A cross between a Spitz and a Yorkie: features of crossing, character and care

Mixed breed is a widely accepted term that represents genetically diverse dog breeds. The parents of a mixed breed are dogs belonging to different breeds, the crossing of which makes it possible to produce a similar cross. Today, mixed breeds are a popular type of dog, especially in Western countries. But such a crossing will be successful only if a puppy is born that satisfies a number of certain requirements.

Such requirements include the following:

  • both parents must be of different breeds, acceptable for crossing, and must be purebred;
  • Both parents are crossbreeds of some dog breed, but they must be crossbreeds of the same crossbreeds.

Origin story

Historically, the mixed type of mating was used not only to produce new breeds, but also to improve their qualities.
In the past, much less attention was paid to blood purity, and stud books and pedigrees have only existed for a few centuries. There is nothing wrong with crosses, as the hybrid offspring may have advantages over the parent species.

It is unknown when the first Spitz crossed with the Yorkshire Terrier appeared. But the active sale of York Spitz dogs began in the last decade.

Dogs with a special appearance are popular and often have a high price.


Shorthaired Chihuahua puppy

Long-haired Chihuahua puppy

Adult shorthaired Chihuahua

Adult long-haired Chihuahua

Chihuahuas are very clean dogs, smart, observant, active and playful, friendly and jealous. The Chihuahua will become jealous of you not only towards dogs, but also towards people. She will push her rivals away from her owner in every possible way; if this fails, she may get offended and go to her house, and there will be great sadness on the baby’s face! But don’t worry - you just have to pay attention to her again and the resentment will immediately go away. After all, the Chihuahua loves you to the point of oblivion!

Do you want to get a devoted pet that will follow you every second, “protect” you and surround you with care? Chihuahua is the breed for you!

Personality : Lively, Loyal, Alert, Quick, Brave


The appearance of dogs obtained as a result of crossing different breeds is not subject to standardization and is

random character. It is generally accepted that puppies inherit the most attractive parts of the exterior from their parents.

At the birth of hybrids, quite often not only parental traits appear, but also signs of distant ancestors: The growth of puppies as they grow older may differ. It is difficult to imagine in advance the dimensions and height at the withers of an adult mestizo.

Since Yorkies are produced by mating breeds of similar size, it can be assumed that the offspring will not exceed them.

The color and quality of the Yorkie's coat can be inherited from either parent, or a combination of both.

The Fédération Cynologique Internationale does not recognize the Spitz-Yorkie cross as a separate breed; such dogs cannot participate in exhibitions or receive awards.

How to distinguish Spitz dogs from other breeds and mixed breeds

Sometimes, Spitz dogs can be easily confused with mixed breeds and representatives of other breeds. To prevent this from happening, you need to buy an animal from a trusted place, where you can be sure that the puppy has been well fed and is healthy. In addition, Spitz dogs can be distinguished by external characteristics .

First of all, it's wool. Spitz have a double warm coat: one part is long straight hair, the second is a delicate soft undercoat consisting of short hairs. The coat should be combed regularly and washed when dirty.

Spitz dogs have neat ears that are set wide apart. The tail is above their back and curls into a ring. Growth varies depending on age and variety.

When buying a Spitz, you need to inquire about the availability of documents about the origin of the offspring . If the pedigree is zero, the dog may not be purebred. But this will not prevent the animal from being a faithful friend, and not all owners take animals to exhibitions.

Choosing a dog is not only pleasure, but also responsibility. First you need to weigh the pros and cons, because the animal requires a lot of attention. But this care will more than pay off with the love and devotion of the pet.


The Yorkshire Terrier and the Pomeranian Spitz are quite different in character and behavior. The Yorkie's temperament is characterized by strong will, stubbornness, and determination, while the Pomeranian is characterized by gentleness and good nature. Differences in the behavior of the parent breeds affect the character of Yorkies.

The greater the differences in temperament, the more likely it is that the puppies will develop a nervous and aggressive disposition. The behavior of an adult dog can largely be corrected by education and training. However, it takes a lot of time and effort to fix it.

