Male for breeding - what novice breeders should know: Review + Video

Private message boards are full of invitations for mating from all kinds of males of different breeds

And there is a simple explanation for this. Firstly, a male dog can carry out fertilization all year round, for him this is never a problem at all. Secondly, many owners who are not very knowledgeable about preserving the value of the purity of the breed are ready to participate in unauthorized matings for the sake of profit from the sale of puppies.

This is not prohibited, but it is also not encouraged among professional breeders. Therefore, announcements about mating males are a controversial option for continuing the birth of a furry one.

Males show interest in current females from the moment of puberty, but their body is ready for full mating only at one and a half years, but experienced breeders still prefer two-year-old males to continue the breed line.

If you are the owner of a purebred male and plan to participate in pedigree breeding, then to find a partner, you can contact your pedigree or just a regional kennel club. Even if there are currently no applicants for mating, you will be remembered and recommended to owners of bitches.

First time

Where and how 1 male is mated. Many will agree that it is better to do it at home. Arrange with the owner of the bitch to come to your home with the pet at a certain time. You need to know in advance when mating will take place. How to properly prepare your dog for this action? Before starting the “procedure”, you should take a walk down the street with your pet, who will soon become a “father”. This will also increase activity and interest in upcoming events. It is not recommended to feed the dog heavily before the first mating; you should eat no earlier than two hours before mating. The best option is to give your dog something to eat before going for a walk.

There is also an opinion that it is the first mating of a male that should take place with an experienced female, which is better to choose for the first mating. It is better if the female herself wants to mate and behaves calmly.

Breeder's checklist

But before you submit a request for mating, you should go through the checklist and understand how suitable your pet is for breeding.

Check list:

  • Permission for mating can only be obtained by a male who participates in exhibitions and has a rating of at least “very good”.
  • Tests for genetic diseases have been completed. Even if you show maximum marks at shows, this does not mean that your dog does not have accumulated genetic abnormalities that will certainly appear in the litter.
  • Obtain conditional permission from the show experts, this will make it easier for you to obtain permission to breed if you find a suitable bitch.
  • The schedule of vaccinations and vaccinations must be without violations.
  • Before mating, have your dog tested for genitourinary infections. This is important both for the health of the partner after mating, and in matters of pregnancy as such, as well as the health of the puppies.

Finding a dog for breeding for owners of bitches is also not an easy task. Even if you find suitable breeding offers in the cynological club community, you should first decide which puppies you want to get.

If you are only interested in the pet class and making money from it, then it is enough for you to simply find a healthy male, agree on mating, obtain permits and breed the dogs. In the event that you are looking for a gentleman for your titled beauty not just to get fluffy children, but specifically for full-time breeding of show-class puppies, then a standard selection will no longer be enough.

Crossing animals with humans

Of course, you all constantly come across abbreviations such as RNA or DNA in texts – scientific and pseudo-scientific. Behind these three mysterious letters are ribonucleic acid and deoxyribonucleic acid. What are they?

So, deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA is a spiral-shaped macromolecule on which all genetic information about a specific living organism is recorded in full. It is on the basis of DNA that chromosomes are built. RNA or ribonucleic acid is another macromolecule, the links of which are nucleotides, which also transmit information recorded in the genes of a living creature.

In fact, it is these two small spirals that contain in encoded form not only the appearance and structure of a living organism, but also hereditary factors, character traits, diseases and other necessary information. It is through genetic analysis that one can determine what type a particular organism belongs to, and also whether it is related to another organism.

However, depending on the type of living organism, this encoding will differ significantly in its properties.

Experiments on artificial crossing of humans and animals

Indeed, the question of whether a woman can become pregnant from an animal has long been of interest to natural scientists. And although such experiments were constantly under a hail of criticism, both from the Church and from the public, who believed that in this way a person lowers himself to the level of an animal, in fact, they pursued not just informative purposes, but completely scientific ones. In particular, in this way they tried to find vaccines or another method of treating many diseases that are incurable to this day, for example, cancer. Similar experiments were carried out by British scientists and even amendments were made to the relevant legislation so that these experiments could continue.


The first thing you should pay attention to in a dog for mating is how close he is to the bitch in terms of exterior parameters. If you are the owner of a bitch, albeit successful in the ring, but, for example, of a rare color that is not prone to stability, then under no circumstances look for an equally rare male. In this case, you run the risk of getting not rare puppies, but defective ones in color. It is better to take a standard color and look at the colors of your ancestors, so as not to get puppies with a defect.

Also, if you are the owner of a miniature borderline female, then do not look for a tall male. Plus and minus in matters of breeding dogs does not work exactly the same as with people. The offspring will either be short, like the female, or tall, like a male. Correcting a tall bitch with a small dog also does not work.

