Yorkie pregnancy: duration, course features

Decorative breeds are at risk due to pregnancy. The owner of the Yorkie needs to prepare for the process, know all the nuances, and be in constant contact with the veterinarian. Pregnancies in Yorkshire Terriers often end in caesarean section. The operation can only be performed under sterile clinical conditions. From the article you will learn: how long the pregnancy lasts, what are the harbingers of an imminent birth, what you need to prepare, how to facilitate the process and when you should immediately go to the clinic or call a veterinarian.

Features of pregnancy in Yorkies

After the mating, some time should pass, after which it will become clear that fertilization was successful and there will be puppies soon. The average total pregnancy for bitches of this breed is two months. Of course, depending on the physiology of the bitch, the timing may vary slightly: from 59 to 65 days.

Already three weeks after mating, subject to successful fertilization, you can notice the first signs of pregnancy in the bitch:

  • discharge from the loop: thick mucus without color;
  • the dog loses its appetite: from decrease to complete loss;
  • shiver;
  • toxicosis, expressed in nausea and vomiting.

All of these symptoms can be signs of pregnancy or other diseases of the bitch. When they appear, you need to visit a veterinary clinic, where, based on tests, the doctor will determine the fact. An ultrasound examination will be performed, a veterinary specialist will make a conclusion about the number of embryos, the duration and course of the bitch’s pregnancy, and give advice on care.

After 30 days, the bitch begins to show more obvious signs:

  • the stomach is rounded;
  • nipples turn pink and enlarge;
  • Hair on the abdomen falls out or thins.

In the second half of the term, the symptoms of malaise disappear: appetite appears, the depressed state goes away, and there is no toxicosis. Of course, all this is individual. Some Yorkie bitches suffer from nausea and lack of appetite for the entire period, right up to giving birth.

The course of pregnancy of a Yorkshire Terrier by day (table):

Signs of imminent labor

During pregnancy, it is worth keeping a notebook in which you record the course, symptoms, temperature readings and visits to the veterinarian. It is possible that during the birth process something will not go according to plan and you will have to consult a doctor. There are often situations where there are overlaps, when your doctor is busy or absent, another specialist who is not familiar with the bitch will find such information very useful.

The main signs of close births:

  • The pet’s behavior changes: it becomes fussy or, conversely, lethargic. The bitch will try to hide in a secluded place. Often the space under the sofa or other inconvenient places is chosen. You shouldn’t let her do this, as you might miss the beginning of the process. The bitch should have her own equipped place, located in a secluded corner, so she will not have to hide;
  • drop in body temperature. Together with the veterinarian, the expected date of birth is calculated. 2-3 days before, temperature measurements begin to be taken once a day. When the readings drop to 36-37 degrees, the process will begin very soon. The maximum waiting period is one day;
  • frequent urination. The stomach drops, pressure on the bladder increases, and the urge becomes more frequent;
  • the dog often develops diarrhea;
  • breathing quickens, trembling appears. These signs indicate the beginning of contractions, which means the birth process has begun and the puppies will soon be born.

What to feed a pregnant dog?

The first month does not require any dietary adjustments. You need to start changing it from the second month. If your dog eats ready-made food, you should buy her a special diet for pregnant women.

Natural feeding will require the addition of vitamin and mineral supplements to the food. Your doctor will help you determine how much vital substances you need to add.

The serving size should be increased by 10% every week. You need to eat fish and lean meat. 14 days before birth, the volume of proteins decreases; 7 days before birth they must be completely removed. In the second month, your pet needs to be offered food more often, but she should not overeat. It is important to monitor your weight to prevent obesity.

Preparing for childbirth

To successfully complete the process, when both the bitch and the puppies feel great, the owner needs to carry out thorough preparation.

Important: do not rely only on your own strength. Be sure to agree with a veterinary specialist in advance so that in a critical situation they will wait for you and do not have to wander around to various clinics. Labor may begin at night; not all hospitals are open at such times.