Maltese (Maltese dog)

Maltese puppy (Maltese)

Adult Maltese (Maltese)

Maltese is naturally fearless. Although the Maltese is miniature in photographs, nevertheless, if he feels threatened, he will selflessly protect his owner despite his small size. They react to every noise that arouses suspicion and are eager to bite the troublemaker, who is many times larger than them. They have a ringing, loud voice. Maltese are cheerful and energetic. They are characterized by curiosity and a sense of adventure. These pets are kind and affectionate, which has a positive effect on their excellent social qualities.

Like any other breed with long hair, it requires careful care. Keep in mind that when you buy a white dog, you also buy allergy problems. White dogs are prone to redness, dandruff, and severe swelling around the eyes. You will have to bathe your dog in special bleaching products and wash the fur around the eyes with lotion to remove stains. But if you do everything correctly, you will become the proud owner of a snow-white beauty - the Snow Queen!

Personality : Lively, Playful, Calm, Gentle, Obedient


The Hybrid Yorkie is used exclusively as a companion dog. If the crossing was successful, then the puppy will receive devotion, friendliness and affection for the owner from the parents.

Metis is well suited for a single person who has time to raise a pet, or for a family with growing children.

Crossing a Yorkshire Terrier with hunting instincts and a originally guard Spitz may result in some of these qualities being passed on to the offspring. However, you shouldn’t count on this - the characters of the breeds are too different.

Dog breeds similar to Spitz

There are many breeds of four-legged pets. The Spitz looks like a bear cub, and there are many varieties of this breed. Here are the most interesting ones:

  • Japanese Spitz. There are different opinions about the origin of this dog. Some believe that its ancestors are huskies; according to another version, the animal originated from a dwarf Eskimo dog. The Japanese is a good companion: cheerful, energetic, cheerful. In addition, this is an intelligent dog that knows how to behave and will not impose its company.

  • Chow-chow. This animal is considered one of the most ancient in the world: they appeared two thousand years ago and were the favorites of the Chinese nobility. Dogs have a stubborn and freedom-loving character, so they need to be trained from a very tender age. But with proper upbringing, such animals become loyal friends, and they are also good in appearance.

  • Pekingese. Outwardly, they look like Spitz dogs: long thick hair, a funny face and loyalty to their owner. This is a lap dog that loves a quiet lifestyle and does not need long walks.

  • Samoyed. Another ancient breed, descending from the Nenets Laika. The ancestors of these charming dogs participated in bear hunting, guarded herds of deer, and took part in polar expeditions. Now this is one of the rarest breeds in Russia. Their thick snow-white coat is unusually beautiful. The dogs are hardy, affectionate and loyal. Despite their hunting qualities, they do not have the slightest aggressiveness.

There are other breeds that have a lot in common with Spitz. Therefore, when buying a puppy, you need to be able to distinguish it from representatives of other breeds.


It is difficult to predict in advance how a Yorkie and Spitz mix will get along with other animals. Both parent breeds are loyal to living together with dogs and cats, so you can count on the Yorkie also not reacting negatively to their presence. The main condition will be early socialization and constant communication between animals.

A well-mannered adult Yorkie feels great in a family with children. If a puppy does not show aggression or distrust of people from childhood, most likely he will grow up good-natured and patient. However, it doesn’t hurt to tell children how to properly handle a dog so as not to injure or frighten it.

Family life

These hybrids get along well with other pets and love children very much. To avoid injury, do not leave your child and puppy alone.

Find out which dogs are most similar to Spitz.

They love to walk, so they are suitable for people who prefer an active lifestyle, but they can also adapt to the habits of older people.

When arranging space in an apartment, do not give preference to passage areas or corridors, so as not to step on the dog. They prefer to coexist in the room directly with the owner, then they do not feel lonely.

How to choose a puppy

Choosing a Yorkie puppy is difficult and simple at the same time. Since the result of a crossbreed is unpredictable,

The characteristics of a puppy's appearance make it difficult to understand what the dog will grow up to be in the future. The color and quality of the coat may change with age, as well as the face and body type.

The general principles for choosing a Yorkie puppy are as follows:

  • evaluate the puppy’s appearance for visible genetic abnormalities;
  • the puppy’s eyes should be clear and his gaze focused on objects;
  • The baby's belly is round and soft;
  • the coat is healthy and shiny;
  • ears are clean, with the same position;
  • active behavior, without cowardice or aggression.


