Husky mix - 29 hybrids with other breeds, characteristics, photos

A cross between a husky and a wolf, as well as a mixture with other dog breeds, has a number of advantages over purebred representatives.

They have highly developed intelligence and hunting instincts.

There are also some traits of brothers that perfectly complement purebred individuals.

The emotional attachment to the owner of such dogs is very strong.

The husky hybrid is usually in demand among people actively involved in hunting; the wolf-husky crossbreed is especially popular.

If the dog does not get anything during the hunt, then its interest in this pastime will fade.

Regardless of the owner’s hobby (whether he is a hunter or an ordinary city dweller), the husky hybrid needs attention, care and affection.

Therefore, when purchasing such a pet, remember that all responsibility for the dog lies with the owner.

Let's consider three types of breed hybridization: husky and wolf, husky and husky, as well as a cross between a husky and a German shepherd.

Mixed with wolf

Those who like to hunt assume that a cross between a wolf and a husky has sharper vision, sense of smell and hearing.

Let's try to figure out if this is really so.

Let's look at the features of husky and wolf crossbreeds, depending on generations:

  • First generation wolf-husky hybrid - in behavior and appearance it is not much different from a real wolf.

    Such individuals are fearful, are awake mainly at night, sleep more during the day, practically cannot bark and do not adapt well to life near humans.

    We can confidently say that a mixture of husky and wolf is practically unsuitable for hunting.

    However, if you teach a wolf-husky to hunt from early childhood and constantly go into the forest (practically live there), then the mestizo shows excellent performance.

  • Second generation wolf-husky hybrid – differ in great diversity in external characteristics. Although wolfish habits predominate in behavior.

    Among such mestizos there are some individuals who perform satisfactorily during hunting.

  • Third generation wolf-husky hybrid – in appearance and behavior they are similar to ordinary huskies.

    The character of individuals largely depends on their upbringing, training and place of residence. The half-breed Laika is a third-generation wolf that is more manageable and trainable.

    In terms of the development of the husky, the wolf is slightly behind ordinary huskies, but is superior to its counterparts from the first and second generations.

  • Wolf-Laika hybrid of the fourth and fifth generation – has a good sense of smell, acute hearing and vision.

    Such dogs can be called huskies with an infusion of wolf blood. With proper training, the fourth generation wolf-husky mix has a good tendency to hunt large wild animals, squirrels and martens.

Famous representatives

The lack of a unique breed did not prevent many mongrels from becoming real stars. Among them were the first Soviet cosmonauts Belka and Strelka, as well as many four-legged assistants who, without hesitation, threw themselves under enemy tanks with mines on their backs and transported the wounded during the Great Patriotic War.

Military dogs

Outbred but loyal pets were also mentioned in the literature. Chekhov's Kashtanka, whose fate brought millions of people around the world to tears, was also a mongrel. Eduard Asadov dedicated a very sad poem to a red mongrel dog, and Bulgakov wrote a whole story “The Heart of a Dog” about a stray dog. Obviously, the absence of titled parents does not become a serious disadvantage for a four-legged pet. These are unique animals that are distinguished by unique health, unconditional loyalty to the owner and good intelligence.

The mongrels Belka and Strelka are the first Soviet cosmonauts

Husky mix

There are certain risks associated with purchasing such a pet.

Unscrupulous people often pass off mixed-breed puppies as purebred Laikas, which significantly interferes with the work of breeders.

Or they fraudulently pass off ordinary mongrels as a hybrid of a husky and a husky, which becomes known only after the dog has already grown up.

Nevertheless, this combination of breeds is very successful and almost the most ideal. Of course, provided that the Husky-mixed puppy is purchased specifically.

Some people are looking for a cross between Husky and Laika breeds for a long time and patiently, and it’s not a matter of cost.

The reasons for this are as follows:

  • Beautiful appearance: A cross between a husky and a husky perfectly inherits the best features of both breeds. Very often, cute puppies with blue eyes are born that look like a purebred husky.

    With age, the dog becomes an excellent watchdog and skilled hunter. It also happens the other way around: the appearance of the offspring is inherited from the husky, but the character is inherited from the husky.

