All breeds of domestic cats and male cats with photographs and names: photo, character description

Gray or, as they are usually called, blue cats are a fairly common type of color, which is characterized by a special nobility and a variety of unique shades. It is found both among purebred and ordinary domestic cats. It can be either uniform along the entire length of the fur or smoky - this means that the upper part of each hair of the animal is colored darker than the lower, and looks as if a dark veil has been thrown over the cat. The dark part of the hair can be even smaller, then the color is called “shaded” or “chinchilla”. What features does a blue cat have and what should you expect when inviting him into your home?

About color

The solid gray uniform color of cats is usually called blue. This color symbolizes the intangible, spiritual world, and blue cats are considered its guides. They are recognized as the best healers and protectors of humans, bringing love and peace to the home. This shade of fur in a cat is determined by the gene that carries the black color B, diluted by the recessive allele d. That is, the “blue” color is essentially a lightened charcoal color.

There are many variations in the genotype of gray cats, it depends on the combination of genes B and d in a recessive or dominant, homo- or heterozygous form. That is why there are such gray colors as chinchilla, mackerel, tabby, solid, smoky, agouti. It all depends on the degree to which each hair is painted black and the alternation of charcoal and white stripes on it.

Also read: TOP 10 evil cat breeds.


The history of the smoky cat began quite recently, in 1975; the first kittens of the new breed appeared only at the end of 1980.

It took more than 10 years to finally breed the breed, but it was worth it. The first name of the overseas breed was “spotted mist”, which comes from the English word smoky. Later the name Australian Mist was assigned to the breed.

For a long time, the breed was recognized only in Australia, and therefore did not spread throughout the world. More recently, the smoky cat was identified as a separate breed in the international organization of felinologists and TICA.

The most interesting thing is that the smoky cat has no Australian predecessors; they were all brought to Australia. There have never been any felines on the mainland under natural conditions.

Common Breeds

Blue coat color is required only for some breeds. Usually all its representatives have bright green eyes; very rarely they can be of a topaz shade.


Sociable, energetic and talkative small pets. The short blue coat has no undercoat and lies close to the body.

A very beautiful animal with short and seemingly printed hair. But he has a rather capricious and jealous character.
Russian blue

One of the oldest cat breeds in the Arkhangelsk province. These pets are distinguished by their silence, restraint and deep love for people. Still one of the most popular varieties.

“Child of the Mists” is very similar to the Russian Blue in its behavior and appearance. They only have beautiful and shiny wool of the semi-long type. They differ in that they meow silently. They are almost never found in Russia. One of the most sought after and beloved animals in the world.

Cat breeds in which gray coloring is not required, but is one of the main ones:

British Shorthair

There are more than 200 shades, the main one being gray in various tones.
An uneven color distribution, presence of patterns, blue tabby, chinchilla, shaded color are considered defective. Temperamentally well-mannered, unobtrusive, independent. They tolerate loneliness calmly. Therefore, they can be given to people who are often absent.
Scottish lop-eared

A defect is considered to be uneven coloring of the wool, colored inclusions.
The color is blue marble, silver chinchilla. They are friendly with children and other pets. Mobile, friendly, unobtrusive.

Light-colored wool with uniform coloring along the entire length.
Blue marble, solid lilac, bluish-smoky colors are especially valued. Affectionate, gentle, but spoiled. Requires constant attention.
Turkish Angora

The blue color of the breed was recently developed.
Light colors are preferable. The hair at the base is darker. The paw pads and nose match the coat color. They prefer solitude and are calm. Suitable for people leading a sedentary lifestyle.
American Curl

It is characterized by a rich gray color: silver tabbies with marbled and spotted streaks, blue smoky and others.
Curious and devoted. They lead an active lifestyle and prefer frisky games. They love the company of children and treat other pets well.

Light inclusions in color are acceptable.
Yellow eyes and green irises are considered a marriage. Affectionate, balanced, friendly. They are devoted to their owners, love children, and get along with other animals.
Egyptian Mau

Silver-smoky color with a spotted pattern.
He has a closed character and does not trust strangers.

Thin, graceful with a long tail. They have slanted eyes. Usually do not cause allergies.

The color is varied: from cream to blue. There are spots all over the body. Because of them they resemble a wild ocelot.

