A selection of breeds with long (fluffy) hair with photos and descriptions

The length of the coat often becomes the main criterion for choosing a four-legged friend. Long and fluffy pile is the key to a cute appearance, but in some cases it can cause irritating hair on furniture, carpets, and clothes. Therefore, when purchasing a long-haired breed, you need to weigh the pros and cons, evaluate your time and financial capabilities for caring for your pet’s coat.

Read an interesting article: “TOP 13 dog breeds with long ears: a selection with photos.”

Bichon Frize

The Bichon Frize or curly-haired lapdog is considered the progenitor of all varieties of lapdogs. The first mention of the breed dates back to the 14th century, when it was brought to Europe. For a long time, this white fluffy dog ​​remained the favorite breed of kings. Little curly-haired charmers have a cheerful and friendly character. They are extremely mobile and easily adapt to their environment. The coat of curly lap dogs is always white.

Read more about the Bichon.

Coton de Tulear

Origin:Madagascar Island
Dimensions:Height 25–28 cm, weight 4–6 kg
Character:Smart, strong, agile, loyal, loves to swim
Where used:Indoor decorative dog
Lives:12–14 years old

The Coton de Tulear ("Tulear Cotton") is a breed belonging to the Bichon family, introduced to Madagascar several centuries ago. The name refers to the tropical port of Tulear and the wool, which resembles an armful of snow-white cotton. The second name is very pretentious - the royal dog of Madagascar. The ancestors are believed to have been a French bichon and an Italian lapdog, who arrived with European travelers on ships.

In the canine world there is no more complete data on the pedigree of a dog. Selection took place under the influence of Madagascan blood from the local genetic fund. The popularity of Coton de Tulear increased when influential representatives of Madagascar became interested in it. By the 70s of the last century, the most purebred representatives of the “cotton-wool” animal reached the shores of America and Europe.

Bearded Collie

The birthplace of the Bearded Collie is Scotland. The breed represents a family of Scottish Old Type Sheepdogs, which were specially bred to work as shepherds. In the harsh climate of the country, long and thick hair, which gives the dog a bright appearance, serves to protect the animal from the cold. Hardy, intelligent, energetic, bearded collies are highly independent. They correctly assess the situation and make the right decisions. This breed is little known to lovers, since it requires special conditions of detention and competent education.

Features of caring for fluffies

General recommendations for keeping long-haired dogs do not differ from other breeds. The animal needs to be walked regularly, keep its ears, nose, eyes clean, have its claws trimmed, and feed it with balanced food. But you need to monitor your pet’s fur more carefully:

  • comb daily with special combs;
  • periodically carry out grooming;
  • bathe twice a month using dog shampoo;
  • monitor the general condition of the hair and skin.

Shaggy dogs are very popular among animal lovers, as they evoke the most positive emotions. However, long-haired breeds are primarily a big responsibility. When deciding to buy a furry cat, you need to be prepared to pay a lot of attention to it every day.

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Bobtail (Old English Sheepdog)

Many people believe that bobtails are the fluffiest dogs on Earth. Indeed, the fur covers the dog’s body so much that its outlines are not visible underneath it. In Great Britain the breed is called the Old English Sheepdog. The very name “bobtail” is associated with a short and thick tail, which is docked in the first days of a puppy’s life. The dog has a balanced character, is devoted to its owner, loves long walks and active games.

Read more about the Old English Sheepdog.

Advantages and disadvantages of furry dog ​​breeds

These furry four-legged friends make you fall in love at first sight with their good-natured appearance and luxurious fur. However, this is not their only advantage.

Among other advantages, dog breeders note the following:

  • thanks to the thick hair, such breeds look more decorative;
  • dense fur protects well from the cold, and therefore long-haired pets can be safely owned in the northern regions of the country;
  • Shaggy dogs have a gentler character and therefore get along better with children.

However, there are also disadvantages that should be considered before purchasing a puppy:

  • long hair needs to be combed regularly so that it does not get tangled;
  • Fluffy dogs are not suitable for allergy sufferers;
  • Caring for shaggy pets is much more expensive than short-haired breeds.

Long fur is an excellent home for parasites, and therefore the animal must be carefully examined after each walk.