  • Good character: a dog that is a hybrid of a husky and a husky will easily find an owner, because the selfishness and tough temperament of a husky is smoothed out by the devotion of a husky.

    But it is precisely the uncontrollability of the Siberian that often becomes the only reason for poor compatibility with people.

    Either way, both breeds are great with kids and love to play.

Features of maintenance and care

Since Labrador and Shepherd mixes are hardy and have thick hair, they will feel great both in a city apartment and in the courtyard of a private house. In the latter case, you need to make a warm and spacious booth for your pet.

Attention! Under no circumstances should such a dog be chained. Only if absolutely necessary can the dog be tied up for a short period of time. The dog should have its own place to sleep and rest.

The dog needs to be walked 2-3 times a day. The owner should systematically comb the pet, check the ears and eyes. Wash the animal once every three months

The dog should have its own place to sleep and rest. The dog needs to be walked 2-3 times a day. The owner should systematically comb the pet, check the ears and eyes. Wash the animal once every three months.

To keep your pet's teeth healthy, veterinarians recommend purchasing specialized treats and toys. You can buy them at a pet store. Sometimes animals need their nails trimmed.

You can trim your nails yourself at home

Basic rules for feeding mestizos

Proper nutrition is the key to good dog health. Labrador Retriever-Shepherd hybrids are suitable for special dog food, as well as regular food. The main share of natural food is meat dishes.

The pet must also be fed cereals, dairy products, and vegetables. You should not give your pet food that contains spices or seasonings. Careful control is needed over how much the mixed breed eats. With frequent overeating, the dog develops obesity.

Attention! To correctly calculate the portion for your dog, it is best to contact your veterinarian. You can cook porridge from one type of grain or mix several grains

Hybrid with German Shepherd

When a shepherd dog and a husky are brought together, both quite successful offspring and completely unpredictable individuals can appear.

A dog can outwardly resemble either one of its parents or have mixed features inherent in both breeds.

For example: the dog will have a curled tail, but long ears; or with the color of a husky, but the appearance of a shepherd, or vice versa.

There are many options, and it is impossible to predict the result of crossing. A dog that is not similar to any of the breeds due to the strange interweaving of common characteristics can also learn.

When you purchase a puppy born from the marriage of a husky and a shepherd, you will find a faithful friend for life.

The loyalty and protective qualities of a shepherd dog, complemented by the friendliness, calmness and playfulness of a husky, will give you a wonderful pet.

Why are mestizos needed?

It would seem a strange question, because in the usual understanding, a mestizo is the fruit of a random connection between two breeds of dogs. But it is not so.

Firstly, mixed breeds are often deliberately used by breeders to improve and develop various breeds. The process is complex and involves the use of compacted inbreeding, when the resulting foreign gene is gradually replaced by conservation of the desired genes.

Secondly, mixed breeds of shepherd dogs and huskies are often crossed in order to obtain second generation mixed breeds and raise them into dogs of the desired orientation, even if they are not purebred. Thus, in some former Soviet republics, it is common practice to obtain shepherds and laikoids from large German and East European shepherd dogs with local huskies.

The purpose of crossing is to obtain a new large, hardy, active, intelligent and easy to train dog

The resulting individuals are the “base” for obtaining the second generation of mestizos.

When the dogs are formed, they are again covered with “pure” dogs, splitting the doubled gene and thus strengthening the dogs’ inclinations. The result is large, well-developed, tireless in hunting, intelligent and fearless dogs, attached to their owners until their last breath and easily trained for any type of activity.

These dogs are highly valued because they combine the excellent working qualities of both breeds.

Interesting Facts

Professor S.A. Back in 1929, Gruner spoke in his writings about the crossbreeding of wolf blood into sled-like huskies by some peoples of Siberia and residents of Kamchatka.

The resulting hybrid of a husky and a wolf was highly valued for its higher levels of endurance, the ability to go without food for a long time, and its extraordinary agility.

To know exactly what a husky-shepherd hybrid will look like and what character it will be endowed with, it is advisable to select a puppy that is at least 6 months old.

A big risk is associated with the purchase of two-month-old kittens. At this age, it is impossible to predict what an adult dog will look like.

