Why dog ​​owners shouldn’t be afraid of sticking together when mating: Tips + Video

Penis captivus (translated from Latin - captive penis ) is a sudden spasmodic contraction of the muscles of the vagina , perineum and thighs of a woman during sexual intercourse , making it impossible to remove the penis. Both partners experience pain and emotional shock. According to statistics, sudden spasmodic contractions of the vaginal muscles do not occur very rarely - in about one out of a thousand sexual acts. Why does this happen and what to do if it happens to you.

“This is called “mating” or “locking” - by analogy with the final stage of mating in dogs. Only the phenomena are different! In dogs, the penis has a longitudinally located bone, which, before ejaculation, is transferred to a transverse position by muscle contraction, preventing the male from removing the penis from the vagina until the semen is completely ejaculated. This is a reflexive, painless, normal process for animals. In humans, mating is an incorrect, pathological reaction of the female body, which is based on the fear of sexual intercourse. This is also called “sexual neurosis” or “vaginismus,” says sex therapist, Doctor of Medical Sciences Nikolai Oleinikov.

Sexologists have been observing Penis captivus more and more often in the last decade. Girls begin to be sexually active early, and at the age of 13-15 sex often gives them not pleasure, but pain. In addition, there is a fear of pregnancy, and if the partner is rude. Or, on the contrary, too timid and inept - such people also cause pain. This is how vaginismus arises, which remains with the woman for many years. There are three degrees of it.

1. During a gynecological examination, it is difficult to insert a dilator - the woman is afraid and pushes away the doctor’s hands. 2. Any touching of the genitals is prohibited. 3. Even the thought of sexual intercourse causes panic.

A woman usually strives to overcome mild vaginismus on her own, and often succeeds. Trying to maintain a relationship with her partner, she uses painkillers and swallows sedative pills. But! Such a lady is fraught with danger, like a time bomb. Excessive insistence of a man, an unusual situation, the threat of strangers - and all the tricks will go down the drain, and the penis will end up in a trap.

Chances of escape

The “captive member” gives both partners a whole bunch of negative experiences.

She has. Fear, pain, rapid heartbeat, feeling of lack of air. The thighs and perineum are tightly compressed by a spasm of the adductor magnus muscles Musculus custus virgium (“Guardians of Virginity”).

Him. Since the arterial pressure in the erect penis is much stronger than the venous one, when it is pinched, blood continues to flow into the cavernous bodies, and its outflow stops. As a result, the penis swells sharply. Attempts to free themselves intensify muscle spasms in the partner, and the pain in the man reaches shock levels - up to loss of consciousness.

The most “unhappy” captives are mushroom-shaped members (with a large head) and barrel-shaped ones (with a thickening in the middle part). A tapered penis (thinner towards the head) has a better chance of release.

How to disconnect?

The main thing is not to panic, but also not to waste time. Self-release is possible within the first 20 minutes. These are the right actions.

* First of all, both partners must calm down. Overcome panic, despite the pain, and, if possible, even out your breathing. A man must take control of the situation and try to calm his partner down. * Do not try to suddenly free yourself. Strong “jerking” will only worsen the situation and lead to serious injuries. * It would be good for a woman to take any sedative (afobazole, phenazepam, seduxen, valocordin or corvalol), and two tablets of noshpa for both. The main problem with this is getting to the first aid kit. It is difficult to move “in the castle”, but it is possible - with mincing steps, crawling or rolling, depending on the position in which vaginismus caught you. * If there are no necessary medications in the house, we use the same method to get to the bathroom. A warm shower is a good way to relax and relieve cramps. A heating pad placed under a woman’s lower back can play the same role. * There is another way to relax, proposed by the famous sex therapist, Professor V.I. Zdravomyslov. The man calms his partner by stroking his stomach in a circular motion. She, lying on her back, raises her legs wide apart (in the posture of a woman in labor) and strains her abs with effort (push). He inserts his index finger into the woman’s anus (on two phalanges) and strongly pulls it back (towards the tailbone). This movement promotes reflexive relaxation of the pelvic floor. If the attempt to release is unsuccessful, you need to remove the finger and repeat the same thing after two minutes. * If 20 minutes have passed and the member remains “captive” - there are no options, you must urgently call an ambulance. The situation becomes very dangerous, because the penis continues to swell! (This is where the habit of keeping a mobile phone within reach comes in handy.) Cast aside false shyness and be sure (!) to tell the dispatcher the reason for the call, so that the team is ready to provide assistance - giving the woman intravenous light anesthesia and tranquilizers, recommends SexyWeek.

