Large and small long-haired dogs: list of breeds and care features

Long-haired dogs have become increasingly popular lately. However, many people make four-legged friends not only because of their beautiful appearance. For many years, they accompanied people on hunting, fishing, helped herd sheep and other livestock, rescued, served as guides, or were simply taken in by their owners for the sake of respectability. Currently, only some of the long-haired breeds perform official work; many are simply kept as pets and friends.

Long-haired dogs of small breeds

Small dogs are especially popular among those with long hair. They are cute and charming and have many advantages: they are easy to keep in an apartment, there is no need for long walks, and they do not require a lot of food. They are all flexible, affectionate, and love to spend time next to their owner. Their main purpose was as a companion, and they were kept mainly in palaces and aristocratic families.

Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkies, bred in England, are among the most popular small toy breeds. Their maximum weight does not exceed 3.2 kg, and the minimum is not limited. The smallest dog included in the Guinness Book of Records had a height at the withers of 6.3 cm and weighed 113 g.

The Yorkshire Terrier is a charming, affectionate and energetic companion, intelligent and friendly. Despite the long silky hair, which gives its owner a resemblance to a soft toy, the animal does not shed, thereby not causing allergies in household members. Yorkies' colors vary throughout their lives, from black and brown to steel blue on the back and golden fawn on the chest, face and legs.

Keeping a pet is not a cheap pleasure. This is painstaking daily care of the coat, using special products; you often have to use the services of a groomer. Yorkies have a very sensitive stomach, so natural food should only be made from high-quality products or in the form of dry food of at least premium class. With proper maintenance, the Yorkshire Terrier will be a devoted friend for 12-15 years.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

This small representative of hunting dogs is poorly suited for its main work and is used as a companion. Cavalier Kings know how to make friends: in every person and animal they see a potential friend. Good-natured, with irrepressible energy and curiosity, always in a good mood, they are considered the best comforters. Suitable for any family who are willing to pay extra attention to their pet.

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"Cavaliers" are flirtatious, graceful and charming creatures. Their weight is 5.5-8 kg, height at the withers is no more than 32 cm. Silky coat, intelligent look of sparkling eyes, elegance of movements classify the breed as glamorous.

Beginning dog breeders often confuse this breed with King Charles Spaniels, also bred in England. These animals differ in size, skull shape, nose length, coat and some other anatomical features.


Representatives of small long-haired dogs originally from China are called lion dogs (the Chinese call them “Fu dogs”). They were idolized and kept in the temples and palaces of emperors.

The breed is more than 2000 years old, but its standard was developed at the beginning of the 20th century, when they learned about royal dogs in America and Europe. According to the ICF classification, the height of animals is in the range of 15-25 cm, weight - 3-5.5 kg. There are no “mini” subspecies. A variety of colors are allowed, but the most popular is red, and the rarest is white.

Pekingese “remember” the aristocratic past of their ancestors, so they always behave proudly, demanding respectful treatment. They love to be pampered and cared for.

Pomeranian Spitz

The Pomeranian is an ancient breed that was formed without human intervention. Of all the Spitz dogs, they are the smallest. Their height does not exceed 24 cm (minimum - 18 cm), weight - no more than 3.5 kg (ideal weight 2 kg). In appearance they resemble a fluffy bun. The hair on the head is short, on the rest of the body it is long, with curls and waves. The shoulders and fur are decorated with a mane, and on the limbs there are “pants” that merge with a bushy tail. The coat comes in a dozen colors - from white to black and tan and two-tone (white with markings).

Pomeranians are friendly, playful, energetic, sociable, fearless, and loyal to their owners. The disadvantage of the breed is its unreasonable loud barking.

Shih Tzu

The list continues with a breed whose name translates as “beautiful dog.” Traditionally, it is considered Chinese, although its country of origin is Tibet. In addition, there are documents stating that even earlier, in the 7th century, it was known in Byzantium.

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According to the international standard, the height of a Shih Tzu does not exceed 27 cm, weight 4.5-8 kg. You can recognize a Shih Tzu by its short muzzle, slightly upturned nose and flowing fur that completely covers its drooping ears, long mustache and beard. The length of the wavy hair exceeds the height of the animal. The color is the most varied.

