Funny and unusual chihuahua cross breed. Cross between Chinese Crested and Chihuahua

A cross between a Pug and a Chinese Crested, this is a creature that looks funny to some and repulsive to others. It resembles a fairy-tale gremlin - a plump body on crooked legs, and a peculiar mohawk on its head - something you don’t often see on the street. These creatures are considered representatives of the designer breed.

This trend developed at the end of the twentieth century, when it became fashionable to cross dogs of two different species in order to obtain a kitten with strong characteristics from both varieties. It all started innocently - a poodle was crossed with other four-legged animals in order to produce one whose fur would be hypoallergenic.

This is how the Labradoodle appeared, but its cubs did not retain this characteristic, but genetic diseases appeared, which are characteristic of both poodles and Labradors. Over time, experiments helped produce a very funny mestizo, which will be discussed in this article.


Genetics is not a toy, so sometimes a mestizo can inherit not the best, but the worst qualities of both ancestors. Therefore, be careful if you decide to get such a puppy - he may suffer from many diseases. In any case, you will need to take very good care of him and have regular checkups with a veterinarian.

As you might guess, the hero of this material appeared thanks to the crossing of a classic pug and a Chinese Crested

, resulting in an unusual result. The descendant of these parents turned out to be bald, with hair only on some parts of the body, and with a large crest on the head. Its skin in some places looks like sandpaper, and its “mohawk” is hard and sticking up.

The muzzle of such creatures is pug-like, characteristic, but slightly less flattened. They have a massive lower jaw, small eyes, wheezing breathing

. There may be increased salivation. The movements are impetuous, clumsy, the paws are crooked and short in length. The neck is practically absent.

Origin story

Now it is not known exactly where the Chinese Crested was bred, despite its name. Presumably, it was Mexico or Africa, but the breed was approved for the first time in England. In 1966, several individuals of a species that was almost lost at the beginning of the twentieth century were brought there. The first standards were developed there.

Presumably at the beginning of the sixteenth century, the breed was bred somewhere in Mexico, and later it came to Chinese sailors. On ships, agile small dogs dealt with rodents. For a long time, crested animals were very popular and mystical properties were even attributed to them, but over time they almost disappeared in China. How this happened and what really happened - experts are still arguing.



Despite their appearance, such dogs tend to have a kind disposition. They are affectionate and friendly

, are happy to make contact with people and get along with other animals. On the street they can behave cockily - run after cats, bark left and right, but with good upbringing all this comes to naught.

Such “punks” are characterized by highly developed intelligence

, they are smart and inquisitive, they love to play and have fun. They need to devote a lot of time, otherwise they may begin to feel homesick and sad. It is better not to leave them at home alone for a long time.

These pets are very sensitive and emotional; as soon as they hear a rude remark or criticism addressed to them, they almost cry and look at you with eyes full of sadness. Treat them kindly and lovingly, speak in a calm voice, and don't let anyone make fun of their appearance - at least not in their presence. They perfectly capture mocking intonations

and begin to suffer.


What you won't have with this pet is a lot of hair in the house. They do not need to be cut or combed, only the crest needs to be given attention. They should be bathed with a special shampoo, and then immediately wrapped in a warm towel and warmed up. If you wish, you can train them to use a tray, but you will still need to go outside from time to time - they need fresh air.

Regularly you will have to carry out the following hygiene procedures, which are best taught to your puppy from childhood:

  • Clean your ears with a special liquid and a cotton pad,
  • Brush your teeth with a dog brush and toothpaste so that in old age they don’t hurt or fall out,
  • Trim claws as they grow,
  • Comb your bangs
  • Wipe your eyes and put medicine in them if they are watery,
  • Visit your veterinarian for a routine checkup.

Due to the special structure of their mouths, these dogs often snore

, which can make you nervous. You need to prepare for this in advance, and if you understand that you cannot come to terms with it, choose another type of animal.

The body of these animals is folded, and they should be cleaned from time to time - wiped with a cotton pad soaked in chlorhexidine. Pay special attention to the folds on the face, because food, debris and all sorts of discharge from the nose and mouth get into them. This should be done once a month and whenever it gets dirty.


If you are planning to buy or have already taken such a dog into your home, but don’t know what to name it

, listen to our advice. Too sonorous and pretentious names are unlikely to be suitable, because she looks funny and awkward.

It's better to choose something fun, sweet and short, like Zizy or Iggy. The names of rock stars - Flea, Ozzy, Janice, Sid, Paul - may be suitable for such creatures.

