Kennels for German Pinscher dogs in Moscow

  • German pinscher

The German Pinscher is a muscular, agile, powerful and at the same time graceful dog. As the name suggests, this breed originated in Germany. The German Pinscher is a working dog breed and a wonderful companion. A very energetic and active dog that requires exercise. A house with a yard for running would be ideal.

  1. Country of origin : Germany
  2. Height at withers : 45-50 cm
  3. Weight : 14-20 kg
  4. Lifespan : 12-14 years
  5. Use : companion dog, watchman, rat catcher
  6. Other names : standard pinscher

Purchasing a German Pinscher puppy is a responsible and important action that you need to think carefully about before you do it. This is especially true for those people who are going to become truly responsible dog breeders. The question of choice should be approached carefully and without haste, comparing your own habits, daily routine and the nature of the chosen breed. When the future owner has decided on the breed, a new dilemma arises: how to find a bona fide breeder? Here you need to be extremely careful not to become a prematurely disappointed dog owner.

Buying a German Pinscher puppy is a very exciting event, because you can say that a new family member will appear. To ensure that the event does not overshadow anything, it is worth taking a responsible approach to choosing a breeder. There are no bad dog breeds; you can simply run into an unscrupulous breeder for whom money comes first. The future owner is at great risk of buying an animal that has a lot of health problems. It is for this reason that you need, first of all, to get to know the breeder well, read reviews about him and the like.

History of the German Pinscher breed

German Pinschers are not the oldest breed, but there is still no reliable information about its origin.
It is assumed that the ancestors of the animals could have been swamp dogs, which were considered good rat catchers and lived in Western Europe since time immemorial. But since this hypothesis has not been documented, one can endlessly guess about the real ancestors of pinschers. The first written mentions of the breed date back to 1836. At that time, standard pinschers were not bred throughout Germany, but mainly in the vicinity of Württemberg. At first, the animals were kept by burghers overcome by rodents. Nimble and quick-witted dogs quickly destroyed mice, thereby saving the food supplies of the townspeople. Later, the Germans began to acquire inquisitive dogs just for fun. By the way, it was the German pinschers that brought to naught the fashion for pugs that had lasted in Germany for more than a century.

Gradually, the breed expanded its field of activity and began to travel with coachmen. Suddenly it was discovered that German pinschers were quite resilient and were able to run behind a crew for several kilometers without collapsing from fatigue. In the realities of that time, such pets were extremely profitable. For example, in the absence of a driver, a dog could easily fit inside a stagecoach and scare away thieves with a loud bark, and when the vehicle was full of passengers, it could easily run behind the carriage. In addition, four-legged guards continued to hunt rodents in horse stalls and barns, for which they were nicknamed stable pinschers and ratlers (from the German Ratte - rat).

Until 1879, German Pinschers were bred together with Schnauzers, which made it possible to produce smooth-haired and wire-haired puppies in the same litter. Later, the animals stopped mating with each other, which was the first step towards the formation of pinschers into an independent breed branch. In 1884, a separate appearance standard was drawn up for the descendants of swamp dogs, which was revised twice - in 1895 and 1923. According to the first standard descriptions, pinschers could have any color - restrictions on the types of colors were introduced much later.

In the 40s of the 20th century, interest in the breed faded, and in the 50s, pinschers almost stopped being bred. The director of the German Pinscher-Schnauzer Club, Carl Jung, undertook to restore the number of animals, through whose efforts the number of purebred animals in Germany was increased several times. In 1989, breeder Burkhard Voss decided to update the phenotype of standard pinschers for the last time and for ten years in a row bred his male dogs with a Doberman female named Evie. According to experts, Foss’s experiment benefited not only the exterior, but also the psyche of the resulting offspring, making it more stable.

Dog kennel Legendorf. German pinscher

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Description:Our nursery was founded in 2004. We were in the Moscow region and were engaged in breeding work with the Doberman breed. Our kennel is located in Moscow, now we are breeding the German Pinscher breed. Kennel "Legendorf" is registered in the FCI and the Russian Canine Federation, has: - certificate No. 9810 of registration with the FCI - is part of the National Pinscher Breed Club. The main activity of the nursery is the popularization of the German Pinscher breed, breeding and exhibition work. Breeding in the nursery is based on a well-thought-out program. The goal of our activity is healthy, harmonious, pedigree, strong, bright, beautiful German Pinschers, with a stable psyche. We use only healthy dogs as breeders! In our kennel, the owner of a German Pinscher can receive the necessary advice and consultation. We hope you love German Pinschers as much as we do!

