What does a black poodle look like: distinctive features of dogs and what to look for when choosing a puppy

The black color of poodles is one of the most popular and widespread.

Dogs with coats of this color are popular both among professional breeders who are keen on the exhibition career of their pets, and among ordinary owners.

And this is not surprising: after all, a well-groomed and well-cut black poodle looks great and can rightfully compete with other dogs of this breed.

The black color of poodles is an eternal classic, and therefore it is not surprising that such dogs are recognized and loved all over the world.

Origin story and what it looks like in the photo

Black poodles have been around for a very long time . Dogs similar to representatives of this breed can be seen on frescoes in ancient Roman tombs.

Yes, and on ancient Greek coins dating back to 30 BC. There are also images of poodle-shaped dogs.

By the end of the 15th century, poodles, including black ones, were widespread throughout Europe. Their popularity is evidenced by the fact that these dogs were depicted in the drawings of the German artist Albrecht Durer.

And by the end of the 18th century, poodles became the most famous breed of indoor dog .

At the same time, for a long time, people of humble origin in France were prohibited from owning poodles, since it was believed that only representatives of the highest aristocracy had the right to keep these dogs in the house.

Only after the French Revolution did poodles become a more democratic breed . And around the same time, these dogs began to be used for hunting waterfowl and as four-legged entertainers.

It is in the form of a black poodle that the demon Mephistopheles first appears before Faust, whom he brings into his house under the guise of a dog.

By the time Goethe wrote his tragedy “Faust,” black poodles were already well known, and therefore it is not surprising that it was a representative of this breed that the playwright chose when he chose the most suitable “dog” appearance for Mephistopheles.

The first breed clubs began to appear later: in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

What is it for?

Today they are considered an ornamental breed and were once used for hunting - for raising waterfowl on the wing and feeding wounded animals to the hunter. In addition, medium and large individuals were considered excellent guardians. This character trait is inherent in modern representatives of the breed.

But hunting and hunting are not the only activities of dogs. Large and medium black poodles accompanied sailors on voyages and desperately helped military doctors and soldiers in rural areas. Another activity for people of medium and small stature was the performance of artists in a traveling circus. Small dogs were only pets.

Marriage or breed?

The official FCI standard was adopted in 1955 and already in it the black color was placed in first place among all recognized coat colors.

Currently, black coat color in poodles is considered standard and classic..

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

“The black poodle is a dog known to everyone since childhood, as representatives of this breed are popular characters in fairy tales. However, such fame is completely justified: after all, these dogs are distinguished by loyalty and devotion to their owners. These are smart and intelligent pets, known for their nobility and aristocratic appearance. Caring for them cannot be called too simple, but black poodles have the huge advantage of not shedding.”

Color variations

The latest version of the standard describes 6 acceptable color variations of the breed:

  • Black.
  • White.
  • Warm brown, dark brown. Undesirable variations: beige, light brown with a golden tint, chocolate, faded red.
  • Gray (silver). The color should not be close to black or white.
  • Apricot. It should be pure apricot, not bleached red or brown.
  • Red (red). Shades of fawn, orange and red are possible.

Some national (Russia, Great Britain, Germany, Czech Republic, USA) breed standards recognize the colors harlequin and black and tan.

The color should be one color and uniform, without spots, marks, or overflows.

There are several colors not recognized by the standard:

  • harlequin - black and white;
  • brindle - a striped pattern on a background of any color;
  • black and tan - black with markings of any shade;
  • sable (burnt dough color) - dark brown topcoat with black or dark brown tips;
  • silver beige - dogs are distinguished by amber eyes;
  • coffee with milk - a combination of chocolate, apricot and cream;
  • cream - shades of champagne color;
  • blue and blue - gray (silver) with a blue tint;
  • splash - white spots on any background, occupying less than 50% of the total body area;
  • merle (marble) - light or dark inclusions on any background;
  • two-color - spots are chaotically located on a white background, often black or brown.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Very smart and intelligent.
  • Easy to train.
  • Energetic and playful.
  • Friendly and calm in character.
  • They get along well with children.
  • You can keep these dogs both in the house and in the apartment.
  • Elegant and beautiful appearance.
  • Black wool does not get dirty as much as white or, for example, light silver wool.

An important positive quality is the lack of shedding, which makes it easier to keep the house clean.


  • Some black poodles can be too friendly towards strangers.
  • Too energetic and active.
  • Need constant attention.
  • Caring for the coat of these dogs is not very easy.
  • Small representatives of this breed can be overly excitable and timid.
  • If a poodle is not trained, its behavior can become unpredictable.


The breed is considered the easiest to train and train. Motivation in training is practically not needed - the pet’s desire to please the owner is so great. The little black poodle enjoys performing difficult tricks and is always ready to learn. Even a seven-year-old child can handle his upbringing, since the dog is obedient by nature.

In raising, and even in the adult life of a pet, regular long walks with elements of training are very important. The animal needs physical activity, and it is given it through active games. In the summer, they should be allowed to swim in open waters, because they love to swim so much, and even sea water does not become an obstacle for them.

Dimensions, weight and other distinctive features

Black poodles of the most popular variety are small or, as they are also called, medium, weighing approximately 8-12 kg.

The height at the withers of representatives of this species ranges from 35 to 45 cm.

The head is elongated with a well-defined occipital protuberance. The stop is not sharp, the muzzle is not wide and not short. Lips are tight and dry. Nose color is black.

The eyes are almond-shaped and their color is dark brown. The edges of the eyelids and lips are pigmented black. The ears are low set, long, rounded at the bottom.

