Toilet training a dog: how to achieve the desired result?

The puppy often does not know how to control himself and leaves surprises, so the first priority is to train the dog to the toilet. This is a long and painstaking process that requires patience and calm, because a frightened pet is much more difficult to control and train.
  • 1 Ideal age for toilet training
  • 2 How to train a dog to toilet outside depending on age 2.1 Puppies
  • 2.2 Adult dogs
  • 3 How to toilet train a dog using a diaper
  • 4 How to train a small dog to use a litter tray
  • 5 How to train a dog to go to the toilet outside
  • 6 Mr. Tail Recommends: Adult Dog Problems
  • Why does a dog relieve itself anywhere?

    Dog breeders often encounter this problem when the pet begins to relieve itself in different parts of the apartment. Before scolding an animal for another puddle, it is worth finding out why she does not want to go to the toilet in the designated place.

    Tray training a puppy is a pressing issue for owners of small breeds.

    First, you should visit a veterinarian. Perhaps the pet is seriously ill with something. If no pathologies are found, then you should look for the problem within yourself. Sometimes dog breeders cannot correctly convey to the animal what is required of it. The puppy understands that another trip to the toilet will lead to punishment, but does not know where exactly he is allowed to relieve himself.

    Interesting! Some people believe that their dog does not obey and plays dirty tricks to spite the owner.

    A stressful situation can provoke inappropriate behavior in your four-legged friend. Perhaps one of the family members went on a long business trip or, conversely, a stranger appeared in the house. If you try to think about it, you can easily find the reason for your dog’s depressive behavior.

    Another reason why a puppy may start leaving puddles on the floor is to attract the attention of the owner. Owners often forget to show love to their pet. In this situation, the dog has no choice but to start relieving itself anywhere.


    When training your puppy, positive feedback is critical. Let him know that he is doing something that makes you happy. The key is to encourage good habits around natural needs. Great ways to show your dog that he has done something good include praising him, giving him a treat, or playing with him. This way she will feel that you are happy with her, that you love her.

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    Why train your dog to use a litter box?

    How to accustom a Spitz to a diaper and toilet in an apartment or on the street

    The question of how to toilet train a puppy is asked by owners of miniature breeds.

    The following dog breeds can go in the litter box:

    • chihuahua;
    • Yorkshire Terrier;
    • Pekingese;
    • dachshund;
    • Spitz

    The owner may not take these dogs outside in bad weather, and, if necessary, can skip the walk altogether.

    It will take a couple of weeks to train your dog to use the litter box.

    Walking these “fragile” dog breeds while they are sick is a bad idea. It is for such situations that it is worth training puppies to the tray.

    Schedule after six months

    For puppies from six months of age, a different regime is required. Experts recommend sticking to the following schedule until the dog is one year old.

    • 6:00 – walk/food/water.
    • 8:00 – walk.
    • 10:00 – walk/water.
    • 14:00 – walk/water.
    • 18:00 – walk/feed. At the same time, the last water of the day.
    • 22:00 – walk.

    How to choose a tray and place for the toilet

    The ideal place to create a home toilet is any secluded corner to which the dog will always have access. You need to place the tray so that your pet has room to turn around.

    How to train a puppy to toilet outside in a private house

    Sometimes an animal refuses to visit the litter box just because it is inconvenient. Today, there are several types of dog toilets on the market for pet products:

    • The diaper tray is intended for babies who have not yet learned to endure and wait to go outside. The toilet is a small plastic box with disposable diapers placed at the bottom.
    • A double-bottom litter box looks like a cat litter box, but larger. The first “bottom” is for the filler, and the second is for the diaper.
    • A tray with lawn grass will appeal to those who refuse to relieve themselves on a diaper or litter.
    • A tray with a post is necessary for male dogs to wean them from marking their territory. Such a toilet will be ideal for a dwarf Spitz and Yorkie.

    Additional Information! When choosing a suitable model, the owner should focus on the size of the pet. There are containers of different shapes and sizes on sale, but rectangular trays are more popular.


    When you take your puppy out of his bed or kennel, immediately put a leash on him. Don't let him run to the door. By allowing him to run free, you risk that he will urinate at the first opportunity. And this can happen right on your carpet. Leading him to the door and then to the right spot in your yard will help him focus on the task at hand and avoid distractions. Keep him under control until he relieves himself, then praise him. And now you can play!

    At what age do you start training?

    How to toilet train a Chihuahua: diaper or litter box

    You can teach your pet to go to the toilet rather than relieve itself on the floor at an early age. The older the dog, the more difficult it is to train.

    The animal's tray must be made of hypoallergenic material.

    Puppies less than a month old are also practically impossible to train. Babies under 3 months often cannot control urination. For this reason, litter box training will be most effective once they reach 4-5 months of age.


    A puppy is much like a baby being weaned out of diapers and potty trained. You need to be patient and be prepared for the fact that sometimes he will miss. Arm yourself with paper towels, odor removers or a special cleaner, and a lot of love for your pet. Then learning good habits will become less difficult and stressful for everyone.

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    How to toilet train a dog in an apartment depending on age

    Many dog ​​breeders do not know how to quickly train a puppy to use a litter box in an apartment. In fact, there is nothing complicated in this process. The most important thing is to be prepared for misfires. Puppies under 1 year of age relieve their natural needs more than 20 times a day. In the first days of the pet's stay in the house, the owner will have to monitor him around the clock. The baby can get too excited and accidentally make a pile in the wrong place.