You can also be inspired by literary characters or movie heroes - Hercules, Circe, Zelda or Smith.

Don’t get carried away with too cool names, you may quickly get bored with it, and then there’s no escape from it. Walking Quasimodo or Cockroach on a leash may be fun for the first week, but after that it will be awkward. It’s better to call the four-legged one John or Maggie, so you can calmly call him on the street without catching strange glances. Options such as Rocky, Denny, Hank, Mike, Hooch, Georges, Kevin, Sarah, Emma, ​​Nelson, Xena or Rey are also suitable.

It is interesting to name dogs in honor of heroes of the mythology of any nationality, it looks both bold and beautiful - what do you think, for example, the dog Zeus or the girl Hera? And then there are Loki, Freya, Yarilo, Svarog, Veles, Mara, Makosh, Lada and Jupiter. In addition, you can use English words modified in the manner of the name - Sweet, White, Big, Little, Haer, Gray.

Every year in California a competition is held to name the ugliest dog in the world. Animals with owners from all over the world gather to take part in this show. Some are interested in a cash prize, while others are more interested in fame, because many winners eventually became heroes of various television shows. Let's take a closer look at the participants in this original “beauty” contest.

Quasi Modo (Dutch Shepherd and Pitbull)

In 2015, the winner was a dog that is a Dutch Shepherd mix and got its name from the famous hunchback character from the novel Notre-Dame de Paris. Due to a congenital spinal defect, the dog's back acquired an impressive hump, giving Quasi Modo a very sinister appearance. As the dog's biography says:

“Even grown men jumped on the roofs of cars in horror when they met me, mistaking me for a Tasmanian devil.”

The appearance of Quasi Modo does have some similarities with a hyena, but his owner claims that the pet’s character is extremely kind and affectionate.

It was this feature of the unsightly dog ​​that brought them together: as a small puppy, Quasi Modo was thrown into an animal shelter, from where a veterinarian from Florida took him, having become attached to the good-natured dog.
Quasi Modo won his victory by beating 25 competitors, and the chief judge gave him a very “flattering” description, calling him “the personification of the most ugliness and ugliness.”

General information about lap dogs

Before we begin to describe a cross between animals of different breeds, let’s find out who lapdogs are. Having an idea about them, one can expect the manifestation of similar genes from a hybrid. The lapdog is a cute, fluffy small dog. But the breed consists of many varieties, which differ in appearance and character. For a general idea, we list some of them.

  • Maltese (Maltese) are beautiful, picky creatures with white fur. The character is sensitive, gentle and affectionate. Such a dog may cry if it is offended.
  • Russian color - endowed with gray, beige or brown color. The character is soft, compliant, but has protective qualities, which is not typical for lap dogs. She is able to show character and protect her owner.
  • French (Bichon Frize) – the breed’s coat color is white, its character is good-natured and inquisitive.
  • Italian (Bolognese) is an aristocratically proud and wayward dog. It looks like a white ball. In fact, it has a slender body, which is rounded due to the large amount of hair.
  • The Havanese (Havanese) is a glamorous dwarf dog with delicate silky fur. Pets of this breed are kind, gentle, love attention, and get along well with children.
  • The Coton de Tulear is a lap dog with long hair, strong build and good health.
  • Lesser lionfish (levhen) are two-colored individuals with a characteristic lion haircut. But they look completely unthreatening and are endowed with a kind character.

From the descriptions of different types of lapdogs, we can conclude that they are good-natured, accommodating, and affectionate.

Pets are not hunters, watchmen or guards. To give them additional properties, lap dogs are crossed with other types of dogs.

Sam (Chinese Crested)

The ugliest dog in the world

— Sam from the family was the champion for 3 years. His first owner, who abandoned Sam back in 1999, had no idea what kind of star he would become.

The hairless, toothless, blind dog was taken in by Susie Lockheed, and it was she who brought Sam to his first “beauty” contest. Lack of hair, with the exception of rare tufts of gray hair on his head, milky whites of his eyes, like those of an alien, wrinkles, warts all over his body - all these “advantages” made him the undisputed champion for three years.

After his first victory, Sam was invited to appear on television, followed by roles on Japanese television, programs on New Zealand radio and articles in British newspapers. On the Internet, dozens of sites were dedicated to this unique dog, he had fan clubs, whose members printed T-shirts with his image and bought up the dog’s old toys as souvenirs. Sam even met Donald Trump!