German Pinscher Standard

Judging solely by its dimensions, we can say that the standard pinscher is an intermediate link between the Doberman and the miniature pinscher. The smooth-haired, compact, but far from pocket-sized dog looks like a muscular, strong guy, ready to immediately rush off in search of adventure. The height of the average representative of the breed is 45-50 cm; weight – 14-20 kg, and these parameters are equally relevant for both male and female individuals.


The skull, with smoothed lines of the forehead and occipital protuberance, is slightly elongated in length. The transition from head to muzzle is barely pronounced, but noticeable. The muzzle forms a blunt wedge with a level bridge of the nose.

Jaws, lips, teeth

The lips of the German Pinscher are dry, black in color, completely hiding the corners of the mouth and tightly bordering the jaw area. Number of teeth – 42. The dog’s jaws are of moderate strength, forming a “full scissors” bite when closed.


The lobe is quite large but harmoniously developed and is colored in a rich black tone.


Almond-shaped eyes should have as dark an iris as possible and be well covered with thick black eyelid skin.


The ear flap is V-shaped, high-set, hanging on elastic cartilage tissue. The back edges of the ears are turned towards the temples and touch the cheekbone. An important feature: the areas of the ear folds should not rise above the skull.


Due to the elegant curve, the dog's dry neck looks elegant and sophisticated. The skin fits tightly to the throat area, so the presence of dewlaps and chins is not typical for the breed.


The standard German pinscher has a square body outline. The topline, starting from the withers, slopes slightly. The back is strong, well stretched, with a deep shortened loin, enhancing the compactness of the appearance. The slightly rounded croup blends smoothly into the root of the tail; wide chest, oval in cross-section, dropped almost to the elbows. The groin areas of standard pinschers are barely tucked in and form a smooth curve with the lower abdomen.


The forelimbs are straight, with adjacent muscular shoulder blades set extremely obliquely. Straight forearms are pronounced and evenly muscled. The pasterns are springy, slightly inclined when viewed from the sides.

The rear legs of the “German” are typically parallel, but not excessively narrow. Moreover, when assessed from the sides, the hind limbs are located in relation to the body at a slight inclination. The dog's thighs are well-muscled and of impressive length and width. The knees, like the elbows of the front legs, are without turning outward or inward. The sinewy shins merge into strong hocks ending in vertical metatarsals.

The feet are round, with knobby, arched toes, dense pads and black nails. An important nuance: the hind legs are always slightly longer than the front legs. The German Pinscher moves at a free trot. The length of the step in motion is formed by the free reach of the front legs and the powerful push of the hind legs.


A harmoniously developed tail should have a natural appearance. According to the German law of 1998, cropping of this part of the body and ears of the German Pinscher is officially prohibited.


The coat is very short, thick, evenly covering the dog's body. Healthy hair has a pleasant satin shine, which is especially noticeable in the sun or in well-lit rooms.


The standard recognizes single-color (red-brown, murugo-red) and black-and-tan colors of the breed. It is ideal if the tan marks are extremely rich in color and have a distinct shape. Tan spots are distributed in this way: under the tail, on the inside of the hind legs, on the pasterns and paws, in the throat area, above the inner corners of the eyes.

Disqualifying faults

German Pinschers will be disqualified for the following faults:

  • any malocclusion;
  • inconsistency with the sexual type (females resembling males, and males resembling females);
  • deviations from the stipulated growth standard by more than 3 cm;
  • nervousness, mistrust, cowardice and uncontrollable aggressive behavior;
  • defects in the build, color and type of coat, allowing one to suspect that the individual is not purebred.

German Pinscher kennels

Kennel BRIGHT FOXRFLSSaint Petersburg
Nursery VartavoRFLSNizhnevartovsk
Kennel Graceful StyleOANKOO/FaunaMoscow
Nursery from GalakunRFLSMoore
Nursery CorventusRFOSKashira
Kennel LegendorfRFLSMoscow
Kennel SUNNY MANKEURFLSSaint Petersburg
Nursery Chantley RoseRFLSArtem

Source -

For more information, see the official website of the RKF.