The character of the Shih Tzu is balanced, friendly, cheerful and sociable. These are good companions for adults and children, but most of all for retirees. The disadvantage of the breed is intolerance of loneliness.


When an ignorant person sees a Sheltie, he will think that he is looking at a small Collie, and all because these 2 Scottish Sheepdogs have common genes. According to Stanley Coren's scale, Shelties are ranked 6th on the list of Einstein dogs - the smartest breeds.

Height of males is 34-40 cm, females – 32-37 cm, weight 6-7 kg. The coat is thick and shiny, hard to the touch. Colors range from silver-blue to red-brown, with obligatory multi-colored markings. Things knitted from delicate downy undercoat have a healing effect.

Shelties are wonderful companions. Suitable for keeping in any family, in an apartment or a private house. However, the energy in full swing requires an outlet in the form of physical activity and long walks.


Maltese is more than 2 thousand years old. Their height is 20-25 cm, weight 3.5 kg. There is a dwarf subspecies, no more than 20 cm high and weighing up to 1.8 kg. The color of the silky even coat, which, like a mantle, covers the entire elongated body of the lapdog, is predominantly white, pale orange and ivory.

The Maltese is an intelligent, responsive decorative dog, a loyal and positive companion with an easy-going, balanced character. Gets along well with other animals in the house. The breed's disadvantage is stubbornness, which can be easily overcome with the help of treats.

Japanese Chin

Since ancient times, these miniature decorative dogs have been used to create a good mood for Japanese emperors and maintain a positive atmosphere in the palace. And today they are used as cheerful companions and are a national treasure of the country. These are docile, unobtrusive dogs that can get along with any family.

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The Japanese Chin is a cute, square dog with a wide muzzle, deep feet, and an upturned nose. The average height of chins is 25 cm, weight 3-4 kg. A desirable feature is a slanted, unfocused gaze, with white corners of the eyes. The coat is straight, silky, more abundant on the neck, ears, hips, and fanned out on the tail. The characteristic color is black and white and white with red markings.


This is one of the varieties of the Continental Toy Spaniel. The height of the dogs is up to 28 cm. There is a gradation by weight: 1.5-2.5 kg and 2.5-5 kg.

The coat is silky, shiny, slightly hard to the touch, longer on the body. There is a “collar” on the neck, and feathering on the back of the limbs. The color is predominantly white, with multi-colored spots, except blue. 2 spots separated by a white stripe must be around the eyes and ears.

The character and behavior of the phalen are unpredictable. He can be active and playful, but he loves to be sad or cuddle in the arms of his owners. Can show aggression towards other dogs, and is wary of strangers.


Another variety of the continental toy spaniel is the Papillon, which resembles a butterfly in the shape of its erect ears. These charming creatures, 20-28 cm in height and weighing no more than 5 kg, have high intelligence (8th place in the list of the most intelligent dogs), ingenuity, and have a good-natured, but at the same time freedom-loving character. There are no significant differences in the description of Papillons and Phalenes, except that the latter have a more expressive temperament.

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Yorkshire Terrier

These charming babies belong to decorative breeds. Once upon a time they were used to catch rats, but today the main task of Yorkshire terriers is to bring joy to people with their original appearance and glorious character.

Tiny dogs with long, silky hair are gentle and loyal, quickly becoming attached to all family members. They get very bored when people are away, so leaving them alone for a long time is not recommended. Children adore little Yorkies, but due to the fact that they cannot yet correctly calculate their strength, they sometimes accidentally harm their pet.

Yorkshire terriers are so sweet and touching that they can often be seen in the arms of celebrities at various social events.

Long-haired dogs of medium breeds

The next group of long-haired breeds are medium-sized dogs. These animals are less demanding in terms of living conditions than their miniature counterparts; they are used not only as ornamental breeds and companions, but also as a watchman, security guard or hunting assistant.