What you need to prepare:

  1. Place for childbirth. It is necessary to lay clean natural fabric and prepare disposable diapers. The location should be quiet, away from drafts or radiators. Prepare a container of water.
  2. Supplies: a supply of diapers, alcohol, a set of clean pieces of fabric or gauze, tampons, cotton pads.
  3. Place for newborn puppies. A box or basket lined with a warm cloth will do. Place a bottle of warm water in the box, which is replaced as it cools. Make sure that the water in the container is not scalding hot.
  4. Tools: sharp scissors (cut the umbilical cord), silk thread for a sling, brilliant green for processing, pipette (pump out mucus from the nose, a baby bulb aspirator may be suitable).

It is worth preparing a first aid kit, which must contain the following medications:

  • calcium gluconate;
  • oxytocin;
  • diphenhydramine;
  • saline;
  • no-shpa;
  • chlorhexidine;
  • alcohol.

Additionally, you need to prepare small-volume syringes.

Before giving birth, the dog’s nails must be trimmed to avoid injury to the bitch and puppies. In the area of ​​the tail and on the belly, if necessary, the hair is shaved.

Basic rules step by step

The best place for mating is a room in a house or apartment..

If this is not possible, then the dogs can be bred somewhere on the street, but not in full view of passers-by and not where there are a lot of other people’s dogs.

In this case, the place where mating is carried out must be located in the territory of the male dog.

Mating is best done this way:

  • Both partners are brought indoors and off their leashes so that the dogs can play and get to know each other.
  • After the dogs run up, the bitch freezes in place and allows the male to approach her and sniff the loop. After this, the male will most likely try to mount, which may or may not be successful. In this case, the owners will have to intervene and help the pets. You should hold the bitch by the collar with one hand and under the belly with the other so that she cannot sit down or dodge. If the dog is too small and does not reach the loop, then a stand should be placed under his feet.
  • As soon as the dog is able to get into the loop, he begins to dance, as if standing on his hind legs, and then turns his back to the bitch. If this happens, it means that the mating was successful and a so-called “lock” was formed.
  • After the “castle” is formed, the dogs stand for 20-40 minutes with their backs turned to each other, but this process can take up to an hour. No matter how much dog owners are in a hurry, it is impossible to forcibly separate their pets, as this can lead to serious injuries. While the castle lasts, the owners of the bitch and dog may well have time to fill out the Mating Certificate or discuss the terms of payment, if they have not done so before.
  • The next day, regardless of whether there was a “lock” or not, it is recommended to carry out a second, control mating.

Experienced stud dogs, as a rule, do not need help, but when untying a young, inexperienced dog, it is better to invite a mating instructor.

Childbirth at home: how to take it

The owner plays an important role in the process of pregnancy and childbirth of the bitch. You should not leave your pet alone, especially during the first birth. You can’t panic and fuss; you need to prepare for the process by understanding the physiology of the process in advance and discussing all the actions with a veterinarian.

Important: the more embryos, the simpler the process. In this case, the puppies are small in size and it is easier for a decorative miniature bitch to give birth to such a baby.

If there are two or three puppies, the birth may be difficult due to the large fetuses. In this case, it is very important to carry out the birth in the presence of a veterinarian. He will be able to determine in time that the babies are walking with their paws up, which means a caesarean section will be needed.

Indications for caesarean section:

  • light weight of the bitch (up to 2 kg);
  • narrow pelvis;
  • puppies walk with their paws up.

The duration of labor is from 3 to 12 hours (can last longer). If the owner is afraid of blood, panics, and doesn’t have time, the best way out is to send the bitch to a hospital hospital.

