Alexander Volkodav - about winning the show “Voice 10”: what the participant said on whom no one bet


A group of wolfhounds is conventionally united by dogs that have the ability to cope with a wild animal. Hunting for strong animals, protection from attack, protection of people and territories can be entrusted to a dog that has certain characteristics and abilities.

  1. The massiveness of the body, allowing it to overcome the load in the struggle for the protected property of the owner.
  2. High level of intelligence.
  3. Reaction speed, lightning speed of attack, helping the dog cope with the instincts of wild animals.
  4. A special sense of smell for danger, thanks to which the wolfhound senses an approaching enemy.
  5. Increased level of aggressiveness for defense and attack.
  6. Fearlessness, courage, the ability to immediately respond to danger, which is specially trained in many. The wolfhound is born with these qualities.

Tall stature, increased body weight, and strong limbs give the wolfhound the ability to run quickly and knock him down.

In all wolfhound dogs, the structure of the skin and coat reliably protects them from wounds and injuries. It helps to survive different weather conditions: heat, strong wind, heavy snowfall or frost. Possessing a powerful grip of their jaws, they strongly squeeze the enemy’s throat, inflicting wounds incompatible with life.

Representatives of wolfhounds are distributed throughout the world. On every continent there are several breeds that are trusted with difficult tasks.

Dogs can independently cope with decisions to attack first without a command, to pursue for a long time, to achieve a goal. Coping with parenting is difficult. It is necessary to achieve impeccable obedience from the dog through numerous training sessions.

The breeds have a highly developed territorial sense. They feel freer in suburban conditions and are not suitable for keeping in small apartments.

Origin story

Most of the breeds from the Wolfhound group have been known for thousands of years and have not undergone any changes. It is believed that selection was made on the basis of performance qualities. It was important not only to correctly use one’s massiveness when attacking an animal, but to have a number of useful properties for humans. The domestication of dogs, which are called “wolfhounds,” began with the selection of more obedient representatives. A person needed an assistant where he could not cope on his own. This led to the following being selected:

  • stress-resistant dogs with excellent health;
  • hardy hunters pursuing prey;
  • fearless fighters for property and territory;
  • developed sense of a wild animal, which allows the wolfhound to detect prey.

Not all dog breeds are distinguished by excellent obedience, because... It is prohibited in many countries to select qualities for educational ability. It is believed that this spoils the character and natural instincts of a hunter or guard.

Wolfhound dogs have mastiff-like genes and mastiff-like groups in their blood. The ability to do herding work, understanding human commands, and tracking prey indicate increased stability of the body and high intelligence given at birth.

Coming from the East to Europe, they gradually spread, new breeds appeared, and useful habits were developed. When humanity no longer needed to hunt in large quantities, the qualities of protection from the beast gradually began to appear. Today, many dog ​​breeds are considered companions, serve in law enforcement agencies, are reliable rescuers, and security assistants.

The owner of a wolfhound must always remember that the ancient instincts inherent in genetics can manifest themselves at any dangerous moment. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor your behavior.


On October 15, 2022, a new episode of the Russian version of the vocal show “The Voice” was released on Channel One. In the anniversary season, the judges' chairs were occupied by the golden jury: folk singer Pelageya, Eurovision winner Dima Bilan, record holder for the number of Golden Gramophone awards received Leonid Agutin and one of the founders of Russian rock Alexander Gradsky.

Alexander Volkodav in the show “The Voice” - Supergirl

Alexander Volkodav passed the “blind auditions”. On stage, a singer from Bishkek performed the song Supergirl by the German group Reamonn. The single, which received a gold sales certificate in Germany, turns out that Pelageya really likes it. Therefore, she almost immediately turned the chair towards the contestant. Not only the singer was impressed by Volhodav’s performance. In the last seconds, Alexander Gradsky turned to him, noting:

“I turned around because I liked the way you sang it. There are several things that can be done with your data that I am going to implement.”

However, the musician chose Pelageya as his mentor. He called his mentor “supergirl” and admitted that he had a dream in which he joined her team.

By the way, Volkodav participated in “The Voice” for the second time. The mentors had already recruited teams when the singer was supposed to perform, so he was offered to come next year. However, the return to the project dragged on for 4 long years.

On the evening of December 30, the musician became the winner of the show, gaining 53.3% of the votes of viewers. In addition to Volkodav, the three finalists included Yernar Sadirbaev from Dima Bilan’s team and Alisher Karimov from Alexander Gradsky’s team.

During the dress rehearsal of the final, Pelageya invited the performer to become the soloist of her musical group, and after the end of the show the musician agreed.

“Sasha is a very good person, and I think the audience saw that. And this is not just the image of a sincere guy, he really is like that,” said Pelageya.