The dog's diet should contain animal proteins, cereals, and vegetables. You definitely need to add vitamins. If we are talking about dry food, then your choice should be based on the individual needs of the pet, its growth and physical activity.

If problems arise with the preparation of the diet, you should consult a veterinarian. Spicy, salty, sweet foods, as well as smoked foods are prohibited.

Features of maintenance and care

You can keep a Yorkie even in a small apartment. It is enough to arrange a bed for the pet not far from the owner so that the dog does not feel lonely. It is impossible to keep mestizos on the street or in an enclosure, as they urgently feel the need for the presence of the owner.

These dogs do not need a long walk; they easily get used to relieving themselves on a hygienic diaper. The principles of grooming a Yorkie differ little from the requirements for caring for a Yorkshire terrier or Pomeranian.


The photo shows a typical Spitz-Yorkshire terrier mix.
Mixed breeds often get long, silky hair from the Yorkshire Terrier, while the Spitz gives it density and density, which makes grooming much more difficult. Yorkies need to be brushed from early childhood, as their hair growth rate is quite high.

The condition of the coat is adversely affected by dry air, lack of nutrients and exposure to sunlight.

It is advisable to comb your Yorkie every day using brushes with a massage effect. Thick fur is prone to matting and matting, so you need to constantly check the neck, armpits, and inner thighs.

Dogs need to constantly wash their eyes and check the condition of their ears and teeth. If the nails are growing rapidly and cannot be worn down on their own, they can be trimmed. The Yorkie's paws are washed after every walk, but the dog does not need to be bathed more than once a month.


A hybrid cross between a Yorkshire terrier and a Spitz, it is a low-active pet. Modest dimensions allow the dog to lose energy at home, and walking can be short. It is enough to take the dog outside 2 times a day for 20-30 minutes.

It doesn’t hurt to teach your Yorkie to relieve himself at home in a diaper, as this will save the animal from having to go outside in the rain and cold. The pet is always taken out on a leash, as a small dog can get lost or get hit by a car.


The diet of the Spitz-York mix meets the requirements of the parent breeds. A natural diet should be based on animal proteins with the addition of cereals, vegetables and a complex of vitamins. Dry food is selected taking into account the size and activity of the Yorkie. Inexperienced dog owners may want to consult a veterinarian.

Under no circumstances should your dog be given salty, sweet, smoked or spicy foods.


Yorkies have long, beautiful hair, while the Spitz has thick and dense fur. The combination of these factors in mestizos significantly complicates the grooming procedure.

Even very young puppies need to be brushed, as the hair grows quite quickly. The procedure must be carried out daily. A brush that has a massage effect is best suited for it If this is not done, tangles will form, and the appearance of your pet may suffer.

The condition of your pet's fur is influenced by many factors, such as dry air, lack of vitamins and minerals, and exposure to sunlight. It is also necessary to monitor the condition of the dog’s eyes, ears and teeth. Frequent bathing is not recommended - washing your dog once a month is enough.


The Yorkie and Spitz mix is ​​quite healthy. Biologists believe that hybrid crosses lead to stronger immunity and a reduced risk of genetic abnormalities. Yorkspitz is less susceptible to hereditary diseases.


Despite good health indicators, the Spitz-Yorkie mix can inherit pathologies from the parent breeds. There is some risk of the Yorkie having:

  • congenital dislocations of joints;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • cryptorchidism;
  • eye diseases;
  • liver pathologies;
  • allergic dermatitis.


Mixed breeds, just like Yorkies and Spitz dogs, need timely and regular vaccinations. Vaccination preparations should protect your Yorkie from:

  • rabies;
  • carnivore plague;
  • parvovirus infection;
  • leptospirosis;
  • parainfluenza;
  • coronavirus;
  • viral hepatitis.

The first vaccination is given to York Spitz puppies at the age of 8.5 weeks, 10 days after deworming. After 14 days, the dog is revaccinated with the same drug. A single rabies vaccine is given to an animal at 4.5 months, and a comprehensive vaccination is repeated at six months and a year. After this, prophylaxis for mixed-breed puppies is carried out annually according to the schedule established by the treating veterinarian.

