Dog mating - what is it, rules of preparation and features of the process

Mating of dogs in animal breeding is a set of activities aimed at producing healthy offspring. The first mating should take place after two heats in females and after reaching at least 1.5 years in males. Before mating, future parents are examined by veterinary specialists, treated for parasites, and vaccinated.

At the time of mating, owners not only control the natural physiological process between pets, but also, if necessary, provide assistance to them. On average, mating takes from 10 minutes to 1 hour or more.

What does mating dogs mean?

Dog mating is a mating process that allows breeders to obtain the desired offspring, improve breed traits, and preserve the necessary qualities in the offspring. You can get healthy and strong puppies by following certain rules. This takes into account the age of the animal, preparation for mating, and the time of mating.

When can you breed a dog for the first time?

You can breed a dog for the first time when it has gone through at least two heats, despite the fact that the ability to reproduce appears already by 8-12 months. Mating, bearing offspring, childbirth, feeding puppies in a fragile animal leads to a deterioration in the health of the young mother, the birth of weak, and sometimes non-viable offspring.

As a rule, the first mating in dogs occurs at the age of 2 years. By this time, the animal’s body and psyche are fully formed and ready to produce healthy puppies. Ideally, dogs should be first mated during their third heat cycle. As for males, their owners should also not rush into mating. The best age to breed a male dog for the first time is after 1.5-2 years.

How long does mating last in dogs?

Mating in dogs lasts on average from 10 minutes to 1 hour or more. This duration is associated with the characteristics of sexual intercourse. After inserting the penis into the female's genital tract, the male ejaculates within a few minutes. However, the dog's vaginal muscles compress the male's genitals, resulting in mating lasting more than an hour.

We recommend reading about the causes of uterine prolapse in dogs. From the article you will learn about why uterine prolapse occurs in dogs after childbirth, during estrus and in nulliparous dogs, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of the pathology.

And here is more information about the causes of prolonged estrus in dogs.

When to adopt a dog, at what age

To produce healthy offspring, a dog should be bred at the age of 2 years. By this time, the animal should have gone through two heats. Delaying the first birth of puppies until the dog is 5 years old is also not recommended in order to avoid risks to the health of the mother and offspring.

The reproductive period of males can be 10 years. It is not recommended to breed older animals.

When is the dog ready for breeding?

The dog is ready for mating when it is in the estrus phase, with maximum maturation of the eggs. This period can be determined by the following symptoms:

  • The female begins to be actively interested in representatives of the opposite sex.
  • Temper changes. An animal can be overly affectionate and intrusive. Some individuals show causeless aggression.
  • The genital loop increases in size and swells. The dog often licks the perineal area.
  • Pinkish mucous discharge from the vagina is observed.
  • The mammary glands swell.
  • When pressing and stroking the lumbar region, the female takes a characteristic mating position - she moves her rear and tail to the side. In veterinary practice, there are special tests to determine the exact time of egg ovulation.

On what day does mating occur in dogs?

The day on which mating occurs in dogs depends not only on the individual characteristics, but also on the breed: in small animals, the most successful period for mating is considered to be the 7-8th day of estrus, and large breeds should be mated on the 10-12th day.

The first in large pets

The first heat in large breeds (Great Dane, German Shepherd, Rottweiler, etc.) occurs in the 8-16th month of life.
With age, in large breeds its duration increases: if at 2 years it passes on average in 20 days, then by 5 years this period increases to 22 days, which is not observed in small and medium-sized breeds.

Large breeds, like medium ones, have about 20 cycles during their lives. Mating is allowed no earlier than 24-30 months.

How do dogs mate?

Mating of dogs is a natural process, which is laid down by nature on an intuitive level: the male covers the female, performs several movements back and forth, and then crosses his leg - and the dogs remain in the “tail to tail” position. It is at this moment that the seed is cast, and the position prevents its leakage.

However, in dog breeding, in order to obtain guaranteed high-quality offspring, it is impossible to do without control from the owners in this matter. The help of an experienced breeder will be needed not only at the stage of selecting a parent pair, but also when mating animals.


To start mating, it is advisable to wait until the ovulation process. Having a dog in heat during mating will not only simplify the task, but will also allow you to get the maximum number of puppies.

This period can be determined by the condition of the loop, which should swell slightly, and discharge will begin to flow from the genitals.

It is also worth observing the general condition of the dog before mating; in the photo you can see thin animals for whom pregnancy will be quite difficult.

It is best to carry out the procedure on an empty stomach and with empty bowels. This will not only improve the general condition of the body, but also the relationship between individuals should be warmer.

How to properly take dogs for the first time

There are the following recommendations on how to properly breed dogs for the first time:

  • Animals must be at least 2 years old at the time of mating.
  • An inexperienced, so-called “untied” female should be allowed to mate only with an untied, experienced male.
  • If the male has no experience of communicating with the opposite sex, then for the first time it is necessary for mating to occur with an untied female.
  • Pairs of future parents in which both the female and the male are not separated are not allowed to mate.