Types of wolfhounds

There are more than 20 breeds in the world that are conventionally classified as wolfhounds. All of them are either ancient breeds or selectively bred specifically to solve problems of hunting, guarding, and defense. In countries where there is a danger of a wild animal attacking property, the wolfhound is especially valued and is considered an asset of the state.

Caucasus region, Türkiye

Natural conditions, the prevalence of wild animals, and cattle breeding as a leading agricultural activity made it possible to breed special dogs. They mainly belong to the groups “herding shepherd dogs” and “mastiffs”.


The Turkish Wolfhound is an ancient breed that has not undergone selection. Bred in the Middle Ages to protect against attacks, as a companion dog. The height of an adult male is more than 80 cm, and it weighs a little - about 50 kg. Snow-white wool with undercoat makes it easy to get lost in a herd of sheep. When working, the wolfhound herds them into groups, leads them to the pasture, and finds lost cattle. Light weight allows you to cover long distances without effort. The breed is still not recognized internationally. The general appearance resembles a mongrel and to those who are not familiar with the characteristics of the dog, it seems harmless. Not dangerous to humans, but can attack first if there is danger.


The dog comes from Armenia. According to historians, the wolfhound was domesticated in the period 1 thousand BC. The breed's task is to accompany nomadic tribes and protect property. It is believed that the dog became the ancestors of the Eastern Shepherds. Externally similar to alabai. The same height, structure and character traits. The exception is lower weight. They need the earliest possible socialization and strict education. In terms of behavior they are considered the most unpredictable.


A breed from Azerbaijan, which is intended for herding livestock, accompanying people on hikes, and protecting property. An ideal dog for mountain regions. Due to the dense coat of sandy or red color, the wolfhound does not freeze. Tall, strong limbs help to move quickly and overcome obstacles. A guard wolfhound will never betray its owner. Will notify you of dangers in time by barking and growling. An attentive dog for whom it is important to be close, obey and help.


Originally from Turkey. An indigenous breed of wolfhounds, prohibited for breeding in other countries. They belong to the “mastiff” group. Weight reaches 65 kg. with a height of 81 cm. The structure is typical for mastiff-like dogs: a square head with a dark mask, a developed chest and neck, a toned body and massive muscle mass. The psyche is stable. The dog's high level of intelligence allows it to remember the owner's voice, commands, gestures, and things. Whenever an attempt is made to violate “boundaries,” he responds with an increased level of aggressiveness.

Suspicious of strangers, does not tolerate screams or noise. It reacts to a stranger with a warning bark and can quickly attack. For the family, he is a loyal dog, considering everyone as his pack.


A large-sized Georgian wolfhound, not recognized anywhere except in its homeland. Valued for stress resistance and endurance. Experts classify the dog as a mastiff or molosser based on its working qualities. He knows how to lead a flock of sheep and rams to pasture, and then take them back without human intervention. The dog is loved for its flexibility and developed intelligence. Tall growth and thick fur helps him see his surroundings in any weather conditions and remember his location. The endurance of the wolfhound is explained by its specific body structure.

European countries

In Europe, dogs have been known since the times of Ancient Rome and Greece. They were used as fighting dogs, guards, and defenders. They performed rigging work and took part in hunting wild animals.

Irish Wolfhound

The ancestor of the breed is a Celtic dog that accompanied the Vikings. A little later, fearlessness, tracking an animal by blood, and driving qualities were noted. Known since medieval times, when it was necessary to protect the territories of castles, fortresses, and camps. Active use as a wolfhound continued until the 20th century. They never show bitterness and cannot be a reliable defender.

They are related to greyhounds due to their long limbs and the ability to run, catch up, and pursue at lightning speed. As an assistant in the pastures, a companion is what the dog’s natural abilities are intended for.


Large size Hungarian Cattle Dog. According to the standard, the height of a male is about 70 cm, females are slightly lower. Weight about 50 kg. The massiveness of the overall appearance is given by the specific appearance of the dog, consisting of long hair curled into peculiar dreadlocks. When running, they develop and become like a sailor's mop. This structure provides additional protection from wounds, injuries, and bad weather conditions.

The dog easily gets lost in a herd of sheep, mimics them and reacts quickly when it needs to be protected. Not afraid to attack first, warns the owner of danger. Treats children well, perceives them as his own offspring. Performs the functions of a guard, watchman, companion, wolfhound. Has a developed intellect to understand not only words, but also gestures. Tries not to lose sight of the owner, so the dog is not inclined to go far or run away. A breed for those who lead a very active lifestyle. Does not tolerate boredom or loneliness.