How to accept

Host actions:

  • ensure peace in the house during childbirth;
  • the first birth should be carried out in the presence of a veterinarian;
  • after the puppy leaves the loop, the umbilical cord is tied at a distance of 1 cm. A cut is made with sharp scissors and treated with brilliant green;
  • the amniotic sac is ruptured, the puppy is wiped, the nasal passages and mouth are cleared of mucus. They give it to the mother to lick the baby;
  • the newborn kitten, after all the procedures, is applied to the bitch’s nipple. At the next attempts, it is put into a box with a warm bottle of water or a heating pad;
  • The dog usually eats the afterbirth. This is normal, it contains substances that stimulate labor. Do not disturb her; in case of multiple pregnancy, 1-2 pieces are enough;
  • If the baby is stuck in the birth canal, you cannot pull it by force. You can help the bitch only if the kitten's head and paws have already appeared. In other cases, you need to call your veterinarian immediately and act under his guidance.

Up to 30 minutes can pass between puppies coming out, so don’t fuss and carry out the newborn’s hygiene carefully and carefully.

Important: between births, the Yorkie bitch needs to be given water to drink and allowed to move around - all this stimulates labor. After the last baby comes out, the bitch is left alone with them in a box.


During normal labor, this process is divided into 3 stages:

  1. Dilatation of the cervix.
  2. Birth of puppies.
  3. The appearance of afterbirth.

The labor process begins with the breaking of water, then pushing and dilatation of the cervix begin. The dog is nervous, often licks itself, and clings to its owner. The puppy is born in an amniotic sac, which must be torn if the bitch does not do it herself. It is also necessary to cut the umbilical cord. The puppy comes out with its hind legs or pelvis forward.

The puppy may appear from the loop and hide back several times, this is normal.

The interval between the appearance of puppies is on average 20 - 40 minutes, from the start of contractions until the appearance of the last puppy 3 - 24 hours pass. 15 minutes after the birth of each puppy, an afterbirth should come out, which the bitch can eat - biologically active substances contained in the placenta stimulate lactation.

The dog should not be allowed to eat more than 2 afterbirths, otherwise it may develop diarrhea.

The number of puppies depends on the dog's size, genetics and quality of life, but Yorkies are unlikely to have a very large litter. On average, a dog bears from 1 to 6 puppies, most often 2 to 3. The eyes of puppies open on the 10th to 16th day after birth.

Postpartum care

The dog is left with the kids, but after 7-10 hours you will need to take it outside. Provided that the birth took place normally. The walk doesn't have to be long. Returning home, they carry out careful hygiene: the Yorkie bitch is washed, dried with a hairdryer and only then returned to the puppies.

Feeding your pet during this period is important. If babies suckle without problems, everything is fine. If you hear constant squeaking and fussing from the box, the puppies are not getting enough nutrition. The dog should be fed 4-5 times a day, the nutritional value of the diet should be increased.

Particular attention is paid to the nipples of the young mother. They are constantly examined for inflammation. Babies may not suck out all the milk; leftovers lead to stagnation and inflammatory processes. In this case, you will have to express.


  • the nipple becomes hard and hot;
  • the color changes: it turns red and even turns blue.

In this case, babies are not allowed to suck and are transferred to artificial feeding. The bitch is immediately taken to the veterinarian.

A common problem for Yorkshire Terrier bitches who give birth is diarrhea. If it does not go away for several days, the dog is put on a diet and given a decoction of rice.

Important: within 9-12 days, the discharge should become clear and very scanty from blood, and should not have an unpleasant odor or impurities of pus. Their presence is a reason for an urgent visit to the veterinarian.

What foods are harmful to the Yorkshire Terrier?

The body of purebred dogs can react sharply negatively to certain types of foods, so owners need to know what ingredients need to be excluded from the dog’s menu. Yorkshire Terriers are prohibited from giving:

  • fatty meats (duck, goose, pork and lamb);
  • flour products;
  • foods high in sugar;
  • chocolate and candies;
  • fresh milk;
  • pearl barley and oats;
  • foods that cause increased gas formation (peas, beans, cabbage);
  • citrus;
  • grape;
  • mushrooms.