Ignorance of these rules often leads to the fact that mating does not work out, and the wait for offspring is delayed.

The most common problems:

Problem Solution
The bitch is in a mood and behaves aggressively The owner must hold the animal in the desired position and, if necessary, put on a muzzle
Male does not react to bitch The owner needs to poke the dog's nose in the bitch's ass
Male does not cage Place the male dog with his front paws on the bitch's back
If the dog is “tired” Take the animal out of the room for 15-20 minutes, for example, for a walk or to another room

How do dogs mate for the first time?

Mating in dogs for the first time occurs in different ways:

  • inexperienced males may become confused, make many unpromising cages, or show no interest in the female after several unsuccessful attempts.
  • untied females can show aggression towards the suitor, try to bite or withdraw from the cage, thereby making mating unproductive.

That is why the first mating of a pet should take place under the control of the owner.

Watch this video about when and how to properly knit a dog:

How to help a male dog at the first mating

The owner can help a male dog during the first mating by following the recommendations:

  • Before mating, the animal does not need to be fed heavily.
  • The event should be held on the territory of the “groom”. Even an experienced dog can get confused in an unfamiliar place.
  • Give time for the male to get acquainted with the female, sniff her, and get used to her presence.
  • Create a calm, quiet environment. You can’t irritate a male dog by talking too loudly.
  • If the dog is distracted, runs around the room, and cannot concentrate on the female, he should be placed on a short leash.
  • When the male mounts, it is necessary to ensure that his penis enters the female’s vagina and that the thrusts are not empty.
  • If necessary, the owner manually inserts the male's penis into the female's genital tract, having previously disinfected his hands or wearing gloves.
  • Animals should be encouraged and not allowed to quickly remove the penis from the female's vagina.
  • After ejaculation, the dogs interbreed “in the lock”. An inexperienced male dog should be helped by the owner by carefully moving his paw so that the animals are in a tail-to-tail or side-by-side position.
  • The duration of mating ranges from 15 minutes to 1 hour, after which the dogs separate.

After mating, the male should be encouraged, caressed and isolated from the female. After this, you can offer him water and food.

Features of large dogs

Mating in large dogs has its own characteristics: to prevent the male from damaging the female’s back with his weight during mounting, the owner needs to place his knee under her belly. In this position, it will be convenient for the male to mate, and his heavy weight will not harm the female.

Features of small dogs

In small dogs, difficulties during mating usually arise if the male is smaller than the female. In this case, you cannot do without the help of the owner. In order for fertilization to be successful, during mating the male dog should be placed on a stand or elevation (pillow) so that his pelvis is at the level of the female’s lower back.

What does a lock mean in dogs?

The lock in dogs is a kind of natural insurance that increases the chances of fertilization. After the male's penis is in the female's vagina, his mucous membranes swell and tightly squeeze the penis. An increase in blood flow to the genitals ensures that animals remain in a crossed state for a long time (up to 1 hour) - in a lock.

False and hidden estrus

Sometimes dogs experience atypical types of heat. For example, false estrus is a rare pathology in which all the symptoms of estrus are present, but ovulation is absent. Take your dog to the doctor. Serious health problems can provoke false estrus.

Another option is hidden estrus. It proceeds as usual, but without symptoms - no blood, no discharge. The only sign is that male dogs are showing interest in the dog, and if she is actually in heat, the female dog may become pregnant. Therefore, if your dog is not bleeding, but the male dog is hanging around, take him to the veterinarian, who will determine his condition.

Hidden heat is not dangerous for a dog. It is believed that it is inherited and an attentive owner will identify it in the first year of the bitch’s life. If you plan to breed a dog, the time of estrus and ovulation will have to be determined in the laboratory.

Dogs crossed: what to do

After the dogs have crossed in a lock, the owners’ task is to prevent them from being separated; they must not make sudden movements, shout, or talk loudly. It is best to remain calm and lightly pat your pets on the back. In most cases, animals independently cope with the function of procreation.

In a situation where an unplanned crossing has occurred, forcible separation of individuals will not lead to anything good. The fact is that fertilization usually occurs within the first 5 minutes of sexual intercourse. In this regard, the separation between the dogs of the castle in most cases does not prevent the female from becoming pregnant. In addition, violent actions can lead to injuries to the genital organs of animals.


The area of ​​action is an important point. It’s best when all the action takes place on the male’s territory.

This is due to the fact that he experiences additional stress when entering a new territory, and the female, on the contrary, is more demanding in her own territory. If the breeds are miniature, then a room in the house is enough. It is advisable to provide a reliable and non-slip basis for the action.

It is also better to give lovers some privacy.

If the place of intercourse should be a neutral territory, then it is better to visit it with your pet before mating. The main thing is to ensure privacy so that other people and dogs cannot interfere.

Why can't dogs separate after mating?

The reason why dogs cannot separate after mating is a spasm of the female’s peri-vaginal muscles, which hold the male’s penis. A lock, or knot, is a physiological phenomenon aimed at increasing the chances of fertilization by containing the males' sperm inside the female.