Maremmo-Abruzzese Shepherd Dog

A cattle breed from one Italian region, where it was valued for its highly developed guarding qualities. A real shepherd who can replace a shepherd. The coat is white with long center hairs. The nose, lip rims and eyes are dark. The Wolfhound from Italy is a typical shepherd: smart, understanding, sociable. The main advantage of a dog is its love for humans. A hardy, serious dog, capable of making his own decisions and acting impulsively. The owner will have to work hard to teach basic commands and impeccable obedience.

Pyrenean mountain dog

The snow-white coat makes the breed invisible on snowy slopes. It originated in France, where it is still very popular. The dog is valued for its ability to make long journeys over rough terrain. High limbs and a toned body make the dog agile and active. Weighing 50 kg and taller than 80 cm, she looks elegant. It vaguely resembles a Spitz-shaped Samoyed, similar to a polar bear. The dog is considered to be intellectually developed. A friendly attitude is something that is given from birth. This is exclusively for our own people, the owner. If a puppy or junior shows even the slightest aggression, then this is considered a culling in the litter.

Giant Schnauzer

It is still unknown when the breed appeared. This is approximately the end of the Middle Ages for hunting and guarding, like the wolfhound. For breeding, ordinary dogs were selected from villages to protect pastures. To improve working qualities, the blood of Flemish Shepherds and Great Danes was added. It turned out to be an excellent assistant with the exterior of hunting breeds. Outwardly he resembles a terrier. The muzzle is decorated with a “beard” and eyebrows made of long spinous hair.

To give a neat appearance, the dog must be trimmed. Without this, she looks unkempt and shaggy. Very tall stature, strong limbs and a toned body allow him to jump high and run fast. The character is very calm after growing up. At the age of a puppy, a junior, he is an active, cheerful, cheerful dog. Easily makes friends with other dogs and cats. They do not perceive other pets as prey. They take part in games on the “dog playground” with pleasure. For household members, he acts as a guard and protector.


In a country where hunting and cattle breeding were considered traditional occupations, many wolfhounds were bred, which are popular all over the world due to their excellent working qualities.

Buryat-Mongolian wolfhound

The breed is similar in appearance to the Bernese Mountain Dog in color and appearance. Black coat with red and white spots with a rich undercoat protects from wind, snow, and water. The wolfhound is predisposed to endure the conditions of the steppe due to the fact that it originated in the vastness of Mongolia and is widespread in the north. Recognized only by the Russian Cynological Federation. According to the standard, the weight exceeds 45 kg, but should not be higher than 70. Height ranges from 65 -75 cm. The formation of breed characteristics and description belongs to enthusiasts from Buryatia. It was considered a sacred dog that lived in Buddhist monasteries. Today he is a security guard, a companion who is used in the search for things, a person due to his high level of stress resistance and flexible nature.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

A typical representative of “mountain dogs” with thick hair. There is no consensus on the origin of the breed. Some believe that this is the progenitor of the Tibetan mastiff. Others are guided by the opinion that an Armenian woman crossed the Gampr dog with aboriginal dogs. Outwardly, it vaguely resembles a “Tibetan” except for its smaller size and the absence of a “lion’s mane” around the neck. They are considered the best guards in their class.

They were bred for shepherding work and protection from attacks by animals, wolfhounds. An unpretentious dog for household members that reliably guards the territory. She loves children and family, but she will have to show strong-willed qualities to raise a dog “for herself.” They really don't like violence. During the day you can often find a dog sleeping, and at night he begins to show increased activity.

Russian greyhound

One of the most popular breeds in Tsarist Russia for welding work, hunting, chasing animals, and chasing. A graceful dog with excellent exterior characteristics. This made it possible to make the dog part of the cultural heritage, when paintings, figurines, and sculptures depicting a greyhound were popular in the interior. Due to the specific structure of the elongated muzzle and the location of the eye orbits, it closely monitors future prey, quickly rushes in pursuit, catches up and barks.

It was used for hunting both small rodents and animals larger than the dog itself. Considered a wolfhound. Courage, determination, high speed are the distinctive features of the breed. Loyal to other dogs. Listens to the owner, works according to commands. The owner will have to spend a lot of time training, walking, and running. Without loads, they sharply lose their shape and become flabby.

South Russian Shepherd

To protect fine-wool sheep on the territory of Ukraine and Crimea, guards were needed. The ideal choice was a not too large Asturian Shepherd Dog, which served faithfully, but could not cope with the tasks of protection from attacks by wild animals. Therefore, it was decided to infuse the blood of aboriginal dogs - greyhounds, Tatar shepherds. This is how a new breed of wolfhounds appeared, which began to spread throughout the territory of the Crimean highlands and the Krasnodar Territory.