Physiology of dog mating

The dog has accompanied man since the beginning of civilization. Friend, protector, watchman, guide - she has many roles. People pay with gratitude - they feed, treat, care for. Little funny puppies are taken into the house. But 9-12 months pass, and the dog becomes sexually mature, ready to mate and give birth. In girls and small breed dogs, this period comes earlier.

A female in heat does not allow every male dog. First, the animals get to know each other, sniff their partner for 4-5 minutes, and make sure they are ready to reproduce. If they like each other, the bitch takes a position convenient for crossing. The male jumps on her, wraps his paws around her, and searches for the vagina.

The reproductive organ comes out of the skin “sheath”, blood circulation in the penis increases, it increases in size by 3-4 times. The head of the genital organ (bulb) becomes thicker than the penis. The penis penetrates the partner's womb - copulation begins. The girl’s vaginal muscles tense, tightly grip the male’s penis, and “gluing” occurs.

Important! Dog handlers call this “lock” “gluing” (from the word “pincers”). The dogs stuck together - that’s physiology.

Coupling in dogs is successful due to its ability to stick together. The penis does not fall out of the vagina, the dogs continue to mate. When the bulb reaches its maximum size, ejaculation begins and lasts up to a minute.

The male's friction with the hips becomes intense, even rough. This is a crucial moment in fertilization, after which the male leans on the female’s back, relaxes and rests for 5-6 minutes. The partner shows concern, whines - her excitement has not yet subsided. The dog handlers controlling the process hold and calm the “bride” so that she does not lose her lover.

The male throws his legs over the bitch's back, and the dogs remain stuck together with their butts - the dogs are stuck together. At this moment, the couple is left alone, without trying to uncouple.


Initially, the patient experiences fatigue, discomfort, and soreness in the eye area. Most people attribute these processes to fatigue at work. If the cause is pathological processes, the disease becomes more complicated. The main factors that cause eyelids to stick together in the morning are:

  • bacterial infections that cause inflammation of the conjunctiva;
  • a viral infection spreading around the outer eye area;
  • the use of low-quality cosmetic products, leading to the formation of secretions in the eye area;
  • allergic reactions, as a result of which a white infiltrate is released;
  • inflammatory lesions of the eyelids, from the glandular tissue of which a large amount of secretion is formed.

In order for the doctor to prescribe the necessary medications, it is important to determine the cause of the disease. If the disease is treated only symptomatically, it will recur.

The role of mating in the fertilization of a bitch

The time when dogs mate is physiologically divided into three stages. In each of them, the male genital organ secretes certain secretions:

  1. At the preliminary stage, the male secretes a colorless liquid without active sperm - lubricant. It helps the penis penetrate her friend’s vagina more easily.
  2. At the second, main stage, ejaculation occurs. Seminal fluid (ejaculate) with a volume of 2-3 ml contains up to 1800 million live sperm and is forcefully pushed into the female.
  3. The third stage is gluing. Wise nature made sure that the male’s seed passed reliably and quickly to the bitch’s uterus. At the final moment, the male prostate gland releases up to 80 ml of secretion, which drives sperm to the egg of the expectant mother.

Dogs can mate for 20-30 minutes. But breeders have observed cases when dogs could not disengage for 2-3 hours.

Mating in dogs does not always end with mating and fertilization. Reasons why animals cannot lock and stick:

  • poor health in dogs;
  • the age is not suitable - the partners are too young;
  • not the right time for mating.

A girl's cycle pattern can be 21-23 days, or 26-28 days. Days 10-14 of estrus, or, respectively, days 14-18, will be favorable.