Golden retriever

The creator of the Golden Retriever breed is considered to be the Scottish Lord Dudley Marjoribbanks. An amateur breeder, he managed to breed a dog with amazing hunting skills. Golden retrievers are not afraid of water; they can easily retrieve killed game from any body of water. They adore their owners, are endlessly devoted to them, love all family members, and get along easily with other pets. The appearance of an English aristocrat is organically complemented by long silky fur, shining gold in the sun.

Read more about golden retrievers in this article.

Keeshond (German Wolfspitz)

Among the furry representatives of canines, the Keeshond occupies a special position. The oldest breed of fluffy dogs, whose ancestors were turf dogs, is one of the largest Spitz-like dogs. He has an energetic character, is kind to his owner, but knows how to show his independence. Distrustful of strangers, it can start a quarrel with strange dogs, but calmly coexists with other pets. It is easy to train, which is why the breed can often be found in the circus arena.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

The Caucasian Shepherd is a large fluffy dog ​​with a serious character. Without fear, it enters into single combat with a wolf, and often emerges victorious, for which it received its second name - the Caucasian wolfhound. The dog has a pronounced desire for independence; it does not like to act as a subordinate. Only a person who is self-confident and well acquainted with the breed can become an authority for her. With proper upbringing, a huge dog turns out to be a reliable guard and a devoted friend.

Read about Caucasian Shepherds.

Medium-sized dog breeds

There are several hundred furry breeds in the world, the sizes of which range between miniature and large. Such pets are universal - they can be kept in an apartment or in the yard of a private house.

Samoyed dog

The shaggy pet, bred by Russian cynologists, has thick snow-white fur, sometimes with a cream or light brown tint. Height at the withers reaches 0.5-0.6 m, body weight - from 18 to 35 kg. The animal is very well developed, hardy, and able to withstand extreme cold. The dog has a cheerful disposition, is friendly and sociable. At the same time, Samoyeds are excellent watchdogs.

Bearded Collie

An English breed that is distinguished by long, hair-like hair. The color is bicolor - snow-white with extensive fawn areas. A bearded collie grows up to 55 cm, weighing no more than 20-22 kg. The animal has developed intelligence and a good-natured character, is easy to train, gets along well with children, and is not aggressive towards other pets.

Chow chow

The fluffy dog ​​looks like a teddy bear and grows up to 40-45 cm. The body weight of an adult animal is about 25-30 kg. The coat is very thick, soft, and has a dense down. The most common colors are red, and less common are charcoal black. Chow-chows have a kind, calm disposition; they are inactive and not very energetic. They can be stubborn, but are very loyal to their owner.

The fluffy dog ​​looks like a teddy bear and grows up to 40-45 cm. The body weight of an adult animal is about 25-30 kg. The coat is very thick, soft, and has a dense down. The most common colors are red, and less common are charcoal black. Chow-chows have a kind, calm disposition; they are inactive and not very energetic. They can be stubborn, but are very loyal to their owner.

Australian Shepherd

Initially, the breed was bred as a herding dog - the dogs helped farmers, looked after the herd, and guarded poultry houses. They are quite friendly, non-conflicting, and get along well with other animals. Height at the withers reaches 0.6 m with a total body weight of about 30 kg. The coat is elongated and hard to the touch. The color of the Australian Shepherd includes several shades at once - from white to red-brown and coal black.

Australian Shepherd

Chow chow

Bearded Collie

Siberian Husky

The most beautiful northern breed with thick, dense fur of medium length. It is distinguished by a wolf-like muzzle, erect ears and multi-colored eyes (blue, yellow, green or brown). Huskies grow up to 0.5-0.6 m, weighing 25-28 kg. They have an athletic build and are quite durable. The dogs are cheerful, energetic, and get along well with children.


The German Wolfspitz is a relative of the miniature Spitz. This variety grows just over half a meter, weighing about 25-27 kg. The coat is very thick, voluminous, soft to the touch, and wolf in color. Fluffy has a difficult temperament - he often gets into fights with other dogs, does not like strangers, and is restless. At the same time, he is easy to train and is very loyal to his owner.

American Eskimo dog

Another representative of the Spitz family, with medium dimensions. Its height at the withers reaches half a meter, and its body weight ranges from 10 to 16 kg. The pet has long snow-white fur, similar to hair. Sometimes a solid color is diluted by a creamy shade. The character is good-natured, cheerful, sociable. The animal is very smart and is often used for search work.