Outwardly it looks like a large beautiful toy with white fur. It is long, has the ability to be hydrophobic, and covers the torso, limbs, and head. The axial hair covers the eyes from the wind, the undercoat protects from bad weather conditions. The dog's height is slightly higher than 60 cm, standard weight is up to 50 kg. The number of wolfhound fans is constantly increasing due to its beautiful appearance, natural embitterment, stubbornness, and disobedience. This is interesting “material” for the canine service. Loves children, despite his disobedience.

East, Central Asia

Traditionally, wolfhounds are native to these areas. Steppe expanses, mountain ranges, cattle breeding are what contributed to the breeding of breeds.


The breed has been known for more than 4 thousand years. It is called the “Central Asian Shepherd Dog”. Initially bred for security and herding work. Purebred representatives are the national pride of Turkmenistan and are prohibited from export in order to avoid selection and deterioration of quality. The size of the wolfhound is enormous. They are complemented by a powerful chest, strong jaws, and muscular limbs. The character is harsh and complex. They must be brought up with maximum severity, monitor their psyche, and prevent dominance over humans and other pets.


Easy-going, independent and angry - these are the definitions you can hear about this Central Asian Shepherd, considered a wolfhound. An ideal breed for pickling work. Descent from the blood of the Persian greyhound, known for its speed and gracefulness. The dog is used to doing without food, because... its purpose is to protect nomadic tribes on long journeys. The welded method is used to hunt animals.

The character is complex, prone to aggression. The body is covered with gray dog ​​hair with a small undercoat that glistens in the sun and prevents it from overheating. The general appearance of a typical tall greyhound. The breed is not recognized by the international community. The weight is light, the height is high, the fur is small, which allows you to quickly maneuver while running, jumping, attacking in a pack, dodging lunges.


An unrecognized, endangered breed of wolfhound from Kyrgyzstan. Belongs to the group “Greyhounds” for hunting wolves and other large animals. It was bred to live in mountain conditions. Etching work is what we do best. It can catch up with a mountain goat, easily knock it down and hold it until the hunters arrive.

The general appearance is typical of greyhounds. The coat is dark with white spots. The muzzle is elongated, the eyes are located on the sides, as are the V-shaped ears, hanging almost to the beginning of the neck. A flexible body and toned body make the dog agile, nimble, and grippy. Makes decisions independently of the person. Parenting is not easy. He behaves well in a pack of his own kind, where he learns from experience.


The Kazakh wolfhound does not know fear, fatigue, or cowardice. Habitat and service - Far East. Guards and hunts, helps protect. White thick fur is invisible against the background of snow. The large size of the breed is explained by its proximity to mastiff-like dogs. Due to the hair, the specific structure of the body with a wide chest, and physical strength, it can cope with the beast alone.

It is on the verge of extinction due to the emergence of new breeds with similar qualities and a more loyal psyche. With such a wolfhound, it’s not scary to stay in the mountains at night. He is always on guard. The dog, which is not officially recognized anywhere, is considered a good protector and hunter.

Alexander Volkodav - about winning the show “Voice 10”: what the participant said on whom no one bet

The finale of the show Voice-10 on December 30, 2022 was unexpected. Alexander Gradsky's ward Alisher Karimov to win . Moreover, his performance turned out to be very touching - the number featured vocals from Gradsky himself, who, we recall, passed away at the end of November. When the mentor was shown on the big screen, many could not hold back their tears. But no! The winner of the 10th anniversary season was 32-year-old singer from Kyrgyzstan Alexander Volkodav from the Pelageya .

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“Many thanks to my best mentor Pelageya. Thanks to everyone who voted, Russia, thank you for loving me. People of Kyrgyzstan, thank you for voting, I felt your support,” the winner said in his final speech. “Believe in yourself, dreams come true.” The singer dedicated his victory to his parents.

Alexander Volkodav. Photo:

At the blind auditions, Volkodav performed the song “Supergirl” by the group Reamonn, Pelageya and Alexander Gradsky turned to him. “Alexander, I really love this song, and I love rock and roll, I love this music, this is my soul. I won’t particularly persuade, but I would be very glad, because I was waiting for a man with such a rich timbre, and it seems to me that you, of course, are part of my team absolutely - in every sense,” Pelageya said after his speech, and precisely Alexander chose her as a mentor.

In the next stage, “Fights”. Alexander, together with Vasily Bojgua, performed the song “The Sound of Silence” by the duet Simon & Garfunkel. Pelageya left Alexander in the project. In the “Knockouts” Volkodav got the composition of the group ChiZh & Co “Polonaise”, in the quarterfinals - the hit from “Pretty Woman” “Pretty Woman” by Roy Orbison. In the semi-final program, Alexander performed the Cossack song “Black Raven”, showing the new capabilities of his voice.