Shih Tzu training

Even with manic adoration of the owner, a dog during training can show its obstinate disposition. The Shih Tzu can learn commands, but will be reluctant to do so. In order for training to be effective, it is important to arouse your pet’s interest in the activities. The only option for a representative of the Shih Tzu dog breed to exercise is to conduct training in the form of a game. It is important to treat your baby with a treat after completing the task.

If the pet gets bored, he will calmly interrupt the lesson and go about his business. There is no point in restraining or angering the animal; take a break and then try to continue. You should start training immediately after purchasing an animal, since the puppy must recognize its owner and understand its place.


Dogs are very carefully selected for mating a Yorkshire Terrier with a Spitz. Representatives of both breeds should be in exceptional health, without any congenital pathologies. In addition, animals with defects in appearance or color are excluded from the list of possible partners.

The main criterion is the appearance of the animals, since a cross between a Spitz and a Yorkie will receive partial characteristics of both breeds. However, it is impossible to guarantee the appearance of at least one specific sign in a York Spitz, because even in the same litter there can be puppies completely different from each other.

The successful result of crossing is influenced by compliance with the following requirements:

  • parents are purebred representatives of their breeds;
  • both dogs are mixed breeds of the same breeds with equal shares;
  • partners have access to mating.


Having understood the breed of lapdogs and found out who the mestizos are, you can consider the results of crossing these beautiful animals with other dogs. Different types of animals can be used in crossing: dachshund, pinscher, spitz, spaniel, scotch terrier. Ideally, the dogs' builds are approximately the same. Let us give examples of some types of mestizos obtained with the participation of lapdogs.

  • A cross between a miniature schnauzer and a lapdog. The result is very cute animals the size of a schnauzer and with the wool of a lapdog. Owners often cut their pet's hair like a Schnauzer. From the lapdog the puppy gets a friendly and accommodating disposition, and loyalty to the owner and strong character comes from the second parent. If the dog feels a threat to any family member, he will instantly turn from a kind person into a protector. The dog needs training. The owner must have a strong character in order to become an authority for the pet.

  • Papillon mixed with lapdog. Not so long ago, breeders deliberately bred the mixed breed Mi-ki. It was the result of crossing the Maltese, Papillon, Shih Tzu and Japanese Chin. This is a rare case when a mixed breed lives up to its name as a designer breed. Such babies cost from 60 to 150 thousand rubles. They have straight, long, floor-length coats and gorgeous butterfly ears. The dogs are very cute and have a sociable character.

  • Chihuahua crossed with a lapdog. Chihuahuas are crossed with different types of lap dogs. A cross with a Havanese Bichon is called a Cheenese, and a cross with a French (Frise) is called a Chi-Chon. Such mestizos have a beautiful coat with a lot of fur, they have touching shaggy ears (in the Frieze they are lowered, and in the Havanese they are raised).

  • Yorkshire terrier mixed with lapdog. Mixes of Yorkies with Maltese dogs are called Morkies or Yorkties. They are hardy, have good health, have a friendly, affectionate character, are loyal and faithful to their owner. Hybrids can get stubbornness from Yorkies. If you show patience and start training from childhood, you can get a calm and well-mannered pet.

  • A cross between a toy terrier and a lapdog. Puppies of this union have long hair and look more like a Yorkie than a Toy Terrier. Metis turns out to be kind, compliant, trusting and affectionate. He loves the company of children, but at the same time he is very touchy; he can hide for a long time and not respond to the offender’s calls.

  • Pekingese and lap dog mix. The mixed breeds turn out delicious, in the form of fluffy little affectionate lumps. They are obedient and calm, easy to train. They have enough energy and optimism to play frequently. The attitude towards children of such a hybrid will depend on how the genes are formed. If he takes more from the lapdog, he will be happy to play with the kids. Genes from the Pekingese will allow the pet to love only itself and its owner.

  • A cross between a poodle and a lapdog. Maltipoo is a mix of Maltese and Poodle. Mixed breeds look like plush toys with beady eyes. The coat can be any type - straight, wavy or actively curly. The hybrid is more like a lap dog. The dog is intelligent, playful, cheerful and curious, loves the company of children.