As for the age of the male dog, the reproductive period varies for different breeds, but try to find a dog of the same age for mating. At the same time, do not spare time and money in searching for other females who have already mated with a male in order to find out from the owners the result on the quality of the puppies. It can also be useful to attend an exhibition with the participation of a prospective male for mating in order to see with your own eyes how the dog behaves in a rather stressful exhibition situation. Also talk to the owners of dogs bred to this male, listen to their opinion about the pet.

This needs to be done, because it happens that a very good male in terms of mating parameters produces poor quality offspring, or they all have a pet class category and do not depend on the quality of the bitch. In this case, you shouldn’t hope for an exception and getting show-class puppies from the breeding; magic won’t happen.

Rebreeding previously crossed dogs

I have an Istrian shorthaired hound, a rare breed. The boy was found and 6 puppies were received. We want to keep this same male. Is such a mating possible or do I need to look for a new one?

Answer 5

The Istrian Shorthaired Hound is a rare breed. Occurred during the selection of European hounds and Finnish greyhounds. The resulting offspring were distinguished by their speed, keen sense of smell, and body structure. The dog requires spacious premises, physical activity, and an increased number of walks. Hereditary diseases are not tracked, and she rarely gets sick. Crossing animals with smooth, short hair and relatives with hard hair is not allowed.

Mating is possible between distantly and closely related individuals. Inbreeding is carried out with the aim of accumulating and consolidating the necessary character traits in the offspring. Individuals participating in breeding must have the required valuable qualities. The absence of obvious signs of the breed during further crossing will give an unpredictable result.

Inbreeding is divided into types:

  • Close - mating occurs between animals that are related by blood: brothers and sisters from the same litter, father and daughter, mother and son. The use of inbreeding in the first generations of offspring is allowed.
  • Closely related - cousins, second cousins, aunts and uncles with nephews, grandchildren and grandfather interbreed. The manifestation of the necessary qualities is observed by the fifth generation.
  • Moderate - animals that are related in the third or fourth generation mate.
  • Distant - relatives in the fifth or sixth generation.

The disadvantages of inbreeding include the lack of diversity at the genetic level. Frequent crossing of related individuals leads to a decrease in the gene pool, problems with reproductive and sexual function arise.

Consequences of inbreeding:

  • Proportions and body structure are disturbed, growth decreases. Puppies are culled.
  • The offspring are born with weak limbs.
  • Bone tissue becomes thinner.
  • Delays in development and growth are revealed.
  • Offspring are born weak, embryo mortality increases, the number of stillborn individuals increases, and deformities are observed.
  • The number of puppies in the litter is decreasing.
  • The body's immune defense decreases, the quality of seminal fluid decreases, and infertility occurs.

The advantages include the following qualities:

  • There is an opportunity to get puppies similar to their ancestors.
  • Manifestation of defects, anomalies, recessive genes of the breed.
  • Using inbreeding allows you to predict the appearance of puppies.
  • Stabilization of genetics creates high-quality individuals.
  • With proper selection, it is possible to obtain offspring that meet the standards.

The documents for the dog indicate who the parents of the puppies are.


In any case, when looking for a dog for breeding, you should ask only one question - what quality of offspring do you want.

If puppies are planned for the soul, then the main thing is that the male is healthy and the couple receives permission to breed, but if you want to become a professional breeder and are looking for quality sires, then don’t be lazy and search, a worthy pair for a good bitch will always be found, even if not in your city, but the result in the form of quality puppies will please you.

Important question

So, you are faced with the task: to untie or not? It's worth weighing the pros and cons. Consider whether you can provide your dog with regular mating. If the answer is yes, then you can untie it. Otherwise, there may be consequences - the male will rush to every bitch, his behavior will be disobedient, and it will be difficult to train. It is also worth remembering that male dogs must have a permanent mating partner. Before mating, it is necessary to do an examination and take tests for both partners. Remember that you are also obliged to provide comfortable conditions for the future offspring that will result from the mating of two dogs.

Time and place

The owners should find and select the place where the dogs will mate. When the place is prepared, you can start the pets. A good solution is a rubber mat that will help the paws to stabilize and not slip at a crucial moment. And in the future, for the second and subsequent times, this rug will be removed for the animal as a signal for the “planning event.”

The general rule for mating is that the male should be mated in his usual environment, and the female should be brought. Before mating, a few days in advance, it is better to introduce the animals, organize a joint walk for them, let them walk so that they become interested in each other. Choose the most convenient option.

When they bring a “mate” for your pet, do not allow them to play together before mating. This will knock down all their instinct and tire the animals. If a male is mating for the first time, it means he may need your help. It is necessary to ensure that everything goes well and the male does not get scared and the female does not behave aggressively, otherwise subsequent matings may become a problem. Dogs don't like being forced, it's better to find a different approach.

Before the event, the pet should be bathed the day before mating. After mating, the dog’s genitals should also be washed and Miramistin, a special ointment, applied to them.

That's it, the mating of the dogs was successful, you can draw up the documents! Healthy and beautiful puppies are the best advertisement for your dog.

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