American Cocker Spaniel

These hunting dogs are not a breed for everyone. They require constant communication with household members, are touchy, great manipulators, have a restless character, and love to bark often and for a long time. However, with proper upbringing, they are affectionate, loyal and easily controlled creatures.

American Cockers have a glamorous appearance thanks to the silky coat that covers the entire body except the head. The color is plain (cream, red, black, brown) or multi-colored. Height at the withers does not exceed 38 cm, weight – 14 kg. A special decoration is the long hanging lobe-shaped ears covered with wavy hair.

English cocker spaniel

The breed was bred to hunt game birds. Its modern representatives have not lost their hunting instincts and flair, and therefore are often used to search for psychotropic substances.

And unlike American cockers, the British are taller (up to 42 cm) and lighter - weighing no more than 12 kg. The coat is shorter, with slight lengthening on the belly, ears, and limbs. The shape of the head is also different: in Americans it is round, small, with a deep stop and a square muzzle, in English cockers it is large, with a smooth transition from the forehead to an elongated muzzle.

Representatives of the breed are distinguished by their energetic character, suspicious attitude towards strangers, and good friendliness with cats and other dogs.


The breed was known in the 16th century. like a German Spitz. Its representatives were treated like ordinary mongrels who guarded peasant farms. The breed was further developed in the Netherlands, Great Britain, Sweden, the USA and on the Australian continent.

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Modern descendants of Wolfspitz are affectionate, energetic and intelligent dogs, ready to be friends with everyone who pays attention to them. They get along well with cats and other dogs. They cannot stand a tense psychological atmosphere.

The dog is compact, square in size. Height 50 cm, weight 18-20 kg. The coat has an even coat of “wolf” color, the undercoat is dense. The ears are small, erect, triangular.

Chow chow

This is one of the oldest breeds of the Spitz group, originally from China. Refers to ancient primitive breeds that evolved from the wolf. The height of males is 48-56 cm, females - 46-51 cm, weight 25-32 kg and 20-27 kg, respectively. Animals live on average 13 years. The Chow Chow can be recognized by its black tongue, stilted gait, stately posture and bushy tail held tightly to its back.

Initially, animals were used for guarding, hunting, and herding deer. Currently, these are mainly companion dogs, brave pets that have not lost their guardian instinct. They do not bother their owners with their presence, but are always ready to be nearby. The character is independent and balanced.

Samoyed dog

Sammy (Samoyed Spitz) is another ancient primitive breed, irreplaceable in the Arctic, where dogs are harnessed to sleighs. In urban environments they are excellent companions. The height of the dogs is 50-60 cm, weight 17-30 kg.

The Sammie's coat is fluffy and thick, with a short, downy undercoat. It reliably protects in severe polar frosts. On the head and forelimbs the coat is shorter, a “collar” covers the neck and shoulders, and “pants” on the hind legs. The color is pure white, a cream shade is allowed.

Samoyeds have a friendly, non-aggressive character, quickly find a common language with people and pets, and love children very much. They cannot stand loneliness and being kept in chains.


The breed has Chinese and Tibetan roots, but in the Middle Ages it came to Hungary along with nomads. Belongs to the group of cattle and herding dogs. The height of dogs is 39 – 45 cm at the withers, the height of females is 36 – 42 cm, weight is 10 – 15 kg.

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There are 2 types of color: white, which is considered a sign of purebred Puli, and dark, the result of crossing with German and French shepherds. Representatives of the breed can be recognized by their fur twisted into cords, which completely hides the silhouette of the animal.

Puli is an intelligent and quick-witted animal, ready at any moment to defend its owner, a sweet and devoted companion. Does not show aggression towards other animals. The Hungarian Shepherd easily remembers commands, but can be stubborn and make decisions on its own.


The breed was developed in Scotland and Northern England as herding dogs. The strong body has a proportional, rectangular build. Height 51-61 cm, weight 19-34 kg.

