Alben anti-worm tablets for cats, dogs and other animals: instructions for use

Alben is a broad-spectrum anthelmintic, active against mature and immature nematodes and cestodes, as well as mature trematodes. Possessing an ovicidal effect, it reduces helminth infestation in pastures. The mechanism of action of the drug is to disrupt carbohydrate metabolism and microtubular function of helminths, which leads to their death and excretion from the animal’s body.

The drug is low-toxic for warm-blooded animals LD50 for white mice when administered orally is more than 10,000 mg/kg; in recommended doses it does not have locally irritating, embryotoxic, teratogenic or sensitizing properties.

What to do in such a situation? To get started, we recommend reading this article. This article describes in detail methods of controlling parasites. We also recommend that you consult a specialist. Read the article >>>

Composition and release forms

The main active ingredient of the drug is albendazole, the concentration of which is about 20%. In addition, there are auxiliary additives in the form of:

  • polyvinylpyrrolidone;
  • calcium stearate;
  • potato starch;
  • lactose.

Alben is produced in tablets, which are sold in polymer cans of 25-100 pieces each or in foil blisters of 25 pieces, packed in cardboard boxes (one package can contain 25-100 tablets).

In addition, the drug is available in granular form. The granules are placed in sealed laminated bags. The bulk is 0.5 kg or 1 kg.

Alben can also be purchased in the form of a suspension and capsules.

How to give

The drug is given to the dog half an hour before morning feeding or immediately during it, with a small amount of food. There is no need to keep your pet on a diet or use laxatives before deworming. Medium and large dogs can be given a tablet by placing it on the back of the tongue and holding the jaws closed until the pet makes several swallowing movements. Immediately after this, you need to examine the animal’s mouth and make sure that the drug has been swallowed. And for half an hour it is better to keep the dog in sight in case it “returns” the tablet to repeat the procedure. It is recommended to give Alben S to small breed dogs and puppies in the form of a suspension. This is much more convenient, as it reduces the stress factor for the pet and almost completely eliminates an overdose or insufficient amount of the drug, since the tablet is difficult to divide into precise doses, unlike liquid. For deworming, Alben S is given according to indications. For preventive purposes - once a quarter.

Effect of the drug

Alben is introduced into the bird's body orally, and then enters the gastrointestinal tract and begins to be rapidly absorbed, penetrating into other tissues and organs. Its active substance disrupts carbohydrate metabolism and the micro-tubular function of worms. As a result, they die and are excreted from the bird’s body. In addition, Alben is able to destroy helminths that have not yet hatched from the eggs.

The drug is released out of the bird’s body along with the droppings, without changing its shape. It is enough to take it once. The convenience of administration lies in the fact that there is no need to starve the bird to empty the intestines, and to give it laxatives before deworming.

The product has 4 hazard classes and is well tolerated by birds if the required dosages are observed.

Pharmacodynamics and properties

The drug acts directly on the parasite. When administered orally, the active substance is actively absorbed into the bloodstream through the digestive tract. After this, albendazole gradually spreads throughout all tissues, organs, and systems.

Pharmacodynamic properties are based on impaired motor function and carbohydrate metabolism, in particular glucose transport. These actions lead to the killing of the helminth and its release to the outside. The drug is excreted in urine and feces in its entirety or with metabolic products.

Alben has ovicidal properties, that is, it affects parasite eggs. This leads to a decrease in the level of infection in animals grazing on pastures.

Effects that are not manifested by the drug: local irritation, effects on the embryo, fetal defects, increased reaction to chemicals (allergy). This determines the widespread use of Alben, since it is safe for animals when the correct dosages are observed.

Indications for use

Alben is prescribed when cestodes, trematodes, and nematodes are detected that are actively parasitic in the body of an animal or bird. These helminths belong to the group of intestinal worms.

Indications for use for deworming farm animals, livestock, fur-bearing animals and poultry:

  • development of nematodes in the gastrointestinal tract (roundworms, hookworms, esophagostomas, toxocara, trichostrongyles);
  • the appearance of nematodes in the lungs (protostrongyles, dictyocauls, metastrongyles, cystocauls);
  • detection of cestodes (moniesia, avitellina, tizanissia);
  • development of trematodes (fasciola, dicrocoelia, paramphistoma).

The active ingredient - albendazole - works in combination, that is, it destroys not only mature helminths, but also their eggs.

Instructions for use

The medicine in tablet form is used to treat and prevent helminthiasis in chickens. It is given to birds according to the following instructions:

  1. The optimal dose is determined at the rate of 20 mg of the drug per 2 kg of live weight of the bird. So, 1 tablet is designed for 35 kg of weight, 1 capsule – for 40 kg, and 1 granule – for 20 kg. The optimal amount of the drug is converted into powder in a mortar.
  2. Take food, preferably mash, and add powder to it, mixing thoroughly.
  3. Feed the bird in the morning. For the best effect, deworming is carried out 2 days in a row.
  4. Under no circumstances should an overdose of the drug be allowed, otherwise the chickens will develop diarrhea and vomiting. On this day, birds may refuse to eat at all.