The Laika is not intended for city living, but a cross between a Laika and a Shepherd can adapt to life in an apartment without any problems.

Since the usual bustle, inherent in megacities, is an acceptable habitat for shepherd dogs.

When crossing a husky and a husky, the result is an almost ideal dog, combining the qualities of a good watchman and a loyal friend. By the way, the excessive activity of the husky can be slightly dampened by the husky genes.

A mixed-breed dog is always a bit of a mystery; it is difficult to predict how such a pet will behave.

In any case, you should purchase mixed huskies only from experienced professional breeders. This will allow you to warn yourself against buying a failed experiment or a “pig in a poke.”

Breeding mixed-breed huskies through absorption crossing will improve some qualities of purebreds.

Breeding good hybrids is a matter for professionals, involving long-term responsible work.

Tips for choosing a puppy

Mutt puppies are usually purchased at poultry markets or selected online. Sometimes they are brought from the street or taken from friends. In order for the arrival of a new pet in the family to become a happy event, when choosing it, it is better to adhere to a number of rules:

  1. Inspect the place where the dog lives. If the place is dirty and unsanitary, your pet may have serious health problems.
  2. Assess the puppy's external characteristics. The baby's eyes should be clean, without purulent discharge, his nose should be moist, and his stomach should have no signs of bloating. There should be no traces of fleas or lice on the coat.
  3. Monitor the dog's behavior. If a puppy shakes at the sight of a person and hides in a corner or runs away, then there will most likely be problems with his socialization.

Mongrel dogs that attack any stranger and try to grab his clothes are unlikely to be re-educated

You need to choose a dog as a family friend who greets a person in a friendly, albeit cautious, manner.

After just a couple of minutes of communication, such a puppy will approach a person and allow himself to be petted. He will wag his tail and lick his hands. Such an individual has an adequate psyche and will become an excellent friend.

Photo gallery

Summarizing the above, we can conclude that when deciding whether to get a hybrid Laika, you need to weigh the pros and cons, taking into account all their positive and negative differences from their purebred counterparts.

Education and training

The mongrel socializes and learns quickly. But for this there must be a good example before her eyes. The owner needs to clearly demonstrate to the pet what can be done and what is strictly prohibited. The algorithm for raising and training a mongrel mongrel is similar to training purebred individuals.

Before a pet arrives in a new family, you need to prepare a place for it. There should be everything for a comfortable stay and good development of the baby. To do this, you can adapt a windproof corner with a comfortable mattress, toys and plates

If the dog is going to live in the courtyard of a private house, then it is important to prepare a warm booth, a strong chain or enclosure so that the pet does not escape

At the beginning of training, it is necessary to ensure that the puppy remembers its name and learns basic norms of behavior

These could be prohibitions on barking too loudly, on damaging property, on excessive attention to strangers on the street... The next stage could be the commands “To your feet!”, “You can’t!”, “Sit!”, “Paw!”, “ Lie!"

Typically, street students respond well to the exercises, easily remembering and following orders.

The next stage could be the commands “To your feet!”, “You can’t!”, “Sit!”, “Paw!”, “Lie down!”. Typically, street students respond well to the exercises, easily remembering and following orders.

It is important for the owner of a mongrel to remember that the use of physical punishment during training and training is unacceptable. But any successful attempts to carry out commands, on the contrary, should be rewarded with affection or a tasty morsel.. It is important in raising a pet to show patience and perseverance

The dog must be accustomed to the position of a subordinate. The owner must be an indisputable leader who resolves all conflicts not with shouts and blows, but with his authority.

It is important to be patient and persistent in raising a pet. The dog must be trained to the position of a subordinate

The owner must be an indisputable leader who resolves all conflicts not with shouts and blows, but with his authority.

It is interesting that the level of intellectual development in an adult dog almost completely corresponds to the development of a child at 3 years old. The Yard Terrier is capable of understanding up to 200 human words. In other cases, he guesses their meaning by action and voice.

Three main differences

1. Coat

Husky is dressed in short and thick hair. Shedding is noticeable twice a year. The color combines tones from black to white.