How to separate dogs when mating

Inexperienced owners sometimes try to separate dogs during mating, but this should never be done. Violent actions can lead to ineffective fertilization or injury to the genitals of animals.

Dog behavior after mating

After mating, the dog’s behavior in most cases changes to a calmer one. In some individuals, signs of estrus disappear almost immediately after fertilization. Other females show signs of estrus for a short time.

How to understand that fertilization has occurred

The owner can be sure that fertilization has occurred only after ultrasound diagnostics. The study is carried out no earlier than 5 weeks after mating.

What does empty knitting mean?

In dog breeding, an empty mating is considered to be a mating of dogs that did not lead to fertilization. The cause may be chronic infectious diseases, abnormalities in the development of the genital and reproductive organs, and poor-quality sperm of males.


Repeated mating is carried out with the same male 24-48 hours after the first. This manipulation gives a higher chance of fertilizing the female.

When breeding dogs, you need to know that a female can be impregnated by several males, which will affect the offspring. In this regard, planned matings should be carried out with one male. After mating, the female must be isolated and prevent accidental mating with another male.


With successful sexual intercourse, fertilization in the bitch occurs within 5-7 minutes. This time is enough for dogs to feel satisfied and fulfill their main goal in life: producing offspring.

After sexual intercourse, dogs must be given water to drink. After mating, the bitch should be separated from the dog, otherwise the dog will want to continue and will want to copulate again. As a rule, a fertilized bitch will no longer allow a male dog.

It is not recommended to use the services of several males during one mating of a female. The dog has the right not to accept any. If you allow random relationships between females, the entire purebred litter of puppies will be rejected.

How to prepare a dog for breeding

The dog should be prepared for mating in advance; for the birth of healthy offspring, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination of future sires, treat against external parasites and worms, and receive the necessary vaccinations.

Examination of a dog and a bitch

Having selected a parent pair, owners must conduct a diagnostic examination of the animals to determine their health. First of all, the veterinary specialist will prescribe a series of tests to exclude sexually transmitted infectious diseases (herpes, chlamydia, etc.). In females, the genitourinary tract and uterus are examined to identify chronic diseases that interfere with fertilization.


Treatment for skin parasites

Before mating, it is necessary to treat the dog's coat against lice, fleas, and ticks. The manipulation is usually carried out before deworming.


Future parents are treated against worms 10-14 days before the planned mating. For this purpose, broad-spectrum antiparasitic drugs are used in doses recommended by a veterinarian.


Having the necessary vaccinations is a prerequisite for admitting animals to the planned mating. If revaccination coincides in time with the period of pregnancy, then the veterinarian will draw up an individual vaccination schedule.


Before allowing pets to become parents, it is necessary to put them through a thorough preparation process that begins in childhood.

So that the commission does not have questions about the parents, and the puppies turn out healthy, you need to:

  • A nutritious, varied diet from childhood.
  • Regular visits to the veterinarian.
  • Suitable age.
  • Absence of diseases and defects transmitted by inheritance.
  • Vaccinations and treatment against parasites, done at least a month before mating.
  • Tests for infections, including genital infections, done no more than a week in advance.

Dog mating: what else you need to know

For dog mating to be successful, you need to know how to choose the right place for the important process and choose the optimal partner.

Choosing the optimal location

The best place for mating is the territory of the male dog. In this case, the animal feels more confident and there is less risk of misfires. During the event, future parents should be protected from worries, the presence of strangers and distractions.

Ideal partner

Depending on the purposes of mating, certain requirements are imposed on the choice of the second parent. If purebred breeding is assumed, then the main condition is the selection of partners of the same breed with a pedigree. Animals with an exhibition rating for a male not lower than “excellent” are allowed for breeding, and for a female a rating of “very good” is allowed.

We recommend reading about vaginitis in dogs. You will learn about the causes of vaginitis in dogs, classification of the disease, symptoms, treatment options, and prevention.

And here is more information about whether dogs can have an abortion.

Mating dogs is a responsible undertaking for owners. In order for fertilization to occur and strong offspring to be born, first of all it is necessary to strictly observe the timing of mating. Animals must be healthy and treated against worms and infectious diseases.

Duration, number of days for bitches

Below are data on the duration of emptying for some well-known breeds.

  • Yorkshire Terrier - 14-21 days (longer in young individuals);
  • German Shepherd - 18-20 days;
  • Labrador - 20-22 days;
  • Chihuahua - up to 21 days;
  • Dachshund - 20-23 days;
  • Pekingese - up to 21 days.

Useful video

Watch this video about the features of mating large breeds of dogs:

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Don't think that this is an easy procedure. In some cases, even the presence of a female in heat cannot provoke an inexperienced male to mate.

To reduce the stress of mating, take time to flirt. The male tries to demonstrate dominance with all his actions, for this he can be a little aggressive, but this is for show, so you don’t need to think that all is lost.

Also, if the cable is inexperienced, it may begin to have problems with the implementation of the frictions themselves. There is no need to rush him, otherwise he will be accompanied by problems in the future.

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