Many farmers prefer to give the drug by dissolving it in water. This method is more preferable for small farms, since each bird will have to be given the medicine individually.

Alben is given to broiler chickens in solution!

Special instructions for taking the drug dissolved in water have been developed:

    The medicine is calculated based on the number of chickens. To do this, sum up the mass of all birds.

There is another way to use Alben, which involves adding the medicine to your daily drink. However, it is not as effective as an individual infusion of the drug because chickens use water differently. In addition, there may be individuals that will not even approach the drinking bowl. So, this method is used only in extreme cases.

Application and dosage

Alben is prescribed to dogs. The dosage in this case will be 1 tablet for every 5 kg of pet’s weight. The medicine gets rid of various helminths. Doctors recommend administering the drug in the morning, and the procedure can be forced, but it is best to provide complementary feeding by adding the drug to a small amount of food or water.

For small breeds of dogs, the tablets must be crushed and then dissolved in 10 ml of water. This suspension should be administered to the animal at the rate of 1 ml for every 0.5 kg of the pet’s weight. If prophylaxis is carried out, the dosage will be the same. To prevent helminthiasis, it is recommended to administer the drug to your dog every 3 months. In addition, if vaccination is carried out, then deworming should be done a couple of weeks before the procedure. But you shouldn’t fast an animal or give laxatives before it.

The medicine should be stored at a temperature of 5-25 degrees. You need to choose a place that is well protected from animals and children. The room should be cool and dark. The shelf life under such conditions is approximately a couple of years. Consult your veterinarian before use!

Contraindications and side effects

If the recommendations for the amount and method of taking the medicine were followed, no side effects were found.

Important! "Alben" does not lead to intoxication of the body of chickens only if the dosage of the drug is observed.

Contraindications for the use of "Albena" are: depletion of the bird's body; diseases of any nature; production of meat and commercial eggs according to the above deadlines.

The price of 100 Albena tablets is 374 rubles, and 150 g of granules is 180 rubles.


The main advantages of this anthelmintic drug lie in its composition and active ingredient:

  • Thanks to these factors, Alben has the following characteristics:
  • has a fairly rapid effect after oral administration;
  • a single dose of medication, which allows you not to overload the body of chickens and animals;
  • the active substance successfully copes with its main responsibilities, having a detrimental effect on parasites;
  • is multifunctional, i.e. it can be used not only as a medicine for helminths, but also for preventive measures;
  • quite easy to use. It is only important to observe your own safety measures.


The veterinary pharmacy and pet store "Gomeovet" offers its clients a profitable cooperation scheme. If you need a specific drug or product of another kind, then you can call us at our contact numbers, after which we will find what you need. After that, we will call you back, and you can pick up your purchase in a way convenient for you - with delivery or yourself by visiting our store in Moscow.

Now you don’t need to waste your precious time calling dozens of pharmacies about the drug you are interested in. You just call us, and if the product is available in Russia and is certified, then we ourselves will find it for you and deliver it.

Delivery is possible using a courier, Russian Post (1st class) and the transport company SDEK.

  • TC SDEK and Russian Post from 290 rubles
  • Courier delivery in Moscow within the Moscow Ring Road and to any metro station - 300 rubles
  • Courier delivery in Moscow up to 10 km from the Moscow Ring Road - 550 rubles
  • Courier delivery in Moscow 10-20 km from the Moscow Ring Road - 800 rubles
  • Courier delivery in Moscow 20-30 km from the Moscow Ring Road - 1200 rubles

Delivery outside the Moscow Ring Road (up to 10 km) will cost 550 rubles. It is possible to send goods to other regions of Russia and beyond, so please check this issue with our operators.

You can also pick up the goods yourself at our address: Moscow, st. Dubninskaya 17k2. Vet pharmacy and pet store. Working hours: Mon-Fri from 10-00 to 20-00. Sat-Sun from 11-00 to 20-00. Contact phone numbers: 8-800-302-301-7.

Personal prevention measures

Hygiene and safety rules:

  • The tablets are given orally, so they need to be placed under the root of the chickens' tongue.
  • To safely administer the medication, it is recommended to calm the animal and limit its mobility.
  • During treatment, you should not smoke, drink, or eat food, as there is a risk of infection with helminths.
  • After the procedure, you must wash your hands thoroughly with warm soapy water.

Following safety precautions will protect against infection with parasitic diseases and traumatic injuries.


Alben has a number of analogues, which are also prescribed as anthelmintic agents.