Personality of the German Pinscher

The German Pinscher is a dog with personality. Moreover, he is a cunning person, incredibly curious, able to take advantage of the most seemingly ordinary situations. At home, the nimble scoundrel tries to adapt to the owner, but at the same time will never agree to the role of a secondary pet. Moreover, the pinscher is able to get along and even be friends with other four-legged creatures, but this does not stop him from considering himself head and shoulders above the rest of the “tails” in the house. Testing the owner's authority is another favorite pastime of young animals, so do not give in to provocations. As soon as the dog feels that the leader’s throne is vacant for a moment, he will immediately reign on it.

German pinschers are champions in their ability to dodge, cheat and feign universal repentance. These abilities manifest themselves especially clearly when scolding threatens. Usually, a dog that has done something wrong has two behavioral tactics: distracting the person’s attention by calling for games or putting a sad, guilty face on its face, looking at which the animal wants to hug and feel sorry for, but not punish in any way. If for some reason the pinscher was shouted at or denied something he really wanted, he will not be offended, but will quickly adapt to the situation. For example, he will once again pretend to be an understanding good boy who has realized that he is wrong, or he will try to use cunning to get what he had his eye on earlier. Only one thing is absolutely certain - the “German” will not sulk and show aggression, because this is simply unprofitable.

A little about the tricks of standard pinschers. The breed, like the bunnies from the Duracell commercial, is capable of endless activity. For this reason, the dog constantly tries to drag the owner into the game. If the owner refuses to satisfy the pet’s entertainment needs, he will not insist and will occupy himself. However, keep in mind that sometimes such “self-entertainment” ends in re-sticking wallpaper, painting over scratches and reupholstering home furniture. Accordingly, if you are not ready for destructive surprises, raise your ward correctly and do not leave him unattended for a long time.

The breed's hunting instinct is subdued, but this does not prevent the German Pinscher from getting into various adventures on the street. In addition, sometimes the spirit of ancestors awakens in the pet, requiring a small sacrifice, which usually becomes mice and garbage rats. On walks, the descendants of swamp dogs look for adventure wherever possible. If nothing interesting comes into view, the dog will try to compensate for the lack of impressions by wallowing in something foul-smelling. And the stronger and more disgusting the smell of the substance, the more pleasant it is for the pinscher.

The breed joins dog groups surprisingly easily, occupying the niche of a mass entertainer. So, if you are afraid for the health of a pet that has run away to get acquainted with shepherd dogs resting in the distance, then it is completely in vain - German pinschers do not start fights with their fellow tribesmen. Well, if suddenly a real danger looms on the horizon, then the savvy “Germans” will prefer not to run into trouble here either and will rush off at such a speed that the fleetest-footed greyhound would envy.

Dog kennel Aurorik Land. German pinscher

Description:NURSERY “AURORIK LAND”. BREED - GERMAN PINSCHER. Our kennel breeds one breed - the German Pinscher. These are medium-sized dogs with a good combination of cheerful disposition and beauty that do not leave anyone indifferent. CONTACTS +7 (903) [email protected] DESCRIPTION The German Pinscher is a multifunctional dog that will always be an excellent companion for active people. They are smart, hardy, active and endlessly devoted to their owner and family. By nature they have a good character, but in some situations they can show a strict disposition. They get along well with other animals, especially if they grew up with them. Breeding work in the nursery is based on producers who have good health, a balanced psyche, a good disposition and a pedigree exterior. Our Pinschers do not carry the delut gene, hip and elbow dysplasia, von Willebrand's disease and eye diseases. We test the character, which gives the dog the right to participate in breeding. We use blood from the best sires from all over the world to produce truly exceptional German Pinschers.

Education and training

Due to their natural inclination to manipulate and the ability to adapt any situation to their own needs, German Pinschers are not “officials”. But this does not mean that the breed is not trainable. On the contrary, pinschers are ultra-smart, have developed intuition, and in terms of intelligence they are not inferior to such Einsteins of the canine world as poodles and border collies. The only problem with raising and training the breed is that its representatives engage solely in their mood and work disgustingly under duress.

Experienced dog handlers say: the first and most important lesson for a puppy moving to a new home is the need to follow the restrictions set by a person. That is, in addition to recognizing the authority of the owner, the German Pinscher is obliged to obey the internal rules of the family and not violate the prohibitions known to him. At the same time, it is important not to go too far and not try to train the dog. Relatives of Dobermans will not tolerate harsh pressure.