Did you know?
Sam is included in the Guinness Book of Records as the dog that held the title of ugliest in the world for the longest time.
Unfortunately, in 2005, Sam became seriously ill and had to be euthanized.

Rascal (Chinese Crested)

Chinese Crested

- the breed of dog that most often wins the competition for the title of ugliest. It is to this breed that the Fraudster belongs.

Despite the fact that Rascal is a purebred dog, his appearance was damaged even at birth. Genetics are to blame for everything: his grandfather, grandmother and mother were once champions of such competitions, so it is not surprising that the Rascal continued the family tradition.

His small size, lack of fur and skin covered with spots and warts ensured his victory.

How to distinguish a pug from a crossbreed?

The standard can only be met if two purebred pugs are used for mating. Offspring from crossing with other breeds are classified as mestizos, regardless of their close external resemblance to pugs. They focus on the main parameters of purebred individuals:

  • square body proportions;
  • coat color is black, silver or fawn;
  • muzzle with jowls, symmetrical wrinkles and a fold above the nose;
  • dark mask;
  • The character is friendly and calm.

Pork (chihuahua)

As a puppy, the dog got into a terrible fire, which she barely survived, but the fire caused irreparable damage to the appearance and health of the animal. His eyelids and jaw stopped closing, and his body became covered with bald patches and scars. The stunned owners abandoned the injured baby in a shelter, where he had to live for almost a year until Holly Chandler saw him. Peanut has since found a new home in Greenville, North Carolina.

Holly notes that her pet has a wonderful friendly personality, leads an energetic lifestyle and loves to play with other dogs.

By the way, Holi donated the prize for winning, $1,500, to a charity fund for the treatment of animals.

Wally (boxer and beagle)


In addition to the title of the most terrible dog in the world, it can also receive the title of the cutest. His slightly duck-like gait and disproportionate shape evoke affection among ordinary passers-by. His pedigree contains a mixture of Basset Hound genes. Such a strange cocktail resulted in a large head and short legs, which seemed ready to break at any moment under its weight.

Wally received his victory in 2013 by a unanimous decision of all jury members, who, in addition to the dog’s gait and strange head shape, also included ridiculous ears and body proportions among the dog’s shortcomings.

Wally doesn't really look ugly in the classic sense of the word. However, its proportions are so unharmonious and out of proportion that it is difficult to believe in the natural origin of such a dog.

Advantages and disadvantages of dogs crossed with a dachshund

Mestizos have a number of advantages over the original breeds. Among them:

  1. High immunity, minimum hereditary diseases.
  2. The wool of hybrids does not cause allergies.
  3. Smoothing out negative character traits.
  4. Unusual look.
  5. Low price of puppies.

There are also disadvantages:

  1. It is impossible to predict a dog's temperament.
  2. The dog is not considered purebred.

Swee Pee (Chinese Crested and Chihuahua)

2016 winner Swee Pee was originally a gift from Jason Wurth to his wife. However, the woman did not like the dog, and, given the characteristics of Swee Pea, Mrs. Wurth can be understood.

After all, this Chinese Crested has:

  • curvature of the paws, due to which they are very similar to those of a frog;
  • complete blindness;
  • ulcerated skin;
  • the tongue does not fit in the mouth;
  • stomach problems;
  • problems with the intestines, so Swee Pi is always in diapers;
  • unhealthy skin color;
  • bad smell.

With such a set and a fashionable mohawk on his head (the only hair on his body), Swee Pee easily beat 15 competitors in the competition for the title of “best.”
But all these shortcomings do not prevent Jason Wurth from loving and caring for his dog, so the owner plans to spend all the winnings from the competition on treating his pet, which was diagnosed with a tumor. Did you know?
In the 17th century in Japan, dogs could be executed for killing.

Health and disease of the breed

The most common problems in Chinese Cresteds are dental diseases. Watch the diet, give vitamins, regularly take your pet to procedures and examinations. It happens that by the age of two years, otherwise healthy dogs have almost no teeth left.

They are also characterized by typical problems of small breeds - dislocations and other joint disorders. Here again, vitamins, healthy eating and control are important. Chinese crested dogs also have increased sensitivity to various medications, food and external irritants. They are prone to severe allergic reactions.


Pomeranian Spitz: breed description and care (60 photos)

Marta (Neapolitan Mastiff)

Marta captivated the judges and ordinary spectators with her natural behavior on stage and peaceful calm.