Laikas have longer, coarser fur and a noticeable canine spirit. The color is varied, different shades are allowed, there may be stripes and spots.

Drawing on the face

The husky's muzzle is decorated with a pattern that goes from the forehead to the eyes. It looks like a heart or the letter "M". The color of the husky's muzzle is arbitrary.

How the tail is worn

The husky's tail is crescent-shaped and set below the line of the back. In an excited state, it can rise, but does not twist to the sides and does not lie on its back.

The tail of huskies is curled and falls over the back.

Attention! Many people believe that all huskies are blue-eyed, but this is not true. The iris of this breed can be brown or different, one eye is blue, the other is brown.

Visual inspection

It is important to know what to look for when examining an animal in order to understand how to choose the right husky puppy for hunting. You should definitely check his bite.

A normal bite is considered if the upper jaw slightly covers the lower jaw. In this case, the puppy should have six incisors on each of the jaws. There should be no obvious signs of disease or chips on the teeth. In addition, the puppy must give a voice.

External distinctive features

Husky is a distinct breed with a compact body, medium size and graceful movements. The skeleton should not be heavy. Height ranges from 51 to 60 cm at the withers. Weight from 15.5 to 28 kg. Huskies are distinguished by their endurance, and do not smell like dogs. They have strong immunity. Dogs of this breed hardly bark. more often they howl or sing.

Laikas unite several similar breeds that appeared in northern Asia and Europe. They have a square body shape, the length of their body is equal to the height of the withers. There are 4 varieties of huskies: Karelian-Finnish - 50-60 cm, West Siberian - 54-60 cm, Russian-European - 54-60 cm, East Siberian - 55-56 cm.

How to choose a thoroughbred?

  1. Buy a puppy not “from hand”, but from nurseries and boarding schools that specialize in breeding them;
  2. Check the puppy's pedigree through a special database. There you will see his parents too;
  3. The puppy's appearance should be well-groomed and well-fed. There should be no discharge from the eyes, mouth or ears, the stomach should be free of rashes and not swollen;
  4. Look at the parents and ask the breeder in more detail about them: where they were exhibited, what titles they have, if the conversation goes well, then you can even ask for the relevant documents confirming his words;
  5. Look at the puppy's documents. They should contain information about the registration, his parents, the brand number that matches the one on the puppy;
  6. Check with the vet. a passport where all vaccinations given to him should be recorded;
  7. Compare the puppy with the standard indicators.

Character of dogs

If you want to have a kind pet at home, always ready to play, take a husky. There is no aggression towards humans in this breed; animals adore children. They adapt to different living conditions, but must see the owner as a leader.

Laika is a hunter with perfect vision, hearing and smell. She will make a good guard. The hunting instinct of huskies prevails over others. The pet is overly curious and can run away in search of adventure. It is imperative to cultivate a good attitude towards each family member from childhood. Laika can be jealous of newcomers, such as children and other pets. A person must occupy a leading position and demand complete submission. Laikas do not do well in hot weather and in confined spaces. It is better to keep them in open enclosures.

Interesting! Husky puppies have open eyes at birth!

Both breeds are highly active and require serious physical activity and intense training. Even during the birth of breeds, they spent a lot of time with humans. Therefore, there is a dependence on the attention of the owners. Animals have a hard time with loneliness.

You may be aware of other differences between these breeds. Be sure to share your knowledge in the comments. I thank everyone who supports the channel with a like, review or repost. Subscribe, see you again!

Behavioral factors

Already as a puppy, you can determine what behavior he will have when he grows up. A hunting dog should not be overly aggressive, because it must unquestioningly carry out all orders, and, if necessary, independently transfer the prey to the owner. At an early stage of development, puppies develop qualities such as independence and calmness. At the same time, they must be able to stand up for themselves.

Also an important behavioral factor for a husky should be the ability to not lose contact when looking into the eyes. This trait will indicate that the dog will be focused and brave in the future. It is important to watch how she behaves during feeding. It is good if the puppy makes its way to the rear nipples, which contain the most milk, while pushing away the sisters and brothers.

Plus, if the pet is constantly searching for food, this will become the basis for a complex interaction between all senses.

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