To raise a standard pinscher into an exemplary companion and pet, experienced breeders recommend being persistent and able to treat the animal’s tricks with humor. Remember, the breed tends to bypass restrictions, but not explicitly, but on the sly. For example, a dog will withstand the temptation of a bowl of cat treats in the presence of a person, but will empty the dishes in the very first seconds when the person leaves the room. Trying to scold and punish a German Pinscher for being entrepreneurial is pointless. Firstly, he managed to get his crime out of his mind at the very moment when the delicacies in the bowl ran out. And secondly, at the very first notation the dog will show such remorse that you will feel ashamed of your own reproaches. Reprimand the dog when you definitely catch it in the act of a crime and do not make a tragedy out of the fact that in your absence the pinscher stole cookies from a vase on the table - the breed has absorbed such tricks at the genetic level.

An important nuance when working with a pinscher is that it is important not to focus on perfect execution of requirements. For most pets to integrate normally into the family and outdoor environment, it is enough to complete a UGS course, which includes basic dog control commands. Videos are often posted on breed forums in which standard pinschers demonstrate brilliant mastery of OKD. Indeed, it is not difficult for the breed to cope with such courses; it will be difficult for the owner who decides to discipline the pet as a service dog. Therefore, when you see a pinscher passing the obedience standards, keep in mind that behind the animal’s refined actions are months of titanic work by the dog handler.

German pinschers are trained according to the same principle as all cunning dogs - trying to interest them in the process, affection or treats. To concentrate the animal's attention, European breeders recommend using a clicker. If you can’t manage a four-legged rogue even after reading mountains of specialized literature and watching dozens of training videos, it’s better to entrust the matter to professionals. For example, from the age of three months, it is useful to take puppies to training grounds, where instructors conduct educational training courses. A more effective option is individual paid lessons with a dog handler, after which you will receive a controlled pet that more or less understands commands.

