Dobermans in Europe and the best European clubs

  • Doberman

The Dobermann is a large German dog breed with an athletic build. They were bred to serve as bodyguards, serve in the army and police, and in the right hands become companion dogs.

  1. Country of origin : Germany
  2. Height at withers : male: 68-72 cm; female: 63-68 cm
  3. Weight : male: 40-45 kg; female: 32-35 kg
  4. Lifespan : 12-15 years
  5. Use : Watchman, Security Guard, Companion Dog
  6. Other names : Doberman Pinscher, Thuringian Pinscher

Buying a Doberman puppy is a responsible and important action that you need to think carefully about before doing. This is especially true for those people who are going to become truly responsible dog breeders. The question of choice should be approached carefully and without haste, comparing your own habits, daily routine and the nature of the chosen breed. When the future owner has decided on the breed, a new dilemma arises: how to find a bona fide breeder? Here you need to be extremely careful not to become a prematurely disappointed dog owner.

Buying a Doberman puppy is a very exciting event, because you can say that a new family member will appear. To ensure that the event does not overshadow anything, it is worth taking a responsible approach to choosing a breeder. There are no bad dog breeds; you can simply run into an unscrupulous breeder for whom money comes first. The future owner is at great risk of buying an animal that has a lot of health problems. It is for this reason that you need, first of all, to get to know the breeder well, read reviews about him and the like.

Smart Wood Hills Dog Kennel. Doberman

Description:Breeding nursery engaged in breeding Dobermann dogs. One of the leading kennels of this breed, whose dogs annually confirm their exterior and working qualities at the world's largest exhibitions and working tests. The nursery constantly offers high-quality Dobermann puppies for sale. Smart Wood Hills Kennel provides puppy owners with assistance in preparing for exhibitions and consultations on all issues related to keeping a Doberman.
Contacts:Moscow region (nearest Moscow region), Dmitrovsky district, pos. State farm Ostankino. Sportivnaya st. 65A 8-926-295-8898

Dobermans in Germany and photos of German pinschers

Germany is the birthplace of many purebred breeds: the Boxer, the German Shepherd as we know it today, Schnauzers, Rottweilers, Weimaraners and many others. But the German Doberman Pinscher was still one of the most significant. The Germans recently stopped using the word "pinscher". A thorough study of a large number of pedigrees has shown that the Pinscher has virtually nothing to do with the formation of this breed, if at all involved in it. In accordance with this, they simply call it “Doberman”.

How did the revival of the German Doberman take place after World War II and what is the modern breed in Germany?

At the end of World War II, the dog breeding stock in Germany virtually disappeared. Breeders had to start over and work with what they had left.

In recent years, the type of Doberman in Germany has undergone a change. New ideas gain acceptance. Suddenly the usual elegant dog with a slightly stretched format has gone out of fashion, and, oddly enough, the offspring of the kennels that made the greatest contribution to the development of the breed, such as Von Germania, are considered undesirable in their type. One can only wonder at the reasons for this change. It seems that it happened under the influence of the personal sympathies of one or two people.

As you can see in the photo of German Dobermans, selection during breeding is carried out between the type of weightlifter and the silhouette of an agile sprinter:

Both are correct in their own way, but if you try to combine them, problems immediately arise.

It must be honestly acknowledged that dogs who are supposedly substandard cannot be ignored from kennels that have contributed so much to the breed and whose influence is still seen in their offspring. This sheer stupidity is clearly not a credit to the breed and is unfair to many dedicated breeders.

In all countries near West Germany, virtually all Doberman bloodlines are based on dogs imported before World War II. While the number of kennels in these countries never reached the number that existed in Germany, they produced some excellent dogs. Many of them, figuratively speaking, “went to Tula with their gingerbread.” That is, they were exported back to nurseries in Germany, the result of which was the export of dogs that made it possible to increasingly improve breeding work.

Kennel of dogs from the House of Luvira. Miniature Pinscher, Miniature Pinscher Doberman

Description:Dwarf Pinscher puppies available from a World Champion. DOBERMAN Puppies. Detailed information about breeds, history, puppies on our website We will be glad to see you on our website! Well, the owners of our puppies! Welcome to visit us! Our goal is your joy from our dogs. Join the friendly family of our like-minded people.
Contacts:ICQ 268052793 (when logging into ICQ, please mark “puppies”) (495) 968-9352

Height, weight and breed characteristics

It is better to purchase a puppy in the age category of more than one and a half months.

Don't pay attention to loud titles in advertising. Always ask to see documentary evidence confirming the seller's words.

So, you have determined why you are purchasing a dog.

Now you need to make sure that the dog is completely healthy.

The main flaws are: light spots, light eyes, crooked paws, insufficient weight and height of the animal, and the like.

Check to see if your baby has an umbilical hernia. A hernia is not a defect, but its presence is not desirable.