The process of preparing and performing an act

If you do not know how mating occurs in dogs, then for the first time seek help from competent breeders. They will explain the main nuances and monitor the process, increasing the chances of successful fertilization.

Before introducing animals, make sure the event is safe. To do this you will need:

  1. Deworm and vaccinate pets. Anthelmintic drugs are given no later than 1.5 months before the upcoming meeting. The vaccine can be administered no later than a month in advance.
  2. Undergo a preventive examination. This will exclude infection from a sick “groom” or “bride”.
  3. Trim the male's claws to avoid injury during mounting.
  4. Fortify the diet a week before mating. Add more protein foods to your dog and discuss the required vitamins with your veterinarian.
  5. Eliminate the use of a spray that fights off the natural odor of estrus. Also, 2-3 days before meeting you will have to stop swimming.

The readiness of the bitch can be easily determined by the characteristic squat with the paws tucked and the tail pulled to the side. For more accurate results, it is recommended to take a blood test for progesterone. Its amount helps to fix ovulation.

Dog introduction

Before mating, dogs are walked well and not fed. First, a female is released into the selected territory, and then a male is invited. Females are characterized by calmer behavior. They flirt with their partner by running around the room. Males may respond with mutual affection, licking the snout and face, or growl and bite, demonstrating dominant behavior.

If possible, introduce the animals before the onset of heat - let them play together a couple of times in the park. This is possible if both partners live in the same city.

At the first mating, aggression and cowardice on the part of the bitch are acceptable. Give her time to calm down. If the fear does not go away and continues to intensify, do not insist and look for another candidate.

Selecting a territory

The meeting is held on the male’s territory, increasing his psychological comfort. For the safety of animals, it is recommended to choose a quiet and isolated room, clearing it of foreign objects. During boarding, it is difficult for dogs to maintain balance. Cover the floor with carpet or sheets to prevent slipping.


Mating in dogs is carried out freely or manually. In the first case, the animals do everything on their own, so the owner is needed only to resolve force majeure. The second option is for inexperienced, restless or aggressive partners. The owners help them maintain the desired positions, controlling the insertion of the penis.

After ejaculation, the animals are held for a couple of minutes. It is easy to recognize by the dog's freezing behavior. During this time, bonding occurs—an instinctive contraction of the female’s vagina. Partners lock onto each other and remain motionless for up to 15 minutes.

During this time they must not be disturbed. Only assistance in changing positions is allowed. For convenience, the animals are positioned tail to tail. After uncoupling, you can arrange a second meeting to consolidate the result.

Features of mating of individual breeds

If you have small breeds, prepare a stable and level table covered with an anti-slip coating. Helping a Chihuahua on all fours is quite an adventure, so it is better to place the animals at waist level.

Larger breeds usually cope on their own. Difficulties can only arise when there is disproportionality. If your partner is too small, use a stand.

Features of the first mating

The first mating of dogs is best done with an experienced partner. Young animals take longer to get to know each other. Cages often turn out to be unsuccessful, so several are made in one meeting.

The female is held by the collar and fixed in the desired position with a knee under her belly. An inexperienced male is helped to climb onto his partner, imitating pushing movements

It is important not to touch his genitals, as this will put an end to the entire operation

Castle phenomenon

The purpose of an animal's existence is to give birth. Dogs do not mate for the sake of pleasure - a natural physiological process has the ultimate goal of prolongation of the species. Crossing and sticking together is a guarantee of fertilization and a successful outcome of intercourse.

Important! Dogs stuck together are pitiful and helpless. They are dependent on each other and vulnerable.

At this time, a serious process is underway in the female’s body - sperm tend to the uterus and end up deep in the womb. The risk of loss of material is eliminated - the female has every chance of becoming pregnant. Another important point is that when the lovers open up, the weakened partner will not have the strength for another contender. “Love Lock” is insurance for a male dog to conceive puppies from him.

This behavior and physiology is characteristic of many school animals. The pack is divided into alpha males and weak, unworthy competitors. Strong animals strive to be the first to cover the female. The “lock” phenomenon is observed in the closest relatives of dogs - wolves, as well as foxes and hyenas.