Kennels for Pinscher dogs

Below are the kennels where you can choose and buy a Pinscher dog or puppy.
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LEVEG | Moscow breeding of dogs of various breeds This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
GRAND PRIX | Moscow breeding of dogs of various breeds This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a website. Puppies for sale: 4Read more >>>
GALIVAS | St. Petersburg The first professional kennel in Russia of the smallest European dog breed, the Prague Rat. This kennel is multi-breed. The kennel has a website. Puppies for sale: 2 Kennel dogs: 1Read more >>>
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BLACK WALK | Voronezh Kennel deals with Miniature Pinscher, German Pinscher and Rottweiler breeds This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
Vandebor / Vandebor, kennel of English toy terriers, miniature pinschers and Prague rat dogs | Moscow Breeding work, exhibition activities, veterinary services. Kennel of English Toy Terriers and Miniature Pinschers 'Vandebor'. Please call This kennel is multi-breed. The kennel has a website. The physical address is indicated. Puppies for sale: 1Read more >>>
VGKS "League of Cynologists" | Volgograd Preservation and improvement of dog breeds. This nursery is multi-breedRead more >>>
Izherstey | St. Petersburg Pinscher (German and Dwarf) This nursery is multi-breed The nursery has a website Kennel dogs: 1Read more >>>
SUNNY MONKEY | St. Petersburg This nursery is a monobreed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
Vandebor / Vandebor, kennel of English toy terriers, miniature pinschers | Moscow Puppies of a miniature pinscher (miniature pinscher) of a red color and an English toy terrier of a black and tan color. Breeding work, exhibition activities, veterinary services, sale of puppies, selection of pairs, males for mating. Prague rat males for mating. This kennel is multi-breed. The kennel has a website. Puppies for sale: 1 Kennel dogs: 2Read more >>>
Moscow pearl | Moscow This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
LEGENDORF | Moscow Kennel "Legendorf" professionally breeds German Pinscher dogs (standard, medium pinscher). Our kennel contains the best blood from Germany and Sweden. You will find information on keeping, feeding, raising, training. You will learn about upcoming matings and born puppies, about the exhibition successes of our dogs. By the time they move to a new home, all our puppies have a chip and a kennel stamp, they are dewormed on time, vaccinated according to age, are not carriers of von Willebrand disease and Deluta (pure from their parents), healthy and properly raised. Puppies, as well as adult representatives of the breed, can be viewed at a convenient time by prior arrangement. Consultations and supervision of the nursery, assistance in organizing an exhibition career. This kennel is a MONOBREED kennel. The kennel has a website. Puppies for sale: 1 Kennel dogs: 2Read more >>>
Dread Joy | Volgograd obtaining a healthy population of beautiful dogs. This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
TALUARE | St. Petersburg Breeding work This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a website. Puppies for sale: 2Read more >>>
Helen Hoff | Moscow Breeding, exhibition activities. This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
Mia Grazia | Lesnoy Breeding work and conservation of a rare breed of dog German Pinscher. Exhibition activities. This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
Naleks Treasure | St. Petersburg Breeding pedigree animals. The desire to breed beautiful representatives of the breed, close to the ideal! This nursery is a monobreed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
"From Team Azart" | Sevastopol breeding of working dogs, dog training This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
Lucky Charm | Minsk Pedigree breeding of dogs of the Miniature Pinscher (German Miniature Pinscher) and Pomeranian (German Miniature Spitz) breeds This kennel is multi-breed. The kennel has a website. Puppies for sale: 13 Kennel dogs: 39Read more >>>
Kennel "Magic Dogs" | Italy breeding This nursery is a monobreed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
FIELIESS | Voronezh This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
Khazar club of domestic dog breeds | Astrakhan Kennel Club This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
BORN GUARD | Jurmala This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
LAKY SHARM | Minsk Kennel "Lucky Charm" is engaged in breeding dogs of the POMERANIAN SPITCH (dwarf spitz) breeds of different colors and ZWERGPINCHER (dwarf pinscher). On our website you will get acquainted with the inhabitants of the nursery, find a lot of useful information about the maintenance, upbringing and breeding of these wonderful creatures, and learn about announcements of matings and whelpings. We have producers whose pedigrees include the best dogs from many countries in the world, and we also offer puppies from them for sale. Welcome to the site! This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a website. The physical address is indicated.Read more >>>
RayaInt | Cairo Sales abroad This nursery is multi-breedRead more >>>
ELLEMAXI (ELMAXI) | Moscow This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
Royal Puppy | Moscow Breeding and sale of elite puppies This nursery is multi-breedRead more >>>
From Cupid's House | Voronezh This kennel is multi-breed. Puppies for sale: 1 Kennel dogs: 3Read more >>>
Janetline | Yaroslavl This nursery is multi-breedRead more >>>
Avrorik Land | Ryazan This kennel is a MONOBREED kennel. The kennel has a website. Puppies for sale: 1Read more >>>
Roniris | Moscow Breeding of German Pinschers This kennel is a MONOBREED kennel. The kennel has a website. Puppies for sale: 2Read more >>>
Valtera's | Moscow breeding This kennel is a MONOBREED kennel. The kennel has a website. Puppies for sale: 1Read more >>>
SKOR-breeder | Moscow Breeder DRT, miniature pinscher This kennel is multi-breed. The physical address of the kennel dogs is indicated: 1Read more >>>

Maintenance and care

The ancestors of German Pinschers lived in carriage houses and barns, but modern representatives of the breed are 100% apartment pets. Of course, the dog is not averse to spending time in the yard or on the site of a country house, but only in the summer and during the day. Daily walks for the breed are an urgent necessity, and its representatives need to be taken out to “ventilate” twice a day, for at least an hour and a half.

Always remember that German Pinschers are weather dependent dogs. For example, most individuals categorically refuse to take a walk if it is raining mushrooms outside the window. You can try to solve the problem by purchasing a waterproof blanket, but, according to experienced breeders, it is often impossible to impress a four-legged prankster even with such attributes of comfort. In frosty weather, it is better to shorten the duration of walks if your ward is not a fan of sports exercises and active games, or buy your dog an insulated overall, in which he will definitely not catch a cold.


As with all short-haired breeds, with German Pinschers you won’t have to spend money on grooming, learn the basics of proper stripping, or run around the apartment with a vacuum cleaner to pick up your pet’s stray hair. All that is required to maintain the beauty of the coat is ironing it with a rubber mitten or brush a couple of times a week to collect dead hairs.

The issue of bathing, if you do not have a show animal, is even easier to solve. Pinschers should be washed when they become dirty, which happens more often than we would like due to the dogs’ love of wallowing in carrion and excrement. In summer, hygiene procedures can be carried out in natural reservoirs, but keep in mind that the breed has no desire to swim or bathe, so if it gets into the water, it is only to please the owner.