“The final is something incredible, on par with a dream,” Alexander said before performing in the final. With his mentor Pelageya, he performed Duncan Lawrence’s song “Arcade,” which won Eurovision 2022. His next performance was Sergei Trofimov’s “Cossack” song, which Volkodav accompanied himself on the guitar. And at the decisive stage, he performed “A Ray of Golden Sun” - the Troubadour’s serenade from the cartoon about the Bremen Town Musicians. And shortly before the live broadcast, Pelageya on her Instagram not only called for voting for her ward, but also announced that Alexander had accepted the invitation to be the lead singer of the Pelageya group.

Education and training

Most native wolfhounds are very poorly socialized. A naturally high level of aggression forces dog handlers to look for approaches and motivation to become a more obedient dog.

All wolfhounds are capable of making independent decisions. There may be an intention in their thinking to attack without reason. Therefore, you need to monitor your behavior while walking. Stop any unreasonable attack in time, diverting attention.

It’s easier with shepherd-like and herding breeds. Instinctively, a dog is close to a person. She is obedient, intelligent, open. Not all breeds quickly and easily get used to walking with other dogs. They can be frightened by noises, sounds to which any wolfhound from the group of “cattle herders” will definitely react. If you are planning to get a greyhound, experts recommend getting a pair. It is important for them to work in a group. This way the dog feels better and acts more confidently. A mandatory part of the daily routine is a long walk with the opportunity to run a lot.

It is important for the owner to find the optimal balance between reward and punishment. This is difficult to do, but with regular training, specialists achieve excellent results.

It is absolutely forbidden to beat the wolfhound or scare it. You need to understand the dog’s mood and not overload him with “maximum” care. Small training with simple commands begins at 4 months of age and continues throughout the dog’s life. Perseverance, determination, and masculinity will definitely come in handy when raising a wolfhound.

Psychological profile

The Central Asian wolfhound knows its worth. He is confident in himself and his capabilities, behaves calmly, without unnecessary fuss. He is well aware of his strength and is in no hurry to demonstrate it. An example of balance and calm. If he is seen in a fight, then the enemy himself has run into trouble. The proverb “It takes a long time to harness, but it goes fast” is about the Alabai. In a duel he is cruel, but not bloodthirsty. If the enemy is serious, he will fight to the end.

The dog is smart, capable of making decisions on his own, loves space, and understands people well. Strongly attached to the owner.

It is important to show your leadership right away, otherwise you will not be taken seriously. Not suitable for weak personalities.

If the owner meets a stranger, he calmly stands aside and observes, without aggression. Security, grazing of livestock, protecting it from predators is the primary task. They get along well with other pets.

Warning: Do not leave small children alone with the dog. Explain to young children that there is no point in teasing and pestering the “bear cub”, he is very patient, but if this is done, the consequences can be sad.

Care and maintenance

Wolfhounds, except greyhounds, have thick fur. Many people have undercoat and shedding – something that causes a lot of inconvenience to the owner. Traditionally, in females it begins before estrus, during hot weather and before winter. In males only when the seasons change. The undercoat should be combed. Otherwise, the dog looks untidy.

The Giant Schnauzer will have to be taken to a special “trimming” procedure once every 3 months. A dog groomer processes the coat, gives it a beautiful look by pulling the hair, trims the beard, mustache, and eyebrows.

The dog owner should regularly:

  • inspect after a walk to prevent the appearance of exo-parasites;
  • wipe the dog’s eyes and ears with antibacterial agents, protect the conjunctiva from inflammation;
  • wash the wolfhound’s paws after a walk, especially in winter, when “chemicals” are scattered on the city streets to quickly melt the snow.

When accustoming a wolfhound puppy to the house, you need to take care of organizing a place for a bedding. It should be free from drafts - the cause of many diseases. A soft bedding is needed to avoid the appearance of calluses on the elbows.

The wolfhound is a huge dog. Requires maintenance in a spacious apartment, cottage, or country house. If a wolfhound lives on the street, then a cozy booth or enclosure is needed when there are no plans to release it around the territory of residence. Everyone has a developed sense of territory. It will be difficult for a stranger to enter the house. There will be an immediate warning and attacks. Aggression is an innate feeling in many representatives. You need to know and understand this, cultivate relative loyalty, and not encourage the development of anger.

All wolfhounds require increased physical activity. Otherwise, the dog loses its natural instincts, becomes lethargic, disobedient, and apathetic. She quickly gains weight or begins to openly become a hooligan, destroying everything around her. Prolonged loneliness should not be allowed. The dog experiences this very hard and stops trusting the family.

Main characteristics of Alabai and appearance

Serious, powerful, a real giant among dogs. At the same time, he looks like a teddy bear. Description of the breed. Height at the withers is from 70 to 90 cm in males and from 65 to 75 cm in males, young individuals grow up to 3 years of age. Weight can reach 80 kg and 60 kg respectively. The medium-length coat ranges from 3 to 7 cm, is thick, and the undercoat is very pronounced. Alabais are found in a variety of colors, most often milk or peach. Brown and blue shades are unacceptable - dogs with this color are not purebred.