Pomeranian Spitz

Despite the fact that the Pomeranian is the smallest fluffy dog, it surprises with its leadership qualities and desperate courage. Some cynologists classify the breed as a variety of German Spitz. This furry beauty's desire for dominance is such that he should be raised like a serious dog. The Pomeranian loves to bark loudly, which does not bring much joy to his owner's neighbors. With the right approach to training, a dog turns out to be a soulful companion, infinitely loving and devoted.

Read more about Pomeranians.


Nobility and strength are the first two criteria that come to mind when you think of the Newfoundland Hound, better known as the Newfoundland.

Despite the large muscles, it maintains a harmonious silhouette, if not elegant, both in static conditions and in movement. His back is wide and straight. The legs are wide and round. Its head is massive with a large skull. The eyes are small, set in the sockets, widely spaced, dark brown in color.

Its fur is traditionally black. Its coat is long, flat (but short and fine on the head), dense, waterproof, as is the thick and soft undercoat. Its limbs are fringed and its tail is covered with long, thick hair.

The average male reaches 71 cm at the withers and weighs from 60 to 70 kg. Female dogs average 66 cm at the withers and weigh from 50 to 60 kg.

But what makes the Newfoundland especially interesting is its strong personality, thanks to its subtle mixture of dignity, loyalty and patience. His impressive strength combined with his lively intelligence makes him a versatile dog: if he excels in beauty shows and in various working disciplines (water, pulling, obedience, etc.), he is above all an ideal family dog. And a wonderful companion for all times.

Newfoundlands also come in chocolate and Landseer (black and white) colors, but black is by far the most common color in this friendly family dog.

They require frequent brushing, especially as the seasons change, to prevent a buildup of undercoat that can become matted and uncomfortable.

Newfoundlands were bred to catch nets out of the water, and they love to swim, especially because their thick black coat can cause them to overheat in the summer.

This breed of dog needs daily walks, especially because they are prone to obesity, which can cause major health problems. A dog constantly needs communication.


Cute Papillons win the hearts of dog lovers with their outstanding appearance and docile nature. Due to the special shape of their ears, they are called butterfly and French flower. The main advantage of the breed, in addition to its bright appearance, is its insane devotion to its owner and friendly attitude towards others. Fidgety and playful, the Papillon will always find something interesting to do. He enjoys running after flying dragonflies and mice scurrying in the grass. An “eternal child”, he does not succumb to despondency and boredom even in old age.

Read about Papillons here.

Black Russian Terrier

The breed's homeland was the Soviet Union, where large and strong curly black dogs were bred as camp guards and service dogs. The young breed performed its function perfectly. Thick coat allows the dog to withstand the Siberian cold well, which means it can be used throughout the country for its intended purpose.

In terms of care, the breed is not fussy; standard hygiene and regular brushing are sufficient. They can also live in apartments, fulfilling the role of a companion, but they feel better in private houses, where they are happy to serve as security guards. The height of representatives of the breed reaches 78 centimeters at the withers, the coat is uniformly black, wavy, with a thick undercoat.

Puppies look like little black sheep, but as the breed grows it acquires its own signature stance and stance. In skillful hands, it shows good training results and is also suitable for sports disciplines. We are more than tolerant of children, but with proper upbringing.


The Samoyed or Samoyed Laika is an amazing breed. Living in the conditions of the Russian North, these dogs have become reliable and skillful helpers for people. Among the eternal snow, the white fluffy husky looks organic and natural. She guards reindeer herds, rides in a harness, hunts wild animals and protects little men. The civilized world did not ignore the Samoyed either. City dwellers value the dog for its external attractiveness and easy-going disposition.

Read more about the Samoyed.

Tibetan mastiff

The Tibetan Mastiff is the oldest, rarest and most expensive dog breed. This very fluffy, handsome man of impressive size is used in Tibet as a labor force, and is perceived by Europeans as a miracle of nature. The main concern of the Tibetan Mastiff is protecting the territory, which it does at night. During the day, this dog amazes with its calmness, poise and eternal slumber. When darkness falls on the Earth, he turns into a formidable bear, capable of stopping any intruder. In a family setting, a huge dog is miraculously transformed into an affectionate plush toy, loving children, but preferring quiet solitude.