Previously Martha

was a rescue dog who was kept in poor conditions. This caused severe damage to her vision and required several surgeries to correct the situation.

Marta came to the competition with her owner Shirley Zinder. The main highlight of the dog's appearance is its huge jaws, which give its face a sad expression. It was this sad, melancholic mood of Martha that attracted the sympathy of the audience and influenced the final decision of the jury.

Elwood (Chinese Crested and Chihuahua)

Even as a puppy, the future winner of 2007, Elwood, was almost euthanized due to his non-standard appearance. However, his owner Karen persuaded the breeder not to kill the dog, but to give it to her.


was the result of a mixture of two breeds - the Chihuahua and the Chinese Crested. However, as the dog grew, something went wrong, and he acquired a bald, dark-colored skin, a round head with a tuft (which the owner regularly puts into a mohawk) and a long pinkish tongue that always hangs out of his mouth.

No matter how strange or terrifying the appearance of the winners of the competition for the title of the ugliest dog in the world, for their owners the appearance of their pets does not matter.
After all, animals, grateful for the salvation and warmth of their owners, become true friends and good companions for their saviors. Of course, at first glance, such competitions cause at least misunderstanding and bewilderment, but their participants prove that love between a person and his pet is possible not only because of beauty, outstanding pedigree or excellent physical characteristics. Sometimes a kind heart and loyalty are worth much more.

Chihuahuas were bred as toy dogs. Such animals were created not to protect the home from ill-wishers, but to “decorate the house.” Although, their character is special, even such kids need training and care.

Crossbreeds of Chihuahuas with other species, ranging from pugs to huskies, have now become popular. Funny Chihuahuas will delight their owner no matter who they are crossed with.

Recently it has become fashionable to breed Chihuahuas and Yorkies. Many breeders are chasing profit without thinking at all about the future fate and health of the poor animal, in an effort to get a funny puppy of a “new species”.

Unfortunately, hybrids do not live long due to poor genetics. Sometimes such crossings result from the fact that the breeder did not keep track of the pets; as a result, outbred puppies have to be sold at a reduced price.

A mixed breed of any two breeds is considered an outbred individual, since only an animal with a large pedigree and documents confirming the breeding value of this individual can be considered purebred.

With such a pet you can go to exhibitions, produce new offspring with other purebred dogs of the same breed.

If you decide to buy yourself a hybrid of two breeds, that is, an outbred animal, never pay money for a puppy. If a breeder offers you to pay for a puppy without a pedigree, in which two species are literally mixed, refuse. Otherwise, it will turn out that you paid the poacher and such a business will continue to flourish.

A cross between a Spitz and a Chihuahua was bred relatively recently, but is already considered an independent breed and is called a “pomchi”. Externally, it combines the characteristics of both breeds. The height of the dog usually does not reach 20 centimeters, normal weight is from 2 to 4 kilograms.

This little creature, thanks to the mixture of two species, received a dense and muscular body, small round ears and a funny muzzle shape.

The dog has small and short legs, an elongated muzzle, and a small tail that curls up into a ball.

The coat of a cross between these two breeds varies depending on the dominant gene. In the first case, the coat can be fluffy and thick, like that of the Pekingese.

And in the second, you may come across a puppy with smooth short fur that fits tightly to the body, like representatives of the Chihuahua breed.

If you decide to get a mixed breed so that your child can play with him, this is a bad idea. Doesn't get along well with children. Loyal to her owner, she is distrustful and wary of strangers, she loves to play only with her owners. However, puppies are affectionate and friendly by nature.

The pet is perfect for keeping even in a small apartment; it requires little care. Best suited for single people and families, without children or pets. The dog will be a devoted and faithful companion for its owner, giving him affection and care. Any type of cross between a Chihuahua and a Spitz will be affectionate towards its only owner.


Pugs have a bright appearance and a good-natured character, they are calm and do not cause much trouble to their owners, which is why representatives of this breed are often used for designer selection.

According to veterinarians and geneticists , mestizos acquire
a number of positive qualities
compared to their parents:

  • less prone to genetic diseases;
  • resistant to other diseases;
  • smarter and easier to train;
  • they have an unusual appearance.

Disadvantages of crossing breeds:

  • it is impossible to predict the size, appearance, character of the offspring;
  • possible nervousness and aggressiveness of mestizos.

The result is more or less predictable when breeds similar in quality and size are taken for crossing.

Here are some designer breeds that are created by crossing a Pug with other types of dogs.