German Pinscher ear hygiene should be done once a week. If the examination reveals excess wax, drop a hygiene lotion like Veda or Favorite inside the funnel, massage the folded ear for a few minutes and let the animal shake its head so that the remaining liquid flows out along with the impurities. In addition, you should ventilate your pet's ears daily by holding them by the tips and gently waving them to help air get inside the funnel. Another option is to wrap the ear flap back, gently securing it with special clothespins.

If ventilation is not done, the humidity inside the ear increases, and pathogenic bacteria develop in it, causing itching. As a result, trying to get rid of unpleasant sensations, the German Pinscher shakes its ears, “breaking” the thin sensitive tips into the blood. As an alternative to “ventilating” the hearing organs, cupping can be considered. But you should only carry out the procedure if you have a pet - in Germany and other European countries, docking is prohibited and individuals with “shortened” ears are not allowed to take part in international exhibitions.

The eyes of German Pinschers are relatively healthy, so it is recommended to simply examine them, removing mucous lumps from the corners with a clean cloth moistened with hygiene lotions containing chamomile infusion. If there is discharge from the eyes, go to the veterinarian - healthy representatives of the breed do not have eyes that run. Pinschers' claws are shortened once a month.


On breed forums, German Pinschers are called “vacuum cleaners” for their constant passion for snacking and their habit of dragging any food that is not lying well. For this reason, talking about types of feeding is not entirely appropriate. Any pinscher that eats an industrial "drying" diet steals tomatoes and sausage from time to time, and vice versa - individuals that eat a natural diet will, no, no, and even rob the cat of its "Proplan".

If we describe the pet's menu from the point of view of health benefits, then we can say that the diet of the German Pinscher is no different from the diet of any domestic dog. The basis of the animal's nutrition is lean, sinewy meat, which, in order to save money, is periodically replaced with offal and fish fillets (only frozen sea fish). You can also cook buckwheat and rice porridge with meat waste.

A dog can get the missing vitamins from vegetables (carrots, beets, pumpkins), fruits (apples, bananas, pears, and occasionally plums), and berries (blueberries, gooseberries). Low-fat dairy products and chicken eggs should also appear regularly in your Pinscher's bowl, as should fresh herbs in the form of celery and parsley. And of course, don’t forget about vitamin and mineral supplements, which are mandatory for all dogs that eat natural food.

For those who have chosen ready-made dry food for their four-legged pet, it is better to prefer well-known brands of super-premium class and higher. They are more nutritious, do not contain harmful cheap ingredients and are enriched with vitamins and microelements necessary for the Pinscher. You most likely won’t have to select a brand according to your dog’s taste preferences – the “Germans” will eat everything, not forgetting to ask for a refill.

Health and disease of German Pinschers

Standard pinschers have a very strong immune system, but a genetic predisposition to a number of ailments cannot be ruled out, including von Willebrand disease, hereditary cataracts, and heart diseases (mitral valve dysplasia, heart disease, subaortic stenosis). In almost half of puppies and adolescents, the tips of their ears are injured when the animal shakes its head. This phenomenon is due to the fact that the skin on the outer part of the ear dries out and becomes more vulnerable (superficial auricular vasculitis). To prevent wounds from appearing in the future, you need to monitor the hygiene of the ear funnel (clean, ventilate), and also lubricate the dry skin of the tips with nourishing cream or coconut oil.

Dog kennel LEGENDORF. German pinscher

Description:Kennel "Legendorf" professionally breeds German Pinscher dogs (standard, medium pinscher). Our nursery contains the best blood from Germany and Sweden. You will find information on keeping, feeding, growing, training. You will learn about upcoming matings and newborn puppies, and about the exhibition successes of our dogs. By the time they move to a new home, all our puppies have a chip and a kennel stamp, they are dewormed on time, vaccinated according to age, are not carriers of von Willebrand disease and Deluta (pure from their parents), healthy and properly raised. Puppies and adult representatives of the breed can be viewed at a convenient time by prior arrangement. Consultations and supervision of the nursery, assistance in organizing an exhibition career. For our puppies it is possible to purchase food at a kennel discount.