A combination diet consisting of a mixture of natural ingredients and dry food is not suitable for Yorkshire Terriers. Such a diet can seriously harm the animal’s digestion.

If there are complications

Complications may occur during childbirth:

  • cessation of labor;
  • heavy bleeding;
  • stuck puppy;
  • absence of contractions for a long time after the water breaks;
  • damage to the uterus;
  • eclampsia, etc.

Of course, some problems can be solved on your own. If such a birth is the owner’s first, your actions can only cause harm. Need help from a specialist.

How many puppies are born

During estrus, up to 12 eggs mature. Of course, not all of them will be fertilized or implanted in the uterus. But such a possibility exists. The number of fertilized eggs will be affected by the bitch’s hormonal background, number of matings and births, age, health status and other factors.

The average number of puppies is 3 or 4. There are deviations in one direction or another, but both multiple and small pregnancies are dangerous for the dog. In this case, the best option is delivery by cesarean section.

Power types

There are two main methods of feeding Yorkies: a natural diet and feeding with dry food. Each of them is able to provide your pet with the microelements necessary for health and well-being. The choice of method depends on how much time the owner is willing to spend on his four-legged friend.

Let's take a closer look at the features of each type of food.

  • Dry food. Dog food in granules is an ideal choice for owners who do not have time to prepare food for their pet. High-quality dry food already contains balanced microelements and vitamins, so the Yorkie owner can only choose the right variety and calculate the dosage of the portions. It is important to know that cheap products do not satisfy the needs of four-legged friends - only premium and super premium products are suitable for purebred animals.
  • Natural food. The method takes much more time for the owner, but the variety of foods makes the dog much happier. One half of the servings should consist of protein products, and the other half of carbohydrates and fiber. A natural diet must be supplemented with vitamins that are lacking in regular food.

It is important to note that for a natural type of food it is necessary to select the right foods, because a Yorkie cannot eat everything. The menu is compiled using the following ingredients:

  • meat with low fat content (chicken, lamb, veal or turkey);
  • chicken liver;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • buckwheat, rice or wheat;
  • vegetables;
  • low-fat fermented milk products;
  • chicken egg yolk (it is better not to give the white);
  • fresh fruit (apples or peaches);
  • dried fruits (only on the recommendation of a veterinarian).

It is recommended to season each serving with olive oil - this ingredient has a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

False pregnancy

After mating, a false pregnancy may develop. In this state, the bitch not only has external signs of pregnancy, but also her hormonal levels change and colostrum appears. In addition, the bitch begins to lick soft toys, fuss, “make a nest”, get nervous, and aggression is possible.

This condition cannot be cured. All that remains is to wait for the moment when the hormones return to normal.

During this period you need:

  • walk your Yorkie more;
  • feed properly;
  • remove soft toys.

You can seek help from a doctor, especially if there is bleeding, lethargy, fever, etc.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. Pregnancy in a Yorkie female lasts from 58 to 65 days.
  2. You can deliver the baby yourself or in a clinic.
  3. There are usually 3 to 4 puppies in a litter, with smaller and larger numbers requiring special attention.
  4. In the postpartum period, they monitor the bitch’s hygiene, the condition of the nipples and discharge from the loop.
  5. If there are complications, you should call your doctor and act under his guidance.
  6. False pregnancy cannot be treated; you need to wait for the hormonal levels to stabilize.

How was your pet's birth? Did you give birth yourself? Please write about your experience in the comments.


At the end of the first month, the dog’s body becomes more rounded, thickening is noticeable on the sides. If the pregnancy is multiple, the belly will begin to enlarge at the beginning of the 3rd week. With the onset of the 5th week, the nipples swell and the skin around them becomes lighter. Active growth of the abdomen occurs at the end of 2 months, when puppies begin to actively gain weight.

During the first pregnancy, signs appear later because Yorkies giving birth for the first time have stronger abdominal muscles.

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