Crossed with Husky

The dimensions of the husky are much larger: height 50 - 60 cm, weight 16 - 23 kg. The breeds are not very similar in appearance and character.

Huskies are not decorative dogs; they need physical activity and jogging.

Hug - this is the name given to a rare mestizo.

He was born to a mother, a Chinese pug, and a father, a Siberian husky. Dad gave the puppy color, blue eyes, good-natured character, mom gave him external features and body structure. These breeds are not specifically crossed.


The Pekingese and the Pug have the same historical roots: both breeds come from ancient China. Both dogs are decorative, they have a flattened, snub-nosed muzzle, so both are prone to snoring. Pekingese are slightly smaller in stature, they have short legs, long hair, which needs to be carefully looked after. Dogs need attention, are jealous, and smart.

For both breeds in China, the same term was used, “waddling,” which characterizes the same gait.

Lo - shi pug (short pug) - this is the name given to the mestizo.

The appearance of the mixed-breed puppies is harmonious and attractive. They have good health and stamina. They look like pugs, but their legs are shorter. The character is decisive, like a Pekingese, complacent and optimistic, like a pug.

Unfortunately, such mestizos often have a genetic disease associated with impaired synthesis of growth hormone. The consequence is a decrease in the life expectancy of mestizos.

Chinese Crested

The Chinese Crested breed itself is unusual in that one litter can contain hairless and downy puppies. Long hair in hairless individuals grows only on the head, ears, tail and paws, while in downy individuals it grows all over the body. The Chinese Crested is slightly smaller in size and weight than the Pug. The dog looks fragile and delicate, its paws are long and thin, its muzzle is elongated.

Good-natured, smart, shy, cannot stand loneliness. Health is good. Belongs to decorative breeds. Khokhlomops (Pugese) is the name given to the mestizo.

The dog's appearance is specific: a pug with characteristic folds and tufts of hair.

Since ancient times, representatives of the Chinese Crested breed have been the personification of love and devotion. The Indians endowed them with medicinal properties. With a high degree of probability, the homeland of these dogs is Central America.

Toy Terrier

The Toy Terrier is a decorative dog. A fragile, small, short-haired dog with a sharp muzzle and erect ears. It does not require special care. Both dogs are almost the same in height, but the weight of that terrier is half that of a robust pug.

Terriers are kind and cheerful, but in a moment of danger they will bark loudly and may bite. Their health is excellent. Mixed breeds of these breeds are rare. It is likely that the pug will convey folds, a snub nose, and a strong body.

In medieval England, brave little dogs fought desperately against the rats that infested the cities at that time.

French bulldog

Pug bull or Frug is the name of a mestizo.

Representatives of this breed are similar in build, flattened muzzle, folds, but larger.

Unfortunately, these dogs also have similar health problems: obesity due to excessive appetite, breathing problems.

It is predictable that the offspring will have the same problems.


Taxomops is the name of the mestizo,

who received short legs from a dachshund, and from a pug a compact muscular body, large eyes, folds on the muzzle and a curled tail.


The dachshund is the smallest hunting dog, bred to hunt small animals in holes.

This mestizo has two remarkable features:

  • hypoallergenic, i.e. suitable for people allergic to dog hair;
  • affectionate character and kindness help to become a friend to all family members.

Shih Tzu

The Shih Tzu is a medium-sized dog with long hair of black, white and brown color. Wool requires constant and careful care. Cannot stand loneliness, calm and devoted. Life expectancy up to 20 years!

It is believed that this small dog comes from ancient Tibet. Translated from ancient Chinese, Shih Tzu means “lion”. According to legend, it was a representative of this breed that accompanied Buddha during his travels and turned into a lion in moments of danger.

It is likely that the offspring when these two breeds are combined will receive a flattened muzzle and folds.

Spitz mix

The Spitz is considered the most barking dog.

The charming fluffy Spitz dog is distinguished by its small stature (on average 20 cm), cleanliness, endurance, and cheerfulness. They live 12 - 14 years and longer.

If a Spitz is crossed with a representative of another breed of the same size, the mestizo inherits good health.


They call him a puggle

. This is also an unofficial standard and is advisory in nature, so problems usually arise with official documents. It is not particularly demanding in terms of care and gets along well in an apartment. It is distinguished by its friendliness, non-aggression, playful disposition and high intelligence.