How to choose a puppy

  • If a breeder does not skimp on testing sires for genetic diseases and willingly demonstrates the results of the examination, this is a good sign.
  • Carefully study the pedigree of the litter, find out whether the German Pinscher puppies are wormed and whether they have received age-appropriate vaccinations.
  • Choose a brave, curious puppy and immediately reject insecure and aggressive kids who, as they grow up, will create a lot of problems with their behavior.
  • Find out what breed type a particular breeder offers. There are German Pinschers in the Schnauzer type and the Doberman type. The former have a more powerful physique, the latter are sleeker and taller on their legs.
  • Check with the seller which countries the breeding bitch and dog come from. In addition to German sires, the offspring of standard pinschers from Finnish and Swedish lines are valued.
  • If a puppy is purchased for exhibitions or as a future breeding animal, it is important that its ancestors are tested for the so-called weakening of color. If this gene appears in the offspring, the path to the ring and breeding will be closed.


The kennel professionally deals with the German Pinscher breed. The main activity of the nursery is breeding healthy, beautiful dogs with a stable psyche, exhibition work and promotion of the German Pinscher breed.



For 12 years now, the Pinschers and I have been living side by side with each other!

You can tell a lot about the nursery. From the beginning of creation to today! We can only say one thing - we are developing and trying to develop in a qualitative sense, not in a quantitative one! In the kennel, the main goal is to have as many beautiful dogs as possible, not the number of litters! Perhaps this sometimes influences the choice of a puppy from our kennel. Since we do not have situations where we have puppies all year round, in any quantity, color and age. Our puppies are welcome and placed on the waiting list. Therefore, if you contact us with a request, we may not have the puppy you need at the moment. Then, either you should wait, while continuing to communicate among our owners in the kennel, or we will advise you which kennel (we have created an Association of kennels that maintain friendly and professional relations with each other) has worthy puppies at the moment.

We always sincerely hope that our puppies will find wonderful homes, will be loved and will bring joy to their new owners for many years to come.

The foundation of the nursery was laid by two breeders. They were brought from Austria and Spain. Now their children are continuing the breeding program of the nursery! The main manufacturers of the kennel are presented in the Our Dogs section.

The kennel's dogs are exhibited and participate in major international exhibitions, special breed and National exhibitions in Russia and other countries.

For us, exhibitions are not so much a tribute to fashion or satisfaction of ambitions, but rather a demonstration of our work and its evaluation by experts. You can find our exhibition news in the News section.

In addition, all our show dogs are healthy! They are stress resistant! They had their hearts and eyes checked, tests done for hip dysplasia, and all the necessary tests for genetic diseases.

The kennel is a member of the National Breed Club - Pinscher!

The nursery can be found on the Internet - website

The nursery is represented on social networks - on VKontakte, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram.

We are always happy to communicate with like-minded people!

German pinscher price

If you want to buy a dog of German blood, then it is better to look for professional breeders involved in breeding and selling puppies in Germany on special sites like As for prices, in the homeland of the breed they start from 900-1000 euros. By the way, if you are planning to buy a foreign pinscher for subsequent breeding, you will have to work hard - none of the European countries like to sell producers abroad. In Russia there are also several kennels where you can adopt a healthy dog ​​with the RKF metric. The cost of such a German pinscher will range from 40,000 to 50,000 rubles.

A complete package of documents for a German Pinscher puppy

When buying a German Pinscher puppy from a kennel, you need to carefully check the required list of documents.

Veterinary passport , better than the international standard. This is the main document of the dog, regardless of the breed of the animal. It contains the necessary information about the owner and the pet itself. When purchasing a puppy, the passport must contain notes regarding treatment against parasites, as well as primary vaccination. You need to ask the breeder when the next vaccination is.

Kennel mark , which is usually affixed in the groin area or on the inner surface of the ear. Thanks to the brand, the dog can be accurately identified in various official cynological systems and the Russian Cynological Federation. A German Pinscher puppy from a proven, legally operating kennel cannot be without a brand. Therefore, if it is missing, there is no need to listen to fairy tales, but feel free to leave; buying from such a dubious place is not recommended. In addition to branding, breeders microchip their dogs, which indicates the high professionalism of the breeder. A pet without a chip cannot travel abroad with its owner, because having a chip is a prerequisite.

The pet's primary document is the German Pinscher puppy's metric , which is necessary for the further process of registering the pedigree. In this document, the following information is indicated: the puppy’s parents, breed, owner and breeder information, gender, date of birth, brand, nickname. The document must be certified by the seals of the kennel, as well as the kennel club. The person responsible for breeding work is required to sign the puppy's certificate. At the top of the document, you can read what canine system the selected breeder uses.

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