When excessive secretion or purulent infiltrate is produced from the eye area, the following clinical symptoms additionally occur:

  • inflammatory processes in eye tissues;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • redness of the cornea, the possibility of small pinpoint hemorrhages;
  • feeling of a foreign object located under the eyelids that is not actually there;
  • itching, irritation, burning of the skin and mucous membrane;
  • production of an increased amount of pus, which sticks the eyelashes together, especially after sleep.

Clinical symptoms are not specific to a particular disease. It can be observed in various types of diseases. Therefore, to prescribe treatment, the patient’s condition is first diagnosed. To do this, take a smear and examine the contents using a microscope or inoculating it on a nutrient medium.

Why do dogs stick together after mating?

Veterinarians do not see anything terrible or abnormal in dogs sticking together. The mechanism is simple and gives an idea of ​​why dogs stick together when mating. Everything is explained by the anatomical features of animals.

The dog's genital organ is constructed in an unusual way - there is a bone at the base of the bulb (the cone-shaped head of the penis). It ends in cartilage. When dogs mate during mating, the penis becomes compressed by the vaginal muscles. The cylindrical bulb, overflowing with blood, gets stuck in her friend’s vagina for a long time.

The use of folk remedies for sticky eyes

  1. Compresses for the eyes are best made from a natural antiseptic - chamomile decoction . To do this, pour boiling water over a few spoons of flowers and let it brew.
  2. Calendula tincture helps to quickly relieve signs of fatigue. Fill a third of the glass with dry grass and pour boiling water. Leave for at least an hour.
  3. Quick visible improvement results can be achieved by rinsing with strong tea leaves or tea bag. Pour a tablespoon of tea leaves into a glass of boiling water and let cool. Apply a warm tea bag to each eye for 3-5 minutes.

    Folk way

  4. has a strong antiseptic effect . The solution inhibits pathogenic organisms.
  5. eyebright has an effective effect on the eyes . Compresses with an infusion of this herb relieve fatigue, improve vision and treat barley. It is enough to pour boiling water over 2-3 tablespoons of the herb and let it brew for 15 minutes.

How dogs fall apart

When the reason why the male’s organ is destined by nature to get stuck inside the female is clear, it is not difficult to understand the reverse mechanism. After ejaculation, the partners' tension subsides. The painful spasm in the female individual subsides, the muscles gradually relax.

Puppies are the result of a successful mating

In the male half, blood circulation is restored. Blood drains from the reproductive organ. This process takes a long time. But in the end, the dogs calmly and naturally come unglued.

Important! Immediately after intercourse, animals lick themselves intensively - this is normal behavior.

The bitch's sex drive decreases, but while remaining in heat, she is capable of mating with more than one male. If this happens, dog breeders have to see puppies of different breeds from the same litter.

Hormonal imbalance

Often the cause of sexual hyperactivity is the body's excessive or insufficient production of one or another hormone. You can talk for a long time about the influence of hormones on the behavior of male dogs, but such an educational program will be of little help to the average person. But who can help is a veterinarian. If, despite all efforts to re-educate the fidget, a male dog marks at home, behaves aggressively towards other animals, loses appetite and peace when a girl is in the neighborhood - take a test to determine the level of hormones in the blood. Dysfunction of the pituitary gland, adrenal glands, thyroid, pancreas, gonads and other glands is not only behavioral problems, but also a serious threat to the dog’s health. It may be necessary to castrate a male dog - do not refuse the operation only for moral and ethical reasons. When a veterinarian recommends castration, it is no longer about your views on the issue, but about the duration and quality of life of a living creature.

Should I intervene?

Not all breeders know what to do in a dog breeding situation. Should animals be posted? Dog handlers and veterinarians say a categorical “no.” Experienced breeders continue to observe and control the process.

Even if the knot in dogs does not weaken for more than half an hour, you cannot apply physical force to the couple. You need to help the female if she breaks out of the “lock”. The zealous “bride” is calmed down. Sometimes the loin is held to direct the flow of sperm to the uterus. This is necessary when the female is smaller than her lover. They also help a male dog if he is unable to stand with his back to his partner after ejaculation. The dogs are not allowed to twitch.