How to identify a mestizo by appearance

Contact only trusted breeders from whom your friends and acquaintances have already taken purebred animals. Do not trust reviews on the Internet, do not trust unverified advertisements.

Approach the choice of a breeder with great responsibility, because the future of your pet depends on it. Unscrupulous breeders often have dogs that get sick; you will have to spend large sums on a veterinarian if you take a mongrel.

First of all, check all the documents for the future pet, then look at the puppy’s parents, then move on to examining the appearance of your future little apartment dweller.

Pay attention to the dog's head. A representative with a good pedigree has pronounced transitions from the forehead to the nose. The dog’s muzzle is flattened; if you see a puppy in front of you with a long muzzle and a round head, most likely the breeder is offering you to buy a Chihuahua cross. When crossing a pinscher and a chihuahua, the muzzle turns out to be angular, and the limbs are at an angle.

  • The eyes of a purebred Chihuahua are located far apart from each other, the color is dark, and not protruding. The dog's ears are located at a great distance from each other, as are the eyes. The ears are located at an angle of 45 degrees.

If you notice that the puppy’s eyes and ears are located close to each other, then you have the opportunity to observe a hybrid of several breeds. Refuse to purchase.

If your future dog passed the previous two tests, then check the dog’s bite. The upper incisors overlap the lower ones, that is, the upper teeth should cover the lower ones. The lower canines are located between the upper canines and incisors.

The back should be short, level and strong. Density and muscularity are small, since this breed does not imply strength and density. The tail should not curl, it should be level with the back, in a straight shape.

Finally, check your puppy's paws. A purebred puppy will have small, straight paws that stand straight and not at an angle. The dog's paws themselves should be located at a decent distance from each other. If the puppy has thick, massive paws, then the breeder is offering you to buy a mongrel dog.

Chinese Crested Hairless Dog

This variety of this hairless breed is more popular than other subspecies. The main difference between the species is the lack of hair.

Only the ears, withers, ends of the paws and tail can remain covered.

Crested hairless dogs have a kind and cheerful disposition.

They become strongly attached to their owners and require a lot of attention. They love to chew on various things and wires, especially during a long absence of their owners.
hairless Chinese dog's
skin is velvety to the touch and comes in different colors
. Skin color can be solid or patchy.


The color darkens from sunlight. Due to the lack of hair, the skin requires additional care.

In winter it is necessary to wear warm clothes

, and in the summer a protective T-shirt. Use special creams to moisturize the skin and protect from the sun.


necessary regularly to maintain proper appearance. The muzzle and withers must undergo regular haircuts.

These dogs are popular at shows.

, as they look like small ponies due to their unique coat. And the rich varieties of skin colors give them some advantage.

Dogs of this breed are quite intelligent and affectionate animals.

. They easily learn to use the tray and are able to follow commands. The cheerful disposition and intelligence of the animal will appeal to everyone.

Useful video

Video clip about the Chinese Crested Powder Puff breed:

Chinese Cresteds are very difficult dogs to care for. And to make it clear what the problems are, you must first understand that the breed itself is divided into three subbreeds, each of which has its own characteristics in care.

They have a rich coat of fur that covers the entire body. The hair is soft, long, thick.

have long hair on the tail, paws, head and neck. The body is also covered with hair, but very short.

Naked representatives

They have practically no Chinese crested hair. Sometimes some short hair may be found in the area of ​​the shoulder blades and hind legs.

1. Skin care for hairless representatives of the breed requires great attention. Even in summer, these dogs cannot walk without additional protection. Before going outside, their skin should either be lubricated with sunscreen moisturizer or a T-shirt should be put on the animal. Under the influence of the sun, dogs' skin quickly tans, but often burns and becomes dry. In addition, the sun can cause the formation of black or white acne on the body, which is essentially vestigial hair. Such formations must be removed with tweezers and then treated with an antiseptic solution.

In the cold season, going outside is impossible without warm overalls.

If representatives of the hairless version of the breed grow hair on their muzzle, it is usually shaved off with a clipper. And then the skin is treated with an antiseptic and softening cream.

Hairless dogs should be washed frequently - once a week.

2. The coat of powderpuffs and cynics also requires numerous manipulations on the part of the owners. Daily thorough combing along the entire length is mandatory. Wash dogs with fur once every 10 days. Then be sure to comb it very carefully.

It is important to remember that representatives of this breed do not shed much, and therefore if their coat is not brushed daily, tangles will form in it.

3. Dogs of this breed very often suffer from obesity, and therefore owners are obliged to carefully ensure that their pet receives all the necessary physical activity.