Descended from ancient Egyptian cats. The Abyssinian has a slender, muscular body, arched neck and large ears.
Australian smoke

Wool has three components: background, dark pattern, haze.
There are marbled and spotted colors with spots and stripes. Friendly, affectionate. They are good with children and other pets. Rarely scratch or bite. Trainable.
Asian smoky

Belongs to the smooth-haired breed.
There is a light undercoat. The eyes are amber or yellow. They cannot stand loneliness and crowded conditions. Calm, affectionate, obedient. They know how to express gratitude.
British Longhair

They appear fluffy due to their thick undercoat and short limbs.
The Briton has a large muzzle with large cheeks and rounded eyes. Obedient, calm. They tolerate separation from their owners well.

The fur coat is rough, reminiscent of a dog's.
The body is strong with a long tail. The ears are large, the eyes are almond-shaped. Affectionate and playful. They are easy to train and have a pronounced hunting instinct. They communicate with all household members, but choose one owner.
California radiant

They have leopard print on a yellow or silver background.
The coat is pleasant to the touch, short. Conflicts are not typical for the breed. Calm and friendly.
Gobi gray

This is a wild animal, not a breed. In summer, the cat is grayish-yellow. In winter - gray-brown. There are subtle stripes and spots along the body.
American Bobtail

A special feature is the movable shortened tail.
The breed has a strong body and a square head. The most common color is agouti. The pet prefers noisy companies. Perfect for large families.
Norwegian forest

Large, muscular with elongated legs.
The wool is water-repellent with a pronounced collar and “pants”. Obedient, tolerant of children and other animals.
Ojos Azules

The color of the fur coat has more than three hundred shades (including gray).
Bright blue eyes of medium size stand out on the muzzle. They learn commands easily and are intelligent. They don't like noisy children.


According to the breeders, the Australian Mist has good health and is not affected by diseases inherent in other breeds. One can only envy their immune system.

Of course, one cannot overlook the fact that the conditions in which a smoky cat is kept also affect its life expectancy and health. And a wonderful gene pool will not help here.

The main thing is that you need to adhere to some rules:

  • balanced diet;
  • the quantity and quality of water and food must be normal;
  • maintaining a healthy indoor microclimate.

Additionally, there is no need to take the haze outside, since it spends its energy playing in the apartment. Please note that all vitamins and minerals must be present in the diet. In this case, the owner will be able to avoid serious health problems for the smoky cat. It should be noted that the Australian Mist is prone to obesity (look at the photos of overweight cats), so the owner should pay attention to the portion size.

Temperament and behavior

Gray cats have the appearance of aristocrats and their behavior is appropriate. Character independent, proud. At home they behave like owners. From childhood, calmness and nobility prevail in temperament.

British shorthair cat

Anger is not typical for animals. Some breeds have a playful nature, while others, on the contrary, prefer solitude. Blue cats are smart and curious. Loyal to their owners, they love to bask in their arms. Most breeds tolerate long periods of absence from people. At the same time, they don’t make a mess in the apartment.

Gray cats are not uncommon

Gray color, also called blue, is not uncommon in the cat community. In addition to pure gray, there are options with a variety of patterns: tabby, calico, tortoiseshell, etc. Of course, representatives of some breeds are only gray (for example, Russian Blue), which creates the impression that such cats are rare, although in fact gray wool is quite common. .

Features of maintenance and care

Breeds with a grayish color are characterized by strong immunity. Animals rarely get sick and tolerate low temperatures well. The diet should be balanced and low in iodine. Your pet can be given homemade food (that is, natural food, not table scraps) or dry and wet food. Vaccinations are a must. Don’t forget to clean your ears with cotton swabs, your teeth with a special paste, and trim your nails with tweezers as they grow.

Our reader's Scottish Fold named Plyushka

In order for the coat to be beautiful (this is important when participating in exhibitions), the pet needs to be walked less often in sunny, rainy, or snowy weather. These weather conditions lead to unwanted red spots. With proper care, gray cats live fourteen to sixteen years. Read about the life expectancy of cats on our portal.

The gray cat of your dreams

When choosing a gray (blue) furry friend for yourself, study different breeds, because representatives of each have certain personal characteristics. However, when deciding which cat suits your lifestyle, you should consider that a particular animal will have its own habits and temperament.

It is equally important to understand how much time you are willing to devote to caring for your pet so that its beautiful gray “fur coat” remains healthy throughout the cat’s life.