  • Cocker Spaniel mix. The lapdog/spaniel mix is ​​called Silky Cocker. She looks like a silky cocker, which is what the name implies. Mestizos have flexible, cheerful and trusting characters.

To see what features the Maltese dog has, see the following video.

How much do puppies cost?

The price of Yorkie puppies depends on their appearance and characteristics received from their parents.

A healthy baby can cost 5-7 thousand rubles. Since mixed breed is not a recognized breed and does not require a pedigree or documents, you can buy a puppy even cheaper.

Mixed breeds cannot be purchased from an official nursery or from a Yorkie or Spitz breeder; only amateurs breed Yorkies. But such puppies are easy to find on social networks and on private advertisement sites.

The cute Yorkie is not a separate breed, but attracts attention with its cute appearance and good health. Having absorbed the best qualities of the Pomeranian Spitz and Yorkshire Terrier, the little mixed breed will become a faithful companion for a person who is ready to devote time to education and training.

General information about lap dogs

Before we begin to describe a cross between animals of different breeds, let’s find out who lapdogs are. Having an idea about them, one can expect the manifestation of similar genes from a hybrid. The lapdog is a cute, fluffy small dog. But the breed consists of many varieties, which differ in appearance and character. For a general idea, we list some of them.

  • Maltese (Maltese) are beautiful, picky creatures with white fur. The character is sensitive, gentle and affectionate. Such a dog may cry if it is offended.

  • Russian color - endowed with gray, beige or brown color. The character is soft, compliant, but has protective qualities, which is not typical for lap dogs. She is able to show character and protect her owner.

  • French (Bichon Frize) – the breed’s coat color is white, its character is good-natured and inquisitive.

  • Italian (Bolognese) is an aristocratically proud and wayward dog. It looks like a white ball. In fact, it has a slender body, which is rounded due to the large amount of hair.

  • The Havanese (Havanese) is a glamorous dwarf dog with delicate silky fur. Pets of this breed are kind, gentle, love attention, and get along well with children.

What kind of people is this or that breed suitable for?

They may differ in character, identical to people.
If the owner is energetic and leads an active lifestyle, then Toy will suit him. For those who like regularity, sneezing is typical. If you have children who are ready to walk the kids for a long time and play with them, an Englishman will do. This breed loves to run, jump and be outdoors. It is not recommended for those who have children of kindergarten age. They see the animal as a toy.

For a Chihuahua, being active can be a burden. Toys have fragile bones. Active play with young children often leads to injury.

Separate attention should be paid to the comparability of breeds. If there are others, you need to take into account the nature of both. Toys get along well with Yorkies or Pinschers. They have similar, active characters.

For a sneeze, the best friends can be: Shih Tzus or Papillons. Both will calmly coexist with large, purebred dogs. Thus, Toy Terriers are dogs that have a longer muzzle, a docked tail and erect ears. They are more mobile and aggressive. Susceptible to injury. They have thin, fragile bones.

A fringe of hair emerges from behind the ears. Long-haired dogs have uneven hair. Most of the body is practically hairless. No undercoat. The color is monochromatic. There are only red and fawn colors, in various shades.

Chihuahuas have a more measured character. Small length and smaller paws than the English ones. The pedigree breed has a slightly flattened muzzle. Ears droop. The fur is evenly distributed. The color is different.

Various shades and color schemes are combined. For both it is necessary to create special living conditions. The house must be on the floor. They are afraid of heights and can get injured when jumping. The choice is yours!

Shih Tzu diseases

Dogs of this breed, if the rules of keeping are followed, rarely get sick. The risk of problems for the chrysanthemum dog is much lower than for other representatives of small breeds. Shih Tzu may suffer from:

  • urolithiasis;
  • periodontitis;
  • cataracts;
  • ear infections;
  • distichiasis;
  • heart diseases.

Diseases of the breed often occur due to injury or inflammation of the mucous membrane. Shih Tzu's eyes sometimes fall out, this is dangerous and you should consult a doctor immediately. To avoid this, it is worth carrying out daily inspection and proper care. If any abnormalities in health are detected, it is important to contact a veterinarian in a timely manner. Remember that it is better to prevent any disease through a preventive examination with a doctor than to treat it later.

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