How to keep a dog in an apartment: I share my own experience

Don’t drive your four-legged animal away from you without a reason

The next rule of keeping a dog that you should take note of. Be prepared for the fact that your four-legged dog will constantly “get under your feet.” Morning, afternoon, evening and even at night, 24 hours a day, he simply will not leave your side. Dogs are pack animals, so it is vital for the tailed to be in the circle of the “pack”, to always be with someone nearby. And if you drive him away just like that, without any reason, then your pet’s psyche can suffer greatly.

Therefore, if you are preparing something in the kitchen, then let yourself lie quietly next to you. And always be careful not to step on his paw or get caught in the door.

Harmful and useful toys for your pet

Let's move on to the right choice of toys for the tail. Any healthy dog ​​needs games to train the skeleton and muscles, and develop thinking. But many toys can be very dangerous for a pet’s health. The choice of toys depends on the characteristics of the breed.

For example, a breed such as the Jack Russell Terrier should never be given rubber or rag toys. They instantly break into pieces. And the contents of rag toys (in the form of holofiber) instantly end up in the stomach. This can lead to dire consequences. Once in a dog's stomach, foreign objects can cause intestinal volvulus, sometimes even fatal. In such cases, the only option is surgery.

The best toys are silicone balls (as in the photo), tennis balls (not the cheap ones that get chewed right away, but good real balls for professional tennis). Such toys serve us for many years. I know this from my own experience of keeping a male Jack Russell Terrier.

Also, many four-legged animals often swallow small objects in the form of coins, flower pebbles, various caps from small medicine bottles, and so on.

Therefore, if you have already got a furry four-legged animal, then be prepared for the fact that you will have to monitor the order in the house more carefully. It is better not to scatter small items throughout the apartment.

Place to eat

Another important rule is preparing the place for eating food. For this purpose, a special area in the apartment must be allocated. It must not be moved or carried. It should always be in the same place so that the dog can come up and calmly drink water if it is thirsty, and not look for it throughout the apartment.

Set up a place for eating based on the structural features of your pet. These can be simply bowls for food and water, standing on oilcloth. Or maybe a special adjustable stand, which, as a rule, is used for feeding large dogs so that their posture is not disturbed and there is no curvature of the spine.

As the four-legged animal grows, the bracket with bowls rises higher and higher. The guideline for the correct height is that the bottom of the feeding bowls should be at the level of your pet's elbow joint. It is best to choose a bowl made from stainless steel to avoid splinters or nicks.

Many dogs love to eat the provided treat in the form of trachea on the bedding, but it is better not to allow them to do this. If your four-legged dog is already used to this, then before giving out the treat, it is better to cover the bedding with oilcloth.


Balanced, proper nutrition for a dog is a very important moment in its life. Nutrition affects the condition of the dog, the condition of its coat and teeth. The diet for each dog should be compiled individually depending on its size and breed.

Nutrition tips:

  1. The dog must always have a bowl filled with clean water available to him at all times. It should be changed several times a day.
  2. Your dog's meals should be scheduled at the same time every day. Using this, you can determine the volume of one serving and accustom your pet to the regime. If you feed your dog with constant access to food, it will develop a disease - obesity.
  3. The diet should be either natural food or dry food. Combining these two types of nutrition is not recommended by veterinarians. Dry food should not be economy class, but premium or holistic.

REFERENCE! The dog owner must evaluate the appearance of his dog. If she is very thin, it means she lacks nutrition; if, on the contrary, she is swimming with fat, then it is necessary to reduce the portion.

First aid kit

Still, it is better not to give any medications to your dog without consulting a veterinarian. But you can keep certain medications so that in case of an unpleasant situation, call the veterinarian, consult and then give the dog pills. The list of necessary items includes means for disinfection and treatment of wounds, ear drops, allergy medications, painkillers, and first aid for poisoning.

A first aid kit for dogs will save you in critical situations

Puppy in the house: first days

So, all preparations have been successfully completed, and everything is ready for the arrival of a small dog in the house. Please note that it is better to go for a puppy on a day off and in the first half of the day in order to have enough time to communicate with the baby. If you bring a puppy to a new home after midnight and leave for work in the morning, he will become confused and scared.