Important! Animals are not forcibly separated, even if mating is not planned. This is fraught with injury and loss of animal health.

Young ladies get scared, the spasm can intensify to unbearable pain. In the future, they are afraid of partners and intercourse. Sexual intercourse can take even longer.

During intercourse, owners create a calm environment for the dogs. Before mating, the female is fed moderately; it is better not to feed the male at all. The couple is given the opportunity to walk around and run around. The process is best done in the evening or early in the morning. The male feels more confident in his own territory, so the “brides” are brought to his home. It is better if the sacrament of conception occurs in silence. They watch him from the side, not trying to separate the couple.

The first mating is often carried out with a muzzle.

The first mating of a young bitch is especially important. She can be aggressive. Often the act is carried out wearing muzzles. The suitable age for dogs is 2-2.5 years. Matings earlier than this period lead to unhealthy litters, and the physical condition of the parents is also at risk. Bitches are bred after the third heat.

The best time for pets to crossbreed is late autumn and winter. Puppies are born healthier. The hormonal surge during early mating slows down the growth of dogs. The timing of puberty is individual and depends on the size of the individual, breed, and psychological state.

Important! If mating does not occur during intercourse, a repeat control mating is carried out after 2-3 days while the bitch is in heat.

Ways to get free

First of all, you need to calm down and even out your breathing. The man, despite the pain, must pull himself together and try to calm the woman down without trying to suddenly free himself.

If it is possible to get access to medications, the woman should take any sedative, and both partners should drink a painkiller (preferably no-shpu). A warm shower or a heating pad placed under the woman’s lower back also helps a lot against spasms.

You can try to artificially relax the pelvic floor muscles. To do this, the woman spreads her legs wide apart, as during childbirth, and strongly strains her abs, as during labor. The man inserts his index finger into the woman’s anus up to the second phalanx and with force pulls it back towards the tailbone. If the attempt is unsuccessful, you need to stroke the woman’s stomach in a circular motion and try again after 2 minutes.

It is recommended to carry out independent actions to free yourself from the “trap” for no more than 20 minutes. If there is no result within this time, call an ambulance immediately. At the same time, do not hesitate to describe the situation. It is necessary that the arriving doctor has light anesthesia and tranquilizers for the woman.

Is there a negative side to gluing?

Immediately after disengagement, the couple loses interest in each other and falls into a state of apathy. The male is soon ready for a new feat. The female needs more time to recuperate.

The physiological process of mating in dogs is the result of evolution. It increases the efficiency of procreation and does not cause inconvenience or pain to animals. One thing that can be negative is when bonding occurs due to fear. The female may be very young, inexperienced or stressed. She is unable to control her body. It can cling with such force that spasms around the vaginal muscles cause severe pain. Psychological trauma remains for life.

Dogs mating during intercourse when they stand in the castle for a long time is a normal phenomenon. This moment is provided by nature to guarantee the fertilization of the female and the conception of puppies. You cannot worry or separate the animals.

Not all dog breeders prefer to sterilize their pets in order to terminate the birth. This is especially true for owners of purebred dogs, whose breeding can provide the breeder with considerable profit. In this case, it becomes necessary to breed the animal, which raises a lot of questions for inexperienced dog breeders. One of these is why dogs stick together when mating, how safe it is, and what owners should do at this moment.

Types of unpleasant odors and what they mean

There are different types of foul smells that a dog owner can smell. The nature of the “aroma” will help determine the possible cause of halitosis.

Rotten smell

The explanation for why a dog's breath smells like rotten meat is problems with the teeth and oral mucosa. You need to independently study the animal: check the presence of caries, the integrity of the gums, the presence or absence of plaque.

Halitosis can cause kidney disease, especially in older dogs. Kidney failure is accompanied by constant trips to the toilet and thirst.

It happens that a malfunction in the gastrointestinal tract is to blame. This is how incipient or chronic gastritis, intestinal obstruction, and feeding with low-quality food manifest themselves. It’s worth trying for a few weeks to give the animal natural food, and also walk it at least twice a day for thirty minutes.