4. The special structure of the Chinese Crested's paws, called the "hare's paw", leads to the fact that the claws of these dogs grow very quickly, and they need to be cut very often.

5. The Chinese Crested has bad teeth. Hairless representatives of the breed generally have very little enamel on their teeth, as a result of which teeth are quickly lost due to caries.

6. Another negative feature of the breed is its tendency to dig holes. Chinese crested moles love to dig, they are real moles. For some owners who take their pet to the dacha, this feature of the dog becomes a problem, since the entire area is dug up. You have to spend time and effort to teach your baby to dig only in a place specially designated for him.

A new direction in canine selection was the crossing of dogs of different breeds. In the past, the result of an unplanned mating was considered a marriage. Mixed-breed puppies were equated to mongrels. Inter-tribal alliances are now encouraged. Breeders purposefully bring together purebred representatives of different breeds. The resulting offspring, for example, a cross between a pug and a Chinese Crested, is called a “designer breed.”

Chinese Crested Powder

The difference between this variety

only that
the entire body is covered with hair
. The coat can be solid, marbled or spotted. Such dogs can participate in exhibitions, but they are not distinguished as a separate breed and are judged together with hairless Chinese Cresteds, which often win due to their extravagance.

The main advantage of down

compared to other long-haired dogs -
they practically do not shed
. In addition, they have thick, soft and silky fur. However, there are varieties with shorter and tougher cover.

Grooming for Powder Puffs is easier than for other long-haired breeds. They need constant brushing

so that the fur does not become shaggy.
also necessary to maintain a uniform length with a haircut
for a neater appearance.

The dog's character is the same as its hairless counterpart. Thanks to its coat, it can better withstand sunny or cold weather. In appearance, puffballs resemble Afghan hounds, but are smaller in size.

The dog is ideal for lovers of fluffy breeds

- after all, in addition to her incredibly beautiful fur, she has a huge plus in the form of the absence of shedding. This will save breeders from wool in the house.

The dog also does not have a characteristic unpleasant odor. And thanks to his intelligence and flexible nature, the pet is easy to train to the tray.


The coat of this dog breed allows even people with allergies to own them. This breed has no undercoat and does not shed.

Chinese Crested Mini

This type of breed is not officially identified. This breed is already small in stature. So if a dog does not meet the standard, then it is a crossbreed or a reject. Of course, you can’t take such a dog to a show, but it can just as please its owners.

With Pekingese

The hybridization of the pug with the Pekingese is not a tribute to a newfangled tradition, but a return to the original roots. Both varieties are of ancient Chinese origin. Residents of the Celestial Empire use the general term “Narra dog” to designate them, which means “waddling”. Until the 19th century, Pekingese dogs were called Pekingese pugs in Europe. Thus, emphasizing the connection between the breeds.

The American woman R. Mons decided to revive the long-standing traditions and conducted several matings of two purebred animals. The offspring were given the nickname lo-shi pug (short pug).

The exterior of puppies looks more squat due to short limbs. Reminds one of its parents by the presence of folds on its face. Dogs delight their owners with their funny appearance and friendly disposition. Mestizos have good immunity, immunity to most diseases.

Animals combine:

  • the attractiveness and determination of the Pekingese;
  • the complacency and positive attitude of the pug.

Thanks to their qualities, they quickly find owners.

Designer Chinese Crested Dog Breeds

Designer breed

called a dog that is obtained by
crossing two individuals from different breeds
. Such matings are done to breed dogs with the characteristic characteristics of their parents. However, the biggest problem is often that it is impossible to control which genes are passed on to offspring.


The results of crossing can be very varied and not always pleasant in appearance.

A cross between a pug and a Chinese Crested

cross is also

As a result of crossing, a wide variety of colors and coats appear. Most often, descendants retain the body structure of a pug
with minor changes.

The fur may be completely absent, cover some areas of the body, or even form a tuft. The length of the fur is unpredictable. The most popular representative of this breed, Boris, gained popularity after a post on Pikabu. He retained all the features of a pug, adding a crest, fluffy paws and a tail.

Cross between Chinese Crested and Chihuahua

Also known as kitsch

. The body remains small in size, the ears are often drooping. The coat can be present all over the body or correspond to the coat of a “pony”.

Cross between Chinese Crested and Griffon

Such dogs often turn out to be beautiful and arouse sympathy among others.

They retain the shape of the muzzle and body, color and coat type of the griffin.