You can recognize a collie by its long, not sharp muzzle, covered with short hair, small pointed ears, and a fluffy white collar with frills. The coat is hard with a soft dense undercoat, the paws have feathers, and the tail is long and fluffy. The international standard identifies 3 colors:

  • Sable: from light golden to mahogany, except straw and cream shades.
  • Tricolor: black, with tan markings on the legs.
  • Blue Merle: Silvery blue with black streaks.
  • All colors are characterized by white markings on the chest, paws, and tip of the tail.

Scottish Shepherds are excellent companions, with a balanced psyche, hardy and hardworking, with a sense of self-esteem.

Afghan Hound

Unlike the giants described above, although Afghan hounds are tall, they look unusually elegant and graceful. This is the oldest breed, the history of which goes back thousands of years. Afghan hounds are excellent hunters, but in ancient times the dogs were used to guard homes and herd livestock.

Afghans are difficult to train, but not because of their natural narrow-mindedness and low intelligence. On the contrary, dogs are smart and quick-witted, but their stubbornness and arrogance sometimes cross all boundaries.

That is why the breed is not recommended for inexperienced dog breeders. Training may take more than one year, and the process will require considerable patience and endurance from the owner.

These long-haired aristocrats are suitable for exhibitions and show programs. Surely, dogs love to show off!

Long-haired large breed dogs

A feature of long-haired dogs of large breeds is difficulty in keeping in an apartment and more labor-intensive coat care. The voluminous coat, consisting of a long undercoat and topcoat, is prone to excessive fragility, matting and matting, so pets need to be combed daily and remove hair from the floor and furniture. Long hair gives giants even more significant size. These are not decorative dogs, but natural protectors and rescuers.

Saint Bernard

Despite their gigantic size (males are 70-90 cm tall, weigh 100-120 kg), St. Bernards are wonderful companions, reliable nannies and watchmen, and the most famous rescuers. This is a smooth-haired breed that has 2 varieties: with long and short hair. The color is predominantly white, with red and brown markings. There are also red and brownish-yellow colors. There is a mask in the form of a dark spot on the head, white markings around the nose, on the chest and the tip of the tail.

The character of St. Bernards is phlegmatic and balanced. They are characterized by absolute obedience and love. If the yard is fenced, the pet may not be kept on a leash for fear that it will attack a stranger or another dog.


Coming from Canada, Newfoundlands are distinguished by their boundless passion for water, so their main purpose is to save drowning people. They are also actively used in the police, in military service, and as guide dogs. Pets are devoid of aggression towards people and animals, tolerate the pestering of children, and are able to predict the mood of the owner. At the same time, they have an instant reaction to danger, so in the company of a four-legged friend you can feel completely safe.

The fur of the shaggy giant, whose height and weight reaches 70 cm and 70 kg, is straight or slightly wavy, hard, oily, with a water-repellent effect. The main colors are black, black and white and dark brown. The pet can be kept in a large apartment, but the ideal option would be a private house with a pond nearby.

Bernese Mountain Dog

The breed, whose ancestors were fighting dogs, was formed in Switzerland to guard herds. Despite their impressive size (height 58-70 cm, weight 36-50 kg), Sennenhunds are unpretentious and can live both in a private house and in an apartment. Aviary and chain keeping is contraindicated. They get along well with other pets, especially cats.

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Berns have a phlegmatic and imperturbable character. They are affectionate and patient. Of all the family members, the pet chooses one whom it considers the owner and unquestioningly carries out his commands. They treat children patiently, but are not suitable for the role of nanny. But they will be happy to carry a bag from the store and will protect their household without hesitation.

Chow chow

An exotic dog, visually reminiscent of both a teddy bear and a lion at the same time, has a difficult character and requires a special approach. However, with proper training and upbringing, Chinese Chow Chows grow into reliable guards and pleasant companions.

In ancient times, they were used to protect temples, monasteries, palaces, and also for hunting large animals. Today they are mainly bred as family dogs, loyal and reliable. Despite their external clumsiness, chow chows are agile, strong and give a worthy rebuff to the enemy. By the way, dogs can not only bark, but also grumble and rumble in a funny way, depending on their mood.