Less commonly, a rotten odor occurs due to respiratory problems or the onset of diabetes mellitus

It is important not to hesitate and take the dog to a veterinary hospital for initial urine and blood tests.


Appears mainly in diabetes mellitus. It is accompanied by symptoms such as thirst, sudden weight gain/loss, lethargy and apathy, and itchy skin. If you see that small ulcers have appeared on the skin, and the animal has begun to drink a lot, then you should quickly take your pet to the hospital. The pet will need maintenance therapy throughout its life, as diabetes is incurable.

This is why it is so important to find a good specialist for professional advice.

Urine smell

If you smell the aroma of urine from the dog’s mouth, then first of all you should suspect kidney problems. It could also be a liver problem.

It is important to avoid undesirable consequences - this will require thorough tests, including ultrasound and x-rays. A good doctor will be able to make the correct diagnosis and quickly eliminate the problem without it becoming chronic.

Metal or blood

If you smell an iron aroma, this cannot be normal. This is what blood usually smells like - small wounds in the mouth or larynx emit a specific aroma. Take care to find a canine dentist and make an appointment with him. If it is painful for an animal to eat or breathe, under no circumstances should you hesitate.

Puppies may bleed if they have difficulty changing teeth. If you have an adult dog, you will need to take several tests, including stool tests for blood.

Fishy smell

Sometimes the owner notices the smell of fish. This may be the result of eating food that is too flavorful (and often prohibited for dogs) or getting it stuck between the teeth.

A similar aroma can be a signal of gum and oral cavity disease. Examine the gums for inflammation and ulcers - in case of redness and especially suppuration, consult a doctor.

Some disruptions in the endocrine system lead to the appearance of halitosis. Here you cannot do without a lot of tests and the help of a good, experienced veterinarian.

How does the mating process occur?

As a rule, after mating, the male quickly disconnects from the female at the end of sexual intercourse. This is typical for most living things, but can cause some difficulties in dogs. Animals stick their butts together not out of their own whim, but because of their specific anatomy. To know the functionality of this position, one should turn to the physiology of the process itself.

Difficulties with separation are typical for wolves and foxes, which are close relatives of dogs.

Getting to know the dogs begins with sniffing. This way the animals can decide how suitable they are for each other. If at this stage both have shown sympathy, then preparations for mating begin. Experienced breeders call it a trial cage. The female chooses a suitable position, the male is on top. His hind legs are firmly on the ground, and he clasps his partner with his front legs.

Physiological causes of dog tears

Tears in dogs can be caused by both serious health problems and simple irritation of the mucous membrane of the eye. Some dog breeds are more prone to eye diseases (for example, pugs), so their owners need to more closely monitor the condition of their pets' visual system.

A veterinarian can determine exactly why a dog is crying.

If your dog's eyes are constantly watering, this means that he needs to be taken to the veterinarian to prevent the development of the disease or stop contact with the allergen.

Note! Regularly appearing tears in a dog's eyes should alert the owners, who simply must immediately contact a veterinarian - serious problems may be hidden behind this simple symptom


Dogs, like people, have individual allergens, so the cause of an allergy can be anything: from food to detergents.

A recently purchased new household aerosol or a change in powder may be the cause of your pet's tears. If the allergen cannot be found on its own, then it is better for dog owners to contact a veterinarian who will help find the irritant and eliminate it.

Other signs of allergies include:

  • swelling,
  • rash,
  • sneezing,
  • cough,
  • heat.

If you have one of them, you should inform your veterinarian, because detailed information will make it easier for the specialist to find the allergen.

Blocked tear ducts

As already mentioned, the tear ducts of dogs are different from those of humans. While in humans the tear ducts push fluid outward, in dogs they lead fluid toward the nose and throat.

External symptoms of blocked tear ducts resemble human crying. This discharge is called “epiphora” and has nothing to do with tears.

Epiphora is easily distinguished from other possible discharges by the fact that it causes irritation on the skin and turns the fur around the eyes brownish-red. If your pet exhibits symptoms of blockage, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

Important! Blocked tear ducts can be easily identified by dark stripes of hair around the eye, stained with epiphora.


With an eye infection, the discharge from a dog's eyes is yellow or bloody and has a slimy texture.

