How to put a diaper on a dog so that it doesn't fall off?

Sometimes there comes a time in the life of a dog owner when he thinks about how to put a diaper on his dog. Estrus, operations, age-related urinary incontinence - because of such phenomena, such a need arises. But, of course, it’s not enough to just buy diapers. You still need to choose and use it correctly. We’ll talk about how to do all this in our article.

Under what circumstances are dog diapers needed?

Don't underestimate the practical benefits of dog diapers; they greatly simplify caring for your pet. There are many reasons why dogs might need these waterproof underpants:

  • A new pet in the house has not yet learned where to go to the toilet or is difficult to train;
  • The owner does not have time to take the dog out for a walk during the day;
  • There will be a long journey in transport, in a cage or in a carrier;
  • Estrus;
  • Postoperative and rehabilitation period;
  • The period after pregnancy;
  • The need to prevent infection from entering a wound or affected area of ​​skin in the animal’s pelvic area;
  • The need to fix and protect the sutures in the pelvic area not only from dirt, but also from the pet itself;
  • Incontinence due to illness or old age.

So, instead of scolding your dog for being unable to stop himself from involuntarily urinating on the floor or carpet, all you need to do is put a diaper on him. In addition, such a device may additionally have antibacterial properties and successfully maintain the pet’s hygiene, which in turn is very important during illness.

Why is it needed and when might it be needed?

  1. Well, of course, a puppy! Like any child, the puppy is not able to endure need for a long time and, moreover, has no idea why it is impossible to make a puddle on the rug, on which the paws do not move apart, and the moisture is absorbed quickly without causing discomfort.

Important! You should not abuse diapers at a tender age. Teaching a puppy to do its business outside will be much more difficult! We advise you to use them only if you are unable to walk your pet on time.

Protection during heat

  1. If the dog is poorly brought up and has a bad, ineradicable habit of marking furniture in the apartment, then a diaper can easily solve this problem.
  2. When traveling. If you are going on a long journey and there is no opportunity to walk the dog, the diaper will come in very handy.
  3. Pampers for girls in heat are a very reasonable solution. Especially for small breeds that feel at ease on sofas and sleep in bed with their owner. In addition, in this case, this accessory is an excellent remedy for nimble gentlemen on a walk.
  4. Our smaller brothers, unfortunately, get no less sick than us. In severe conditions or after surgery, when the pet cannot not only go for a walk, but also cannot get up from the bed - a diaper is simply a salvation. It will help not only to maintain cleanliness, protecting against infections, but sometimes also to secure the bandage on a wound or seam.

Help: If the dog had an injury or surgery on the genitals or abdominal cavity, diapers will also help against scratching and attempts to chew the stitches.

How to accustom a dog to diapers?

If the dog is active and healthy, then problems may arise with learning to wear diapers. In this case, the pet owner just needs to be patient and gradually allow the dog to get used to the new accessory. By the way, if the dog is already accustomed to wearing clothes, then there should be no problems with diapers. Otherwise, the dog should be wearing a diaper for a short time, distract it with treats, and not force it to remain in an incomprehensible accessory if the animal begins to show aggression. Ideally, it is best to put on a diaper before feeding, so that the dog is immediately distracted by food or, for example, before brushing, when the pet is relaxed and satisfied with the constant attention of the owner.

When do you need diapers?

In everyday life, not every owner resorts to using these products. There are a number of situations that may result in the need for pet diapers.

This list includes:

  • Toilet training of young animals. Small puppies have poor control over bowel movements. Diapers allow you to maintain cleanliness in a closed space. As your pet grows, the brain will begin to consciously control the sending of signals to the process of urination. The use of diapers will gradually decrease. When choosing products, you need to take into account the height and breed of your pet. For example, diapers for small breed dogs differ in their size and thickness of the filler;
  • Adults often experience spontaneous bowel movements. An aging body is unable to cope with irreversible age-related processes. In animals, the genitourinary system begins to weaken, as a result of which frequent and uncontrolled urine output is observed;
  • Animals that have undergone surgery are too weak and unable to move. Their body is not able to constantly control the urge to urinate. During this period, using diapers facilitates the process of emptying the bladder;
  • Diapers are recommended to be used for male dogs that actively mark the surrounding territory. These products help get rid of unpleasant odors and stains;
  • During estrus, females can pollute the home environment. In addition, diapers help protect the dog from attack by foreign cables;

Such devices are recommended for use during travel, flights and transfers. When visiting someone else's apartment, diapers will help you avoid unpleasant situations.

In fact, there may be many more situations in which the use of these products may be necessary. For example, a congenital pathology of the genitourinary system or an acquired disability of a pet during its life.

Disturbances in impulses in the spinal cord and brain provoke disruptions in the animal’s body, which can cause urinary incontinence.

How to choose the right size?

If the owner does not decide to save money by purchasing inexpensive baby diapers for the dog, in which he will have to cut a hole for the tail himself, then there should be no problems with specialized dog diapers. The packaging always contains size information, following which hygiene panties are selected. For example:

  • XS – Chihuahua and lapdog puppies;
  • S – adult Chihuahuas and lap dogs;
  • M – Pekingese, pugs;
  • L – medium-sized dogs;
  • XL – large dogs;
  • XXL – giant breed dogs.