The breed was developed in England at the end of the 19th century, presumably from crossing a Briard with a South Russian Shepherd Dog, which shares genes with Hungarian herding dogs. From their ancestors, bobtails inherited watchdog and herding qualities and physical strength.

Bobtails are real beauties. Height is about 58 cm, weight is 40-45 kg, muscular body, smooth movements. The coat is coarse with a fluffy undercoat, gray-blue, blue merle or blue with black markings, evenly covering the dog's entire body, from the tip of the nose to the tail.

Currently, bobtails are primarily used as companions. There are all the makings for this: intelligence, security qualities, friendliness, balanced character. The Old English Sheepdog is perfect for the role of nanny for small children.

Tibetan mastiff

The need to protect the owner and property is inherent in the Tibetan mastiff's genes, so it is better not to joke with such a dog. And there are few who want to flirt with a dog of such a terrifying appearance: height 61-66 cm, weight up to 78 kg, muscular neck with a thick mane makes the animal look like a lion. However, they will not attack the stranger first, but will carefully watch his movements. It’s even hard to imagine that these giants are sociable and get along well with children.

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Due to their protective instincts, dogs lead an evening and nocturnal lifestyle, so it is best to walk them for 2-3 hours at this time of day.

South Russian Shepherd

The shaggy “hero” (height 60-68 cm, weight 56 ​​kg) of white, gray and fawn color is a reliable guardian of the peace of his owners. The breed strives for dominance, so from the first days of its appearance in the house, the animal must know who the real owner is. Raising a pet requires patience and a lot of effort. To cope with a dog, you need a strong character.

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Yuzhaki are not suitable for irritable, unbalanced and elderly people. A pet has a difficult relationship with children. On the one hand, they rush at others to protect the child, on the other hand, they show aggression towards the baby himself if he tries to control the dog.

Afghan Hound

Once in Central Asia, the breed was used for hunting and guarding herds. Its modern representatives are gradually losing their qualifications, turning into decorative pets.

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The character of greyhounds is not simple. They are affectionate and playful, but difficult to train due to their innate stubbornness and desire for dominance and independence. Pets require increased attention from the owner and become close to only 1-2 family members.

The appearance is captivating with its beauty: a long-legged, elegant dog, “dressed” in a raincoat and flared trousers made of soft silky wool of various colors, fluttering in the wind. Height 60-74 cm, weight 15-25 kg.

Golden retriever

The breed was developed in Great Britain in the 19th century. The height of males is 56-61 cm, females - 51-56 cm, weight 26-41 kg and 25-37 kg, respectively. The wool is dense, water-repellent, golden or creamy in color. Purpose of the dog: guide, rescue of drowning people, customs service, hunting assistant, companion. They are used as therapy dogs for children with mental problems.

Golden retrievers are hardy and energetic animals, with good memory, high intelligence and developed sense of smell. By nature they are kind, affectionate, playful, with a balanced psyche. Retrievers are completely devoid of aggression towards people and animals.

English Setter

The breed belongs to the group of pointers and is a direct descendant of ancient European dogs, which were used for hunting birds. These are affectionate and friendly creatures, whose behavior combines aristocratic manners and playfulness. They are completely unsuitable for the role of security guard and protector of the house. Animals are hypersocial, so they cannot stand loneliness. They love the company of their owner, are happy to have guests in the house, and get along well with other dogs.

Setters have a lean and light build. Males are more massive than females, who look graceful and sophisticated. The height of dogs is between 65-68 cm, females - 61-65 cm, weight 25-36 kg and 20-32 kg, respectively.

Tibetan Mastiff

Tibetan Mastiff dogs are gigantic in size and have hard, fluffy fur that makes them look like a lion. The ancestors were the ferocious Molossian dogs. Despite their intimidating size, Tibetans are people-oriented and easy to train.

A socially adapted dog becomes the favorite of the whole family. Children simply adore him, and he responds to the kids with tender, trembling feelings.

Tibetan mastiffs guard their entrusted territory vigilantly. The dog is suspicious of strangers, but does not show aggression without reason. A well-trained mastiff will always sense true danger. It is impossible to imagine more reliable security guards. True, the breed is expensive, and not everyone can afford to buy it.