“High-quality” Doberman puppies must be distinguished by black eyes, have optimal weight and height for their age, an angular body, a very elongated neck, strong bones, a developed back, the forehead and muzzle are on the same line, a docked tail and a wide chest.

A clear tan is considered a clear advantage; this is considered a sign of good immunity . The weight of a male dog by the age of four months should be about 18 kilograms, and the weight of a girl at the same age is about 16 kg.

Strong Doberman puppies have an excellent appetite, clear eyes, smooth, shiny fur. They are well-fed, active, playful and cheerful.

Graphic-line dog kennel. Doberman

Description:Doberman nursery registered in the RKF in 2002. Directions of breeding: 1) improvement of the Doberman breed, based on a) introduction of long-lived sires into matings; b) obtaining offspring with the lowest inbreeding coefficient; c) passing various veterinary tests 2) obtaining a psyche that can easily adapt to any conditions (easily tolerate stress), incl. In urban settings. Requirements for character: balance and firmness along with good instincts of a working dog 3) exterior, in our exterior breeding we prefer square, high-fronted Dobermans, with good leverage (strong limbs, good angles). The raw type of Doberman is not our type. We pay great attention to the shape of the head. Despite the small number of livestock, we have achieved considerable success in domestic and foreign exhibition rings. The motto of our nursery is: Quality, not quantity!
Contacts:4957261901 4957261901 4953799697

Breeding Dobermans in Holland

Holland was among the leading countries that began breeding Dobermanns before the First World War. The Doberman Pinscher Club was founded in 1905 under the name "Nederlandshe Dobermann-Pinscher Club". By 1912, the Doberman was already well known in this country. There were few breeders, but they bred about the same number of dogs as in Germany. Only the best representatives of the breed were imported, and several German breeders lived in Holland at that time. Some of the Dutch Dobermans were even exported to the United States.

By 1927, there were two Doberman Pinscher clubs in Holland, competing with each other. This continued until the terrible days of World War II and the occupation. One of them had thirteen members left by the end of the war, the other had thirty-six, and they decided to unite again. New nurseries gained recognition, one of which was Von Nierland-Stamm Mrs. Kniff-Dermout, who keeps the events of those years in her memory.

Holland has been a stronghold for good Dobermans for many years. Although there are not many kennels there, the ones that exist breed high quality dogs. In Holland they tend to have predominantly lighter and more elegant Dobermans. Unlike Germany, there are no sharp changes in the type of dogs, and it will be interesting for us to follow the evolution of the breed in this country.

Before adopting a dog from the kennel

Any pet with character and emotions. Call a friend who already has an animal if you have not interacted with animals. Relatives may have a negative attitude towards the decision to adopt a dog - convince them and get their consent. Walk the dog yourself, or arrange with relatives. Remember, the dog is usually walked 3 times a day. If you have children, they should be able to get along with animals. Teach them not to hurt your pet. The child should not touch the pet when she is eating or sleeping. You cannot scare or shout at the animal.

Dobermanns in Belgium, Switzerland and Italy

Although Belgium is a small country, there are Dobermans and a very small group of breeders who are boldly looking to the future, despite the limited breeding programs for show Dobermans.

Several dogs were imported into it, mainly from the Von Furstenfeld kennel.

At present, small countries can only follow in the footsteps of the large ones and take sides in matters of type, but they have not yet contributed to the breed.

The Dobermann Society of Switzerland was founded in 1902 and celebrated its seventy-fifth anniversary in 1977. At the time of this writing, the Swiss Doberman Club was headed by Mr. Jean Maizières, a breeder and well-known expert.

This small country is at a crossroads - not a single star has yet emerged from it, but there is not a single document that speaks of serious shortcomings and shortcomings in breeding programs. In recent years, Switzerland has produced several Champions. Two are especially worth mentioning - the bitch Colette, Winner of the 1963 Paris Exhibition, and the beautiful young male, Champion. Balbo von der Stolzreute, who became the father of several remarkable litters from French bitches.

Italy was in the background for a long time, but over the past five years it has begun to recover from its slumber. It imported many dogs from Germany, mainly from the Von Furstenfeld kennel, some of which became champions. Recently, several Dobermans have been imported to Italy from the well-known French kennel De la Molière from Champ. Earl von Forell.

The first thing to do

Plan when you will take your dog for vaccinations. Bring toys for him to play with. Prepare a place and train your pet to this place. Necessary things:

  • Dry food,
  • clothes,
  • Shampoo,
  • Oral hygiene product,
  • Brush (comb),
  • Claw clipper.

If you want to add your organization, fill out the form below: Indicate the name of the nursery, its description and provide contact information. We will be glad to add you to our directory.

Photo gallery

So, you are ready to buy a four-legged baby. First of all, you need to determine why you are taking it. Whether you are thinking about showing or just want to have a pet. Its cost will depend on this.

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