The head is massive with developed brow ridges. Flattened forehead. The occipital tubercle is well developed. The jaws are massive, with a scissor bite closed by black lips. Interesting: the bite power of this cutie is approximately 200 kg. The eyes are medium-sized with a slight squint. The ears are mostly cropped, otherwise they droop.

The neck is powerful with muscles and a special fold of skin on the front surface to protect the vital organs of the neck during a fight. The back is massive with developed muscles. The chest reaches the level of the elbows, wide. The tail is fluffy, the person himself chooses whether to dock it or not, both options are allowed. The natural tail is either crescent-shaped or curled into a ring. The legs are parallel, the hind legs are wider than the front ones.


All large breeds require increased protein foods. Vitamins and microelements must be included in the diet. There are several unspoken rules about what to feed your dog. Ideally, and in the absence of allergies, ready-made food is suitable. It is better to choose a “holistic” class for large dogs. You don't have to calculate your diet.

There are owners who prefer “natural” food, then they will have to cook it themselves.

Regardless of the breed, the wolfhound dog’s menu includes the following components:

  • fermented milk products, including cottage cheese for intestinal function and the prevention of dysbacteriosis;
  • cartilage containing collagen helps make bones stronger;
  • raw meat, which is doused with boiling water, which promotes muscle growth;
  • by-products (liver, lung, heart, udder, tripe), which are boiled and added to porridges made from rice, buckwheat, egg or pearl barley;
  • fresh vegetables as a source of fiber.

For healthy hair, be sure to give raw eggs, which give strength and shine to the hair.

You should absolutely not do the following if you want your dog to live longer:

  • baking;
  • confectionery;
  • potatoes and starchy products;
  • tubular bones that negatively affect the gastrointestinal tract;
  • sweets.

You cannot accustom him to the table, feed him leftover human food, to which spices, salt, vinegar-based sauces, and tomatoes are added.

The dog must know the feeding schedule and be able to wait for feeding. Large breeds are fed 2 times a day, puppies up to 5. Be sure to keep an eye on the foods that the wolfhound loves most. Focus on desires to please your pet, but don’t get carried away. The dog will quickly learn to manipulate your feelings and will choose only what is tasty. You need to pamper, but not often, a little.

How to keep

Take into account the size of the animal. This giant is not suitable for an apartment.

Bugai-Alabai loves space, the territory which he will guard and run around calmly. Additionally, take the child out for a long walk twice a day for about 2 hours and play together. Walk only with the owner and on a leash, he can run away or attack strangers while defending his territory. Organize an enclosure with a booth in the yard, this will be enough.

Care and nutrition

Does not require special care. Thick coat requires weekly brushing, and during the shedding period daily with a furminator. Bathing is rare once every few months, given the pollution. Carefully inspect your pet for ticks, mites and burrs. Interesting: During the molting period, there is a great loss of fur, so resourceful housewives can knit not only socks, but a whole vest.

Ears require careful care; treat them with a special lotion once a week. Cotton swabs are strictly prohibited; use a cotton swab or gauze swab.

Your pet is very clean, so shake out or clean the bed every day, wash it every 1-2 weeks.

You need to feed your wolfhound wisely. Large size, requires large calories. Choose specialized food for large dogs enriched with proteins. Determine the amount of feed according to the manufacturer's recommendations.

Natural nutrition should consist largely of meat and offal, only 1⁄3 is porridge. Choose rice, oatmeal and buckwheat. Any meat, choose the bones carefully. Eggs and cottage cheese, vegetables, and low-fat sea fish are added to the diet. Porridges and soups are cooked in meat broth; the meat itself should be given raw. Get your friend accustomed to a feeding schedule of 2-3 times a day.

Fresh, clean water is required constantly.


The bully must be taught manners. Training begins at 2 months, when the little one is explained the rules of behavior and introduced to the environment. Loud noises, cars, household members. They are taught to wear a collar and comb themselves. Lessons are short, 30-40 minutes per day. Let your child rest and play and get down to business. Gradually increase the time to an hour a day.

Important: training and education are required regularly without interruption. Otherwise, things will reach a dead end.

Gradually move on to more complex tasks. At 7 months old, the grown dog already knows simple commands: place, lie down, stand, etc. Clearly define the boundaries of “Your People”. Leave the training to a professional. Self-training will require a lot of effort, mostly moral, boys are headstrong and playful, and girls are cunning and will find a lot of ways to evade lessons. Patience and goodies will help you. Negative reinforcement of commands can only be used in the form of a light slap on the croup in the area of ​​the shoulder blades. You cannot hit or otherwise use physical force.