Read about Tibetan mastiffs.


The hero of music videos and cult films of our time, this dog is known to many. Smooth shiny coat, famous pointed ears, stern eyes, clear movements and magnificent stately growth (males reach 72 centimeters at the withers) - all this is the Doberman dog breed. Originally bred as a guard dog, it is now used as a police and service dog.

The breed is stubborn in training, but after special canine courses it shows incredible mental abilities. There is an opinion that the Doberman is an aggressive breed, but any breed is aggressive if it is not raised correctly. Yes, an ordinary dog ​​breeder should not have such a dog, but in experienced hands, a Doberman can reveal all its potential. Conventionally, this is a breed of large black dogs, but not all Dobermans are black, often they are black and tan or brown and tan.

Chow chow

Chow Chow looks like a bear cub from a good fairy tale. The touching attitude towards her resulted in the wonderful epithets that people awarded her. A lion dog that licked the edge of the sky, whose birth is covered in magical legends. A distinctive feature of the Chow Chow's character is ascetic restraint. Endlessly loving his owner, this dog will never caress his feet or lick his hands. Dignity is inherent in him from childhood, he is born with it and carries it throughout his life. In Ancient China, the breed was used for guarding, hunting and fighting.

Read the full article about Chow Chow.


The large dog, up to 70 centimeters tall at the withers, is so huge and wide that it instills fear in strangers just by its appearance. The homeland of this black big guy is Germany, where the breed has been used for a long time as a cattle drive with guard functions. Gradually, the role of the guard began to prevail, and the dog became aggressive and ferocious. Now Rottweilers are still used to guard private houses, but they still try to cull aggressive dogs.

In crowded places, this short-haired black beauty behaves warily even after completing a course of special canine training, so owners are advised not to neglect wearing a muzzle on their pet. Even if this measure is preventive, it will allow those around you to feel less tense around such a huge dog, and you will be sure that even in an unforeseen situation the dog will not harm anyone.

In everyday life, a well-mannered Rottweiler is very affectionate, he becomes strongly attached to his owner and is ready to protect all entrusted family members, as well as participate in all household chores, not at all embarrassed by his size - watch TV and he is with you, everything is in the kitchen and he needs it, even if do not beg, then be with your family.

Shih Tzu

The Shih Tzu is another breed that originated in Tibet. The decorative appearance of a small fluffy dog ​​hides a deep philosophical inner world. True intellectuals, Shih Tzus, like Tibetan monks, look at the world with complacent calm and wise condescension. Red-haired babies are unusually clean. While remaining dogs, they do not like loneliness and are ready to spend a lot of time with their owner.

Read more about the Shih Tzu in the article.

English cocker spaniel

The dogs have a strong body of compact size and a straight back, without overly elongated legs. The pet has a moderately elongated muzzle with long, hairy ears. The presence of a massive nose with open nostrils provides this dog with an impeccable sense of smell.

The canine examination standard grants this breed the right to one-color, two-color and three-color colors. The red color can include both straw-wheat and nut, chestnut with a slight “red.”

South Russian Shepherd

The largest white fluffy dog, the South Russian Shepherd, has become a serious achievement in domestic dog breeding. Bred during the Soviet era, it eclipsed other large furry breeds with its beauty. Not devoid of willfulness, the South Russian Shepherd is difficult to train, but if the owner is able to competently build relationships, he will be unquestioning in obedience and selfless in protection. No kindness towards strangers and boundless love for the owner.


With an inexperienced eye, a Beauceron puppy can easily be confused with a Rottweiler puppy, but the older the dog gets, the brighter the breed characteristics appear and only the black and tan color remains similar.

The homeland of this tall dog is France, where large black dogs with smooth hair up to 770 centimeters tall at the withers were bred as hunting dogs capable of chasing wild boars. Gradually, the Beauceron began to be used in livestock farming, as a cattle driver, and also as guards and watchmen.

Since the times of the warriors in Europe, the breed has established itself as a military service and is now widely used in the relevant units and in the police service. Ordinary citizens continue to own this large French breed as a watchdog and security breed. Like all large breeds, it requires education and training so that all the positive qualities of the breed are fully manifested.

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