By the way, it is best to take hypoallergenic diapers so that the dog does not suffer from itching and skin irritation. Of these brands, Trixie diapers are of good quality and average cost.

DIY diaper

Many people cannot afford such a necessary thing as a diaper, so you can make it at home, spending a minimum of money. The most convenient way is to use a baby diaper that is the right size for your four-legged friend. A hole for the tail is made in the right place and stitched so that the filler does not come out. The side elastic bands are cut off from the baby product, the Velcro is removed from them and, using a stapler, they are attached to the top and bottom of the diaper. It is worth noting that the staples must be on the outside, well bent, so that the animal does not get hurt. For large dogs, an unaltered finished product will suit you, just make and stitch around a hole for the tail.

For reusable diapers, baby pants are used. A pocket for sanitary pads is sewn to the inside. Don't forget to cut and stitch the hole for the tail. To prevent clothes from sliding down when moving, secure them with all kinds of fasteners and suspenders.

A practical and, undoubtedly, useful invention will make life easier for owners and their four-legged pets, but at the same time, it can cause discomfort in animals to the point of addiction. Patiently and persistently carry out the training, and the result of obedience will not take long to arrive. Be sure to provide your pet with water treatments, proper nutrition and care.

How to fix a diaper on a dog?

It is extremely important to secure the diaper well on the dog. If the dog can reach it and take it off, it’s not scary, but he can tear the diaper and choke on the upholstery in the process. Therefore, when you first try to put hygienic panties on your dog, you should definitely observe its behavior. And, of course, tighten the Velcro tightly on both sides. If the dog does not give up trying to remove the diaper, and it is necessary, for example, due to illness, then he will have to additionally put a medical collar on his neck.

If the diaper falls off or does not want to fit tightly to the dog’s waist, you can use the following means:

  • Secure the diaper with a special fastening belt for dogs;
  • Use a suspender belt for male dogs;
  • Put casual clothes on top of the dog, for example, a bodysuit, which will prevent the panties from falling off;
  • Secure additional Velcro areas with high-quality tape or wrap an elastic bandage around your waist.

Dressing up the dog

The products have special adhesive fasteners, so any novice dog breeder can understand how to put a diaper on a dog. At first, it will be unusual for your pet to wear clothes: he will want to pull them off. Therefore, it is worth distracting your four-legged friend with a game or other activity to let him get used to the innovation.

After putting on the diaper, make sure that it does not squeeze the dog’s tummy and that it fits well. The accessory needs to be changed once a day.

However, during estrus, you should not leave the diaper on the body all day, as the pet needs to lick itself and take care of itself.

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Caring for a dog in diaper

To prevent itchy areas from forming on your pet’s skin and fur matting, you should follow a few simple recommendations:

  • Use the diaper exactly as long as indicated on the package;
  • Do not put on sanitary panties immediately after the previous ones have been removed; at least half a day should pass;
  • If the dog has heavy discharge or is in heat, then the diaper is changed more often, for example, not once a day, but 2-3;
  • If, after wearing sanitary panties for a long time, a dog develops diaper rash or irritation in the pelvic area, then it is worth treating the skin with powders, special ointments and antimicrobial agents.

Video about the features of using diapers for dogs

Popular questions

Once every 1 day, if the diapers are regular. During estrus and heavy discharge, diapers for dogs are changed 2-3 times a day. If reusable dog diapers are used, they are changed every few days as they become full.

Yes, absolutely. They are practical, versatile and environmentally friendly. Due to their more durable structure, they are resistant to damage and absorb up to 1 liter of moisture compared to 200-300 ml of disposable diapers for dogs.

Choosing a comfortable diaper

Choose diapers for dogs, taking into account all individual characteristics. Product manufacturers are constantly improving their invention.

At the moment there are products for “boys” and “girls”. During their production, all anatomical differences and structural features of the body are taken into account. A special hygiene belt has been issued for male dogs. It is made of wide fabric and is worn from the groin line to the lower ribs.

When making a purchase for the first time, you should not immediately purchase a package of the product; if possible, take a few pieces for testing. This way you can quickly decide on the model and size your four-legged friend needs. Manufacturers present five options for size positions:

  1. S (small) – designed for babies from 2 to 4 kg, with a waist size of 25-33 cm.
  2. M (medium) – for small, medium-sized pets with a weight of no more than 7 kg and a waist of up to 48 cm.
  3. L (large) – for adult animals weighing up to 16 kg and waist up to 63 cm.
  4. XL (extra large) – suitable for large dogs up to 41 kg, with a waist circumference up to 99 cm.
  5. XXL (2 extra large) – for large dogs weighing over 41 kg and having a waist no more than 133 cm.

Keep in mind that all sizes and data of pets indicated by the manufacturers are average and approximate. Therefore, it is so important to choose a product that is individually suitable for your four-legged friend. The main thing is that it fits perfectly, does not cause discomfort, and does not press on the stomach.

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