The body format is close to square . The neck is slightly arched and of medium length. The chest is well developed, but should not look overly massive. The back is straight, the stomach is tucked, but not excessively.

The forelimbs are medium in length, straight and parallel. Hind legs with well-developed muscles on the thighs and elongated shins.

The tail is set high, of medium length; if docked, it is no more than half its length..

Black poodles are allowed two coat types - curly and corded. With the first type, the hair is thin and fluffy; with the second, the hair is twisted into harsh, dense cords.

Color as pure charcoal black as possible.


Even if this is unexpected, you should not leave the working qualities of the breed behind the scenes. If you live in the city and decide to get a Poodle, you will be shocked by the behavior of your ward in nature. Guided by instincts, the curly will not bypass any river, lake or even puddle. Birds that dare to fly too low or perch on branches will also become targets of predilection. Within the city limits, the Poodle will definitely be interested in rodents, especially rats in multi-storey buildings. By the way, cats are safe next to curly cats; the hunting instinct mysteriously does not apply to them.

Types of poodles and their brief description

In addition to the small black poodle, which is considered standard, there are three more officially recognized size varieties of these dogs in the world, differing in height at the withers and weight:

  • Large or royal poodle . The height is from 45 to 60 cm at the withers, and the average weight is about 22 kg.
  • Miniature or miniature poodle . The size is from 28 to 35 cm in the stake, and the weight is from 4 to 6 kg.
  • Toy poodle. Height is approximately 24-28 cm, weight is from 2 to 2.5 kg.

Currently, there is one more, the smallest size variety of black poodles, which has not received official recognition.

These are the so-called teacup poodles , or, as they are also called, teacup poodles, whose height does not exceed 21 cm, and the average weight is 1.5 kg .

Life expectancy and health

The lifespan of royal, small and miniature poodles averages 12 to 15 years, while toy poodles can live up to 17 to 18 years.
Representatives of this breed may be predisposed to a number of diseases, including such ailments as :

  • Retinal atrophy.
  • Allergies, including food allergies.
  • Oral diseases: gingivitis, stomatitis, accelerated growth of tartar.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the ears.
  • Urolithiasis disease.
  • Obesity.
  • Cleft of the hard palate.
  • Epilepsy.


Large poodles can suffer from pathologies of the cardiovascular system and joint dysplasia, in addition, they sometimes have increased sensitivity to insect bites, such as bees.

Toy and teakop poodles have an accelerated metabolism, which is fraught with attacks of hypoglycemia if the feeding regime is incorrect.

Basic rules of care

Keeping a black poodle includes mandatory care for the pet's coat . In order for your dog to always look beautiful and elegant, you need to thoroughly comb its coat three to four times a week.

At the same time, to make combing easier, you can use a special cosmetic product for animals.

The poodle should be taught to comb, as well as wash, cut and other hygiene procedures from puppyhood..

You should wash your pet with shampoo occasionally: 3-4 times a year. Water procedures without the use of detergents can be performed more often.

In addition, poodles need to be trimmed from time to time, either by themselves or by a professional groomer. In this case, you can choose any of the hairstyles allowed by the standard.

In addition to grooming, you need to periodically clean your pet's eyes and ears and, if necessary, shorten its claws..

Teeth can be brushed either with special toys or with a brush and toothpaste designed for dogs.

If the plaque has hardened so much that it cannot be removed by any of the above methods, you should contact a veterinary clinic.


This breed of dog is not very picky when it comes to food and its owners should not have about what to feed their miniature poodle He can eat both dry food and home-cooked food.

When choosing dry food as food, it is advisable for dog owners to consult with a specialist about the quality of the chosen food. If the pet will receive natural food, then the dog’s ideal diet should consist of foods such as chicken, beef, meat, boneless fish, dairy products and vegetables.

Miniature poodle after haircut

It is not advisable to feed your dog fatty meats like pork, potatoes, legumes, sweets and table food. It is also important not to overfeed the animal, in order to prevent it from becoming obese; it is necessary to feed the pet 2-3 times a day.

For the growth and development of a four-legged pet, it is advisable to take special supplements that contain the necessary vitamins and minerals. It is necessary to take such supplements no more than once every three months, and the course of administration lasts from seven to ten days.

How to choose?

You only need to buy such a dog with documents, and it should be taken into account that choosing a pet is always easier than choosing a future champion of the breed.


When deciding where to buy a puppy, you need to study as much information as possible about the chosen nursery or breeder, as well as about the baby’s parents and their origin.

It should also be noted that a puppy that looks black is not always black, since silver poodles are also born pure black and only later lighten.

But true black poodles will always be this way, while silver babies develop lighter coats at an early age.

You should only buy a completely healthy puppy, preferably one that has already been vaccinated and has undergone quarantine..

Price of puppies

The price of a miniature poodle depends on several factors. The first factor is the place where the puppy was purchased; you can buy a puppy in a specialized nursery or from a private breeder of miniature poodles.

White miniature poodle

The second factor is the purpose of purchasing a dog; a miniature poodle can be purchased for participation in dog shows, further breeding, or as a family member. So, puppies purchased from a miniature poodle nursery for further exhibitions will cost about 15 thousand rubles; just a good dog without flaws for home keeping will cost about 10 thousand rubles.

The cost of a puppy from private dog breeders is about 7 thousand rubles. Thus, the main advantages of a miniature poodle are good disposition, playfulness, unpretentiousness, lack of shedding, high intelligence; the disadvantages of a miniature poodle include frequent barking and a high susceptibility to various diseases.

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