These include:

  • Alvet. A broad-spectrum anthelmintic drug that actively acts against the adults and larvae of nematodes, trematodes, and cestode adults. The main active ingredient is albendazole. In addition, it contains vitamin E and lactose. The drug is given to the bird in the morning, mixed with feed. The ratio is 0.5 g per 10 kg of bird weight.
  • Biofermin. Has a broad spectrum anthelmintic effect. It is used for ascaridiosis, heterokidosis, capillariasis, syngamosis, rayetinosis. The active substance is flubendazole (5%). The drug is given to birds for 7 days with food at the rate of 60 g per 100 kg of food.
  • Piperazine. An effective anthelmintic drug, the main active ingredient of which is piperazine adipate. Has a toxic effect on helminths. For 1 kg of bird weight, 2.5 g of the substance is given. The course of treatment is 2 days.
  • Promectin. An antiparasitic agent whose active substance is ivermectin. Used for the treatment and prevention of internal and external parasites. Effective in the fight against all roundworms, acaroses, entomoses, lice, nematodes. The norms and doses of the drug are prescribed by the doctor.
  • Tetramizole. Water-soluble anthelmintic. Its active substance is tetramizole chloride. It has a wide spectrum of action, is active in the lungs and digestive organs. Used once during morning feeding of birds.
  • Fenbazen. Another anthelmintic whose active ingredient is fenbendazole. It has a detrimental effect on nematodes and some cestodes. Used with feed at the rate of 0.0045 g per 1 kg of bird weight for 4 days.
  • Febtal. The active ingredient is 5-phenyl-thio-2-benzimidazole carbamate. Active against nematodes and cestodes. The drug is given to chickens in groups, mixed with feed at the rate of 1 crushed tablet per 15 kg of weight or 1 g of granules per 22 kg of weight.
  • Fenbendazole. A broad-spectrum drug that is active against Giardia, nematodes, cestodes and some trematodes. It is characterized by low toxicity. Use the product for group treatment, mixing it with morning feed at the rate of 7.5 mg per 1 kg of weight.

The cost of the medicine and its analogues

A specialized product intended for dogs, labeled C, sold in packs of 6 tablets. The medicine can be purchased at a price of 120 to 150 rubles per package.

The cost of analogues depends on the form of release and the manufacturing company. The most popular antiparasitic drugs that can be used instead of Alben for dogs.

  1. Albendazole. Concentrated product in powder form. The price of a package weighing 500 g is 600-630 rubles. The drug can be used as part of complex therapy for the surgical treatment of echinococcal cysts.
  2. Azinox. The medicine effectively helps fight cestodiasis, but has a less wide spectrum of action than Alben. A pack of 6 tablets costs an average of 62-65 rubles.
  3. Drontal. A universal combined drug that acts against all types of parasites. Can be used to treat puppies of any age. The cost of packaging is 850-950 rubles.

When choosing an anthelmintic, you should take into account not only the indications and cost of the medicine, but also the list of its indications and contraindications.

special instructions

Before deworming the entire livestock, 50–100 animals are selected and the drug is fed to them. After 3 days of observation, during the normal course of the study, the remaining chickens are treated.

When using the medicine, the active substance gets into the eggs and meat of chickens. Therefore, after the race of parasites, the birds are not immediately sent to slaughter, but after 7 days. Eggs are not consumed for 4 days.

If the bird is slaughtered ahead of schedule, the meat is boiled and given to the animals for consumption. The same goes for eggs. But these products cannot be consumed by humans even in boiled form. Later, meat and eggs are harmless to humans.

Farmers recommend taking Alben to chickens from 3 months of age. Until this time, herbs are used for prevention, which are crushed and added to feed.

Storage conditions

The use of the drug is allowed during the entire expiration date indicated on the original packaging, subject to the following storage rules:

  • at temperatures in the range of 5–25 °C;
  • in a dry place, protected from direct sunlight;
  • separately from food.

The drug should be stored in places inaccessible to children and pets.

It is possible to defeat parasites!

Antiparasitic Complex® - Reliable and safe removal of parasites in 21 days!

  • The composition includes only natural ingredients;
  • Does not cause side effects;
  • Absolutely safe;
  • Protects the liver, heart, lungs, stomach, skin from parasites;
  • Removes waste products of parasites from the body.
  • Effectively destroys most types of helminths in 21 days.

There is now a preferential program for free packaging. Read expert opinion.

Read further:

Thiabendazole: instructions for use, active ingredient, price and analogues

Advocate against worms and fleas for cats and dogs: instructions for use, price, reviews

"Naftamon": instructions for use, contraindications and side effects

Azinox against worms for cats and dogs: instructions for use, reviews

Dirofen against worms for cats and dogs: instructions for use, price, analogues

Milbemax against worms for cats and dogs: instructions for use, cost, reviews

Where can I buy

In the Agrovetzaschita online store you can buy Alben S for dogs and other veterinary drugs. The catalog presents various forms of medicines, prices and other information that may be useful to you. This drug is also available in the offline stores of our partners. You can find a list of sales points, including their exact addresses, in the “Where to buy” section. If you have any questions, you can ask them by calling the hotline or using the appropriate form on our website.

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