Asians are strong and hardy, resistant to many diseases. More often the causes of diseases are improper care or genetics.

There is a predisposition to joint diseases (genetic - dysplasia, acquired arthritis and arthrosis, more often due to poor nutrition or obesity), low activity will lead to excess weight. Food from the common table, and especially pickles, smoked meats, and sausages, cause metabolic disorders, and as a result, diabetes. The weak point of these tough guys is their ears. Average life expectancy - 15 years

Important: it is recommended to give anthelmintics 2 times a year. How to choose the right Turkmen Wolfhound puppy. Buying such a pet is a serious step. There are many breeders in Russia, but it is impossible to take a true Asian out of Turkmenistan - it is prohibited.

At the first stage, take a closer look at the mother and offspring. Evaluate appearance and behavior. Kids are active and inquisitive, and live in a clean, warm place. If you just need a friend, the price for a puppy will be about 15 - 20 thousand. If you want a proud winner of exhibitions (check out the pedigree and achievements of the parents in advance), expect from 30 to 50 thousand.

Health and illness, life expectancy

By nature, the wolfhound has excellent immunity. He is not afraid of weather changes, he knows how to resist viral diseases. This is what distinguishes native breeds. It is genetically determined that the wolfhound feels excellent. Otherwise, it would not have survived in nature.

Traditionally, due to the size and build, the dog has a tendency to develop the following problems:

  • obesity caused by good appetite, poor nutrition, which leads to diabetes;
  • eye diseases (cataracts, conjunctivitis, ectropion);
  • volvulus of the stomach, characteristic of large dogs with a developed sternum, when too much food, water, intense exercise leads to volvulus;
  • congenital heart failure;
  • dysplasia of the elbow, hip, hock joints.

All dogs, including wolfhounds, are susceptible to infectious diseases: distemper, enteritis, piroplasmosis, ringworm. Prevention requires vaccinations that will create immunity and reduce the risk of disease.

It is necessary to carry out deworming and antiparasitic treatment.

Wolfhounds live on average 8-10 years. With good care, long-livers occur. It all depends on the conditions of detention, nutrition and genetic predisposition. The larger the breed, the shorter its lifespan.


The female is ready for pregnancy after 2-3 heats. An earlier date is a big risk; the body is not yet ready for the birth of offspring. You should choose partners based on the following criteria:

  • pedigree line;
  • health status;
  • presence of experience.

In some cases, you will have to seek the help of a dog breeding specialist.

Before planning a pregnancy, a female wolfhound must undergo anthelmintic therapy and receive all vaccinations as scheduled. To avoid the development of urogenital infections, special medications are prescribed for prophylaxis.

How to choose a puppy, its cost

Wolfhounds are serious dogs for whom it is important to be courageous, courageous, and mentally balanced.

Therefore, you need to be very careful when choosing a puppy.

  1. Decide on a nursery or breeder of the breed.
  2. Make sure that the parents have all the documents.
  3. Ask to see pedigrees and any awards for achievements in the breed if they have taken part in exhibitions.

The puppy must have a veterinary passport and a puppy card. It is worth considering if the breeder is a reseller. An honest owner has nothing to hide. You need to look at the puppy’s mother, ask about the characteristics of the breed and feeding. If you evade questions in any way, you must refuse and look for other options.

Among the wolfhounds there are very cute puppies. You can’t take it just because you liked it from the photo. The choice should take into account the breed inclinations and lifestyle of the future owner.

A healthy puppy stands firmly on its limbs, does not fall over or stagger. He is keenly interested in what is happening around him and does not react to loud sounds with stressful behavior (running away, getting angry, whining). There is no discharge from the natural openings, which is a sign of health.

The price of a wolfhound depends on the rarity of the breed, the number of competitors at exhibitions, and breeding planning. It starts from 200 USD. and ends with more than 2.5 USD. On average, a popular dog breed can be purchased for $500.


In 2005, Alexander Volkodav put together a group in which he invited friends who knew how to play musical instruments. The team was named “K-52”. According to one version, it came from the Ka-52 Alligator combat helicopter, according to another, from the number of Alexander’s apartment in which the band rehearsed.

The children recorded their work on cassette tapes, which they distributed to classmates. Having taken their first steps, the musicians began to cover world hits, and then write and perform original songs. Alexander learned to play the guitar himself, then mastered the electric guitar. The wolfhound turned out to be not only a talented musician and singer, but also a poet. He wrote songs about love, romance and kindness. According to him, life itself inspired him to write lyrics: all the feelings in the compositions were experienced by him personally.