When you bring your puppy to a new home, give him time to get comfortable. Let the baby get acquainted with the new place of residence, walk around it, sniff it and examine it. If the puppy sits in one place and does not want to start the “excursion”, do not insist - within two to three days he will get used to it. There is no need to force the puppy into other rooms or carry it in your arms. It is enough to sit next to him, talk affectionately, or offer him a toy or food.

Show your puppy a place to sleep, bowls of water and food.

Here are the important points that a new puppy owner should know:

  1. A small puppy sleeps a lot - this is normal. There is no need to disturb and wake up the dog just like that, otherwise it will lead to mental disorder. When the puppy grows up, his lifestyle will be adapted to the rhythm of his owners.
  2. The puppy experiences stress from parting with its mother and first owner - the breeder, so you need to be as tactful and gentle as possible. You should not grab the baby unexpectedly, persistently offer him games or communication, it is especially important to explain this to children. The dog needs time to understand that new people and a new home are not fraught with danger.
  3. You cannot punish a puppy, shout at him, and even more so, use violence! Even if the child does prohibited things, it is enough to firmly say: “No” or “You can’t” and switch his attention. For example, if a puppy tries to chew a slipper, you need to pick it up and offer the baby a toy.

The puppy needs to be surrounded with care, but attention should not be forced upon him.

First nights in a new house

Patience and strength of character are what the owner of a small puppy will need in the first days, and especially at night. It is quite possible that during the day the puppy will behave tolerably: he will eat, play, sleep, and at nightfall he will show his owner what he is capable of. Usually the first two or three nights are not easy, because the puppy whines and does not allow the family members to sleep.

The first thing an owner must decide is whether the dog is allowed to sleep on the bed. You need to understand that if the puppy is allowed to do this, then the adult dog will then be happy to follow this habit. If the answer to the question is yes, then you can simply take the frightened puppy under your side, where it will warm up and quickly fall asleep.

An adult dog will retain all the habits of childhood

If the animal is forbidden to sleep in the owner’s bed, you should be patient. The puppy will whine and ask to come to the person, the main thing here is to be firm. You need to take the baby to his place over and over again, praise and stroke him if he remains there. If the pet is not in the mood to stay in the bed overnight, you just need to ignore it. So the puppy will realize that it is impossible to achieve what he wants, he will get tired and fall asleep. True, the owner may have to wait more than one sleepless night before this happens.

Video - Puppy in the house, first day

Conditions of detention, how to create an optimal environment

To make living together comfortable for the dog and the owner, a daily routine is needed. It’s good if the dog goes outside, eats and sleeps at the same time. Firstly, these are the standards of discipline and dog training. The dog will know that:

  • at 7:00 he will be taken to the toilet;
  • at 9:00 they will feed you;
  • from 11:00 to 13:00 he can sleep;
  • at 14:00 he has a walk again;
  • from 15:00 to 18:00 time for rest and games;
  • at 18:00 walk;
  • at 20:00 dinner;
  • lights out at 21:00.

This is an approximate and brief daily routine and the basis for caring for a dog at home. Knowing this schedule, it will be easier for the owner to manage his time and plan his day.

It is important to know! The lack of time in open areas should be compensated for by long walks in parks and forays into nature once every 7-10 days.

Dog walking procedure

When walking, owners must observe the following rules:

  • Take dogs out of residential premises (houses), as well as isolated areas, into common yards and outside only on a short leash and wearing a muzzle, with a license plate on the collar (except for puppies under three months of age).
  • Walk dogs only in areas specially designated for this purpose. If the area is fenced, dogs are allowed to be walked without a leash or muzzle. In the absence of a special area, dogs are allowed to walk in vacant lots and other places determined by the district administration.
  • Dogs are usually walked between 6 a.m. and 11 p.m. When walking dogs at other times, their owners must take measures to ensure silence.
  • It is prohibited for persons under the influence to walk dogs.

For failure to comply with the Rules of Keeping, dog owners are liable in accordance with Articles 102, 102 “a” of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences.

Damage caused by dogs is compensated by their owners in accordance with current legislation.

Give your dog a little attention and he will give you his life!

Get ready to radically change your life if you are going to buy a shaggy friend. You will not only have to transform your home (hide wires in special boxes, remove carpets for a while), but also be patient.

Be lenient towards such phenomena as damaged clothes, puddles in the wrong places, torn pillows... Do not punish with beatings! For your ward, hands are something sacred. You pet them and feed them. You can only be friends mutually.


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