Based on materials from

Signs and superstitions

Gray cats are considered mysterious and mystical creatures and for a long time there have been many signs and superstitions about them:

  • If such an animal crosses the road, there is no need to return, but just say the “magic words” - “happy path from the gray cat.”
  • The gray pet itself coming into the house will bring peace, prosperity, and remove the evil eye and damage from the home.
  • A gray cat living in the house protects the family from scandals and squabbles.
  • If you stroke a gray cat early in the morning, immediately after waking up, the charge of positive energy will be enough for a person to last the whole day.
  • If something doesn’t work out in the house, then you need to bring a gray cat into it and settle it - he will be able to come to an agreement with the brownie.
  • An animal with “blue” fur attracts money into the house.
  • If such a cat runs away from home or, even worse, is kicked out, then this is a sign of impending trouble.

We recommend reading the article about signs about gray cats.



Gray purrs are distinguished by aristocratic noble manners. These pets are not prone to evil and reckless actions, they respect themselves, and know how to force others to reckon with themselves.


Most blue cats know how to restrain their instincts and make decisions based on reason, not emotions. There are both playful and reserved gray cats. High intelligence, curiosity, devotion to people, love of order, cleanliness are the common features of “aristocrats in blue-gray robes.”

Maine Coon

The Gulliver cat cannot be confused with any other breed. A long body, high strong legs, powerful paws, a luxurious tail, lynx tufts on the tips of the ears and, of course, an indescribable expression on the face, serious and good-natured at the same time. The Maine Coon's coat is not very thick, but it is quite long. Breed standards allow many colors. And there is no doubt that a blue Maine Coon (like any other) looks very stylish! These are smart, playful, sociable, but unobtrusive cats.

The Maine Coon is one of the most famous, recognizable and popular breeds bred by American breeders. However, selection, in the modern sense, began only in the middle of the last century. Meanwhile, evidence of the existence of these cats dates back to the middle of the 20th century: the first known Maine Coon made a splash at a country fair, striking the public with its impressive size and shaggy appearance.

Smoky cat

Smoky colored cats are very popular. Mist rocks are credited with mystical properties and superpowers. The peculiarity of such cats is their unusual appearance. The fur has the ability to change tone in different lighting. In the sun it shimmers with bright colors, and in twilight lighting it seems monochromatic. You can look at this for hours without taking your eyes off. The smoky cat is a symbol of nobility and thoroughbred. Real beauties who will not leave a single person indifferent. A variety of breeds with smoke color will allow you to make a choice to your liking.

Owner reviews

You can leave your reviews about the Australian Mist breed, other users will be interested: In our country, the Austrian Mist is quite difficult to find. While an incredibly large number of reviews can be found about other breeds, information from Australian Mist owners is minimal. The breed is common in Australia, the USA, and some European countries.


“I’m proud of my beauty, because she is truly exclusive. They brought it to me from Australia as a birthday present. The best friend. Loyal, affectionate, understanding, loving. He doesn’t go outside and doesn’t suffer from it. He limits himself to going to the balcony and watching what is happening at the window. For 3 years I have not been sick with anything, my health is good, and problems with the gastrointestinal tract occasionally occur. This happens when changing food. Then the body gets used to it, everything is fine.”


“I’ve been waiting for the Australian Mist for six months. A handsome lilac-colored man came to see me. I immediately fell in love with her big, smart eyes. A creature of the kindest disposition. Living soft toy. The little niece is simply crazy about him. And he is not indifferent to her. He understands perfectly. He doesn’t climb on tables, he was already trained to the tray, all that was left was to show him the place where to look for him. Funny, active. I went everywhere, even got into a bag of flour. Silent, meows occasionally. You won't hear his voice. We also pleased our mother.”



An elegant, medium-sized cat, flexible, strong, muscular but not ponderous, with an amazing heart-shaped head, shiny short fur with a thin undercoat and olive green eyes. Korats have a very lively, sociable character, they do not like loneliness and love to take part in all household chores.

The homeland of Korats is northern Thailand. These cats have been known for hundreds of years and were mentioned in the famous Thai treatise on cats. Korats were brought to Europe more than a hundred years ago, but breeders were not interested. Moreover, they were called a “breeding marriage of Siamese.” Only in the middle of the last century, American breeders imported several cats from Thailand and developed a breeding program to develop a new breed.


The limited number of representatives of the breed makes these smoky cats increasingly desirable for many. You should be extremely careful when purchasing a pet. It is very difficult to find them in nurseries; kittens are waited for several months. It is impossible to acquire such a treasure by hand.