Alexander Volkodav - “Bishkek”

“K-52” gained popularity in Bishkek, and musicians began to be invited to perform at events and elite parties. In 2016, the team recorded their debut album. The group released a video for the song “Old Photo”, but for unknown reasons it was banned from showing in Kyrgyzstan. Another work of the group was a video for the soundtrack to the film “The Path”.

In addition to participating in the team, Alexander Volkodav worked on a solo career under the pseudonym KSANDR.

In 2022, the singer went to the casting of the vocal competition “Songs”. The jury members liked the performance, but they did not take him into the project, advising him to perform not his own, but popular compositions that were well-known.

In April 2020, KSANDR and KAPKANO released a video clip for the song “Self-isolation”. A video on a topical topic was filmed at home using a camera and a phone voice recorder. That same year, a video in which Volkodav sang the song “Makhabat” in Kyrgyz caused a stir on social networks. By the way, a remake of Alla Pugacheva’s hit “Love Like a Dream” was recorded in 2019, but then remained underestimated by the public.


Angela, 32 years old, I accidentally saw a huge dog with a funny face and hair sticking out in all directions on a trip abroad. I immediately fell in love and decided that if I ever had a dog, it would be like this. My Irish Wolfhound cost a very obscene amount of money. This is our family pride. Arthur is truly handsome. Yes, he was a little rowdy at first, rushing and barking at everyone. Gradually I got used to it. But he and I are definitely not bored. Now he is 3 years old and I am very pleased with the choice.

Valentin Ivanovich, 58 years old I have had Alabai for 5 years. He started it specifically for security purposes. I liked the look, large size, strong paws. Just what you need for an attack. I’ll say right away that it’s difficult to change a dog’s character. Alonso is a serious dog who, if he sees a weakness, immediately shows himself. Calmly stands on his hind legs and pushes. It's good that I have experience. You have to go for a walk with him in a “strict way”, otherwise he will rush to run and that’s it. Consider that you are on the ground, and the dog is dragging. He understands only a serious voice, sternness. But he loves all my friends madly. He hates strangers, sometimes it seems that he is ready to tear him to shreds. I'm definitely calm about the house. A good wolfhound. Simply great. Just what I needed.

Advantages and disadvantages

The positive aspects are considered to be that the wolfhound dog has:

  • developed intelligence;
  • courage, determination;
  • knows how to take responsibility for security.

All breeds tolerate bad weather conditions well. No ongoing specialized care is required.

You should not adopt a wolfhound in the following cases:

  • if there is no canine experience and this is the first dog in the family;
  • you cannot show decisiveness, boldly, when the wolfhound rushes into a fight;
  • lead a quiet lifestyle.

It is better to conduct a general dog training course together with an instructor. You should not specifically teach aggressive commands to kill if you do not plan to use it as a serious guard.

Childhood and youth

Alexander Volkodav was born on March 27, 1989 in the city of Frunze (now Bishkek). The boy went to school No. 61 in first grade, from which he graduated in 2006. Although Sasha was interested in music from early childhood, his parents insisted that he receive a more serious education. Therefore, after school, Volkodav fulfilled their will and entered the Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University named after B. N. Yeltsin, from which he graduated with honors with a degree in mechanical engineer.

Alexander Volkodav in his youth (still from the show “The Voice”)

The next educational institution in the biography of Alexander, a musician to the core, was the Kyrgyz National Conservatory. K. Moldobasanova (orchestral department).

Similar breeds

Aboriginal breeds are material for breeding new dogs with more improved characteristics. Therefore, the traits of wolfhounds are found in groups:

  • mastiffs due to their fur and suspicious attitude towards others, strangers;
  • shepherd dogs because of their devoted attitude towards people, high intellectual level, and well-bred obedience;
  • Swiss mountain and cattle dogs, which are independently capable of performing the roles of a shepherd and a guard.

Greyhounds, which are classified as wolfhounds, are united by developed hunting instincts, the ability to work in a pack, drive prey, and pursue for a long time.

When choosing a wolfhound for yourself, you must remember that many breeds naturally have a high level of aggression. At the same time, they can be very calm at home, like all mastiffs.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. Wolfhounds are the oldest breeds that have undergone more than 4 thousand years of domestication by humans.
  2. They have fearlessness and courage. They boldly go after a wild beast, without fear of being wounded.
  3. Dogs cannot tolerate strangers, but they treat their household members well, love and value them.
  4. Wolfhounds require early socialization to avoid the development of ancient instincts of aggression and attack.
  5. You should only purchase a wolfhound puppy from breeders of the breed with many years of experience who know all the nuances of keeping it.
  6. Ideal, comfortable conditions for the development of a breed from the Wolfhound group are considered to be a large apartment or a private country house with a fenced area.
  7. All breeds are distinguished by good health and harsh character.
  8. The dog must be raised by an owner with canine experience working with large breeds.
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