    Dogs go to the toilet a short time after feeding. To make the task easier, the owner should observe the puppy’s behavior after a meal and it is advisable to place several trays around the house in different places. The dog himself will determine which container is most convenient for him to go to.

    Advice! As soon as the pet does its business, it should be petted and praised.

    If the owner lives in a private house and plans to let the dog outside in the future, then in this case the best option for the puppy will be an enclosure. The enclosure should accommodate a tray, a sleeping place and a bowl of food. The floor should be covered with diapers or newspapers. When the veterinarian gives the go-ahead for walking the pet, the enclosure can be removed, but the tray should be left.

    Adults, such as Labradors or French bulldogs, who are not litter trained, are more collected and therefore able to tolerate. It is recommended to walk them outside in the morning and evening. Training them to use the dog toilet is a pointless idea.


    1. Even when you purchased a puppy from a conscientious dog owner who has already trained the dog to go to the toilet regularly, you should not think that he will immediately use it in his new home. Here the situation is different, there is no mother nearby, and instead of the old owner, to whom the baby is undoubtedly accustomed, there is someone incomprehensible and unfamiliar. At this time, everything will be decided by the manifestation of love and affection on your part.
    2. Under no circumstances should you scold your dog, even if it did something wrong or went to the wrong place. If we take the Chinese Crested breed, such dogs are already quite impressionable, and from such relationships they are even capable of starting to defecate in any accessible place. In his own interests, the owner must be more tactful.
    3. Don't be lazy: if possible, you need to carefully watch the animal even at night. If you show your dog the litter box for at least a few days, you will undoubtedly be able to achieve great success in a short period of time.

    It would be very good for the dog to stay in one room for a longer period of time before the process of completely accepting the tray. In this environment it will be much easier to control it, and no surprises will definitely happen; you won’t have to look for feces throughout the month, looking behind chairs and other furniture. Of course, there is no need to leave the puppy in a separate room with laminitis or parquet flooring, since dog excretions are very negative for them, and repairs will cost a lot of money.

    Purchased tools for potty training a dog

    If a person does not have time to constantly monitor the animal, then store-bought tools for potty training dogs will come to his aid. The drugs are available in the form of sprays that contain enzymes that attract the puppy to the tray. Having smelled the smell, the pet begins to want to urinate.

    The spray is sprayed onto the diaper or onto the bottom of the container. After this, the puppy is seated next to the tray and waited for him to show interest in it. The surface is sprayed 2 times a day. Within a week, the pet will remember where its toilet is.

    Spray "Simple Solution Puppy aid training"

    Note! The most effective products for dog litter are: Api-San Smart spray, SaniPet and Simple Solution Puppy aid training spray.

    Monitor your puppy's diet

    Puppies have immature digestive systems, so they cannot handle large amounts of food. This is why it is recommended to break your dog's feeding schedule into three small meals. Another thing to remember is the food itself, which must be of the highest quality. Whatever you choose, make sure it is suitable for your puppy.

    You may want to check out one of four different Purina® Pro Plan® nutrition platforms. They have different formulas for your puppy's specific needs and preferences. Real meat is the main ingredient, no artificial colors or flavors added.

    Overfeeding can make potty training more difficult

    Examining a dog's stool is the best way for an owner to determine if it's time to change their diet. If your puppy's stool is consistently bulky, loose, and foul-smelling, it may be time to talk to your veterinarian about switching to a new food. Overfeeding can also cause diarrhea, which will only make potty training more difficult.

    What to do if your dog refuses to go to the litter box

    Sometimes, having figured out how to train a dog to use a litter box at home, owners are faced with the fact that the dog refuses to sit in the container.

    Reasons that may contribute to this:

    • The sides are too high for a small dog.
    • Inconvenience of use - the tray is unstable, or the puppy does not like the filler.
    • Demonstration of character - often seen in cables. The problem can be solved by installing a column.

    Important! Some pets try to attract the owner's attention by refusing. In this case, you need to try to spend as much time as possible next to your pet.

    Plan your time

    According to experts, you need to pay attention to training your puppy several times during the day. Moreover, this must be planned in advance. They also advise playing with your pet before sending it back to its enclosure or bed. The fact is that the game tends to stimulate the puppy. By learning and playing at the same time, you can continue to train him. This is how learning will be enjoyable and bring maximum benefit.

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    Unacceptable actions during litter box training

    To point out to your pet his mistake, you should tell him the word “No” in a stern but calm tone.

    Absolutely forbidden:

    • hit the dog, even with your palm;
    • shout loudly;
    • poke your nose into a puddle;
    • stomp your foot

    Otherwise, the animal will begin to fear the owner. Over time, this will lead to the puppy developing aggressive behavior and disobedience.

    As soon as the dog goes to the toilet, you should praise him for his intelligence and treat him with something tasty.

    The dog needs to be rewarded for correct behavior

    The process of toilet training a puppy is a painstaking task that requires patience. If the dog breeder can correctly build a strategy, then training the pet will not take more than 10 days. A caring person can always raise an animal of any breed, be it a husky or a toy terrier.

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