Unfortunately, such dogs are not very pleasant in appearance, but on a walk in a dark park, hooligans will not pester you. As is the case with other crossbreeds, the dog retains the dimensions of a pit bull, and from the crested one takes on a hairless body and a sparse crest on the head.

Only dogs that meet the standard participate in the exhibition.

For hairless crested cats, it is important to have hair on the head, forming into a mane, on the tips of the paws and tail.

Puffs can also participate in the exhibition

, since they are not separated from hairless breeds and are evaluated together.

Hairless dogs with short hair all over the body are considered defective and are not accepted for participation in exhibitions.

Other pug mixes

In addition, there are other crosses:

  1. With a poodle - Pagapoo or Pagoodle.
  2. With a French bulldog - Pug Bull or Frug.
  3. With Brussels Griffon - Brops or Brups.
  4. With a Boston Terrier - Bops.
  5. With Cairn Terrier - Mokern.

The main problem of selection is that it is difficult to predict in advance what the result will be if you cross animals. The exterior of the puppies shows a different combination of distinctive features of breeds. Each individual has a distinct personality. Unfortunately, it is not possible to consolidate the qualities in subsequent generations, so mestizos cannot be considered full-fledged new breeds.

Which pug mix is ​​your favorite?

The story of this hero is very funny. A cross between a pug and a Chinese Crested dog, it will shock everyone who sees it for the first time!

But then everyone’s reaction is different.

Someone says “cool dog!”, someone says “funny dog”, and someone... throws these offensive photos at the owners:

And Boriska, meanwhile, is kind and affectionate - although the owner says that in the village where the dog lives, all the men went crazy when they saw this miracle with a hangover...) Maybe that’s why he really likes to run around the village, scaring the chickens and locals passers-by The dog came to its current owners by accident - the breeder gave this fruit of random love for free “into good hands.” The owners do not plan to further breed the newly-minted breed of “khokhlomops”, because the result may be even more unexpected.

Borya is smart, but very sensitive. If you say something to him in a harsh tone, he may go to the corner and be offended there for a long time, occasionally looking at you with his “wet spot” eyes. And the handsome guy loves pickles and buckwheat porridge! Bori has almost no hair, only a mohawk on his head and a tuft on his tail. In some places his skin resembles pink sandpaper (though in the summer it takes on a milk chocolate hue).

At home, Borya is called the “room gremlin.” But this is loving. Because he really is a miracle Yudo! Can you give Borusik a couple of compliments? Otherwise he is very shy...

Chinese Crested - a rare and exotic breed

, which is gaining popularity every day.

Divided into two types

: downy (long-haired) and hairless dog.

There are two breeding methods:

pure breeding and crossing. Both methods are used when breeding the Chinese Crested Dog.


Representatives of both types of dog breeds can be born in one litter, which is not considered a marriage.

These are small, cheerful and energetic dogs. According to the type of constitution, they are divided into “ponies”

(a stocky, calm dog with a heavy bone)
and a “deer”
(an active dog with a light bone).

Chinese Crested Dog Dimensions:

  • Height at withers
    : 23–33 cm.
  • Weight:
    3–5 kg.
  • Color:
    All colors and pink pigmented skin are allowed.

Head and skull.

A rounded skull with a narrowed oblong muzzle, the length of which is equal to the length from the base of the skull to the transition to the muzzle. The prominent nose of all colors tapers evenly with the muzzle.


Dark, wide-set, almond-shaped eyes with invisible or barely visible whites. Eye color depends on the color of the animal.


Large, low set ears. Representatives of hairless dogs must have them, while fur dogs may have drooping ears. Cupping is not allowed.


The animal has strong, strong jaws. Subspecies differ in the number of teeth. Downy ones must have a full set, while hairless ones may have a shortage.


According to the standard, the neck is long, tightly covered with skin without thickening or folds. Holds high when moving.


Strong, laid back shoulders with well-developed sculpted muscles. Moderately toned stomach. Long, slender fore and hind limbs. The standard is straight paws and toes. Hind legs set wide apart, muscular thighs and elongated, elastic shins.


The position of the tail is average (does not lie on the back, does not hang). It can rise above the level of the back or fall below, and has a crescent shape.


Another difference between the Powderpuff and the Hairless Crested is the coat. Downy ones are characterized by soft, silky wool without a single curl. Hairless representatives of the breed may be completely hairless or have coverings on the head, paws and tip of the tail.

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