Phalene and Papillon

These are subspecies of one French breed: “Continental Toy Spaniels”. The height of dogs does not exceed 28 cm. Based on their weight, they are divided into 2 groups: up to 2.5 kg and from 2.5 to 5 kg. The only difference between the subspecies is the shape of the ears:

  • In phalenids they hang down and cover the ear canal.


  • Papillons are pointed upward and widely spaced.

The coat is single-layered, there is no undercoat. The top hair is straight or slightly wavy. On the body the length reaches 7.5 cm, on the tail - up to 15 cm. The muzzle and partially the limbs are covered with shortened hair. The ears are framed with fringe. The color is predominantly white, with rich markings of any shade appearing on it. Papillons are among the top three smartest small dog breeds on the Stanley Coren scale.


The bullet's mane is hardly easy to care for. The breed is famous for its long and thick hair, which bunches into cords that look like dreadlocks. These are herding dogs that spend most of their time in the fields and outdoors.

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The cords entangle the entire body of the bullet from head to toe. Sometimes they cover their entire muzzle, so that only their eyes remain visible. Puli owners jokingly like to say that their dogs look like mops. But if you brush their mane every day, the hair will not form cords. However, the bullets feel quite comfortable with them too. So just try to make sure that the hair in their dreadlocks doesn’t get tangled.


The breed was bred in Italy, and after spreading to other European countries it became popular in aristocratic circles. The first Bologneses were brought to Russia by the French Ambassador as a gift to Empress Catherine II, which is why they are often mistakenly called French lapdogs.

Bolognese height is from 25 to 30 cm, weight is 2.5 – 4 kg. The wool is soft and long. The color is always snow-white. Show dogs cannot be cut; they are simply bathed and thoroughly combed before shows.


The Maltese Bichon, Maltese, as the Maltese is also called, are unusually cute creatures, one of the most beautiful among decorative breeds. In ancient times, dogs were used to catch rodents, but today they are just harmless lap dogs and everyone's favorites.

Despite their tiny size, Maltese fearlessly guard the house and are ready, if necessary, to use their teeth, even if they face an enemy tens of times larger than their own size.

Maltese dogs have a touching and funny appearance, a friendly character and extraordinary activity. Add to this good training abilities, a love for children and a desire to please the owner in everything, and you will get the ideal dog that even a beginner can train. Maltese is suitable for pensioners, people with disabilities and families with small children.


In 1984, in a German family named Biewer, an unusual puppy with white spots was born to a pair of champion Yorkies. The breeders allowed him to breed, and after 4 years the German Kennel Club registered a new breed.

Externally, Biewers resemble Yorkies; they have the same size, structure, length and coat structure. Height at withers 21 – 23 cm, weight up to 3.2 kg. The main difference is the color: a combination of white with blue or black. The head is sometimes covered with golden markings.

Shar Pei

There are smooth varieties of these animals. Scientists analyzed the skin of both representatives of the breed and came to the conclusion that they have a different gene sequence and the mutation caused the folds in Shar Peis, which was fixed by breeders. It is interesting that in humans, who were wrinkled from birth, they found the same genome structure.


Shar Peis were originally bred to hunt wild boar. The ferocious, bulletproof animal attacked the dog with fury. The dog's numerous sagging and fluttering folds were a distracting element that was difficult to grasp, and the barking animal dodged the huge carcass. The dog was small in size, up to half a meter tall and weighing 20-25 kg due to its skin, it seemed huge. Short and stiff hair, the “sand skin,” added to the effect by slipping out of the boar’s mouth. Later, all these properties of a dog with folds were used in the Shar Pei as a fighting dog. Excess skin saved the insides of the animal in a mortal fight between dogs.

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The breed got its blue tongue from the Chow Chow, and mastiffs gave it fighting qualities and independence. A sufficient layer of subcutaneous fat promotes skin gliding.

The Shar Pei has a wide variety of colors, but the main color is always the belt on the back and there is a mask on the face.