Swelling and redness of the area around the eyes is also common. Having noticed one (or both) symptoms in a dog, the owners need to consult a doctor as soon as possible, before the animal’s vision and health are affected.

Foreign body in the eye

Another common cause of dog tears is a foreign body in the eye area. You can check for debris in your pet's eye by carefully lifting first the upper and then the lower eyelid.

To avoid causing irritation, any contact with the dog’s eye should be finished by rinsing with cold water or a special eye cleaning liquid.

If a foreign body in a dog’s eye is difficult to remove with your hands, there is no need to try to do it yourself; you need to apply a bandage to the dog’s head and take it to the doctor.

Note! On the way to the doctor, you should not allow your pet to touch the affected eye with its paw - it can damage it

Scratch on the cornea

This often happens with active and playful dogs that are in contact with their peers. During the game, animals can damage each other's eyes.

In such cases, the pet constantly cries and rubs its eye with its paw - it should be taken to the doctor to prevent complications and loss of vision.

What should owners do?

Bonding is completely normal for dogs, so owners should not try to separate them. If mating happened unplanned and the animals are already sticking together, you should not separate them or drive them away from each other. Such actions can lead to injury and stress on the part of the animals.

If mating is just planned, owners should take care of safety. Thus, animals that show increased aggressiveness can be mated with muzzles. But usually dogs take it calmly. The main thing is not to distract them with extraneous noise and other external stimuli. The hosts present must be calm and focused. If after intercourse the female begins to whine a lot or persistently tries to change position, the owner should calm her down and hold her lightly so that she does not try to escape.

If the male dog does not change position after ejaculation, owners need to help the partners by turning their backsides towards each other.

Advice from experienced people

  1. You should not breed a female less than 2.5 years old and a male less than 1.5 years old;
  2. The first mating is best done in autumn or winter;
  3. Before the first mating, it is necessary to conduct a full examination of the dogs, clean them from fleas and worms (at least 10 days before mating);
  4. All vaccinations for the female must be done in advance (1 month before mating);
  5. It is imperative to introduce the dogs before the first mating (it is better to hold regular meetings);
  6. Under no circumstances should you interfere or force the dogs, everything will happen by itself;
  7. If the female is nervous about mating, reassure her;
  8. For better results, it is necessary to re-mate a couple of days after the first.

How dogs fall apart

As soon as the partners' excitement subsides, the female's vaginal muscles relax, and the male's penis decreases. The spasm stops, after which the male can calmly detach. After this, the animals usually begin to lick themselves, and then need a long rest.

Despite the fact that mating reduces a dog's sex drive, it is important to understand that this happens temporarily, especially if the heat is not over yet. A bitch can mate with different males, which can ultimately produce unwanted offspring. That is why it is necessary to closely monitor her during the period of heat.

The fusion of dogs during mating is a natural physiological process that increases the efficiency of conception. Do not be afraid of this condition: it does not cause pain or inconvenience to animals. The emotional state of the owners can have a greater impact. Their confidence and calmness will create a favorable atmosphere, but stress and nervousness can be transferred to the animals, which is why the mating will not work.

Ways to prevent eye sticking after visiting a bathhouse or swimming pool

The course of an infectious disease may worsen after bathing procedures. The reason for such manifestations is high temperature and high humidity of the environment. Thermal effects on the body and sudden changes in temperature expose the body to a certain load. Such procedures awaken pathogenic processes.

The main factors causing eye infections:

  • Using foreign cleaning products.
  • Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules.
  • Corneal injury due to high temperature.
  • Already existing herpes or conjunctivitis.
  • Strengthening the work of the lacrimal glands as a protective reaction of the body.

If the body is prone to such manifestations, it is advisable to use antihistamine eye drops before visiting the bathhouse.

Use drops

Visiting the pool also in some cases causes inflammatory processes. The main irritant in a swimming pool is chlorinated water. If you have cosmetics on your face, then in combination with chlorine, your face is subject to an allergic reaction. If water purification is of poor quality, you are guaranteed to get infectious conjunctivitis. In order to avoid such manifestations, it is necessary to use swimming goggles.

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