What to pay attention to

You need to purchase an animal from nurseries that specialize in breeding and have a license . Kittens from there are sold already litter box trained, trained in basic hygiene rules and vaccinated. Not only color, but also character, late puberty, loyalty and lack of aggression make cats of this breed the best for living in a family with children.

Therefore, you should not take risks and purchase exotic kittens from unverified sellers who, at best, will pass off a culling (sterilized babies with defects - they cost several thousand rubles cheaper) or a half-breed as a smoky Australian Mist.

Australian Mist breed price

Only a few catteries breed Mist cats, most of them are located in Europe. In Russia and the countries of the former USSR, there are no such nurseries and breeders who have the right to breed mysts.

The price for these cats starts from 400 dollars (in Russia from 25 thousand rubles). A person who wants to sell a kitten must have documents for a baby or an adult animal, vaccination certificates, and a very detailed pedigree.

Buying a kitten

There is probably no more charming creature in the world than a small fluffy kitten - a gentle and touching bundle of soft, warm fur. However, all children tend to grow up quite quickly, and problems that at first might seem completely insignificant to you grow with them. A few tips to help you make the right choice:

  1. Do not be led by your emotions - do not buy a kitten spontaneously, succumbing to a completely understandable feeling of tenderness at the wonderful baby - you are not buying a soft toy, but a living creature that has its own character and its own needs.

    The little fluffy ball will grow up soon, so it’s important to base your choice of a kitten on more than just cuteness

  2. You will need to take care of the kitten, educate, adapt, tolerate its pranks - it is quite possible that some problems associated with the new family member will not suit your family - be sure to consult with them and make only a collective decision.
  3. Try to learn as much as possible about the breed you like, prepare for the arrival of a kitten in your home, both theoretically and practically - purchase in advance everything you need for feeding, rest, hygiene and leisure for your baby.

How to choose

You need to decide in a timely manner not only about the breed, but also about the purpose of acquisition. Do you want a boy or a girl? Pet or show-class animal? The criteria for choosing a little furry will largely depend on your ambitions and financial capabilities.

But the main selection criterion always remains the same - you need to purchase a healthy animal with good heredity. It is clear that no one can give one hundred percent guarantees on these issues in advance, but buying a baby not on the market, but in a professional breeding nursery, still significantly reduces many risks. In addition, a responsible breeder will forever remain your friend and first mate.

Don't try to buy a kitten that is too small; The optimal age for moving him to a new home is 2.5–3 months, when the necessary vaccinations have already been completed and independent living skills have been acquired. If possible, look at the conditions in which your baby grew up, observe the habits and habits of his parents, brothers and sisters.

After two months, vaccinated kittens can move to a new place

The baby will get used to the new place quite quickly, and from the second or third day he will need to be taught the rules of life that you consider necessary. The sooner he learns them, the more positive and pleasant moments will appear in your life together.

Find mutual understanding with your baby as soon as possible

Video: fluffy kittens - all good

What to feed the Nibelung

According to most experts, for representatives of this breed the most correct option is a natural type of feeding. The diet must be composed taking into account all the necessary vitamins and microelements necessary for the harmonious growth and development of the pet, as well as to maintain the beauty of its coat.

The menu should include the following products :

  • lean meat - veal, chicken;
  • sea ​​fish (no more than 2 times a week);
  • eggs;
  • vegetables (except carrots);
  • porridge – oatmeal, rice, wheat;
  • fermented milk products – low-fat cottage cheese, kefir.

This diet should be supplemented with mineral and vitamin supplements, which include sulfur, as well as vitamins A and B.

Attention! Foods such as liver, carrots, buckwheat, as well as preparations containing copper and iodine should be excluded from the Nibelung’s diet, since as a result of their consumption, the animal’s fur may acquire a red tint.

Some owners of four-legged animals prefer to buy ready-made food for them. However, natural food is more suitable for small kittens. And an already grown and strengthened pet should be transferred to another type of food gradually, using only high-quality premium food.

Officially recognized breeds of fluffy cats WCF – 1st and 2nd group

The Burmilla Longhair is a breed descended from the Persian and the standard Burmilla. The cats have the original chinchilla color and long hair. A kind, attentive, independent cat, loyal to all living things. Moderately sociable, preferring the “company” of toys or quiet observation of others.

The Munchkin Longhair (CFA recognized) is an unusual cat with short front legs and a habit of sitting in a marmot position. The breed has a friendly and sociable character, but can fight back if necessary.

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