such pets are most often chosen as companions by people prone to allergies and in old age.

Exotics include dogs with an unusual coat or no coat at all. If you have an allergy to wool, then these pets are ideal. But it should be remembered that irritation is caused not only by fluff, but also by saliva and skin particles.

Nevertheless, in order to have as little hair and dog smell in the house as possible, a pet is most often chosen from the last three categories - dogs with coarse, curly or exotic hair.

English bulldog

This breed, as the name implies, is registered in England. Its representatives are excellent guards. Although they are small in size. The weight of an English bulldog is no more than 25 kilograms. Height at the withers does not exceed 38 cm.

The body shape of such a dog is short and stocky. This dog with a wrinkled face needs serious training. But it is necessary to teach without the use of aggression and force. Because the dog does not tolerate disrespectful treatment.

If there are children in the family, then it is worth telling them that such a dog should be treated with care. You should play with your dog carefully. It is necessary to monitor the joint fun of the child and the pet.

Such a dog, due to its qualities, may not live in every family where there are children or other animals. This dog has difficulty sharing a room with anyone else.

This is a German breed. It comes from Chinese dogs with bulging eyes. Representatives of the pug breed can live up to fifteen years. The weight of an adult dog is no more than seven kilograms. Height at the withers is no more than thirty centimeters.


This selection contains only a small percentage of long-haired dog breeds, which are the most popular and beloved among breeders.

Of course, caring for a long-haired dog is not as easy as caring for short-haired breeds, but still, they are loved by their owners.

The complexity of care cannot be compared with the spectacular appearance of long-haired dogs, which is not only recognizable, but also very useful, especially if the animal is kept in harsh climatic conditions.

Dog breeds with skin folds

There are hundreds of breeds in the world, each with its own special qualities and characteristics. A special group are pets with folds, which you cannot pass by without being touched.

Shar Pei

Chinese breeders were involved in breeding Shar Peis. The breeders set themselves the goal of creating a good guard and protector. The dog had to be strong, capable of participating in dog fights. The Shar Pei's skin is its armor.

Previously, owners tried to instill in the dog aggression and fighting qualities. Now the Shar Pei is used as a companion.

Males are usually larger than females. The body is covered with numerous wrinkled folds. The coat is short, hard, without undercoat.

Shar Pei

The breed standard identifies the following coat colors:

The dog has a developed intelligence, but a complex character. The dog treats strangers with distrust. The Shar Pei is loyal to its owner. He treats children leniently and forgives all pranks. Has a bold, courageous character. The animal will be happy in a city apartment and in a country house.

Shar Peis are not prone to damaging property. They handle long-distance travel well. The breed is suitable for families with children and people leading an active lifestyle. A puppy costs 10 – 60 thousand rubles.

English Mastiff

One of the oldest breeds. According to scientists, mastiffs were known back in ancient Babylon and Egypt. Dogs were used to guard and protect homes. They were distinguished by their viciousness and severity. The modern breed standard highlights other character traits.

English Mastiffs are calm, balanced pets and do not bark without a reason. For children, the animal will become an excellent nanny, will accompany and protect the child. Suitable for family people. The dog is sincerely devoted to his owners and the home where he lives. He is wary of strangers, but will not attack without reason.

Mastiff is a lazy dog. I run in the morning with my owner, she would prefer to lie on the sofa. It is distinguished by its love of water procedures and swimming.

The standard does not establish the exact dimensions of the animal. The length of the body exceeds the height at the withers. The coat is thick, hard, with a soft undercoat. Standard colors: brindle, apricot, fawn-silver. Life expectancy is 11-13 years.

The cost of a puppy is 8-60 thousand rubles.

English bulldog

The ancestors of English bulldogs are considered to be Old English mastiffs and Viking dogs (Alans). Dogs were bred for corralling bulls and dog fighting. In 1835, England introduced a ban on bloody entertainment using dogs. The breed was on the verge of extinction, but English breeders were able to preserve it.

Bulldogs have a strong build. They have developed muscles and strong bones. Short, thick coat, soft to the touch. The colors vary, but must be clean and even. The spots are pronounced and clearly defined.

Colors allowed by the standard:

General information

It should be noted that the presence of long hair may not always mean that the dog will be comfortable in any frost, since in addition to the fur, an important role is played by the undercoat, which the dog may or may not have.

The most common breeds of dogs without undercoat are small, decorative breeds.

If a dog does not have an undercoat, then it sheds much less, despite its long fur.

These dogs have fur that is very similar in texture to human hair, making it difficult to care for the dog. These dogs require regular haircuts, combing and washing their coat with special shampoos for long-haired dogs.

If such long-haired breeds of dogs participate in exhibitions, then the hair is not cut, but styled with the help of irons and various accessories, and during walks they wear clothes to protect the hair from contamination.

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