Disappearance of a dog

In the last century, the communists came to power in China, while at the same time the country's billions of people were starving. One of the objects of persecution as a “parasite” was the Shar Pei. They destroyed it so zealously that in the 70s they included it in the Guinness Book of Records as the rarest breed. The revival began with single copies on the initiative of the Americans, and the stuffed dog was restored with minor changes in appearance. The American version of the Shar Pei has shorter paws and a softer coat.

A square body, a short neck that cannot be identified, and a frowning muzzle due to the structure of the eyes creates a threatening image. However, the character of the four-legged friend is calm and balanced. He is distrustful of strangers and does not make contact with them well. The Shar Pei's tail is curled into a ring.

Breeding work continued for decades, and the folded breed has now spread throughout the world.

Behavior in society

The dog is a guard, watchman and devoted friend in the owner's family. She is calm in character, but shows aggression towards unfamiliar relatives. Therefore, dog training should begin at an early age. Like any dog ​​with fighting tendencies, the folded dog must go through a good obedience school and obey its owner. In a family, a well-bred dog is distinguished by kindness and intelligence.

Lhasa apso

Lhasa Apso is included in the list of the most ancient breeds. Small long-haired dogs served as guards in ancient Tibetan monasteries, barking to announce the approach of strangers. The breed gave rise to other Asian decorative dogs and came to Europe in 1929.

The height of the Lhasa Apso ranges from 22 cm in females to 28 cm in males. The long, heavy coat grows to the ground and completely covers the dog. The guard hair is straight, hard, does not fluff or curl. The drooping ears are framed by long hair.

Any colors are allowed. Lhasa Apsos tend to be dominant and can sometimes be difficult to train. The average lifespan is 15 years, but there are long-lived dogs over 20 years old.


It's hard not to love dachshunds. They have a kind disposition, floppy ears, short legs and a body that resembles a long sausage. Short-haired dachshunds are the most popular among dog breeders. They have almost no fur, so there is no need to care for it. But this breed also has long-haired varieties. Such dogs are no different from their brothers. Only their smooth and soft mane will have to be combed at least 2-3 times a week to avoid the appearance of tangles.


Collies are famous for their long and thick coat. They were bred in the mountains of Scotland and needed their fur to protect them from strong winds. The coat will have to be constantly looked after: the mane constantly gets tangled and gets into clumps. Collies also traditionally shed every summer, shedding their warm “coat.” But a dog of this breed is a good companion who will become the best friend for its owner.

Features of caring for white pets

White color is a symbol of purity and charm, but when it comes to dogs, you have to think about the possible difficulties of care. There are a number of maintenance features that will help keep your pets' fur in perfect condition.

  • Each breed has its own coat type, so you need to select grooming products individually for your dog.
  • Problem areas that require the most attention are the muzzle, belly, groin area and paws.
  • Watch your nutrition! If the food is not suitable for the dog, this immediately affects the quality of the coat; some pets change color.
  • There is no need to bathe your dog often, even if it has long hair. Follow the water regime. To keep the coat clean, comb it more often using special brushes.

When choosing a breed, you need to pay attention to the characteristics of its coat. It is believed that furry dogs are a lot of trouble, but in fact, nature has made sure that human participation in maintaining the hygiene and beauty of the animal is minimal. Pets with white fur are more susceptible to allergies than others, so special cosmetics are needed for care

Pets with white fur are more susceptible to allergies than others, so special cosmetics are needed for care.

“Dirty” streaks under the eyes, tail, and on the paws are the result of increased acidity of the fluids produced by the body. To deal with the problem “from the inside,” you need to contact a veterinarian who will prescribe medicine. Stains on fur are removed with special products for dogs. Some dog breeders use hydrogen peroxide to bleach stains on fur, but this liquid can cause a burn if it gets on mucous membranes.

Extreme care must be taken to avoid harming the animal.

Grooming and trimming are terms of English origin. These are professional care procedures for dogs' eyes, teeth, ears, coat and claws, which are much more effective than home bathing and haircuts.

They protect:

  • from parasites;
  • formation of tangles on wool;
  • blockage and inflammation of the tear ducts.
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